I imagine that the issue this complaint arises from, is the bit in the first Summer Storm update where "there were warehouse complexes full of construction materials and equipment which otherwise might have been usable for resupply of ammunition and spare parts."
Any invasion force operating on this scale is going to be less than perfectly efficient. Note that there is also commentary in Summer Storm to the effect that huge amounts of Initiative transport is lined up trying to load supplies across heavily damaged if not outright wrecked port infrastructure, when that would be one of the first things that work on Karachi would be struggling to fix.
Building up the physical facilities and transportation systems of the Karachi Planned City project increases our ability to load military supplies and ship them to the troops, while loading more military supplies gets us more security and better-supplied troops. To some extent the two priorities are competitive; to some extent they are symbiotic.
It's going to take us (at least) 3 total turns to finish Karachi in any case. I don't see how throwing a huge amount of dice at it now is in any way more efficient than finishing out Phase 4 and hitting Phase 5 next turn.
It's going to take us (at least) 3 total turns to finish Karachi in any case. I don't see how throwing a huge amount of dice at it now is in any way more efficient than finishing out Phase 4 and hitting Phase 5 next turn.
Basically, my notional 'plan' for Karachi is something like spending six then six then if necessary 1-2 more dice. Call it 6-6-?.
Now, we really do want the project to finish in 2065Q2 or 'Q3, not 'Q4. An approach like 4-5-5 or so is viable, we could choose to do that, I grant you. But it introduces considerably more uncertainty as to whether we finish the project unless we significantly overspend dice as a precaution in Q3.
Something like 4-8-? is almost certainly a worse idea than 6-6-?, I would say. I don't know what the 'perfect' arrangement is, but I'm just not willing to fuss about it a lot. I'm hoping to clear roughly half the remaining Progress requirement of the project this turn, so I sat down and mathed out roughly the number of dice I expected to need to make that happen. I could have aimed for a third of the Progress requirement of the project and gone down to four dice, I guess, but I feel like that would be setting us up for more stress and nail-biting later.
[X] Plan Rocky Road to Aldrin
I had kind of given up on orbital nukes but I'll seize on this chance.
General question, if inhibitor progress now overflows why are we still funding each individually? Would it not be more efficient to simply full-send it into one and let it run over if the plan is to finish them all anyway
[X] Plan Rocky Road to Aldrin
I had kind of given up on orbital nukes but I'll seize on this chance.
General question, if inhibitor progress now overflows why are we still funding each individually? Would it not be more efficient to simply full-send it into one and let it run over if the plan is to finish them all anyway
I don't generally think we are funding each individually; the overflow stopped in Britain last turn so it had a separate entry to be filled, is what I'm guessing.
Also, I realized I spent a Free dice we didn't have in LCI. I have removed White Goods from the plan for that reason.
Basically, my notional 'plan' for Karachi is something like spending six then six then if necessary 1-2 more dice. Call it 6-6-?.
Now, we really do want the project to finish in 2065Q2 or 'Q3, not 'Q4. An approach like 4-5-5 or so is viable, we could choose to do that, I grant you. But it introduces considerably more uncertainty as to whether we finish the project unless we significantly overspend dice as a precaution in Q3.
Something like 4-8-? is almost certainly a worse idea than 6-6-?, I would say. I don't know what the 'perfect' arrangement is, but I'm just not willing to fuss about it a lot. I'm hoping to clear roughly half the remaining Progress requirement of the project this turn, so I sat down and mathed out roughly the number of dice I expected to need to make that happen. I could have aimed for a third of the Progress requirement of the project and gone down to four dice, I guess, but I feel like that would be setting us up for more stress and nail-biting later.
The problem here is that we already massively over-crash built Karachi's first turn, and now you want to crash build it again with six dice, which means MORE crash-building efforts that we can't actually physically cure the cement for fast enough to actually build. Last turn saw 6 dice on Karachi, this turn you want to spend six again, and then six again, because you just can't resist 'oh better safe than sorry'. But in reality, that won't actually get the work done and more and more supplies, which are already piled high on the piersides because we can't physically put them into construction, are going to pile up.
ETA: The requirement for the plan is Complete Karachi Planned City by end of 2065 not Complete Karachi Planned City by end of Q2 2065.
Red Zone Containment Lines (Plan Goal - RZ Abatement): +20-40 RpT, +3-6 RZ Abatement, +1-2 Energy
HG Mothballing: +3 Energy, +2 Labor, +2 Logistics
All BZ Inhibs: +4+ YZ Abatement, -6+ Energy, +2+ PS
EHTS: -5PS, +10RpT, +Underground Abatement
Impulse Drive Cargo Ship Development: no stat movement this turn
Assembler Bay: +1 CG, +5 ConGoods
Experimental Crops Bay: +Mad Science
Aldrin Planned City (Plan Goal): +1 CG, +3 Energy
Regional Hospital Expansions: +4 Health, -1 Energy, -1 Capital Goods, -1 Labor
Rage Engine Development: No stat movement this turn
Stasis Box Development: No stat movement this turn
Advanced Articulation Systems: no stat movement this turn
Orbital Nuclear Caches: no stat movement this turn
GFZA Phase 2 (Plan Goal): -4 Energy, -2 Capital Goods, -2 Labor
Gov-A (Plan Goal): no stat movement this turn
Unmanned Support Ground Vehicle Deployment: no stat movement this turn
RpT: +35-55
Energy: +10-11
Labor: +4
Logistics: +9-13
Health: +4
Capital Goods: +9-10
Consumer Goods: +11
Space Pop: +2200
RZ Abatement: +3-6
YZ Abatement: +4+
MARV: +1
Basically, I put as many dice as I am least uncomfortable with on Karachi, nixed the extra power budget, and added a MARV at the expense of the HG mothballs taking an extra quarter. Let me know what you think.
Red Zone Containment Lines (Plan Goal - RZ Abatement): +20-40 RpT, +3-6 RZ Abatement, +1-2 Energy
HG Mothballing: +6 Energy, +3 Labor, +3 Logistics
All BZ Inhibs: +4+ YZ Abatement, -6+ Energy, +2+ PS
EHTS: -5PS, +10RpT, +Underground Abatement
Impulse Drive Cargo Ship Development: no stat movement this turn
Assembler Bay: +1 CG, +5 ConGoods
Experimental Crops Bay: +Mad Science
Aldrin Planned City (Plan Goal): +1 CG, +3 Energy
Regional Hospital Expansions: +4 Health, -1 Energy, -1 Capital Goods, -1 Labor
Rage Engine Development: No stat movement this turn
Stasis Box Development: No stat movement this turn
Advanced Articulation Systems: no stat movement this turn
Orbital Nuclear Caches: no stat movement this turn
GFZA Phase 2+3 (Plan Goal): -8 Energy, -4 Capital Goods, -4 Labor
Gov-A (Plan Goal): no stat movement this turn
Unmanned Support Ground Vehicle Deployment: no stat movement this turn
RpT: +30-50
Energy: +10-30
Labor: +4
Logistics: +9-13
Health: +4
Capital Goods: +9-10
Consumer Goods: +11
Space Pop: +2200
RZ Abatement: +3-6
YZ Abatement: +4+
Relatable. If my plan wins, you'll see Orbital Nuclear Caches in a plan of mine later in the year anyway, but I respect the thought.
General question, if inhibitor progress now overflows why are we still funding each individually? Would it not be more efficient to simply full-send it into one and let it run over if the plan is to finish them all anyway
Well, we might theoretically want to pick inhibitors we specifically want done first or as highest priority. To some extent I think it may be a matter of inertia, though; the project's been listed that way for a long time.
Me, I'm sort of vaguely hoping that the overflow from both the "British Isles" and "West Africa" inhibitor projects will meet in the middle and combine to overflow to BZ-1 (mainland Europe) or BZ-5 (Iberia), though it seems that we already have the BZ-5 inhibitor and I just forgot, so who knows lol. While overflow from one inhibitor die is very unlikely to complete a second, joint overflow from two might be enough to do the job and get us a buy two get one free offer.
[X] Plan Attempting to Fill Big Craters Everywhere But Monrovia
[X] Plan Attempting to Fill Big Craters In Monrovia
[X] Plan Finishing The Fight
[X] Plan Rocky Road to Aldrin
[X] Plan MARVy Road to Aldrin
[X] Plan Kick that rock in the dick
If we can finish out the Zone suit factories to a satisfactory degree, I'd like us to start chipping away at the refits for factories to produce the next gen stuff before plan end. The lasers getting finished might be a better target in the immediate future given how much more we're going to be using them.
In line with Derpmind's thoughts, maybe we should try to limit free dice to military projects with obvious uses in other fields? The advanced articulation is probably gating something else with more widespread applicability behind it, especially with civilian Exosuits being rolled out.
MARVS! Glorious MARVS! The time has finally come my beauties! Reclaim the Med! Make it an initiative lake! Reopen the Suez with MARVy construction equipment! There's nothing holding you back you wonderful abominations of engineering and SCIENCE!
The error is in me listing the labs as having 0/150 completion when in truth they're nearly finished at 80/150. Thank you for bringing that to my attention.
If 'nearly finished at 80/150' sounds counterintuitive, the trick is that with 80/150 completion, a +27 point bonus, and an option on a +15 omake bonus, we effectively only need enough points on the 2d50 die roll to lift us from 122 to 150, that is to say, a 28 or better. And you're very likely to roll a 28 or better on 2d50.