What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Alrighty, let's clear out that quote box.

Honestly all this religious stuff is just leaving me confused and I have no real interest in the details of it all. So I'll just skip this vote I am not one for deep theological history and how it was used here personally.

Like I can respect the effort that went into the Droman creed that it was designed to have this happen like well done there, but beyond that this deep religious stuff just bores me. So yeah I'll be back when all this is done with.

To give a layperson's view on all this religious stuff, where my deepest depth of education on this subject is a funny video on the internet, in absolute essence-

This is SV we're all nerds just to different degrees

It's basically this.

Just, entirely this.

There's some Esoteric Confusing Bit about religion that is technically Really Important, but it's also hard to understand, so people try to simplify it so other people can understand it-

Except they're simplifying it in a way that's technically entirely and completely wrong, and when you have multiple generations of priests and preachers teaching you that it's this particular way of things and then someone else tells you that you're wrong-


Heresy. Heresy everywhere.

Thankfully, The Laurent has a good handle on these things with their actual collegiate level education on the topic, but it all boils down to what's actually just nerd rage about Religion Lore.

Moving on-

I wonder what this is about though. Alpha Legion again?

Alpha Legion, again????

There's been a lot of talk about the Alpha Legion recently, but I haven't actually read every post between updates, and might have missed the hints otherwise?

I know the Alpha Legion is mnemonically Everywhere, but have they actually been involved with our history?

What I think is that someone should probably write up a big list of obvious questions.

A little late, but asking about who the person/people in charge is/are, what their governmental powers are, and who their heirs are if such exist/their replacement process, sounds like a good idea?

Otherwise, who they're in diplomatic contact with, beyond who they're at war with, sounds like a good question as well.

We should be wary of making assumptions that Van Zandt is going to operate like the Imperium we know.

That's why I tried to add the PsyTech rider to my statement.

On a one to one with proper support, a Duchy Psyker is likely more dangerous than an Imperial Psyker of the same class due to Psytech boost, but at the same time part of our Philosophy Bonus is literally "Our Psykers have more Soul Protections against Chaos (because Star Child) and are tremendously skilled and experienced (because they're actually potentially centuries old and have the time to safely learn and experiment)", so marking our Choirs as "Probably better on a one to one basis (because our dudes are actually a group rather than a single person), but PsyTech likely lets them swing as high as us" feels like a reasonable statement at this time.
That's why I tried to add the PsyTech rider to my statement.

On a one to one with proper support, a Duchy Psyker is likely more dangerous than an Imperial Psyker of the same class due to Psytech boost, but at the same time part of our Philosophy Bonus is literally "Our Psykers have more Soul Protections against Chaos (because Star Child) and are tremendously skilled and experienced (because they're actually potentially centuries old and have the time to safely learn and experiment)", so marking our Choirs as "Probably better on a one to one basis (because our dudes are actually a group rather than a single person), but PsyTech likely lets them swing as high as us" feels like a reasonable statement at this time.
Yah problem is at this point the Psytech isn't in the Research Part anymore and requires two actions, which gonna be like pulling teeth at this moment. Add in its Psytech for scouting and everyone is placing other things instead ahead of it. Only way I could see a stopgap is to make another ship design to include a pskyer in a more frontline role to use them. or see if the QM will say if there is more combat related Psytech to boosts the Choir that is locked behind the the first one. I would say grabbing a Protection based song and a frontline ship with a choir is the second best we can do.
I know the Alpha Legion is mnemonically Everywhere, but have they actually been involved with our history?
The Alpha Legion is around and aware, but... Well who knows.

The Lantern-Beares thundered with the cadence of its weaponry, boarding-shots peppering the 'Litany of Damnation' under the giggling glee of a Daemonette moments before its head was pulped by an enraged Skythe Shadowmourn's Warhammer, rage boiling through his armor and pounding in his skull as he beheld the fleet fraying before his eyes, only one command upon his lips as he turned to rage against the invaders of his ship. "FULL SPEED AT THE GOTHIC! NOW KILL THOSE CORPSE-WORSHIPPERS; I'LL BE DAMNED BEFORE I'LL LET THEM TAKE MY SHIP!"

An approving roar came from the cultists and brothers on the bridge, as well as the entire ship now filled with the bloodlust of the soon-to-be dead.

Only Amadel Bryarwound did not cheer. Instead, light began to flicker on his fingers as he stealthily traced runes within the air.

He was not willing to die for this fool, and these...Glimmerings were far too fascinating to leave unattended.

'After all,' he thought, triggering the pre-placed ritual charges in another system and letting himself be pulled through the Warp, his armor changing from the Red, Black, and Brass of the Red Corsairs into the Blue, Silver, and Green of his true allegiance. 'For the Emperor,' he finished, the portal blinking out.

Also they may have had something to do with those scout ships never being sent from Voxx. Though that may have been a demon of Tzeentch, I forget and don't feel like looking.
Awww. I love the little suckers. Maybe we could do a free action to let them have one or two of the terraformable planets in our territory, and make that a protectorate? Could we ask them if they want that at the very least? I'd be willing to give up just about any of the terraformable planets to them. I imagine they'd like Megaflora, Planetary Mangroves or Temperate Forests and Mild Arctic?
A bit late, but you can do/push for something like that in the next Constitutional Convention in 900.M42.
I am sadness.

But overall wow, it actually works. Can I be greedy again and drop Length another 1 or 2 notches for more DP without issue?
You can try! :V
Huh, how big are Hab-blocks on average because that seems like a lot and insane its in open revolt at any time but seems to fit at the same time.
Somewhere between 10k to 1mil per Hab Block.
A little late, but asking about who the person/people in charge is/are, what their governmental powers are, and who their heirs are if such exist/their replacement process, sounds like a good idea?

Otherwise, who they're in diplomatic contact with, beyond who they're at war with, sounds like a good question as well.
Lord Duke Mandelbite Manna is the fop in charge, with his son in line for the throne. He is basically an absolute monarch in his powers.

As for diplomatic contact...none. They only have enemies.
A bit late, but you can do/push for something like that in the next Constitutional Convention in 900.M42.
Well, now I just gotta remember that for the next convention.

@Neablis of the future - Push for granting terraformable worlds to the Irrita! And write more Omakes about them.

As for diplomatic contact...none. They only have enemies.
Ah, staying Imperial in all the important ways. They may be developing psytech and loosing the reins on a few things, but they're never going to be able to have stable fronts against other politys we have. Though it sounds like if we expand into their space then we would inherit those same fronts. Hard to make peace with Orks & these new Xenos, not to mention Drukhari.
The yards are primarily "owned" by private interests, with Noble Houses owning only 17% of the yearly yard time. In truth, the yards are property of Voxx Primus second and Van Zandt first, as the polity massively aided in their construction and so sells "yard time" to its citizens, in which they can then use the facilities and workers with self-purchased materials to create ships. Sold yard time can be taken back at any time by Van Zandt for any reason.

Hmm do we do anything like this as far as civilian ship construction? Or I guess is that covered by the various milestones?
Surely I can make it work... I wanted those 2 DP to switch from Veteran Crews to Elite Crews with only a 1 DP Detriment.. Surely a 3 DP Detriment wouldn't be too painful! Surely...

And another one. Here's a go at a dedicated Medium Mine Layer Destroyer, which will hopefully be able to be built in small fleets for free through Automation. I tried a Light Cruiser for the Large Mines but its either both boring to design a single role mine layer and too troublesome to get build actions for a non-essential Light Cruiser, or with a dual role it turned into 90% missiles while not being that good at mine laying.

Canis-Class Destroyer, Medium Mine Layer (16 DP)
-Length 1.200m (+4)
-Width - 200m (+4)
-Acceleration - 6 Gravities (+4)
-Armor - Thin Single Hull (+3)
-Shields - Singular Emitter (+2)
-Weapons - 1x Light Missile Turret, 3x Medium Mine Layers (-7)
-Equipment - Reflective Hull Coating/Stealth Engine Dampeners/Ghosts Amidts the Stellar Winds/Elite Crews/Enhanced Strategium/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations (-26)

A cousin to the Lupus Torpedo Destroyer, the Canis is a sideways step to the fleet doctrine of the Glimmering Federation. Facing a hostile peer level fleet for the first time, a tender was put out for a solution to creating a low cost, strategically significant mine field that can form a defensive deterrent at hostile borders. The Star Child's Magos of War, of Reconnaissance, of Munitions met in binaric congress to answer the call.

More of a military engineering vessel than a combat voidcraft, it is a small, unassuming ship that seems flimsy with its basic hull, simple shield emitter and low power engines. However, the Canis wields some of the most advanced Naval technologies available and is filled with the Federation's finest void sailors and minds in orbital mechanics, voidship navigation and tactics, and high explosive engineering.

The covert capabilities of the Chamleon in a more discreet package, it relies on stealth to hide its activities from enemy scouts or avoid hostile patrols. It is expected to operate in occupied systems where it can easily resupply and never directly enter combat.

Leveraging virtual iterations in the Enhanced Strategium, officers predict enemy fleet approaches and weave a net of destructive potential around possible routes, visualizing reaction and counter-reaction as many moves ahead as feasible. Minefields are delicately arranged, punishing the unwary and seeking to bar access to certain zones while baiting entry to others, breaking voidship formations and herding hostiles into disadvantageous positions while providing clear lines of fire and maneuver to our own fleets.

Wargaming scenarios and competition between crew and ships keep minds vigilant as the slow work of mine laying is completed and ships withdraw into the deep black, to hang motionless in the void observing their invisible gardens, occasionally approaching to gently tend drifting mines or prune old fields to make way for new growth. A work of monotonous toil mixed with theory, simulation and endless waiting, these dedicated crews spend their years on edge, the constant tick of anticipation in the back of their minds for when they can finally realize the transformation of barely contained potential into reality.

Every sailor both dreads and dreams of the day they can witness that carefully orchestrated arrangement unfold, when blooms of riotous plasma leap out of the void to embrace the enemy.

Trying a bit too hard with the flavour text now.

It sneaky, it lay mines, it have smrt crew so lay mine good.

1. Will these weapons fit on this hull?
2. Can I fit a Small or Medium Hanger instead of the Missiles?
3. Does Elite Crews improving everything on a ship improve the minefields it lays?
4. What does Enhanced Strategium do specifically? Does it help plan and lay out mines perfectly? (please)
6. Does it count as a dedicated mine layer as in this post?
Also, somewhere around ~30 Lupus, or ~10 dedicated Designs for minelaying.

[X] Black Ash Clan, Black Cat Company, and The Croaf Hegemony
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1. Will these weapons fit on this hull?
Doubtful. You have 4 weapons on here, 3 of them medium, while going with the absolute bare minimum size you could do. Also, I'm pretty sure that Elite Crews would be a waste for a simple mine layer when it could have greater size, and the Enhanced Strategium also isn't optimal for something that just swoops in and lays some mines down.
As we get 3 destroyers per turn i was thinking what to build once we have enough scouts, a mine layer is one option these are what i was thinking of:

[] [Destroyer] Aid(16DP)
-[] Length - 1.600 Meters
-[] Width - 400 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 8 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thick Single Hull +1
-[] Shields - One Array
-[] Weapons - (Write-In, Example: Type/Mounting.)
--[] Medium Hangars - [Mixed] (1)
-[] Equipment - (Write-In, Example: #1, #2, #3.)
--[] Propaganda Center - Be it a vox-caster, pict-recorder, or pamphlet, this center for propaganda is more than capable of churning out hundreds of methods to turn a population for or against any thing, opinion, person, action, or idea as long as it is allowed to work its magic unmolested.(6)
--[] Large Mobile Civilian Manufactory - A large manufactory designed to produce sophont aid goods, such as tents, medicine, and construction equipment, with materials sourced locally.(5)
--[] Orders of the Guiding Hands - "We can help these misguided souls. Thus, we shall." This is the guiding motto of a large, if not remarkably cohesive, collection of Faith Orders seeking to aid, preach to, and protect the populations of recently liberated or conquered worlds. How can we deny the requests of the faithful to extend a guiding hand if we seek a better Age?(5)

A ship designed to help with worlds after they have been taken. With propoganda and the orders to change them to our ideals and faith, and aid Manufactory to keep them alive while doing so.

[] [Destroyer] Landing support(16DP)
-[] Length - 1.600 Meters
-[] Width - 400 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 8 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thick Single Hull +1
-[] Shields - One Array
-[] Weapons - (Write-In, Example: Type/Mounting.)
--[] Medium Hangars - [Mixed] (1)
-[] Equipment - (Write-In, Example: #1, #2, #3.)
--[] Medical Deployment Division - Sometimes, a ship should not bring war. Sometimes, a healing hand must be given freely. And with the ability to deploy medical care to entire planets, even if only the most critical locations, that helping hand shall be extended. Always.(5)
--[] Large Teleportarium - These Teleporters can send ten roughly Ogryn-sized objects through the Warp in a straight line every second, often blocked by more than ten meters of solid matter. Yet, the versatility of surprise boarding troops outweighs the drawbacks.(5)
--[] Small Troop Compartment - Enough space and Life Support Systems to transport four ground military units through the Warp.(2)
--[] Small On-Board Manufactory - Creating supply parts while en route or on patrol can greatly enhance the length of fleet operations away from friendly ports or allied outposts.(4)

Part of the fleet of army transports provides a Teleportarium to move not only troops but also the supplies made in the Small On-Board Manufactory
Has a large hospital to keep the troops healthy and help with the rebuilding once the fighting is over.
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Yah problem is at this point the Psytech isn't in the Research Part anymore and requires two actions, which gonna be like pulling teeth at this moment. Add in its Psytech for scouting and everyone is placing other things instead ahead of it. Only way I could see a stopgap is to make another ship design to include a pskyer in a more frontline role to use them. or see if the QM will say if there is more combat related Psytech to boosts the Choir that is locked behind the the first one. I would say grabbing a Protection based song and a frontline ship with a choir is the second best we can do.

I was talking about how the Duchy has augmented their Psyker Forces with Psytech, compared to us who have augmented our Psyker Forces with love, care, cooperation, and longevity treatments.

Their PsyTech likely allows their Psykers to swing up a solid degree, the Null Field Generator being one example we already know about, but at the same time it seems heavily implied that our Choirs are better than their PsyTechs on a generalized one to one basis, or at the very least are more reliable.
Struggle, Fire
Struggle, Fire, Hope
Protection, Struggle, The Void
Struggle, Unity, Hope
Struggle, Progress, Compassion, Unity

What would any of these be coded as, as a song, @HeroCooky
Also, I'd like to know what would be:

Struggle, Fire, Humanity, Unity, Hope, Song
(Intention: Whip people up into a revolutionary fervor)

Song, Mercy, Slumber, Compassion, Humanity
(Song to make enemy humans want to stop fighting and lay down their arms)
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The four Quest thoughts I had waking up are:

1) actually we DO need some Combat Songs for all of those Half-Mortal Choirs on Voxx Primus.
2) If we have any time (so we won't) at all we absolutely should take a single action to try to expand Juvenat availability... not a huge amount, but enough to cover the Choirs and some key figures on Voxx Primus.
3) We should have at least four SBGs and be partially towards the fifth before we declare the state of emergency to start spamming them out.
4) Before we do SBGs, we should take the "Van Zandt ships" Research action, just to be sure we're not missing anything.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Jul 1, 2024 at 12:01 PM, finished with 30 posts and 16 votes.
1 = Black Ash and Co.
2 = Mashan Temples and Co.
HeroCooky threw 2 2-faced dice. Total: 2
1 1 1 1
Hmm do we do anything like this as far as civilian ship construction? Or I guess is that covered by the various milestones?
You have Civilian, SDF, and Federation Shipyards that are owned by Federation Members/Civilian Groups/Corporations/A Mix Thereof, Federation Members, and the Federation as a whole.
1. Will these weapons fit on this hull?
2. Can I fit a Small or Medium Hanger instead of the Missiles?
3. Does Elite Crews improving everything on a ship improve the minefields it lays?
4. What does Enhanced Strategium do specifically? Does it help plan and lay out mines perfectly? (please)
6. Does it count as a dedicated mine layer as in this post?
1. No. I'd drop the missiles or make the ship larger by downgrading/removing the Strategiums and Stealth Equipment.
2. I would do none. But you can fit a small one.
3. It would, but not by much.
4. It enhances the strategic and tactical impact of a ship and the fleet as a whole.
5. It would.
Struggle, Fire
Struggle, Fire, Hope
Protection, Struggle, The Void
Struggle, Unity, Hope
Struggle, Progress, Compassion, Unity

What would any of these be coded as, as a song, @HeroCooky
Too few Melodies.
With Fire Armed
Shielded Against Horrors
Give Them Light
Forward As One United, Unidived, Unrepentant
Also, I'd like to know what would be:

Struggle, Fire, Humanity, Unity, Hope, Song
(Intention: Whip people up into a revolutionary fervor)

Song, Mercy, Slumber, Compassion, Humanity
(Song to make enemy humans want to stop fighting and lay down their arms)
Let Our Souls Ignite The Flames Of Kindred Minds Against The Roaring World

Let Kindred Souls Dream Of Better Days Of Cruelty Devoid
If we ever create The Celestial Orrery I came up with 2 names for the new ship that uses The Celestial Orrery. pathfinder for a scout ship and phantom for a stealth ship
You have Civilian, SDF, and Federation Shipyards that are owned by Federation Members/Civilian Groups/Corporations/A Mix Thereof, Federation Members, and the Federation as a whole.
1. No. I'd drop the missiles or make the ship larger by downgrading/removing the Strategiums and Stealth Equipment.
2. I would do none. But you can fit a small one.
3. It would, but not by much.
4. It enhances the strategic and tactical impact of a ship and the fleet as a whole.
5. It would.
Too few Melodies.
With Fire Armed
Shielded Against Horrors
Give Them Light
Forward As One United, Unidived, Unrepentant
Let Our Souls Ignite The Flames Of Kindred Minds Against The Roaring World

Let Kindred Souls Dream Of Better Days Of Cruelty Devoid

I want this so fucking bad.
Too few Melodies.
With Fire Armed
Shielded Against Horrors
Give Them Light
Forward As One United, Unidived, Unrepentant
Let Our Souls Ignite The Flames Of Kindred Minds Against The Roaring World

Let Kindred Souls Dream Of Better Days Of Cruelty Devoid
Sounds like more complex Songs get more complex names. Which I interpret as more significant effects. Of course simpler Songs are easier to upgrade by improving all of their Melodies but that's the price I guess.
Also, I think this word is pretty key:

Let Our Souls Ignite The Flames Of Kindred Minds Against The Roaring World

It works on people who are already on our side or would be, but either don't know about us or don't have the bravery to fight for their convictions.

Which means it's perfect for the Hive because, like. People know this is shit! I refuse to believe that the 99.999% of people in the Hive who have a shit lot all or even mostly or even 'strong minority' think that actually things are great.

But it cannot incite where there is no discontent, or where the solution cannot seem aspirational.

That is to say, it's something that works best against fucking Hellholes, and worst against even moderately non-shit governments.