What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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the cult of rose are just a mysandric sex cult at best
a nurgle/slaneesh proxy at worst

disband,ilegalize its rethoric,deprogram its followers
They are doing good! Just look at how you didn't get any new cults to look at!
Alright, gotta say I thought the mental health initiatives weren't needed and we should just advance medical infrastructure. But it seems like they're another Wussies, saving us actions by preventing problems from ever cropping up.

Anybody got other ideas as to things that could be nice preventative maintenance? Maybe anti-trust initiatives to prevent any abusive monopolies from arising? Instituting inheritance taxes to prevent accumulation of egregious generational wealth?
the cult of rose are just a mysandric sex cult at best
a nurgle/slaneesh proxy at worst

disband,ilegalize its rethoric,deprogram its followers
Basically this their rhetoric is just plain silly and there's no real reason we should try to integrate their beliefs into the federation since they'd hamper us more than help. So arrest the ringleaders and deprogram the ones we can and then inform the public why their bad news.

And I suppose if left alone they could also be a vector for slanneshi cultists into the federation so better to handle them before that happens.
Can we stop saying every heresy is secretly Chaos already?
The spiritual practices of the Roses are, at best, hypocritical, and at worst, enough to warrant the death sentence without due process, as they engage in every level of cult activity usually only reserved for Chaos Worshippers despite not harboring more than the usual percentage of corrupted individuals within their ranks as expected of fringe cults.
It's not Chaos, it's just a regular cult. If they were full-on Chaos, then presumably Cerberus would be yelling their heads off about that.
[X] Plan: Kick In The Door v1.1
-[X] Outlaw the Numeror Roses cult in its entirety and let Cerberus deal with the upper leadership.
-[X] After the cult is defeated, apply the Provisionary Cultist Surrender and Imprisonment Guidelines to all members of the cult.
-[X] Preach sermons emphasizing that everyone is equal under the Droman Creed, no matter their gender. Note the importance of both Teeln and Bnuy, man and woman, to the development of the Glimmering Federation.
-[X] Start an information campaign on STDs and general sex education.
[X] Plan Rehabilitation and Reintegration of our Wayward Sons and Daughters
-[X] Authorize Cerberus to track and arrest every single member of the Order of the Nurenor Roses by all means at their disposal.
--[X] Grant Cerberus the authority to temporarily take local PDF forces under their command to provide the manpower needed to raid and arrest Nurenor Roses' cells and meetings.
--[X] The Nurenor Roses' views on gender and caste should be used against them to help identify suspected members and cells, by working with local choirs to identify women psychers suspected to identify with the Roses, or at risk of falling to their beliefs.
Men psychers who have been murdered, or died in mysterious accidents should have their deaths investigated thoroughly to determine possible Nurenor Roses involvement as well.
--[X] Investigate the drugs used during these "Mothering" "ceremonies" to determine which ones are used most often to force people people to participate unwittingly. Follow the trail of distributors and manufacturers to those members of the Roses buying the substances.
--[X] These should, with a combination of luck and skill, provide additional leads for Cerberus to track down and arrest many members of the Roses.
-[X] Once arrested, members of the Roses should be placed in detention centers separate from the general populace, where they will each undergo a thorough psychiatric evaluation and begin deprograming.
--[X] Attention and care should be made to recognize that many, if not most, of the adult members of the Roses were forced into the cult as children. Time and effort will need to be made to rehabilitate these adults and show them the trauma they underwent as children, and how their current belief systems are a reflection of that trauma that they were forced to adopt.
--[X] They should be regularly encouraged to provide information on other members of the Roses, to help break the cycle and prevent anyone else from experiencing what they went through.
--[X] Those who joined as adults should focus their deprograming on the route causes that brought them into the clutches of the cult: coercion, drugging, and any number of systemic societal pressures that have left them vulnerable to predations by cults like the Nurenor Roses. They should address these underlying issues and be provided with the resources to overcome and throw off the shackles that made them susceptible to cult indoctrination.
-[X] Those who refuse to deprogram, are deemed unable to deprogram by psychiatric evaluation, or show absolutely no remorse for their beliefs and actions should be tried within the justice system for the crimes they committed, and sentenced accordingly.
-[X] Those found to be corrupted by chaos should be treated accordingly.
-[X] Any and all children found should undergo deprograming specifically designed for their age brackets.
--[X] Care shall be taken to ensure siblings remain together, and that they are returned to their families, so long as said families either have no connection to the Nurenor Roses or undergo deprograming alongside their children.
--[X] In situations where the families of children are found to be unable or unwilling to deprogram, the child is to be placed with suitable foster families that have been informed and trained to care for them.
-[X] It should be recognized that tackling the Nurenor Roses it not something that can or should be done in a quick manner. It will take time and effort to thoroughly root out every cell and member, and to then follow through with deprograming people who were forced into the cult.

Edit: added a section to care for family separation.
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[X] Plan Rehabilitation and Reintegration of our Wayward Sons and Daughters

Yeah, that's better I think.
[X] Plan Rehabilitation and Reintegration of our Wayward Sons and Daughters

After this, we only have three heresies left to deal with.

Personally I feel like we should do the Particularlists and the Anti-Particularlists during the same turn, that way neither of them will get more power with the other being taken down.
[X] Plan Rehabilitation and Reintegration of our Wayward Sons and Daughters

just gonna say that the plan doesn't outlaw the cult but still voting for the crack down and deprogramming
So many Things to do this turn though, the pacing, the pacing.

And now to wonder what's going to blow up in our face throwing us into another crisis! Please wait just one more turn, I would very much like to get the Civ Inf March done first now that we committed to it.
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[X] Plan Rehabilitation and Reintegration of our Wayward Sons and Daughters

Yeah, more therapy!
Man, I sure hope the remaining three are also mentally ill. We'll have best mental health industry in whole galaxy!
... Okay, only mental health industry in entire galaxy, but it still counts!
-[X] Any and all children found should undergo deprograming specifically designed for their age brackets, and placed with suitable foster families that have been informed and trained to care for them.
I'm not sure about this particular aspect, since it seems to be applied universally? Family separation is almost certainly going to be more traumatic and damaging than the alternative in many cases.