Well of the Damned
14th of February 2007 A.D.
Lydia agrees to take the stone to Embermane before something else can happen to it, Sophia chooses to go with, in her words the island is 'too freakin' loud', though you aren't sure what she means, not then. So of course you keep looking, keep poking.
One would expect that the most feared warlock in generations would leave
something to remember him by in his former abode, but the hut on the other side of the hill from the tower doesn't even have a bed in it, though there's a relatively clear place in the corner where perhaps one may have stood. Dad says it reminds him of the dwellings of hermits and monks who want to meditate away from even the company of their fellows. In a way he's close to right and in another about as far as one can be. This whole place is a fount of darkness welling up from below before being dropped into the main Northeast-Southwest ley-line hurtling down towards Mexico City. It is a minor miracle and a testament to the resilience of the spirit of this place that anything can grow here at all, much less that trees can grow and deer and boar can roam.
Not alone anymore... You pat the stones a little self consciously, only then realizing the gift that it had been giving you all this time your essence has long since been topped up by being here, a ley nexus stronger than any other you had seen on Earth, comparable to the five directional court nexuses in Sanctuary and the sixth at the world's center.
Shaking off the thought not without some difficulty you follow Harry, Dad a wide eyed Olivia towards the tower. It's more of the same empty of signs of habitation and filled to the brim with dark power.
What is it with wizards and towers? you wonder amused, then feel like a bit of a hypocrite recalling where your palace is set in the grasp of twining dragons above the twisting Labyrinth. Again that nameless of deja vu.
"That's as far as you're going I'm afraid Murphy." Harry's voice is firm, but not without a measure of dread, a man getting ready for a fight. "I think that's where 'The Secret Keeper' and the 'Dark One' are and I don't think that last bit is Murphy's dark beer sadly. That's not a place to visit. Hell I wish I didn't have to go there, but it's mine now so what can you do?"
Even though you don't think you've seen Dad roll his eyes more than twice in your life, you can tell from his expression he'd like to now and it's not hard to figure out why.
Sure Harry, going into the terrifying magical containment of the island you didn't ask for is just what anyone would do, Average Joe behavior.
She looks around, weighing something about how you and your dad look before finally agreeing to wait up here. "Watch your back down there, you never know what kind of bullshit wizards'll pull."
Harry has the grace to looks sheepish.
For her part. Olivia doesn't argue, though as you step down the first flight of stairs illuminated only by the growing radiance between your brows you hear her mutter. 'Mind protections, I need stronger mind protections....'
The path goes down and down again, each step even, twelve and twelve and twelve again, each at a right angle to the last.
"Seventeen hundred and twenty-eight," Dad half whispers when he notices you counting.
"Thanks Dad," you answer in like tone, this doesn't feel like the kind of place one should really talk at full volume in, like a library... of a cemetery.
The stairs don't end after the number Dad had guessed, but they do
change, going straight down now, through the stone of the island, below even the lake floor you're pretty sure.
"This place could use an elevator," Harry complains.
"I could install one for you," you shoot back without thinking.
He doesn't complain again until at last after far more stairs than you care to keep counting there's a door made of the same magically neutral granite as the tower far above. There is a sudden sense of the spirit's presence, not physical, but very, very real as first one stone then another and another burst with ward-fire, a sequence... a code, or as Harry says 'a keypad'.
The chamber beyond is tall and surprisingly well lit by clusters of pale green quartz that... "Er... I don't want to alarm anyone, but there are a lot of demons here: naagloshii, you know but also a pair of
taotie over there..." you point. "Known to the Shang as Those-Which-Without-Body-Devour. Also there's three at least of the
Udug, Those Who Bring the Plague Wind... Usum says the 'bad air', but that does not sound very scary in English and they are pretty scary especially in urban areas. "
Your eyes go to the Sword, the same sword that Arthur once bore, the Sword you know can kill even one of the Great Dragons. Why bind all these horrors instead of killing them so that they may never trouble the world?
That sounds like a question I'm uniquely suited to answer, you think.
"Yeah, I think I get the idea..." Harry looks around in a sort of horrified awe, not that you can blame him. There are paths branching off the chamber, twelve of them.
What do you do?
[] Using your Crown and this scene as a focus ask why the prison was built
[] Try to speak to one of the lesser prisoners, to get some idea what they are doing in here, you can give then a voice even though that
[] Try to find the ones Demonreach mentioned before
[] Write in
OOC: Welp here you are... in the place a more traditional infernal would kill to be, the building-blocks of an army that could conquer the world laid out before you. It's a good thing you are playing Molly Carpenter, huh?