What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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@HeroCooky a few more songs I'd like to ask about:

Justice Compassion Humanity Hope Progress
Hope Hope Progress Progress Progress
Hope Hope Compassion Humanity Home
Justice Is Blind. Not Cruel.
The Ways Of The Galaxy Can Be Changed
Hope Beyond Reason, Build Without Fear
Does it make a difference if we get involved with an AP or if they autocomplete?
we haven't updated their basic equipment for half a millennium.
Keep in mind that your "Basic Gear" is the Imperiums "Elite Gear" here. The main source of casualties will be because Voxx Primus has a manpower pool (aka bodies to throw at you) of "Yes."
@HeroCooky , how convinced are our planners are that the Lamenters will be able to seize the Megafreighters successfully with a single action of Infiltration helping them? I know there's no, "100% certain" or "0% certain" but just in general, "Very likely, all but certain, pretty likely, coin flip, etc"?
They think that there is very little that could prevent the Lamenters from seizing the freighters.
And while they do have more fleets than us, they can't throw everything at us b/c they have several other fronts. I will wholeheartedly support spending the rest of our actions on Fleets, but first I want our guys to all get brand new gear so it's a bit less of a shitshow. While the Free Duchy Fleets are intimidating, we shouldn't let that blind us to our other needs. And our Infantry need some goddamn investment other than the fancy servoskulls and Paladins.
Isn't Voxx one of their most important manpower worlds? I feel like that they're willing to accept setbacks on the other fronts to ensure that they don't lose the hive world.
Justice Is Blind. Not Cruel.
The Ways Of The Galaxy Can Be Changed
Hope Beyond Reason, Build Without Fear
Keep in mind that your "Basic Gear" is the Imperiums "Elite Gear" here. The main source of casualties will be because Voxx Primus has a manpower pool (aka bodies to throw at you) of "Yes."
They think that there is very little that could prevent the Lamenters from seizing the freighters.

Should the Infiltration action I wrote include reference to getting access to engines/self-destruct systems, etc?

...if there is self-destruct it'd probably involve the engines I assume?
Keep in mind that your "Basic Gear" is the Imperiums "Elite Gear" here. The main source of casualties will be because Voxx Primus has a manpower pool (aka bodies to throw at you) of "Yes."
Still, having our guys equipped with even better gear than that would help. While we're most certainly still going to suffer many casualties, a goal we should strive for is to reduce those casualties as much as we can so SAGs aren't outright annihilated and can more likely reach veterancy.
Isn't Voxx one of their most important manpower worlds? I feel like that they're willing to accept setbacks on the other fronts to ensure that they don't lose the hive world.
That it is. It is indeed a crucial world for them and I do expect they'll throw at least 2, maybe 3, SBGs worth of ships at us to keep it, but they ultimately can't keep everything lest the Orkz, Drukhari, Chaos, Soul-Eating Bodysnatching Xenos break through and run rampant, and the Free Duchy is likely competent enough to acknowledge that fact lest they die by things far worse than us.
They think that there is very little that could prevent the Lamenters from seizing the freighters.

Should the Infiltration action I wrote include reference to getting access to engines/self-destruct systems, etc?

...if there is self-destruct it'd probably involve the engines I assume?
I'd definitely switch my vote to a version that has a write-in optimized for this.

Still, having our guys equipped with even better gear than that would help. While we're most certainly still going to suffer many casualties, a goal we should strive for is to reduce those casualties as much as we can so SAGs aren't outright annihilated and can more likely reach veterancy.
Good point. If we free up an action next turn with this Lamenter stuff, then I think infantry upgrades is a good place to spend it.
We have 10 actions to the start of the war. 1 of those actions needs to be triggering the revolution. At least 2, preferably 3, should be building the evacuation fleet. 1 needs to be the megafreighter infiltration process. We need 3 actions to build a 6th SBG, 5 actions to build two.

But, let me speak plainly here.

I think, if, in the process of preparing for war with the Free Duchy, we don't spend one single solitary miserable action researching that shipwreck of their ship, then we're bloody idiots.
Furthermore, with 0.9 research actions banked, researching that means we can also research one other thing (Expanded Snapshot Cogitation, Novel Infantry Weapons+Armor...)

Other things worth an action include making at least one Song, or Learn The Legacies which would be great right before the war starts.

So, plan for the next three turns:
-1 action to trigger the revolution.
-3 actions to build the evacuation fleet.
-1 action to infiltrate the megafreighters.
-3 actions to build an SBG.
-1 research action.
-1 Song action.

Leading to:

[X] Plan D-Day Buildup
-[X] Evacuation Fleets - (1/4)
-[X] [Megafreighter] Infiltration will be a slow and careful process, but between the influence on Voxx Primus and Secondus and the Defense Stations, there are a lot of chances for connections and bonds to form, clans to intermingle, and in this opportunities to begin to infiltrate the Freighters. At this point, focus on getting people into all the key positions. Intelligence, let alone taking control of the ship, can wait until we're more fully established
-[X] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
--[X] Basilisk (0/2.5)
-[X] [General] Research:
--[X] Free Duchy Shipwreck And Battle Studies
--[X] Expanded Snapshot Cogitation Improvements and Tetratek ARc Cannonade (free research)

Turn after that, we can continue building the SBG and evacuation fleet, probably do a Song.
Let Those Harming That We Guard Keep Nothing - Grounding, Protection, Struggle, Silence, Grounding
I think this is a good song to go for if we can. This, to me, reads as a "People that are enemies gain nothing or lose everything". I am wondering if we can create a song that tampers with their memories

Grounding, Protection, Silence, Silence, Grounding
Can someone tell me in which turns expand Caine appears? because he didn't remember that she existed.
She first showed up in Turn 490.M42 and then kicked over Qualach's Forge and buggered off in Turn 523.M42, until she showed up now to do something similar.

Would have been 50 a turn without prep, with it, it'll be 20, but we can mitigate that by deploying Blazing Sun forces to supplement, I think it was called out that 5 War Packs deployed should drop our attrition significantly?
War-Packs are more effective in heavily defended tight quarters like hives. link
To take the Agriworlds, it will take 5 Warpacks or 20 SAGs. link

@HeroCooky should that be 5 War-Packs per Agriworld or 5 War-packs total?
Prob per world. 15 Warpacks is half the Blazing Sun but the Agriworlds should quickly fall and we can switch out War-Packs for SAGs to do any needed mop up/occupation.

I'd also like to remind everyone that delaying the Civ Evac ships for a single turn past the revolution was always the desperation move that we were reluctantly going to have to accept because we had no other choice and we could sorta-kinda tighten our belts for.
Do we not have a bunch of stuff we want to do still? In fact even more because of the recommended SBG prep actions. Why is delaying Civ Evac one turn a problem now, we are spending 2 actions and/or Lamentors to guarantee the Food Conveyors get hijacked. We should use that gained space.

Would you feel differently if it was just 21 Sagitarrius's? Sitting in our backline, coordinating shots with the Libra's to hit priority targets? That feels like a solid DPS increase to our fleet that's different in kind enough to cover a weakness of ours.
I'm for this. I've been asking for the 1 Fleet Build action to make a bunch of Sagi-S, which gives us a long range damage option that can specifically target problem ships. I think the cutting ships are possibly psytech ramming ships and Cooky mentioned they have Heavy Snipers which both might be very dangerous for our close-medium range SBGs.

I do think massed Bloom destroyers are cool/fun but not that great in large battles even before Cooky's info, they have good alpha with Kopesh but total damage quickly falls behind what happens over a few rounds. 1 shot vs 1-5 shots per round of rolling.

[1] Because if we use up the Kil'drabi bonus here, we won't have it to replace all the ships we lose from our SBGs from them, y'know, doing their jobs!
What if we can do something that helps prevent us from having so many losses. Work smart as well as hard, its worth exploring if a different tactically option is effective instead of relying on churning through mass ships if Van Zandt has a good counter to us.

Ideally if we've actually built them well, each SBG should be its own complete unit. That is to say, each piece of the SBG works to reinforce and protect the others (or two SBGs doing the same in one bigger fleet writ large). Therefore, it should be the case that a gap in an SBG might make it less effective not merely in a subtractive sense, but in a dividing sense, making it so that any one particular formation doesn't have enough Carriers to provide a good screen, or enough Heavies to go into the battle fists raised, or... you get the drift.
Our SBGs are not a perfect jewel of tactical invulnerability. Any mix of ships will have strengths and weaknesses.

This is heavily reaching justification for not wanting to take an action you disagree with. Do you think a Libra or Leo is getting replaced by an added ship?

HeroCooky - Is it true that if we add 2 non-SBG ships to the battlespace with our SBGs, it divides the effectiveness of our SBGs in half? If we had a slightly different mix of ships or added long range ships sitting behind the SBG would that cripple our fleet?

Misunderstood what Laurent was referring to, sorry, dramatic mistake.
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Our SBGs are not a perfect jewel of tactical invulnerability. Any mix of ships will have strengths and weaknesses.

This is heavily reaching justification for not wanting to take an action you disagree with. Do you think a Libra or Leo is getting replaced by an added ship?

HeroCooky - Is it true that if we add 2 non-SBG ships to the battlespace with our SBGs, it divides the effectiveness of our SBGs in half? If we had a slightly different mix of ships or added long range ships sitting behind the SBG would that cripple our fleet?

...do you even read what I'm saying, because that is literally NOT what I am claiming? Like you just made up a completely untrue thing.

My point was that our SBGs would be weaker (and in more than just a linear way) without some of its key components, and so that a Build A Fleet action to renew depleted SBGs to their full strength would be useful. That is, once they are depleted by war.
[X] Plan D-Day Buildup
-[X] Evacuation Fleets - (1/4)
-[X] [Megafreighter] Infiltration will be a slow and careful process, but between the influence on Voxx Primus and Secondus and the Defense Stations, there are a lot of chances for connections and bonds to form, clans to intermingle, and in this opportunities to begin to infiltrate the Freighters. At this point, focus on getting people into all the key positions. Intelligence, let alone taking control of the ship, can wait until we're more fully established
-[X] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
--[X] Basilisk (0/2.5)
-[X] [General] Research:
--[X] Free Duchy Shipwreck And Battle Studies
--[X] Expanded Snapshot Cogitation Improvements and Tetratek ARc Cannonade (free research)

Turn after that, we can continue building the SBG and evacuation fleet, probably do a Song.
Hmm... we probably could push off the song to next turn, and you're right that the shipwreck research would be really useful. I'd probably vote for this with Novel Infantry Upgrades over Snapshot Cogitation.

edit: I've been informed that we have to take an additional action to launch the assault on Voxx Primus in addition to the revolution action, so we'll only have one action on the turn of the revolution. I can't justify voting for the research if we only have 8 actions left, so disregard this.
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Grounding, Protection, Silence, Silence, Grounding
Let Those Harming That We Hide Keep Nothing
@HeroCooky should that be 5 War-Packs per Agriworld or 5 War-packs total?
5 per World, sorry for not specifying.
HeroCooky - Is it true that if we add 2 non-SBG ships to the battlespace with our SBGs, it divides the effectiveness of our SBGs in half? If we had a slightly different mix of ships or added long range ships sitting behind the SBG would that cripple our fleet?
That is dangerously close, if not bordering on "invisble line," to disingenuous argumenting/discussing. Please consider your words more carefully, as I do not believe you intentionally meant this.

You have a doctrine of Spam Strike Craft. Anything else, like how any combination of your ships fights, is centered around that.
Anyway, here's a new write-in that's geared towards enabling Lamenter-based capture of the megafreighters.
-[X] [Megafreighter] Between the influence on Voxx Primus and Secondus and the Defense Stations, there are a lot of chances for connections and bonds to form, clans to intermingle, and in this opportunities to infiltrate the Freighters. We will focus on getting people into positions where they can intervene with the Plasma Generators/Engines/Gellar Field/Warp Engine. We do not expect these people to be able to gain complete control over the ship, but they should make plans and implement failsafes to prevent the ships from being intentionally destroyed, as well as gain knoweldge so that once the Lamenters have captured the ships they can be immediately put to use.

@HeroCooky will we have to spend an additional action to deploy the ships/SAGs to Voxx Primus in addition to launching the revolution on the planet? Although I guess "Free Duchy War" in "Trigger The Voxx Revolution" is more inclusive than I thought, I might not have read it properly.
I'm like 95% sure that I asked this question already and they responded with "No, taking the Voxx revolution action triggers a subturn where you plan out your invasion in coordination with the revolution." It's basically us doing a military campaign that includes both things as a single action.
I have no idea, it's just what someone told me.

@HeroCooky will we have to spend an additional action to deploy the ships/SAGs to Voxx Primus in addition to launching the revolution on the planet? Although I guess "Free Duchy War" in "Trigger The Voxx Revolution" is more inclusive than I thought, I might not have read it properly.
You have this Turn (4), next Turn (3), and the Turn after where you need to trigger the Revolution (2/3), so you have 9 Actions left.
[X] Plan: Beefing Up the Meat
-[X] Evacuation Fleets - (1/4)
-[X] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Choose at least Three below.)
--[X] Struggle, Fire, Humanity, Unity, Hope, Song
-[X] [Megafreighter] Between the influence on Voxx Primus and Secondus and the Defense Stations, there are a lot of chances for connections and bonds to form, clans to intermingle, and in this opportunities to infiltrate the Freighters. We will focus on getting people into positions where they can intervene with the Plasma Generators/Engines/Gellar Field/Warp Engine. We do not expect these people to be able to gain complete control over the ship, but they should make plans and implement failsafes to prevent the ships from being intentionally destroyed, as well as gain knoweldge so that once the Lamenters have captured the ships they can be immediately put to use.
-[X] [General] Research:
—[X] Novel Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development
—[X] Experimental Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development
-[X] Switch Automatic Production to Lupus-Secundus (Lupus-S) Torpedo Destroyers
...Okay, I liked that post, no idea how that slipped my mind. My bad. In that case, we're fine delaying the SBG action.

[X] Plan: Beefing Up the Meat
[X] Plan: ALL IN, Part 2: The Turn
Our enemies are still taking actions so the timeline might change again so we should start with the most critical and that is the fleet as if we fail to control space all other parts of the plan fail.
I think if we want to be safe we should go 5 War-Packs and like 5 random SAGs to really settle it. Overmatch is good for making sure we win.
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Nah, I think we should make SAGs, at the end of the day, what we need is manpower here, we're not lacking War-Packs right now.
Nah, I think we should make SAGs, at the end of the day, what we need is manpower here, we're not lacking War-Packs right now.
I meant more take them from our planets and move them to the field. We have a fair few SAGs there so we can probably move them. Droma is probably a good place to move an SAG.

We probably don't need to produce SAGs...probably