What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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[X] "-to the Fleet. I will deliver a speech for war, a speech to glorious death, and a speech to liberation!"
[] "-to the Fleet. I will deliver a speech for war, a speech to glorious death, and a speech to liberation!"
(You will approach silently. Damages enemy morale. This will have unintended consequences.)

[] "-to the enemy Fleet. They shall know their doom's name and their age's end!"
(You will openly declare who you are and why you have brought war to their shores. Improves Morale. This will have unintended consequences.
Warning: x0.25 Voting Weight Attached.)
The morale bonuse seem kinda flipped. I would think that giving a speech to our own ships would improve morale and giving a speech to enemy would lower theirs, wouldn't it? Or is Huntress just so much of a overly-dramatic bitch that everyone in our fleet collectively let out an "oh thank the Star-Child!" When they found out she wasn't going to give them a pre-battle speech.

I say we declare ourselves so they don't think we are some omnicidal xenos or something.
Better chance of surrenders that way.
Yeah, plus I have a feeling it's going to be hilarious.
Hard to say, I don't think we've ever gotten a sheet for even Imperial standard Light Cruisers, let alone their Heavy Cruisers.
Nah, best we got was the Cobra Destroyer and the Sword Frigate.

When it comes to canon ship designs, I just use 1d6chan which gives a general overview of the class an lists the speed, length and guns on the ship.

[X] "-to the enemy Fleet. They shall know their doom's name and their age's end!"
[X] "-to the Fleet. I will deliver a speech for war, a speech to glorious death, and a speech to liberation!"
[X] "-to the Fleet. I will deliver a speech for war, a speech to glorious death, and a speech to liberation!"

I think forcing the enemy to pop their roll bonus early is better.
Reality thunders, the twin-gods of time and space are sundered in their eternal sovereignty over the materium they rule, and wounds festering with emotions running rampant open within the outer edge of Voxx Primuse, a thousand sensor specialists suddenly seeing shock after shock on their systems, just as millions more are roused from their cots and beds, "all hands on deck!" repeating endlessly as ship, station, and ground become hives of activity.
very descriptive entrance that is fitting given the battle about to happen. And damn that 'General Quarters' moment with the entire fleet and defenses waking up.

And then, like pockmarks on the dying embers of an age, the grasping fingers of Warp Predators tear and scrabble at the edges of the rips within the Veil, their howls and snapping maws heard and seen by those Psykers capable of perceiving their malicious noise just as the Psyker-Lord of Primus begins to rouse his cadre of followers and acolytes for the fights ahead that shall come, as foreseen by the Tarot.
Ahhh shit, It might not be very clear or the like but having some sort of advance warning is always useful. Not sure what their plan was or if it was just to get them gathered up ready to deploy at a moment's notice.

But the predators are beaten back, their mad scramble for reality ended...and replaced with the thunderous flares of engines burning against the void of reality, blazing stars born one after another, then by the twos, then dozens, until nearly three hundred engines bellow stardust and primal fury of stars contained, their shapes of the feared enemy that had never materialized from beyond Primus, with pinpricks of lights glinting like echoing embers across their formations.

And aboard the 'Paths We Year' High Admiral Huntress Of The Black Awning lays coiled, her eyes calmly looking at the readouts of the mightiest fleet assembled and encountered in the history of the Glimmering Federation flying under her command and guide. Engines bellow against lethargic hulls; sensors trample all that stands between them and the foe; weapons eagerly dream and dread the moment when they shall start the symphony of war, and over eight thousand strike craft idly slumber in their holds, ready to wake at her command.
Oh that's an image for how coming out of warp travel is since they are passing through and the warp predators would be clawing at the edges trying to escapes before being pushed back into it. and yah I would assume battles of this size is were rare in our sectors until we came across the Dutchy since they had these numbers before. Still to have this amount lead by 'battleships' would have them be panicking. I really hope those defensive stations help a lot or we can turn some ships.

So we know where ship is the Flagship and the name of it to keep in mind. Hot damn, Eight Thousand strike craft. At the least we know to avoid the damn Null-Net now.

4x Sagitarrius-Secundus Lance Frigate
FUCK! that's ALL we have? okay seriously, if it isn't to replace any losses among the lighter ships, use banked shipbuilding points in a few turns to get more of this. We were shown the insane these things have, we should have built more then this. Damn it. We'll see what we can do after but fuck that's a big advantage given up.

Goodness, if they didn't spec their ships for maximum speed, our Leos are going to do murderous things to them. Three rapid fire heavy macrocannon turrets is a scary, scary thing when mounted onto a ship with higher acceleration than any stock Imperial Heavy Cruiser.
True, for Heavy cruisers they are fast, much more then you'd expect but at 3 I doubt they will be catching even light cruisers unless the light cruisers dumped speed or we out maneuver them to the point speed isn't a factor.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be trying to figure out how to break down the MONUMENTAL SPACE BATTLE that is about to occur.
Good Luck on that Cookie, it will be hard with muses and ideas pulling you in every direction. Take as long as you need.

So we can approach with stealth in mind and that sounds useful for catching them off guard. It would be to our advantage there...but the "unintended consequences" bit
We really can't. Remember the Array that scans the system, we won't be able to stealth an approach due to that.

I mean, it's not the people currently in charge we'd be talking to... consider this.

Actually, fuck.

@HeroCooky , how many people involved in the revolt even KNOW about us?
.... Oh fuck did we pull a Genestealer thing with the converts and people not understanding what the plan was and what they were getting into? I think the Xenos living with us will be a surprise... oh boy that's going to be awkward.

Ah yeah I assume that our agents are waiting for some sort of signal to strike but if we never said what that signal is then we might have a problem.

Or if the followers recruited on world even know that the incoming fleet are their ally's that they've been waiting for.
I assume it would be when everything went to hell and the Duchty going into wartime mode.

You basically spent the last 1/2 Centuries preaching to those people you got/converted about "The Star Child" coming to free them all in one awesome (old meaning) war that shall devour their masters and shackles whole when their Holy Fleet enters the system.

The better question here is; can you stop what you have created?
OH good, good. they have an idea but its idealized no doubt to what that would look like. I don't know if we are going to get a second faction pushing for us to push further into the Dutchy.

I don't see why not, I guess the problem is once the trigger is pulled that's it. no matter what, they will continue on, pushing until the end, with or without us. I guess one of the things will be do to this accepting surrender of the nobility is not an option.
Plus, we already saw that there's apparently Some degree of panopticon going on in Voxx Primus, given all the shit that happened with no discernable cause, and how we were instantly IDed and the entire industrial sector purged the moment we tried stepping somewhere Important. It's not to the level where it'd stop a grassroots thing, but their core resources at least seem to be hardened from conventional infiltration.
I doubt it's that. Not only with how precise they were, but to the degree they left no trace at all points to some fuckery going on that we don't know about yet.
"We copied the Heretical shtick of corrupting them, but we had to use actions on it while they Just Get It For Free because they're Evil"
TBF, unlike us they can call upon up to 4 Gods who are actually awake and alive by sacrificing fuckloads of people. And their subversion of Neon still was something that took them up to a century and several actions to do.
[X] "-to the Fleet. I will deliver a speech for war, a speech to glorious death, and a speech to liberation!"

I think forcing the enemy to pop their roll bonus early is better.
How will this force them to pop their roll bonus early again?

Plus with how much the vote is weighed against that other option, I really am curious about what it would do. A QM rarely weighs so heavily against an option unless it would be really something special.
How will this force them to pop their roll bonus early again?
It says that it will damage enemy morale. Last time against Neon, when their morale got too low they burned their roll bonus to restore it.

So the faster we reduce their morale, the faster they will have to start popping heads to avoid mutinies which will make their rolls worse.
It says that it will damage enemy morale. Last time against Neon, when their morale got too low they burned their roll bonus to restore it.

So the faster we reduce their morale, the faster they will have to start popping heads to avoid mutinies which will make their rolls worse.
Still, I don't think you're really thinking this through that much. Right now they think we're some incredibly hostile Xenos that want to exterminate them, if we give a speech to them telling them that we're actually a multi-species (but predominantly human) polity here on a war of liberation, that might get more of them to have second thoughts.

If this whole vote was JUST a matter of morale, why would 4 votes of giving a speech to the enemy fleet only count as 1 for giving a speech to ours? There's something more going on here, and I have a feeling that waxing poetic to our foes may do a lot more than you might think.

Remember, the QM is willing to lie and be mercantile with the truth and has been so with us on several occasions. The fact they're seemingly trying to lock this option out when this never happened before tells me that this is a lot bigger than you might think it is.
Wait, so despite specifically writing in having a photogenic human actor on hand to play the admiral, the Admiral would be the one sending the communication?
You have the opposite of it.
The morale bonuse seem kinda flipped.
Nope. Pre-battle speeches/demands being lobbed at another are quite common in 40k, so an enemy fleet popping into the system to tell you your drip is whack and you're about to get teabagged is quite normal, and a source of morale bolstering for those who give the shit-talking. Just burning into the system without saying anything, shortly before the mother of all revolts pops...shit's fucked, man.

And the voting weight is due to a combination of your Action priorities in the past, your willingness to engage in mutually beneficial diplomacy, the attitude of the thread (which acts in-quest as the folk making the priorities for the nation) against Van Zandt, and how you think the war will go.
Why are we worrying about our people's morale when they're all die-hard Star-Child worshippers and volunteers?

We want as many of them to surrender as soon as possible, that's why we dedicated so many actions to infiltrating them, why are people now voting against that? Telling them that, no, we're not in fact here to kill/torture/enslave everyone seems like the most obvious thing to do.

Damn vote weights.

EDIT: Not seriously complaining btw.
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