Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Aug 31, 2024 at 3:21 PM, finished with 22 posts and 10 votes.
[X] Plan: Taking Responsibility
-[X] It would be irresponsible to simply vanish into the darkness once again, the die is cast, and the Enemy will not soon forget their defeat here. So we'll take responsibility and instruct the children of Mothome in what they must know to survive in this galaxy.
-[X] Broadly speaking, this will involve the detachment of diplomatic, spiritual, and psychic advisors to the world, both to keep an eye out for any plots left unchecked, and also to ask any questions, provide any guidance, and generally... You know, teach? It's unavoidable that a close call like this will harm those who were struck by it, but that doesn't mean the folk of Mothome should have everything they were erased either.
-[X] It might be wise to ring up the Mashan and see if they have any advice on the matter, so we don't fuck it up, put a pin on that.
[X] Plan : No avoiding responsibility
-[X] Grab the sphinx before she can wander off again, congratulate her on her promotion to planetary integration manager/God empress/whatever ya wanna call it.
-[X] Devote a handful of choirs to this world, to teach the people here of safe interaction in the warp, to share the knowledge on how to create staves and hoods and other increments to ward away Chaos
-[X] Share the knowledge of the rituals set in sand and stone, to ward the planet entire
-[X] Bring one or more of the big evac ships into orbit, to try and mitigate the chaos that would inevitably result from this rapid, cultural upheaval
-[X] Make friends!
[X] Plan: a new, protected member
-[X] Non-intervention failed and we can't take back that they know about us now.
-[X] Mothome becomes a child protectorate.
-[X] Mothomes have the right to leave their planet to become full protectorate, full protectorate Mothomes are uplifted through education and may settle on other planets. Full protectorate Mothomes may serve in any role that other protectorates may serve in, assuming they recieved the necessary education and are loyal to the Starchild.
-[X] The Mothome bound, child protectorate Mothomes are to found a council which coordinates with the Federation on how much/fast the Mothomes wish to be uplifted. There is to be a sister council of full protectorate Mothomes advising the Federation and the child protectorate Mothome council.
--[X] Psykery is to be surveiled for risk of corruption. Psyker can be removed from the planet if deemed (by a Choir) unable to safely conduct psykery in the context of a child protectorate upbringing. If deemed necessary by the Choirs of the Federation, Psyker education on Mothome can be amended or even replaced.
--[X] If uplifted to that point, and deemed trustworthy enough, Mothome may be raised to a full protectorate. In which case normal protectorate rules apply.
[X] Plan: too many priorities -[X] [Military] Sector Battle Group Construction And Repair --[X] 2x Long Range Anti-Duchy Specialist Fleets (0/1) -[X] [Psykana] Psytech Creations --[X] Primitive Psychic Hoods -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Grace of the Hymn) -[X] [Psykana] Conduct Four Melodies (Humanity II, The Home II, Unity II, Fire II) -[X] [General] (free) Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication --[X] [AUTOMATIC] System Subversion (Continue peaceful Brans conversion, rapid Malusian subversion) --[X] [AUTOMATIC] Improve Relations (Van Zandt, Black Ash Clan)
[X] Plan: Completing Prior Commitments -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Grace of the Hymn) -[X] [AUTOMATIC] Improve Relations (Black Ash Clan) -[X] [General] Voxx Primus Population Crisis Preparations --[X] Habitat Stations (1/2 to Void Industry) -[X] [Military] Sector Battle Group Construction And Repair --[X] 2x Long Range Anti-Duchy Specialist Fleets (0/1) -[X] Military Integration and Improvement
[X] Plan: Making Friends -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Grace of the Hymn) -[X] [AUTOMATIC] Improve Relations (Shipwright's Grove) -[X] Formal Exchange Of Dipomatic Contacts (Black Ash Clan) -[X] [Faith] The "Gods" Of Mothome -[X] Military Integration and Improvement (Ashan Families)
[X] Plan: Melodies and Faith -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Grace of the Hymn) -[X] [AUTOMATIC] Improve Relations (Black Ash Clan) -[X] The Psycademia 'Wings of our Crucible' (0/1 (9)) -[X] [Psykana] Conduct Four Melodies (Humanity II, The Home II, Unity II, Fire II) -[X] [Faith] The "Gods" Of Mothome
[X] Plan: Moff Shooshing
-[X] [General] Develop The Federations'... --[X] Void Industry X (0/1) -[X] [Psykana] Psytech Creations --[X] Primitive Psychic Hoods -[X] [Faith] The "Gods" Of Mothome -[X] [General] (free) Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication --[X] [AUTOMATIC] System Subversion (Continue peaceful Brans conversion, rapid Malusian subversion) --[X] [AUTOMATIC] Improve Relations (Van Zandt, Black Ash Clan) --[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (the highest population one not yet Consecrated)
[X] Plan: Shut Up! STRONG MILITARY v2 -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Grace of the Hymn)
-[X] [General] Develop The Federations'...
--[X] Military Industry VI (1/2) x3 -[X] [General] (free) Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication --[X] [AUTOMATIC] System Subversion (Continue peaceful Brans conversion, rapid Malusian subversion) --[X] [AUTOMATIC] Improve Relations (Van Zandt, Black Ash Clan)
[X] Plan: Shut Up! STRONG MILITARY v3 -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Grace of the Hymn)
-[X] [General] Develop The Federations'...
--[X] Military Industry VI (1/2) x3 -[X] [General] (free) Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication --[X] [AUTOMATIC] System Subversion (Continue peaceful Brans conversion, rapid Malusian subversion) --[X] [AUTOMATIC] Improve Relations (Van Zandt, Black Ash Clan)
[X] Plan: Shut Up! STRONG CAPITALISM v3 -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Grace of the Hymn)
-[X] [General] Develop The Federations'...
--[X] Heavy Industry VI (1/2) x3 -[X] [General] (free) Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication --[X] [AUTOMATIC] System Subversion (Continue peaceful Brans conversion, rapid Malusian subversion) --[X] [AUTOMATIC] Improve Relations (Van Zandt, Black Ash Clan)
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Sep 2, 2024 at 2:08 PM, finished with 21 posts and 17 votes.
[X] Plan: Vibe Check
-[X] Question them about their intentions in the future, they are no friends of Ruin, that much is clear, but understanding what they intend to do in the future will be key to any coexistence.
-[X] Inquiry about their story, seriously, we're hypothetically aware of the possibility of Powers that aren't associated with Ruin, but this is the first we've encountered some, how'd that even happen?
-[X] If no major red flags are raised, and there's no reason to believe that they're secretly going to be out to wreck our faces, maybe cautiously work out some kind of understanding? It's sort of theologically fraught and may need to start another debate to figure out how benign spirits not directly associated with the Star-Child need to be treated, but the galaxy is vast, and any righteous--or at least non-ruinous--power standing at the gates against the darkness should be encouraged to remain so, if only to avoid future problems.
[X] Plan: Every question one can asked.
-[X] What is your origin within the Warp, and how did you come into existence?
-[X] How do you sustain your existence in the Warp? Do you draw power from emotions, like Chaos Gods?
-[X] What distinguishes you from entities of Chaos?
-[X] What are your ultimate goals in the Materium (real universe) and the Immaterium (the Warp)?
-[X] Why do you choose to remain separate from the forces of Chaos?
-[X] What is your stance on the Chaos Gods and their influence on the galaxy?
-[X] Do you have any relationships or alliances with Chaos entities or their followers?
-[X] How do you interact with other non-Chaos entities, such as the Eldar gods or the Emperor of Mankind?
-[X] Have you ever cooperated with, or been opposed by, Chaos forces? If so, under what circumstances?
-[X] How do you perceive concepts like morality, order, and chaos?
-[X] What are your views on free will versus domination and control?
-[X] Have your actions in the past aligned more closely with Chaos or Order?
-[X] Do you have any mortal followers? If so, how do you guide or influence them?
-[X] How do you respond to mortals who try to worship or serve you?
-[X] What do you offer your followers in return for their allegiance?
-[X] What have been the consequences of your actions on the galaxy? Have they led to greater Chaos or stability?
-[X] What will be your legacy if your goals are achieved? How will the galaxy be affected?
-[X] How do you ensure that your influence does not inadvertently empower the forces of Chaos?
-[X] Would you be willing to swear on the Emperor's name or another holy symbol that you are not aligned with Chaos?
-[X] Can you provide an example of an act that directly opposes Chaos and promotes stability or order?
-[X] What you think about your other fellow gods/spirits and their motivations?
[X] Plan: United in Knighthood -[X] [General] Research: —[X] Noosphere Harmonized Interface and Directed Anti-Gravity Military Utilization -[X] Formal Exchange Of Dipomatic Contacts (Black Ash Clan) -[X] [Faith] The Roar Of Heresy Unchallenged -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Mothome.)
[X] Plan : I CALL FOR THE STAR CHILD (a.k.a I want a holy turn)
-[X] Small Automata Experiments
-[X] Ship Equipment Standardization - [1 DP Equipment] (0/1)
-[X] [Psykana] Conduct Four Melodies (Humanity II, The Home II, Unity II, Fire II)
[X] Plan : I CALL ON THE POWER OF THE STAR CHILD (a.k.a I want a holy turn)
-[X] Chik-an Domestication
-[X] Standard Psychic Hoods
-[X] [Psykana] Conduct Four Melodies (Humanity II, The Home II, Unity II, Fire II)
I now need y'all to roll me some dice! One 1d100 per Development Category per person, that means no more than ONE Dice Per Person, with the Category being rolled for stated beforehand.
The highest roll, and its Category, gains the STC Fragment, after which I need someone to roll me a 1d10 for the possible shinies you can get, with each number corresponding to a different shiny!
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Sep 4, 2024 at 2:50 PM, finished with 32 posts and 11 votes.
[X] Plan: The Star Child Model
-[X] The galaxy is rife with all manner of faiths despite the Imperiums best efforts to stamp them out. As not all gods and warp spirits are of the Four and as such must be treated as potential allies. To this effect all citizens of the Federation are, as per previous mandates, required to worship the Star Child however they can also worship other gods if they so wish.
-[X] As for the other gods their worship will be observed and studied in order to see if there are any Chaos or malicious influences or encourage such things. A registry of faiths will be created with the core tenants of the faith recorded thus that is a record of all faiths in the Federation
-[X] Consult the divine Sphinxes for their perspective on ensuring smooth communication.
-[X] A communion will be had with the StarChild sometime in the next 50 years with regards to his opinion on the other warp spirits and gods and for further instruction regarding this matter.
[X] Plan: Help, we don't know what we're doing.
-[X] Commit to doing the [] [Faith] An Unborn Guide Sought Out action next turn to allow the Star Child to mediate a relationship between the five-fold faith and the eleven spirits.
-[X] Communicate a desire to live peacefully with the Eleven Spirits if possible, and to have them help with the mission of the Glimmering Federation and the Star Child in protecting and uplifting humans and Xenos across the Galaxy.
-[X] Consult the divine Sphinxes for their perspective on ensuring a smooth communication.
-[X] Follow the guidance of the Star Child in determining the disposition of the spirits and how their worship can be allowed to coexist, including any syncretization or extermination that occurs.
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Sep 5, 2024 at 12:57 PM, finished with 45 posts and 22 votes.
[X] Plan: Let's find out what Upgraded Songs Do -[X] [Psykana] Conduct Four Melodies (0.6/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melodies] --[X] Technology II, Progress II, Fire II, Hope II -[X] [Psykana] Sing a Song --[X] Technology, Progress, Creativity, Logic, Song (Advance Upon Difficult Paths) -[X] [Faith] An Unborn Guide Sought Out (Pantheon of the Eleven Spirits) --[X] "Vibe check says yes, story clears up, do you think you can make use of eleven potential subordinates or would you prefer to have them keep to themselves? Or would you rather we do something about this? This is kind of outside of our wheelhouse" -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Cradle Station)
[X] Plan: Heading off Future Problems. -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Cradle Station)
-[X] [Military] Sector Battle Group Construction And Repair --[X] 2x Long Range Anti-Duchy Specialist Fleets (0/1) -[X] Formal Exchange Of Dipomatic Contacts (Ash Clan) -[X] [Faith] An Unborn Guide Sought Out (Pantheon of the Eleven Spirits (50 Years Remain) --[X] "Vibe Check says good, but precedent says no, please advise because holy fuck this is above our pay grade"
[X] Plan: The Auto-dice will probably address the elephant in the room
-[X] [Military] Sector Battle Group Construction And Repair --[X] 2x Long Range Anti-Duchy Specialist Fleets (0/1) -[X] [Psykana] Melodies --[X] Progress ||, Technology ||, Hope ||, Humanity || -[X] [Faith] An Unborn Guide Sought Out (Pantheon of the Eleven Spirits (50 Years Remain) --[X] "Vibe Check says good, but precedent says no, please advise because holy fuck this is above our pay grade"
[X] Plan: Talk and Make friends -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Cradle Station) -[X] Military Integration and Improvement (Ashen Clan) -[X] Formal Exchange Of Dipomatic Contacts (Ash Clan) -[X] [Psykana] Conduct Four Melodies (Humanity II, The Home II, Unity II, Fire II)
[X] Plan: Fleets and Upgrading Transit and Communication
-[X] [Military] Sector Battle Group Construction And Repair --[X] 2x Long Range Anti-Duchy Specialist Fleets (0/1) -[X] [Psykana] Conduct Four Melodies --[X] Humanity II, The Home II, Fire II, Unity II. -[X] [Faith] An Unborn Guide Sought Out (Pantheon of the Eleven Spirits (50 Years Remain) --[X] "Vibe Check says good, but precedent says no, please advise because holy fuck this is above our pay grade" -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Cradle Station)
[X] Plan: Monofocus Psykana -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Cradle Station) -[X] [Psykana] Conduct Four Melodies (Humanity II, The Home II, Unity II, Fire II) -[X] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Choose at least Three below.) --[X] A Spark Of Unfettered Genius - Innovation, Progress, Creativity, Hope, Technology --[X] Hippity Hoppity, Where The FUCK Are Our Ancestor's Properties?! - Humanity Technology Technology Perception Perception
[X] Plan: Let's Upgrade some Dang SONGS
-[X] [Psykana] Conduct Four Melodies (0.6/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melodies] x2 --[X] Technology II, Progress II, Fire II, Hope II, Home II, Humanity II, Unity II, Paths I -[X] [Faith] An Unborn Guide Sought Out (Pantheon of the Eleven Spirits) --[X] "Vibe check says yes, story clears up, do you think you can make use of eleven potential subordinates or would you prefer to have them keep to themselves? Or would you rather we do something about this? This is kind of outside of our wheelhouse"
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Sep 6, 2024 at 1:02 PM, finished with 55 posts and 17 votes.
[X] Plan: Prepping for a Golden Age
-[X] [Free] Decommission the Circuinus-class Scout Sloop (Frees up 5 Choirs long term)
-[X] [Free] Commit 50 Choirs to the Devouring Mechadendrite (+.5 General AP per General AP spent, draw from Glint of Genius to get this and unneeded Scout Ships to acquire this without losing our auto-ticker) -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Droma III) -[X] [Free] Replace auto-construction with Lupus destroyers. -[X] [General] Voxx Primus Population Crisis Preparations --[X] Habitat Stations (1/2 to Void Industry) -[X] [General] Economic Harmonization (Ashan Families) -[X] [General] Military Integration and Improvement (Ashan Families) (Free General AP)
-[X] [Psykana] Conduct Four Melodies (0.8/1 - Auto Complete) --[X] Humanity II, The Home II, Unity II, Struggle II ---[X] Auto Ticker: Logic II
[X] Plan: Maxing Mechadendrite
-[X] [Free] Decommission the Circuinus-class Scout Sloop (Frees up 5 Choirs long term)
-[X] [Free] Commit 50 Choirs to the Devouring Mechadendrite (+.5 General AP per General AP spent, draw from Glint of Genius to get this and unneeded Scout Ships to acquire this without losing our auto-ticker) -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Droma III) -[X] [Free] Replace auto-construction with Lupus destroyers. -[X] [General] Voxx Primus Population Crisis Preparations --[X] Habitat Stations (1/2 to Void Industry) -[X] [General] Economic Harmonization (Ashan Families) -[X] [General] Military Integration and Improvement (Ashan Families) (Free General AP)
-[X] [Psykana] Conduct Four Melodies (0.8/1 - Auto Complete)
--[X] Technology III, Progress III, Creativity III, Logic II
---[X] Auto Ticker: Logic III
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Sep 7, 2024 at 2:48 PM, finished with 24 posts and 13 votes.
[X] Plan: A Knightly Gift -[X] [Free] Assign 20 Choirs to Glint of Genius -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Howling Gale - Abyssal eye) -[X] [Free] Swap ISC to Green Horizons Colonization LTD -[X] [Free] [AUTOMATIC] System Subversion - after the poison gift, the new focus is The Talon in the Qo system
-[X] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication x2 --[X] The Grand Gift( Poison) (0/2) x2 --[X] The Family Buy-Out (0/2) (Bonus Action) -[X] [Military] Sector Battle Group Construction And Repair --[X] 2x Long Range Anti-Duchy Specialist Fleets (0/1) -[X] [Free] Adjust the LRAD composition to be 4 Pegasus-class Command Cruisers, 13 Hydrus-class Rad Cruisers, 3 Andromeda-Class Guide Ships, 6 Scutum-class Shield Frigates, 5 Sagittarius Lance Frigates and 2 Lupus destroyers.
[X] Plan: Our mistakes didn't happen, understand? -[X] [Free] Assign 20 Choirs to Glint of Genius -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Abyssal Eye - Howling Gale) -[X] [Free] Switch ISC to Green Horizons
-[X] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication --[X] The Grand Gift( Poison) (0/2) (One Free AP) --[X] The Family Buy-Out (0/2) -[X] [Military] Sector Battle Group Construction And Repair --[X] 2x Long Range Anti-Duchy Specialist Fleets (0/1) -[X] [Free] The LRADs seem to be missing a few ships due to a clerical error, fill the difference with Hydrus and Sagittarius ships as logistics allow. (+6 ships to hit the 40 ship fleet max)
[X] Plan: Preparation For The Grand Gift Poison
-[X] [Knightly Orders] Train (0/?)
-[X] [Chapter] Lord Or Tyrant? (0/0.5)
-[X] Military Industry VI (1/2) -[X] [Free] Assign 20 Choirs to Glint of Genius -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Howling Gale - Abyssal eye)
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Sep 8, 2024 at 3:21 PM, finished with 13 posts and 7 votes.
[X] Plan: The Best of the Federation
-[X] Name: Xexes Onast
--[X] Origin: Voxx-Primus born, from Howling Gale.
--[X] Specialty: Fast and decisive melee kills
--[X] Pattern: Stalker-Pattern
--[X] Backstory: Xexes was born on one of the crowded Canis-major bulk transport liners carrying refugees away from the Hive World of Voxx Primus in the years after peace was negotiated with the Van Zandt Duchy. She did not have personal experience of life on the Hive World, but both of her parents were veterans of the revolution and noncommissioned officers in the 14th Augmentic Assault Legion. She grew up in the community of Howling Gale knowing what had been sacrificed to buy that life for her, and she strongly believes that she needs to pay that debt forward and make life better for others across the Galaxy.
-[X]Name: Kiri Milize
--[X]Origin: Perfinda
--[X]Specialty: Close-in brawling
--[X]Pattern: Dominator Pattern
--[X]Backstory: Born to the unlikely marriage between a very infamous knight and a Colonel noblewoman and born on the planet of Perfinda, Kiri was born to ride the Karnivore. After a rather politically complicated childhood she joined the knightly order and rose up the ranks despite her more disgraceful background. Headstrong and with a reckless streak rivaling her infamous father and the tactical prowess of her mother she is always seeking to be in the fray and will be found, more often than not, in the melee.
-[X]Name: Violet Skies of Dusk
--[X] Origin: Teardrop
--[X] Specialty: High-mobility harassment
--[X] Pattern: Howler Pattern
--[X] Backstory: Violet Skies has always excelled at everything she's put her mind to, and has grown an ego and personality to match. Born to a wealthy Yeeni family on Teardrop, she overcame her disappointment at not being born a Psyker by setting her sights on the most exclusive group she could possibly join - the Knights. She succeeded with flying colors, and is a core fighter of the 9th War Pack, the "Inheritors of Starlight." Her beauty, charm and skill have made her a media phenomenon, with hundreds of millions of fans from across the Federation consuming every scrap of information on her life, as well as the sporadic posts made to her social media platform. In one of the extremely rare interviews she has given, she was asked if she would ever consort with a Thule. She looked into the camera and said "Only if they were as skilled as I am." Thule simulation scores Federation-wide rose 9% in the following months.
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Sep 9, 2024 at 3:20 PM, finished with 22 posts and 8 votes.
[X] Plan: The War Pack Hunts
-[X] The primary objective will be for the three pilots to harass and flank Marie-France, prioritizing avoiding blows over getting in decisive strikes. The goal will be to surround her and strike from behind, outside the arc of the Gallant's Ion shield.
-[X] Kiri Milize is designated as the primary striker, as her weaponry is excellent for wounding the Knight Gallant and making it more vulnerable for the kill. The others are not to pass up good opportunities, but their initial goal is to distract Marie France and punish any gaps in her defense.
-[X] Mobility is king, and not letting anybody get pinned down and picked off is a priority.