The most significant difficulty the Glimmering Federation faced when presented not only with evidence that there were Warp Spirits not utterly tainted by the claws of Chaos but that they could
also be helpful, as was seen in the Purification of Mothome when those same Warp Spirits that masqueraded as "Gods" had ordered their followers to purge the touch of Chaos from their world was, to put it bluntly,
institutional, rather than
The clergy of the Droman Creed was willing to let this process play out with precision, their eyes fully alight with centuries of wisdom and faith. They were adamant that they would discern the truth of the matter with pen, scripture, and holy guidance in their hands, minds, and souls.
Choirs of the Federation, on the other hand, were tasked with actually
communing with those spirits so that the sight and history of the Mothrame would not taint the pictures being drawn. This meant that the assigned Choirs had to commune with Warp Spirits.
The very thing they trained for a century
to resist in thought and soul on an unconscious level.
It was...difficult for the five assigned Choirs to even
think in such a matter, much less
act on those thoughts, their collective experience measuring no less than two millennia all told, and all focused upon a psychic discipline that hinged on their ability to resist the draw of Chaos to the utmost.
It was only with the gentle guidance and meditations led by a Divine Beast that they managed to establish a measure of contact. Not the Divine Beast of the Healing Fire that had led the armies and fleet of the Federation unto the world to cleanse and heal the wounds inflicted by Chaos, but the Divine Beast of the Burning Eye that had created his nest within the beating heart of the Celestial Choir's headquarters, his quarters filled with a wealth of esoteric knowledge and arcane understanding that boggled the mind of learned Hymnals and would drive the uninitiated into madness proper.
And so it came that, in a ritual watched by literal millions of learned clergy, aides, Magi, Psykers, Mothrame, and more, with literal billions ready to analyze every micro-second of information for decades to come so they could be studied for millennia yet unwritten, the Eleven Spirits were contacted.
And one by one...they communed.
Gyion, "God" of Infamy.
Qunos, "God" of Beasts.
Aohr, "God" of Oaths.
Phasdall, "Goddess" of the Sun.
Ort, "God" of Transition.
Xuar, "Goddess" of Honor.
Oreus, "God" of Harvest.
Qhuxasis, "God" of Messages.
Oarin, "Goddess" of Justice.
Selos, "Goddess" of Death.
Zetin, "Goddess" of Virtues.
What do you ask of them to ascertain their nature?
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] (Write-In Questions)
AN: Ain't feeling so good right now, so I get an easy day and you some thinking as homework.