What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Ok yeah something spooky going on with Voxx perhaps use our agents on world to look into it after the recent witch hunt dies down?
Fucking hell every update carries like 8 pages of stuff inbetween.

In order;
"Hey. Want to taste pure happiness? Yeah you do. Here. First bite's free. After that, it'll cost ya..."

One of the titles of a Primaris Psyker.

Youe definition of people contains vastly more sophonts than that of the Imperium.

Yes and MMI + a 9 Action Write-In.
YES! we can sell chocolate like its drugs and that's what most Hivers and the Nobles will think it is. A very powerful drug that brings you happiness and bliss, this 'Chocolate' must be stopped. LOL

Oh okay, didn't know that.

Ah, so 300 billion Humans for the Imperials and 700 People for us because we include the ab-humans, mutants, and the like.

Yah that makes sense, we are grabbing every Psycher. So how do Space Marine go about getting Librarians? And ahhhh fuck, that is a MASSIVE investment but if I recall correctly Dreadnaughts are worth it and not just a meme but the problem is the interface to pilot one is a bit fucked up for normal use and thus why its only crippled or heavily wounded Space Marines that are in put in it since its not something you can pilot like a normal vehicle.

Still we can do the MMI considering we still need to do it keep our promise but that 9 action write in....damn that's a tall ask.

It suffers from a distinct case of "No Purpose-Made Civilian Available" as it is. Once I am back home, I'm gonna add some that can be used for specialist aid ships like the Cassiopeia. But in its current form around 10~15 would be able to massively help a planet suffering a crisis like famine or plague, if not outright stop it in its tracks, or reduce a loss of Dev Levels when incorporating new planets.
Oh joy we can make Aid ships now, that slots the roles well and while it is a massive ask for how the current number needed right now, that is a big thing that we can put those ships on a planet to help and negate the Development loss when incorporating a new planet or just to stop a crisis. I think it'd be worth a ship design and production but only a single fleet's worth right now. Could this be done to help settle Hostile or Death worlds at all without losing the Development levels?

It could be darkly amusing if the Imperials notice our subversion by the resounding lack of incoherent screaming in human suffering. An Administratum clerk notices a distinct lack of expected disease fatalities and Corpse-starch material harvesting from Underhive Segment 171. The AdMech foundation-maintenance team realize there's a worrying lack of battle-damage repair work being done and some lay-person has to explain that's because the gangs aren't fighting there. Eventually the Arbites get very, very concerned that there's a black hole in their map of rampaging psykers and become convinced there's a cult.

Thinking about the current situation though would Imperial Psykers be a reasonable class of people to try to subvert? They're watched closely but they get treated quite badly. Psyker-Lord Shem Al-Abdazzah probably has all the bribes he could ask for his service but getting the people tasked with finding the local psykers to cook the books to cover for our gang might be an option. The Star Child has a lot to offer a psyker compared to an Imperial Noble or Officer.
.... I want to say that's just a meme and it wouldn't be the case.... but I can see that being a legit way of being found out when we hit a certain size. All of that.... normalness just doesn't happen in the Hives. Its suppose to have a lot of people dying o diseases and loads of bodies just waiting to be processed into Corpse Starch, there is suppose to damage from gangs, at least to non-critical parts and reports of destruction. There is suppose to be report of Psykers going mad and destroying things at least sometimes. To have a break in between is a relief but to have silence or a prolonged period of it is worrying. Because there implies something else at work there and non of it good (from their view) and then investigate us because of it.

Hmmm, I mean given how we know Psykers are treated you would think they would be willing to jump ship to us. Maybe the Chocolate as a bribe? Not sure how much we can offer without having them in our territory.

"Please pick up that pen and put it in its place," Kharom spoke to the Servitor, waiting as its mindless eyes stared at him for two seconds.

After those two seconds, the Servitor turned to look at the pen in their hands and took the small blue thing.

Once in their hands, the bioconstruct stared at the pen, and one could nearly hear an audible whirring, but that was only within the heads of the assembled watchers, before the Servitor moved again, turning around and marching to the boxes clearly labeled "Blue Pen" and "Pen - Blue" at arms-height.

A moment passed as the Servitor looked left, then right, before staring up...and lifted the pen into a third box, high above, labeled "Its Place."

The assembled crowd went wild.
Oh shit, voice commands! we can give them voice commands and they can actually follow them without messing it. Even paid attention to the wording of it. Nice, I can see why this will boost the economy a lot. You don't need to be guiding or instructing them every step of the way with this.

-[] Servo-Skull Militarization Initiative
(Gain: Attempt to militarize Servo-Skulls.)
Wait, Militarize the Servo-Skulls? didn't expect that at all. I guess having them be like Drones with scouting, targeting, and harassing?

-[] Shipyard Automatization II (0/2)
(Gain: 2 Destroyers every Turn.)
Yup, like was stated a lot of times before, Gate that unlocks the automatization tree and allows for more. we can start increasing passive production of the destroyers now. At the very least we can have the scouts refill again.

-[] Reconstruct The Shattered STC-Fragment (0/10)
(Gain: An STC Fragment.)
Huh, that went down by two. Was that due to the Servitor upgrade or the automatization? Also thinking on this more, its almost guaranteed that we will be given an option as to WHAT the STC fragment holds and given some options. Might be worth it to start this after we solve the Dutchy problem.

Full-on War against the Underhive of the Capital, around ~180 million dead, several billions displaced, total casualties likely to exceed one billion at the end of the "Heretical Psyker Purge." Complete hysteria in the middle/upper Hives on the planet with Witch Hunts, sanctioned and not, burning and killing suspected Psykers, Witches, Heretics, Undesirables, Mutants, and other targets of opportunity. Total casualties likely to land in the double-millions.

You escaped with around 92% of your forces and people intact by fucking off into the deeper parts or out of the Underhive altogether.
Holy Shit things exploded from the Choirs going there. So because they saw our Psykers and though there was a cabal of organized ones they went balls deep killing everything? or just clearing it all out? that was 180 million just in the Capital Underhive,Billion being displaced... that sounds like easy recruitment! Ouch though, one billion because of that.

and others in the middile and upper hives just staritng witch hunts and lots of innocents caught up in that but not any of our people I think since we're more focused on the UnderHive. At least most of our people got out.

They are shaping up well. Focus mostly on the new Kopesh for Destroyers at the moment, while also putting in the work for some Defensive Stations
Oh? they're building Defense Stations on their own? is that because they're on the frontline and bordering a hostile power? and how far are do those stations go? also what kind of defenses will this write in give? never got any feedback from anyone else.

-[] Write in- Begin the construction of Orbital Defenses around the Ultima Sagritta System. Focus should be on what can support each other and not to overextend, Planning of the Defense Stations should take into account the presence of at least one Sector Battle Group stationed in orbit around Ultima Sagritta for the foreseeable future. If there is time and room left in the budget Ground Base Anti-Orbital batteries should be built. Future expansion will focus on the further depth of the defenses and ability to base, supply, refit, repair, and service a Sector Battle Group in full at the system.

Also, why are our Lamenters dying so much? Are there any other reasons besides the outdated boarding craft they use?
And they're dying so much because the Lamenters have memetically terrible luck, the fact they have a secure and potent allied faction who they can withdraw to and recoup their losses from is enough to survive though.
Well their terrible Luck is a big reason for that, remember when they got shot while boarding the Chaos Flagship during the battle over the Arsenal world and we nearly lost our Dreadnought Chapter Master. A lot of them died from that, then more during the 621 campaign, then again fighting the Teleporting 100 meter large false hydras on the Grace of Hymns, which they suffered horrendous casualties from again. Its both terrible luck and they will throw themselves in danger to defend the people no matter what.

The fact we support them and give them a place to rest, recruit, rebuild, and retreat too is one of the biggest Boons they have ever gotten. And I wonder how the Lamenters on the other side of the rift are doing and how they would react if they met these Lamenters.

Eternal Promise-Class Temple Ship
-Length - 7.200m
-Width - 1.400m
-Acceleration - 2.4 Gravities
-Armor - Thick Fortress Armor
-Shields - One Aegis
-Weapons - 6x Boarding Torpedos/4x Medium Plasma Macro-Cannon Batteries/2x Heavy Plasma Macro-Cannon Turrets/2x Heavy Hangars (Boarding) (Total: 120 Boarders)
-Equipment - Armored Prow/Auto-Loaders/Strict Pilot Training/Dedicated Ortillery/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Emergency Maneuver Thrusters/Armored Bridges/Harsh Crew Training/Improved Internal Security Systems/Snapshot Pinpoint Targeting Solutions/Chapels to the Five /Large Teleportarium/After-Burner Macro-Shells/Shield Overload
Well shit, that's impressive. Tough nut to crack and loving the Name it is fitting for the Chapter. Damn, a lot of Plasma Macro Cannons with Hangars and a lot of boarding stuff. I think we should use the research next time for boarding craft upgrade since I think that will help a lot with the Lamenters given their thing and one of their attacks is boarding.

The fleet of the Free Dutchy seems to have prioritized a lot of Destroyers and Frigates, with only a few Light Cruiser. A lot, and I mean a lot, of Cobras are in there, alongside some other mainstay staples of an Imperial fleet, but...there are some designs you don't know, but they look nimble. They seem Doctrinally to be focused on chucking a lot of torpedos at their foes though?
Huh, so they went Torpedo spam and swarm tactics. I mean it is a good one but damn, so knowing Imperium tactics, its going to have a bunch of them dying but with Torpedos already under way and more firing still. Something to keep in mind.

Where Our Homes Used To Be - Life upon Where Iron Screams, Where Gods Die, and Where Dreams Bloom is not easy. The deserts claim more and more with every year, and soon, nothing will be left of their people. Bees are already extinct, and candles slowly vanish. Faith will quickly follow. Yet, the roads are still free, their vehicles still run, and the portals that connect their planets are still open. Time to make themselves a new home.
(Focus: A clan upon one of the three planets mentioned above establishes a new home for themselves amidst dying worlds.)
Oh shit, well we didn't go over there since it was moving through another faction's territory but could we send expeditions to independent worlds? Still this looks like it needs the Glimmering Federation's help. Biosphere collapse, can we help them at all or has it past that point?

One Must Imagine A Cog Happy- For a cog knows its place. Knows its purpose. Knows that it has a duty that shall be fulfilled and when it will no longer have to do said duty. But they are not a cog. Not anymore. They are something else. They. Are. Sand. A bit thrown into a machine that grinds people into fuel and goods does nothing...but throw some more? Again? And again? The gears slow. The cogs break. The machinery slows...and it must be halted to perform maintenance. But it shall not start again. Not if they have any say in it.
(Focus: A rebel cell within the Croaf Hegemony prepares their next strike in a seemingly endless war. There is nothing but cold fury and old hatred to be found.)
Ohhh, that gives some more information on the Hegemony and how some things are going. So the rebel groups are looking in the long term and how they plan to break the machine over time with enough gunk and junk tossed into the grinds. I don't think it will happen anytime soon but the Hegemony is working its way to civil war in the future.

BURN THEIR HOMES! BAR THE BANKS! STRIKE NOW! - The Ashan Families are made up of those who want one thing, and one thing only: money. Though power is part of that, everyone, from the lowest union member to the highest mafia boss, desires one thing: to make it rich. Everything bends in that direction, and though barely a functioning state, thanks to that, the Families hold together when it comes to those willing to burn it all down. Many have tried, and many will follow.
(Focus: An anti-government riot is brutally put down by the enforcers of the Ashan Families.)
Ohhh, so the government barely functions and there have been anti-government riots since the focus is on making money above all. and this is just one of many, still they might be worth keeping on eye on.

A Legacy Of War - Their fight was long. It was bloody. It took much, demanded more, and destroyed all. Hands were fed to its slavering maw, bodies broken upon the anvil of war, souls sacrificed with every day, and the howling of those left behind by the honored dead grew silent with each one taken to the front. And yet, the war is long over. The scars are there...but the wounds have healed. The children grow strong, no longer slaving to create guns but chafing as they are forced to learn to read and write. It is an odd thing for one who has witnessed it all...yet they find it a good oddity.
(Focus: A veteran of the 621 United Cults War dies. They recall the changes, good and bad, as their soul slips away into oblivion.)
I'm always a sucker for these kind of things. that war that spanned centuries and defined generations and now the Veteran of that said is recalling how different things are know for the grandkids and how they don't have to go through what did and how different they act and live now.

Choir of the Wastes calling home.

The unknown ships of the Free Duchy are...weird. They sing of combat between daggers and metal skin. Of journeys into the Warp to join dances. There is no Corruption, yet...their machine-spirits rejoice at the thought of cutting.

We advice extreme caution if they are to be engaged.
That...... Okay, the Choir that is stationed topside in the wastes detected either the reinforcements of ships here to help with the purge on the hives or being built and being stationed there for two decades has let them notice the changes. Either way based on how the ships are not corrupted, at least not yet, but sing of journeys into the warp to join dance and of combat between daggers and metal skin... that can mean a lot of things and maybe the Machine Spirits starting to become bloodthristy or something similar to the AI before rebelling?
Mercy Is the Privilege of the Strong - [Canon]
Mercy Is the Privilege of the Strong

Black painted Contours, The sign of the houseless, The honourless and so on became highlighted as the Internal systems and War-Torch that sat in Dies Mundi's Head came to life with a bone shaking humm that she knew better then the sound of her own blood in her ears.

Steps born of experience and haste born of the Frozen rage within her breast, Dies Mundi and its latest incarnation of flesh/Pilot stamped towards the arena where the "Honourable" tournament was being carried out.

It had been the work of decades to gain participation in this tournament. Tens, if not hundreds of would be contenders acting as little more than stepping stones for her to arrive in order to gain the political capital to acquire a seat.
When Marian Anne Taylor Nightingale Septimus the 34th of her name was young, Her mother had sat her upon her knee, and told her of mercy -


With nary a flinch visible in the movement of the knight, despite Marian and Dies Mundis's thoughts/Data stream being interrupted, The Massive knight Errant continued forward, Passing through the titanic wooden doors that had been pulled open by a cavalcade of peasantry who had been conscripted to act as stagehands for today.

Paying no heed to the words that poured out of the Boorish Bards mouth, expousing the virtues of both her and her opponent even as he attempted to rouse the crowd of low nobles who came to watch the bloodsport masquerading as a Rite of kingship, Marian Anne Taylor instead studied her opponent.

Doom Impenetrable, of House Lapis Mori, Covered in Bright Blue and Dark green paint was a bold image. Memories of Sharing a battlefield with The Great knight against the enemies of the God Emperor (A term that had sent all of the "Proper" ladies gasping at the Idea that the leader of humanity was Male of all things, and so had found its way into Marians lexicon), before the Black paint, mixed and were tainted by Marians own memories, both of what the house and other like it had done, and how the pilot had acted in the Preceding feast before the tournament, Gossiping like a child.

Seeming quite proud of himself, The bard trailed off, finished with whatever talltale he had spouted, The Bard Pulled on the cord that sat within his spot of honor, Setting off the Great Ceremonial Howitzers, Built from the remains of mangled Knight Paladin Battlecannons to "honor" Their contribution, sounded, firing short lived magnesium foil that illuminated the Arena like a curtain of fire even as their thundering roar was drowned out by the Warhorns of the knights.

As if Sharing a Data stream, A bare moment before the Firing Mechanism could fire the howitzers, The Warhorns of Both Knights called their Deafening battlecries in synchronized hate, Deafening those without enough funds or sense to bring ear protection, Even as the Titanic machines Burst into blurs of movement that would Stun and leave many speechless, Underestimating the sheer agility that the building sized Knights possessed.

Chainsword and Ion shield Met BattleCannon Shells, Leaving clouds of Smoke behind even as they were knocked from the sky, Hardened Adamantium more than sufficient. Even as she deflected the Paladins Signature battlecannon, the Leg of Doom Impenetrable was met with a thermal Cannonade. Doom Impenetrables shields flared, Trying and failing to stop the thermal energy. Robbed of some of its power, The Thermal cannon failed to take the Knights Leg, Merely Turning the Outer Plating of the knight Paladins Leg to burning slag and causing mechanism to snag for a fraction of a second.

And yet a fraction was enough to cause a stumble, a stumble lasting barely half a second, caused by the leg absorbing enough firepower to slag many more minor vehicles of war. Cogitators Whirred to life, calculation of Kinematics flared into being/ Marian's training took over, Instincts screaming-
Dies Mundis/Marian Moved, Legs Pumping with enough force to dent Adamantium, Thermal cannon Digging into the sand of the arena for balance, Glassing the sand with residual heat. Dies Mundis/Marian's ChainReaper dived forward, lancing into the Damaged joint, Shredding the Inner Meat/Mechanism of her opponents leg and pulling Her competitor to the ground by hooking into the remaining armor plate that covered the Knights "Ankle", Even as Dies Mundis/Marian's Shoulder met Doom Impenetrable's in a clash that could have, Had, flattened Tanks before and in doing thus destroyed any hope for the Great knight to maintain its balance.

Even before the crowd could finish the exclamation that was growing on the Spectators lips, The Steaming Barrel of Dies Mundis's Thermal cannon rested against the head of Doom Impenetrable, Heat from the cooling barrel scorching the paint even as glass flaked off, Before erasing it all together as the Thermal cannon fired again, Erasing the Head, and Pilot, Of Doom Impenetrable.

The Outrage and booing began even before Dies Mundis had made it part way back to her hangar, Outrage over the lack of mercy given, Outrage over the death of a Major houses heir, outrage over the damage to the Valuable Knight and near irreplaceable knight Interface systems.

Marian cared not for any of it. Doom Impenatrable's pilot was not the only woman she had killed without a shred of mercy, and she would not be the last if it would see her sitting upon that throne.
Afterall, like her mother had said before their House had been decimated by the underhanded ways of those they had apparently ruled, Mercy was the Privilege of the Strong, and was meant for the weak.

Marian was not strong, She had not been when she was 10 and watching her home be torn apart by "Chaos" Armiger's, and she was not yet strong despite being a woman of 60 years with 3 daughters. She had not a shred of mercy in her. In the Back of her Mind, Marian Could feel the approval. The Ghosts (Data patterns) Of Dies Mundis Previous pilots a constant companion.

@HeroCooky This is For Kings kneel, Knights kill obviously, Does this work?
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Kings Kneel, Knights Kill - Honor! Duty! Glory! Words to live by, words to die by! By Strength; Mercy! The words of her House are the only words she shall ever heed. Let all the other useless girls prance and laugh all they want when they finish their duels for the throne; she did not join to end up as the ruler of a gaggle of bickering whiners! Her mother and mother-mothers bore witness to the fall of their House, but she shall ensure that their ghosts shall witness their rise once more because she shall win by any means. Mercy is for the weak, for only the strong can give it. And she is not yet strong...
(Focus: A contender for the Black Ash Clan Throne enters...and wins against all odds.)
Being merciful toward your enemies was being cruel to yourself. Most enemies wouldn't reciprocate your kindness; given the chance, they'd kill you without hesitation. Mercy was a luxury only the strong could afford.
Another thought is that all of the van Zandt ships are optimized to punch up as hard as possible. Torpedo destroyers, ramming-specialized ships, those are all things that are excellent at making small ships a threat to big ships

You know what they're not excellent at? Letting small ships fight other small ships on an even footing.

I'm wondering if the solution here is to just throw Crux's, Lupus's & Sagittarius's at them in very large numbers. It feels like range, missiles, mines & maneuverability should be a counter to torpedoes and rams.

My proposal here is that the shipbuilding action next turn isn't to fill out the sector battle group, but rather to do a normal build action of some scouts and then just a truckload of destroyers and frigates of our own which should counter their ships.
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[X] Plan: Make way for the next Generation
-[X] [Military] Design New Voidship Classes

--[X] Libra-Quartus (Libra-Q) Light Carrier
--[X] Sagittarius-Secundus (Sagittarius-S) Lance Frigate
--[X] Lupus-Secundus (Lupus-S) Torpedo Destroyer
--[X] Pyxis-Class High-Grade Scout Sloop
-[X] [General] Research:
--[X] Shipyard Automatization II (Action + bonus research action)
-[X] [Glimmering Research Publishing Institutes]
The Academic Initiatives are flourishing, facilitating improvements to the efficiency of research and production. But those involved all agree that there are more opportunities that lie fallow. A collection of proposals have been made to improve the research capabilities of the Glimmering Federation by establishing publishing institutes throughout the Federation that focus on streamlining the communication and dissemination of research. Specifically, too often does critical research go unreported because of the difficulty of communication or the presence of negative results, or it is missed by researchers who aren't aware of what keywords to look for. This is in addition to the difficult of repeating difficult experiments because of vague instructions. These institutes would focus on fixing these problems by creating an integrated research reporting framework and rewarding well-demonstrated negative results just as strongly as positive results. Peer reviewers would be paid for their work, and basic science will be rewarded with prestige as strongly as exciting applied research. With these institutes, the saying "A month in the lab will save you a day in the library" will become a true joke instead of a painful reminder.

With the edit to the research-write in.
[X] Plan: Building Up A Fleet And Lining It UP--Mx. Automatic Version
-[X] [Military] Design New Voidship Classes -
Libra Q
--[X] Pyxis-Class
--[X] Lupus-Secondus
--[X] Saggitarius-S
---[X] [Free] Send the new Libra Q, Lupus-Secndus and Saggitarius-S straight to Ultima Sigritta as soon as they are completed and shaken down.
-[X] The Adherents of the Divine Lines
-[X] [General] Research:

--[X] Shipyard Automatization II (0/2)(1 and a Free Research)

Here's @The Laurent 's plan.

While the academic write in action in the post before sounds good, I think we can't afford to let the Heresies be.
[X] Plan: Prepping the Faith
-[X] [Military] Militarize The Schools Of Paladins
-[X] [Faith] The Great Heresies
--[X] The Adherents of the Divine Lines
-[X] Write in- Begin the construction of Orbital Defenses around the Ultima Sagritta System. Focus should be on what can support each other and not to overextend, Planning of the Defense Stations should take into account the presence of at least one Sector Battle Group stationed in orbit around Ultima Sagritta for the foreseeable future. If there is time and room left in the budget Ground Base Anti-Orbital batteries should be built. Future expansion will focus on the further depth of the defenses and ability to base, supply, refit, repair, and service a Sector Battle Group in full at the system.

[X] Plan: A Song For the Future
-[X] [General] Research:
--[X] Shipyard Automatization II (0/2)(1 and a Free Research)
-[X] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Silence II, Perception II, Grounding II, Creativity II, Song III. )
-[X] Write in- Begin the construction of Orbital Defenses around the Ultima Sagritta System. Focus should be on what can support each other and not to overextend, Planning of the Defense Stations should take into account the presence of at least one Sector Battle Group stationed in orbit around Ultima Sagritta for the foreseeable future. If there is time and room left in the budget Ground Base Anti-Orbital batteries should be built. Future expansion will focus on the further depth of the defenses and ability to base, supply, refit, repair, and service a Sector Battle Group in full at the system.
[X] Plan: Make way for the next Generation
[X] Plan: Building Up A Fleet And Lining It UP--Mx. Automatic Version

If we do the autoloader research, I assume that means we're planning on redesigning the Scorpio's & Crux's?
[X] Plan: Building Up A Fleet And Lining It UP--Mx. Automatic Version

Gotta make sure you regularly water your automation tree.

[X] Plan: Make way for the next Generation
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[X] Plan: Make way for the next Generation
[X] Plan: Building Up A Fleet And Lining It UP--Mx. Automatic Version

If we do the autoloader research, I assume that means we're planning on redesigning the Scorpio's & Crux's?

It's on the list, and I think I just pointed out exactly why autoloaders makes a massive difference with the Turbo Crux in particular.
Oh? they're building Defense Stations on their own? is that because they're on the frontline and bordering a hostile power? and how far are do those stations go? also what kind of defenses will this write in give? never got any feedback from anyone else.
Its because you said that the system is a military focused one. So they focus on militaty stuff. :V

And they are basically the Defense Stations you fight in Battlefleet Gothic Armada 2: a station with a gun

And your write-in would basically give that system one of the BFGA2 Citadel Defense Stations.
Weaving_Dreamer said:
Oh shit, well we didn't go over there since it was moving through another faction's territory but could we send expeditions to independent worlds? Still this looks like it needs the Glimmering Federation's help. Biosphere collapse, can we help them at all or has it past that point?
You can, and you'd need to look at the planets to have a clue if you can.
@HeroCooky This is For Kings kneel, Knights kill obviously, Does this work?
I'll read this later, for now: threadmark.