What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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1. Nature and Origin
- What is your origin within the Warp, and how did you come into existence?
- How do you sustain your existence in the Warp? Do you draw power from emotions, like Chaos Gods?
- What distinguishes you from entities of Chaos?

2. Motivations and Goals
- What are your ultimate goals in the Materium (real universe) and the Immaterium (the Warp)?
- Why do you choose to remain separate from the forces of Chaos?
- What is your stance on the Chaos Gods and their influence on the galaxy?

3. Alliances and Relationships
- Do you have any relationships or alliances with Chaos entities or their followers?
- How do you interact with other non-Chaos entities, such as the Eldar gods or the Emperor of Mankind?
- Have you ever cooperated with, or been opposed by, Chaos forces? If so, under what circumstances?

4. Ethics and Conduct
- How do you perceive concepts like morality, order, and chaos?
- What are your views on free will versus domination and control?
- Have your actions in the past aligned more closely with Chaos or Order?

5. Followers and Influence
- Do you have any mortal followers? If so, how do you guide or influence them?
- How do you respond to mortals who try to worship or serve you?
- What do you offer your followers in return for their allegiance?

6. Consequences and Legacy
- What have been the consequences of your actions on the galaxy? Have they led to greater Chaos or stability?
- What will be your legacy if your goals are achieved? How will the galaxy be affected?
- How do you ensure that your influence does not inadvertently empower the forces of Chaos?

7. Test of Intentions
- Would you be willing to swear on the Emperor's name or another holy symbol that you are not aligned with Chaos?
- Can you provide an example of an act that directly opposes Chaos and promotes stability or order?
This could definitely be the break we need to push the Glimmering Federation to accepting the right of religions/gods other than the Star Child to exist. As long as they aren't of Chaos or complete dicks.
@HeroCooky this true? I was under the impression that worshippers were protected. The trait even specifies "people" not humans
If you are human, and don't worship Chaos or the Star Child, you are on the same level as a Star Child worshipping Xenos. Meaning that, generally, SC will try to deny your soul to Chaos after death, but won't go into a fight with one of them if they try to press the claim.

The Star Child is, above all, a Racial Deity. Most of the protection against Chaos in life stems from the faith itself, rather than the Star Child actively intervening.
Eh, I feel we should focus on completing a Sub-sector in Consecrating Hallowed Worlds and see what it does first. Its why I started in the smallest Sub-sector we have, Right now we don't have any chaos influenced shit besides the Moths homeworld and I wanted to hold off on it until next turn until we did the Research and investigation into the Moth's world spirits. Doing it for highest population worlds is all well and fine but I think we should finish off the Sub-Sector Irridanus first and see the result of it before swapping to our main Heartland that is Sub-Sectors Archwan and Amratur.

The most significant difficulty the Glimmering Federation faced when presented not only with evidence that there were Warp Spirits not utterly tainted by the claws of Chaos but that they could also be helpful, as was seen in the Purification of Mothome when those same Warp Spirits that masqueraded as "Gods" had ordered their followers to purge the touch of Chaos from their world was, to put it bluntly, institutional, rather than spiritual.

The clergy of the Droman Creed was willing to let this process play out with precision, their eyes fully alight with centuries of wisdom and faith. They were adamant that they would discern the truth of the matter with pen, scripture, and holy guidance in their hands, minds, and souls.

The Choirs of the Federation, on the other hand, were tasked with actually communing with those spirits so that the sight and history of the Mothrame would not taint the pictures being drawn. This meant that the assigned Choirs had to commune with Warp Spirits.

The very thing they trained for a century to resist in thought and soul on an unconscious level.
Yahhhhh, that's a bit of curveball thrown at them and the Choirs going against everything they have been taught for their lives. the fact there are warp spirits NOT tainted by Chaos and are helpful in fighting against it, man things are not easy on us in the faith department this turn with the shit over in Hexe making those things and now this.

Lets see how these Spirits are.

It was...difficult for the five assigned Choirs to even think in such a matter, much less act on those thoughts, their collective experience measuring no less than two millennia all told, and all focused upon a psychic discipline that hinged on their ability to resist the draw of Chaos to the utmost.

It was only with the gentle guidance and meditations led by a Divine Beast that they managed to establish a measure of contact. Not the Divine Beast of the Healing Fire that had led the armies and fleet of the Federation unto the world to cleanse and heal the wounds inflicted by Chaos, but the Divine Beast of the Burning Eye that had created his nest within the beating heart of the Celestial Choir's headquarters, his quarters filled with a wealth of esoteric knowledge and arcane understanding that boggled the mind of learned Hymnals and would drive the uninitiated into madness proper.

And so it came that, in a ritual watched by literal millions of learned clergy, aides, Magi, Psykers, Mothrame, and more, with literal billions ready to analyze every micro-second of information for decades to come so they could be studied for millennia yet unwritten, the Eleven Spirits were contacted.
Yah a lot of struggle against conditioning for all their lives and this sort of thing would be normally be the temptation to that Chaos would use to sink their claws into them and they had to be aware of all the time to avoid that.

Oh another of the Divine Beasts and this one who is in the Choir's HQ he would be the only one bar Teeln, capable of helping the choirs through that. HAHAH, of course it would be overseen by millions for data collection and to be sure of ending things if it went wrong.

And one by one...they communed.

Gyion, "God" of Infamy.
Qunos, "God" of Beasts.
Aohr, "God" of Oaths.
Phasdall, "Goddess" of the Sun.
Ort, "God" of Transition.
Xuar, "Goddess" of Honor.
Oreus, "God" of Harvest.
Qhuxasis, "God" of Messages.
Oarin, "Goddess" of Justice.
Selos, "Goddess" of Death.

Zetin, "Goddess" of Virtues.
Okay, those titles there.... Not sure how we'll reconcile them for us but I'm guessing these are core themes or such for the Mothrame. No idea what to ask so I'm leaving them up to the others.
If you are human, and don't worship Chaos or the Star Child, you are on the same level as a Star Child worshipping Xenos. Meaning that, generally, SC will try to deny your soul to Chaos after death, but won't go into a fight with one of them if they try to press the claim.

The Star Child is, above all, a Racial Deity. Most of the protection against Chaos in life stems from the faith itself, rather than the Star Child actively intervening.
So faith is useful for getting people to not get to that position of contention but the Star Child will not fight for your soul if you get to the point of contention if you are a Xenos.
[X] Plan: Every question one can asked.
-[X] What is your origin within the Warp, and how did you come into existence?
-[X] How do you sustain your existence in the Warp? Do you draw power from emotions, like Chaos Gods?
-[X] What distinguishes you from entities of Chaos?
-[X] What are your ultimate goals in the Materium (real universe) and the Immaterium (the Warp)?
-[X] Why do you choose to remain separate from the forces of Chaos?
-[X] What is your stance on the Chaos Gods and their influence on the galaxy?
-[X] Do you have any relationships or alliances with Chaos entities or their followers?
-[X] How do you interact with other non-Chaos entities, such as the Eldar gods or the Emperor of Mankind?
-[X] Have you ever cooperated with, or been opposed by, Chaos forces? If so, under what circumstances?
-[X] How do you perceive concepts like morality, order, and chaos?
-[X] What are your views on free will versus domination and control?
-[X] Have your actions in the past aligned more closely with Chaos or Order?
-[X] Do you have any mortal followers? If so, how do you guide or influence them?
-[X] How do you respond to mortals who try to worship or serve you?
-[X] What do you offer your followers in return for their allegiance?
-[X] What have been the consequences of your actions on the galaxy? Have they led to greater Chaos or stability?
-[X] What will be your legacy if your goals are achieved? How will the galaxy be affected?
-[X] How do you ensure that your influence does not inadvertently empower the forces of Chaos?
-[X] Would you be willing to swear on the Emperor's name or another holy symbol that you are not aligned with Chaos?
-[X] Can you provide an example of an act that directly opposes Chaos and promotes stability or order?
-[X] What you think about your other fellow gods/spirits and their motivations?

Since there are no votes being made I guess we will take all the questions and make our QM's life hell tomorrow
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[X] Plan: Every question one can asked.
-[X] What is your origin within the Warp, and how did you come into existence?
-[X] How do you sustain your existence in the Warp? Do you draw power from emotions, like Chaos Gods?
-[X] What distinguishes you from entities of Chaos?
-[X] What are your ultimate goals in the Materium (real universe) and the Immaterium (the Warp)?
-[X] Why do you choose to remain separate from the forces of Chaos?
-[X] What is your stance on the Chaos Gods and their influence on the galaxy?
-[X] Do you have any relationships or alliances with Chaos entities or their followers?
-[X] How do you interact with other non-Chaos entities, such as the Eldar gods or the Emperor of Mankind?
-[X] Have you ever cooperated with, or been opposed by, Chaos forces? If so, under what circumstances?
-[X] How do you perceive concepts like morality, order, and chaos?
-[X] What are your views on free will versus domination and control?
-[X] Have your actions in the past aligned more closely with Chaos or Order?
-[X] Do you have any mortal followers? If so, how do you guide or influence them?
-[X] How do you respond to mortals who try to worship or serve you?
-[X] What do you offer your followers in return for their allegiance?
-[X] What have been the consequences of your actions on the galaxy? Have they led to greater Chaos or stability?
-[X] What will be your legacy if your goals are achieved? How will the galaxy be affected?
-[X] How do you ensure that your influence does not inadvertently empower the forces of Chaos?
-[X] Would you be willing to swear on the Emperor's name or another holy symbol that you are not aligned with Chaos?
-[X] Can you provide an example of an act that directly opposes Chaos and promotes stability or order?

Since there are no votes being made I guess we will take all the questions and make our QM's life hell tomorrow

i probably add "what you think about your other fellow gods/spirits and their motivations?

cross referencing,can give us insight in their relations,the actions other gods may "sweeten" for a good public aimage,and their own biases
Since there are no votes being made I guess we will take all the questions and make our QM's life hell tomorrow

Don't be a dingus, here's something more reasonable.

[X] Plan: Vibe Check
-[X] Question them about their intentions in the future, they are no friends of Ruin, that much is clear, but understanding what they intend to do in the future will be key to any coexistence.
-[X] Inquiry about their story, seriously, we're hypothetically aware of the possibility of Powers that aren't associated with Ruin, but this is the first we've encountered some, how'd that even happen?
-[X] If no major red flags are raised, and there's no reason to believe that they're secretly going to be out to wreck our faces, maybe cautiously work out some kind of understanding? It's sort of theologically fraught and may need to start another debate to figure out how benign spirits not directly associated with the Star-Child need to be treated, but the galaxy is vast, and any righteous--or at least non-ruinous--power standing at the gates against the darkness should be encouraged to remain so, if only to avoid future problems.