I hope not, because it's almost Old World of Darkness levels of missing god in its badness. Seriously, that's not a very good option either.
But I understand that in this case you are a supporter of the Dresden prevailing side. Whereas I see it from the point of view of Exalt primacy. And I don't think there is a way to reconcile the settings without one side coming out weaker than the other. Either the Exalts came first or the White God.
No it is not.
The Dresdenverse is a death world, but this is a vastly sunnier setting than oWoD, even with the imports. There's only 30x Fallen, and they are bound, as compared to the thousands of Demons and Earthbound in oWoD. The Black Court are nonexistent as a geopolitical power, compared to the Kindred in oWoD. There is no Pentex. There is no Wyrm.
There's no old monster about to show up and eat half of the Indian subcontinent, no demon that owns an entire region of eastern Europe.
Its a Dresdenverse setting, modelled on ExWoD mechanics .
To quote Holden, the Exalted are guests here, not natives. And it shows. A Yama King can enslave an Exalt in ExWoD, turn them into a greater akuma forever, and once that step is taken, it apparently cant be undone.
We have a deal with Lydia to take restless souls, that felt they died with life unlived, into Sanctuary to get new bodies.
The steps of ressurection for Molly are simple. 1 where is the soul, 2 find soul, 3 ask soul if they want to live again, if yes, 4 take to Sancturary wait day and they get a new body.
Lydia is daughter of ONE death god. She has power over the undead and the restless dead.
Lydia does not have jurisdiction over souls or where they go naturally; she can potentially send lingering ghosts to a particular location, but thats something she still has to learn to do.
She cannot divert ghosts and souls from their fated destination. She isnt arm-wrestling Hades for Elysium-bound dead.
She most definitely does not have jurisdiction over the soul of Arthur fricking Pendragon, which passed on back when her father still ruled Annwyn. And there is literally nothing in her toolset or ours to allow the summoning of someone thats moved Beyond.
You are VASTLY overestimating our influence over the setting.
Wouldn't that imply that one of the Ages of the Wheel is when everything is (proto)Wyld and Creation itself needs to be made by Primordials?
So if Primordials developed naturally, was the White God's only intervention making the Wyld and then hiding for Ages? While letting Primordials decide what form the Creation and its inhabitants were even going to take?
Because that is indeed quite "hands off", to put it mildly.
Yes, I assume that's so.
We dont know how directly the White God was involved. Dude is supposed to be subtle enough that if he doesnt want you to see his hand, you wont see it; his archangels explicitly work across hundreds of years, setting up plays that bear fruit generations later across entire populations. The boss is going to be a lot better at this sort of thing.
Especially since this is a setting where life isnt restricted to Earth.
The Primordials claim to have developed spontaneously in canon 2E. But we only have their word for it.
That may not be true in this AU. And that assumes that everything they recorded themselves to have done was true; the Ebon Dragon for example, is known to be quite fond of lying.
Even without lying, there's things they take credit for that there's no evidence for; see the Maidens and their brother, who showed up out of nowhere and the Primordials immediately assumed that they created them in the future.