What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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If you want a dedicated Logistics ship that isn't going to run into Problems, it can't be significantly smaller than the ships it's working on
The Cassiopeia is not a repair ship. It does not have a repair bay! It's not indented to travel with the fleet at all! If you read the flavortext, it literally says all of this.

It's the largest possible destroyer, packing a mix of missionaries, doctors and engineers intended to deploy to a planet after a disaster, along with excess carrying capacity to evacuate people and bring in pacification troops in a pinch. @HeroCooky There seems to be an argument that the Cassiopeia is effectively worthless because it's destroyer-sized. Is that true? Would the Aquarius above be 9x better at that role because of it's size? It would be 9x more expensive. Should I trim all of the fat off the Cassiopeia to make it scout-costed so we could produce more? It just feels like we don't understand how to take advantage of these civilian modules.
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[] [Frigate] Sagitarrius-secundus (Sagitarrius-S) Lance Frigate
-[] Length
- 2.000 Meters
-[] Width - 550 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 7 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thin Double Hull
-[] Shields - Two Arrays
-[] Weapons - 3x Light Prow Lances (-9 DP)
-[] Equipment - Pure Lenses/Armored Lifepods/Ship Shrines/Emergency Manuever Engines/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Lens Cogitation Matrix Lattice (-11 DP)

A revisit on one of the Glimmering Federation's oldest ship designs--one long depreciated, but new insights gleaned in laser technology and the insights gathered through the trade with the Shipbuilder's Alliance have led to the development of a functional successor to the old Sagitarrius model. A Heavy Frigate in mass, it nonetheless has its own role as an artillery ship of great excellence, with its entire hull built around a triad of heavy lance weapons, optimized to the utmost to retain maximum cohesion over extended distances. This gives the Super Sagittarius a terrifyingly long reach, and its powerful reactors and advanced capacitors allow for the frigate to store energy in each weapon, allowing for either rippled salvos to batter down shields and rend armor, or to be delivered in one almighty Alpha Strike capable of disrupting the shields of vessels much heavier. While not a vessel to be committed in large numbers due to the expense and high level of technical expertise required in its construction, a squadron of Super Sagitarrius frigates can open interesting possibilities to a clever admiral.
The Cassiopeia is not a repair ship. It does not have a repair bay! It's not indented to travel with the fleet at all! If you read the flavortext, it literally says all of this.

It's the largest possible destroyer, packing a mix of missionaries, doctors and engineers intended to deploy to a planet after a disaster, along with excess carrying capacity to evacuate people and bring in pacification troops in a pinch. @HeroCooky There seems to be an argument that the Cassiopeia is effectively worthless because it's destroyer-sized. Is that true? Would the Aquarius above be 9x better at that role because of it's size? It would be 9x more expensive. Should I trim all of the fat off the Cassiopeia to make it scout-costed so we could produce more? It just feels like we don't understand how to take advantage of these civilian modules.

I mean, you gave it a range and supply advance, and a manufactory, which are both "Increase Range" options, neither of which are especially useful unless you're trying to do a repair thing. We are never sending one of these alone because it's virtually incapable of defending itself. You gave it boosts to its strike craft despite the fact it's not a strike craft, you give it range enhancers but it can't support anything but itself (And it's incapable of deploying solo), it doesn't even have stealth so you can't even call it a secret humanitarian ship!

It also has Troops because... Apparently you want to have this carry armies with it too like a shittier Taurus?

And you're doing all of this in a Destroyer Chassis. You're trying to do a multirole, largely civilian vessel in our smallest, most fragile, cheapest chassis possible, you've equipped it for long range operations but didn't give it the capacity to survive those, either through stealth or through might. You even gave it a mixed hangar because... Uh, reasons I guess! You're advertising it as a civilian vessel, but in a budget of 16 DP you've committed 10 of them to military efforts, and you drew from its ability to survive to get the budget to add that

That's why I think it's not a great choice, and I'm baffled that you're so committed to pushing it forward, though admittedly I wasn't quite as militant about my misgivings as I usually was, because I've been a bit distracted lately.
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[X] Plan: Keep calm, Automate Everything

[X] Plan: Keep calm, Ramp Up

[X] Plan: Economy Boost and Melodies
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[] [Frigate] Sagitarrius-secundus (Sagitarrius-S) Lance Frigate
-[] Length
- 2.000 Meters
-[] Width - 550 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 7 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thin Double Hull
-[] Shields - Two Arrays
-[] Weapons - 3x Light Prow Lances (-9 DP)
-[] Equipment - Pure Lenses/Armored Lifepods/Ship Shrines/Emergency Manuever Engines/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Lens Cogitation Matrix Lattice (-11 DP)

A revisit on one of the Glimmering Federation's oldest ship designs--one long depreciated, but new insights gleaned in laser technology and the insights gathered through the trade with the Shipbuilder's Alliance have led to the development of a functional successor to the old Sagitarrius model. A Heavy Frigate in mass, it nonetheless has its own role as an artillery ship of great excellence, with its entire hull built around a triad of heavy lance weapons, optimized to the utmost to retain maximum cohesion over extended distances. This gives the Super Sagittarius a terrifyingly long reach, and its powerful reactors and advanced capacitors allow for the frigate to store energy in each weapon, allowing for either rippled salvos to batter down shields and rend armor, or to be delivered in one almighty Alpha Strike capable of disrupting the shields of vessels much heavier. While not a vessel to be committed in large numbers due to the expense and high level of technical expertise required in its construction, a squadron of Super Sagitarrius frigates can open interesting possibilities to a clever admiral.
Can you even fit that many lances on the prow like that? I'm also pretty wary of having such a narrow firing arc, even on relatively agile platform, it feels too inflexible. And aren't lance actually pretty bad against shields, thats like the whole point of rad-lances -to bypass and disrupt shields- right? And those only fit on light cruisers.

The Libra-Q is right, but I've made my feelings on the Cassiopeia not really being a great choice before, and upgrading our Sloops right before we get better scouting gear hurts me.

Sagi design isn't bad though, fair is fair. Dunno why it doesn't have Ship Shrines though. If anything, I'm worried it's too undermassed for having four guns on it, but I guess people saw my lack of response as tacit approval?

Speaking of which, here's my version which focuses on it being an artillery frigate

[] Sagittarius-Secundus (S) Class Lance Frigate (v1.5) [20DP] [2FP]
-[] 1.700 Meters (+3)
-[] Width - 500 Meters (+1)
-[] Acceleration - 7 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thick Single Hull (+1)
-[] Shields - Two Arrays
-[] Weapons - 2x Light Prow Lance/1x Medium Lance Turrets(-9)
-[] Equipment - Hardened Prow/Fast Shield/Armored Lifepods/Lattice Hulls/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Lense Cogitation Matrix Lattice/Pure Lenses/Refractive Hull Coating/Emergency Maneuver Engines (-16)

Because it's trying to be an Andromeda and a Taurus and is worse at both of those jobs, that's why I dislike it. If you want a proper support ship, commit to the bit, don't try to cheese the game mechanics and go "Well let's just make a Destroyer do this!" and expect that to go well.

In fact, let me show you how it's done.
But the thing is, this isn't meant to be a Taurus or an Andromeda. It's a civilian support ship meant to go in and help planets devastated by war or famine and be able to be mass produced.
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But the thing is, this isn't meant to be a Taurus or an Andromeda. It's a civilian support ship meant to go in and help planets devastated by war or famine and be able to be mass produced.

Read the writeup, it spends 10 DP on Military components.

It's advertised as civilian, it's kitted out like a military transport that also does humanitarian outreach, and tries to cheese the mechanics to squeeze all of that in the hull we can build the most of. I don't even think it was intentional, but no, this is neither as good a civilian outreach ship as it could be, but it's also a god awful military vessel that has performance closer to what we had in the Second Generation than our current ability.

A Destroyer can do one job effectively, this tries to do two and tries to pay for it by making it have paper thin defenses and evasion ability,.

EDIT: And no, I do not consider "Oh but it's meant to go to places that are already safe and help them there!" We don't need it for internal matters because we have a functioning civilian economy, these components are for newly taken areas achieved through a measure of conquest, and there's no guarantee of safety there--a ship that doesn't even have the qualifications to run away if a surprise wolfpack sneaks past our lines is a suicide sled and an insult to the ones who rode in on it. The Cassiopea's stated role as claimed does not match how it's kitted out, where it tries to have both cakes and gets cheeky about getting it for cheap.

Can you even fit that many lances on the prow like that? I'm also pretty wary of having such a narrow firing arc, even on relatively agile platform, it feels too inflexible. And aren't lance actually pretty bad against shields, thats like the whole point of rad-lances -to bypass and disrupt shields- right? And those only fit on light cruisers.

We were told it can be done as long as that's your intent from the beginning, specifically, I have something in mind here kind of like a trimaran where it's three linked hulls each containing a Main Gun, and that's why it's so god damn big despite not being designed as a brawler.
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I mean, you gave it a range and supply advance, and a manufactory, which are both "Increase Range" options, neither of which are especially useful unless you're trying to do a repair thing. We are never sending one of these alone because it's virtually incapable of defending itself. You gave it boosts to its strike craft despite the fact it's not a strike craft, you give it range enhancers but it can't support anything but itself (And it's incapable of deploying solo), it doesn't even have stealth so you can't even call it a secret humanitarian ship!

Do you know what else those things do? They produce supplies. What are supplies useful for? Humanitarian missions. These things can set up over Voxx once we take it and pump out necessary manufactured civilian equipment, take in rubble and raw materials from the system and make critical supplies so that we don't need to ship it in from out-system. They're not on this ship to extend range. If there was a manufactory option that only made civilian gear and medicines I would take that instead. But I'm kind of counting on the flavortext for that.

The troop compartment is actually intended to help it evacuate populations if need be, which is also indicated in the flavortext. Having the capability of carrying troops around isn't a downside, it's just never intended to land them as part of an invasion. The hanger is there mostly to ferry supplies around better, which is again indicated in the flavortext. I put thules on it because there was a spare DP and I like the idea of Thules who don't like the idea of intensive void combat having another option. Also in the flavortext. Maybe if there was an option for a supply hanger that only has supply shuttles then that would be better.
Do you know what else those things do? They produce supplies. What are supplies useful for? Humanitarian missions. These things can set up over Voxx once we take it and pump out necessary manufactured civilian equipment, take in rubble and raw materials from the system and make critical supplies so that we don't need to ship it in from out-system. They're not on this ship to extend range. If there was a manufactory option that only made civilian gear and medicines I would take that instead. But I'm kind of counting on the flavortext for that.

The troop compartment is actually intended to help it evacuate populations if need be, which is also indicated in the flavortext. Having the capability of carrying troops around isn't a downside, it's just never intended to land them as part of an invasion. The hanger is there mostly to ferry supplies around better, which is again indicated in the flavortext. I put thules on it because there was a spare DP and I like the idea of Thules who don't like the idea of intensive void combat having another option. Also in the flavortext. Maybe if there was an option for a supply hanger that only has supply shuttles then that would be better.

Explicitly has been ruled out by HeroCooky. On board Manufactories and Supply Generation are only enough to cover that ship's specific needs. Stuff actually capable of influencing a planet--or even a fleet's--ability to function are the realm of Heavy Cruisers and above, because otherwise there's just not enough space to put the heavy equipment you need. (We don't even have the Manufactories that can produce spare parts for the rest of the fleet unlocked because those are Grand Cruiser scale modules)

I know, I tried to kit out a Super Andromeda using that logic, and I was told the Manufactories and Supply Generation are only enough to effectively extend the range of that single vessel, and there isn't enough to influence anything beyond that vessel. Troop Holds are also not just "Generic Transports", it's all the stuff needed for your gear to be usable and battle ready at the end, not just "Free Passenger Space", that's below our level of abstraction.

"Pure" Civilian Vessels, like you want, are already in circulation, because we took the perk that gives us actual functioning Civilian Void Economy. We can even tap into them if we need to if we're willing to slow down our growth for it!
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Being torn between getting automation tech started and doing some standardization(lord this is a good buff). Fuck it. Both.
[X] Plan: Simmer Down and Plan Ahead
[X] Plan Silent Autoloaders

In either case winning I am pushing for the other next turn anyway so it works out for me I guess
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Read the writeup, it spends 10 DP on Military components.

It's advertised as civilian, it's kitted out like a military transport that also does humanitarian outreach, and tries to cheese the mechanics to squeeze all of that in the hull we can build the most of. I don't even think it was intentional, but no, this is neither as good a civilian outreach ship as it could be, but it's also a god awful military vessel that has performance closer to what we had in the Second Generation than our current ability.

A Destroyer can do one job effectively, this tries to do two and tries to pay for it by making it have paper thin defenses and evasion ability,.

We were told it can be done as long as that's your intent from the beginning, specifically, I have something in mind here kind of like a trimaran where it's three linked hulls each containing a Main Gun, and that's why it's so god damn big despite not being designed as a brawler.
but the thing is, that ship isn't meant to be used when there's a hostile airspace at all. It only comes when the orbitals are under our control to help the populace, mainly to reduce the infrastructure costs of helping a planet. While I do agree that it could be done better, making this a Heavy Cruiser is way too fucking much since we need to actually mass produce this. This ship isn't meant to work alone, but with a bunch of other ships to help give aid so it can't be any bigger than a Light Cruiser otherwise we won't be able to get the numbers needed.

As for your Sagittarius design, I agree with others that it's too inflexible, stick with only two prow lances and get a Medium Prow Turret so it has a bit more flexibility. Also, it should have a Hardened Prow since it's mainly going to be forward facing, maybe Fast Shields as well so it can get shields back up quicker. Compromise on Hull and Length where necessary.
but the thing is, that ship isn't meant to be used when there's a hostile airspace at all. It only comes when the orbitals are under our control to help the populace, mainly to reduce the infrastructure costs of helping a planet. While I do agree that it could be done better, making this a Heavy Cruiser is way too fucking much since we need to actually mass produce this. This ship isn't meant to work alone, but with a bunch of other ships to help give aid so it can't be any bigger than a Light Cruiser otherwise we won't be able to get the numbers needed.

As for your Sagittarius design, I agree with others that it's too inflexible, stick with only two prow lances and get a Medium Prow Turret so it has a bit more flexibility. Also, it should have a Hardened Prow since it's mainly going to be forward facing, maybe Fast Shields as well so it can get shields back up quicker. Compromise on Hull and Length where necessary.

Then the planet is already stable and there is no purpose in it being there. Because the job has been passed off to our Civilian Economy, which already exists and Does Things beneath our level of abstraction, and thus, it's still pointless.

And I am not compromising on Hull and Length when we're dealing with heavy firepower--which thus needs a lot of space to avoid causing any problems, you can see it's already designed for the purposes of being able to rapidly maneuver into position, and with two range boosters on a weapon that's already fairly high range. (a 50% range buff, and then a 100% range buff), the amount of things that can actually shoot back before it can flip around and scoot away are few outside of the Space Elfs. It's actually not too far off from one of their own frigates, just that we got the same effect as their Pulsar Lances by strapping a bunch of Lances to one trimaran and firing them in sequence rather than one lance that just goes BRRRRT
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Explicitly has been ruled out by HeroCooky. On board Manufactories and Supply Generation are only enough to cover that ship's specific needs. Stuff actually capable of influencing a planet--or even a fleet's--ability to function are the realm of Heavy Cruisers and above, because otherwise there's just not enough space to put the heavy equipment you need.

I know, I tried to kit out a Super Andromeda using that logic, and I was told the Manufactories and Supply Generation are only enough to effectively extend the range of that single vessel, and there isn't enough to influence anything beyond that vessel. Troop Holds are also not just "Generic Transports", it's all the stuff needed for your gear to be usable and battle ready at the end, not just "Free Passenger Space", that's below our level of abstraction.

"Pure" Civilian Vessels, like you want, are already in circulation, because we took the perk that gives us actual functioning Civilian Void Economy. We can even tap into them if we need to if we're willing to slow down our growth for it!
Ok, I think this is our ultimate source of disagreement, because I do remember that ruling. But I've also been told that they would suffice to prevent infrastructure loss when integrating Imperial worlds. @HeroCooky Sorry about the multiple pings, but I think this is the reinfed level of the question I asked earlier.
In sufficient enough numbers, yeah.
Though that might just be the medical/missionary part of the ship.

Maybe the right thing to do is to strip all of that stuff off, just make a bargain-basic version that's costed like a scout. How does this look?
[] [Destroyer] Cassiopeia-class Support Ship (lite version)
-[] Length
-1.600 Meters (0 DP)
-[] Width - 400 Meters (0 DP
-[] Acceleration - 6 Gravities (+4 DP)
-[] Armor - Thin Single Hull (+3 DP)
-[] Shields - Singular Emitter (+2 DP)
-[] Weapons -
Medium Hangars - [Civilian] (-1 DP)
-[] Equipment -
Medical Deployment Division (-5), Orders of the Guiding Hand (-5), Spacious Crew Quarters (-1) Chapels to the Five (-3), Emergency Maneuver Engines (-1) Total -7
Can you even fit that many lances on the prow like that? I'm also pretty wary of having such a narrow firing arc, even on relatively agile platform, it feels too inflexible. And aren't lance actually pretty bad against shields, thats like the whole point of rad-lances -to bypass and disrupt shields- right? And those only fit on light cruisers.
Lances are still useful for specialist sniping ships. The Sag is basically our equivalent of the Imperium's Firestorm frigate.

ITs not meant to beat down shields on its own, rather, the Lance Sag is meant to be the sniper support for the Crux and other ships that can beat down shields. Other ships beat down the enemy's shields and then the Sag delivers the finishing blow and is nimble enough to get into position to do so.
What is the purpose of this ship, that's the important thing.

Do you foresee it operating alone, beyond our borders in hostile territory?

Do you foresee it running around in our core territories?

Do you foresee it running in just behind our front line and rebuilding stuff that got fucked up?

If it's the former case, you cost it as a scout and accept you're going to get ruinous losses because most of the galaxy will shoot it on sight and it has no stealth and can't even retreat because it's slower than Imperial Destroyers. If it's the middle case, it's unnecessary because our civilian economy already does it, if it's the latter case, it's pointless because we are not going to be operating fronts dozens of planets deep any time in the foreseeable future and they're too fragile to survive if an enemy squadron manages to sneak past and start raiding.

I don't see a Purpose for this ship to exist as you've designed, and I don't understand what it is that's making you so bullish on it, especially since I presented a design that would accomplish the third role I've stated excellently, but you're balking because it'd be a big investment (And it is, the Missionaries and Medical stuff alone are worth 10 DP, almost a third of a Heavy Cruiser's budget)
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And I am not compromising on Hull and Length when we're dealing with heavy firepower--which thus needs a lot of space to avoid causing any problems, you can see it's already designed for the purposes of being able to rapidly maneuver into position, and with two range boosters on a weapon that's already fairly high range. (a 50% range buff, and then a 100% range buff), the amount of things that can actually shoot back before it can flip around and scoot away are few outside of the Space Elfs.
Yeah it needs space, but not that much. Our first design went with the smallest possible dimensions and there were no problems reported. Sticking with 1800 km or something would be fine.
Do you foresee it running around in our core territories?
This one, except I disagree that our civilian economy already does it and therefore we don't need to care. We probably could have chosen an ISC that does something like this, except we didn't. I suppose we could spend two actions to make one like this, but it's worth noting that there's a long and storied history of militaries maintaining civilian disaster relief equipment as a core part of their missions.

A useful metaphor is that our civilian fleets are like the Red Cross while the Cassiopeia is like the US Navy Hospital ships, deployed to disaster areas so the military can provide assistance. Though in our case it'll come with a side of missionaries.

This feels like basically a question of what mechanic we should be using here. The goal is to build a disaster relief force in preparation for Voxx integration. I thought the right way to do this was to use our ship design & building mechanics. Maybe the correct approach is to instead use our interstellar commerce mechanic to prep an ISC for the same purpose. But at this point I think the right thing to do is wait for QM approval.
Lances are still useful for specialist sniping ships. The Sag is basically our equivalent of the Imperium's Firestorm frigate.

ITs not meant to beat down shields on its own, rather, the Lance Sag is meant to be the sniper support for the Crux and other ships that can beat down shields. Other ships beat down the enemy's shields and then the Sag delivers the finishing blow and is nimble enough to get into position to do so.
Yeah, I get that. My own version of the Sag has a light prow lance and 3 medium lance turrets. I was just questioning the fesability of cramming 3 spinal lances into the poor thing, as that might run afoul of the weapon crowding penalty.
This one, except I disagree that our civilian economy already does it and therefore we don't need to care. We probably could have chosen an ISC that does something like this, except we didn't. I suppose we could spend two actions to make one like this, but it's worth noting that there's a long and storied history of militaries maintaining civilian disaster relief equipment as a core part of their missions.

A useful metaphor is that our civilian fleets are like the Red Cross while the Cassiopeia is like the US Navy Hospital ships, deployed to disaster areas so the military can provide assistance. Though in our case it'll come with a side of missionaries.

This feels like basically a question of what mechanic we should be using here. I want to use our ship design & building mechanics to build a disaster relief force in preparation for Voxx. Maybe the correct approach is to instead use our interstellar commerce mechanic to prep an ISC for the same purpose. But at this point I think the right thing to do is wait for QM approval.

The latter is the correct choice, not to try to shove a square peg into a round hole. Void Ship Construction is specced for military ships, not Civilian stuff.

Yeah, I get that. My own version of the Sag has a light prow lance and 3 medium lance turrets. I was just questioning the fesability of cramming 3 spinal lances into the poor thing, as that might run afoul of the weapon crowding penalty.

Hmm, it might help if I gave you a visual reference, let me see what I can come up with.
I mean maybe. But in that case why do these modules even exist?
Medical Deployment Division - Sometimes, a ship should not bring war. Sometimes, a healing hand must be given freely. And with the ability to deploy medical care to entire planets, even if only the most critical locations, that helping hand shall be extended. Always.
Orders of the Guiding Hands - "We can help these misguided souls. Thus, we shall." This is the guiding motto of a large, if not remarkably cohesive, collection of Faith Orders seeking to aid, preach to, and protect the populations of recently liberated or conquered worlds. How can we deny the requests of the faithful to extend a guiding hand if we seek a better Age?
I'm not very invested in this argument, so I'm just gonna post my original idea for a support ship from roughly 200 pages ago, and go back to lurking. I am glad we're finally doing my sweet sweet automation though!

[] [Light Cruiser] Martyr-class Uplift Ship
-[] Length - 4.000 Meters
-[] Width - 500 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 3 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thick Single Hull
-[] Shields - Three Emitters
-[] Weapons - Medium Hangars [Mixed]
-[] Equipment - Icons to the Faith, Orders of the Guiding Hands, Medical Deployment Division, Yeeni Auxiliary Engineer Division, Small On-Board Manufactory, Luxurious Crew Amenities, Chapels to the Five
The latter is the correct choice, not to try to shove a square peg into a round hole. Void Ship Construction is specced for military ships, not Civilian stuff.

Hmm, it might help if I gave you a visual reference, let me see what I can come up with.
No I get it, its just that layout seems more like something you'd find on the Planet Killer from Battlefleet Gothic rather than on a frigate.
This one, except I disagree that our civilian economy already does it and therefore we don't need to care. We probably could have chosen an ISC that does something like this, except we didn't. I suppose we could spend two actions to make one like this, but it's worth noting that there's a long and storied history of militaries maintaining civilian disaster relief equipment as a core part of their missions.

A useful metaphor is that our civilian fleets are like the Red Cross while the Cassiopeia is like the US Navy Hospital ships, deployed to disaster areas so the military can provide assistance. Though in our case it'll come with a side of missionaries.

This feels like basically a question of what mechanic we should be using here. The goal is to build a disaster relief force in preparation for Voxx integration. I thought the right way to do this was to use our ship design & building mechanics. Maybe the correct approach is to instead use our interstellar commerce mechanic to prep an ISC for the same purpose. But at this point I think the right thing to do is wait for QM approval.
Really, the answer is we should have the almighty @HeroCooky be the one to help decide on whether a dedicated civilian support vessel will be worthwhile.

And while we're at it, can you tell me if a Song with (Compassion, Mercy, Humanity, Song, Slumber) would be any good?

And once again, I'm going to shill for my plan. We can get automated destroyers next turn. Right now, we can use Autoloaders which are really great and this will help out our buddies in the Lamenters. So do it friends, do it for our Bois in Yellow.

[X] Plan Silent Autoloaders
-[X] [Psykana] Conduct Two Melodies (Choose two below.) (0.2/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melody]
--[X] Silence
--[X] Grounding
-[X] [General] Research:
—[X] Ship Standardization (Autoloaders) x2

-[X] Free Action: If our efforts in subverting Voxx Primus are detected due to our Choirs getting noticed in the Warp, tell 'em to lay low and point one of the dozen hanger-on gangs at some nearby Psykers unwilling to become a part of the Celestial Choir. When they are dead, have the gangers deliver the Psykers to local Arbites or Ecclesiarchy to sell their bodies and evidence of their psyker nature for cash or goods. Then our choirs should do nothing but use the new melodies to hide themselves and our infiltration from the authorities for a decade or two. Additionally, request that our agents write up feedback and recommendations for training to be incorporated into curriculum to train future missionaries & infiltrators
-[X] Free Action. Station the SBG Sphinx in Ultima Sagritta system
No I get it, its just that layout seems more like something you'd find on the Planet Killer from Battlefleet Gothic rather than on a frigate.

Not quite right, but basically it'd be shaped something like this, a trimaran hull where each one is basically wrapped around the Lance. It's canon that Prow Lances do have some traverse, it's just that they're only capable of shooting to the fore arc.