Gems in the Wastes (Exalted/Warhammer Fantasy/CK2)

EDIT: Eh, what the heck, I'm feeling in a generous mood today. Here's my character profile for our Wood Aspect Immaculate. The other DBs, Sovereigns and Slumbering Star will all have profiles like these when it comes to the Advisor vote:

Huh. What do Immaculate Martial Arts actually do? In theory they let them fight at almost Celestial level, but she still has a Combat +10 like any other Terrestrial would, so what's the effect?
Huh. What do Immaculate Martial Arts actually do? In theory they let them fight at almost Celestial level, but she still has a Combat +10 like any other Terrestrial would, so what's the effect?
Admittedly, I'm still working that out. My initial thought was that it could improve DBs who use it so that their combat stat bonus would become X instead of X - 5, but that's kind of boring and not really thematic of the style themselves. My second thought was that because of Wood Dragon Style's focus on self-regen, that it could give Songbird the ability to regenerate her lost wounds in mini-turns when she's not actively fighting. Or ignore any terrain bonuses against targets she's already inflicted damage to. Something to that effect.
[X] Plan: Fast Lane out of Satantown
-[X] Leave it for hopefully brighter pastures
-[X] You will overwork yourself-
--[X] By an insane amount (+3 Personal Actions; +6 Critical Fail Threshold)
-[X][Martial][LOCKED] Protecting the Flock 1 (DC 10+)
--[X] Send your personal guard (Size 2, Quality 2, Might 0 = +10?)
-[X][Martial][LOCKED] Protecting the Flock 2 (DC 40+)
--[X] Send your general troops (Size 4, Quality 1, Might 0= +30?)
-[X][Diplomacy][LOCKED] Organize the Festival of Funerals (DC 40+)
-[X][Diplomacy] Raise Spirits (DC 40+)
-[X][Stewardship] Build a Granary (DC 50)(CONSUMES 1 LUMBER)
-[X][Stewardship]Tent Crafting (DC 20)
-[X][Intrigue] Scouting Ahead (DC 20)
-[X][Intrigue] Gauge Opinions (DC 10+)
-[X][Intrigue] Cloak the Gathering (DC 35/45/55)(SORCEROUS)
--[X] Assigned Sorcerer: Yourself (-1 Personal Action; Frees Up 1 Intrigue Action)
-[X][Piety] Survey the Spirit Court (DC 10+)
-[X][Piety] Survey the Priesthood (DC 10+)
-[X][Learning][LOCKED] Sorcerous Survey (DC 0/30)
-[X][Learning] Medical Aid (DC 20+)
-[X][Learning] Stabilize Reality
--[X]For 10 Miles
---[X] Assigned Sorcerer: Yourself (-1 Personal Action; Frees Up 1 Learning Action)
-[X][Learning] Mobile Lodestone
--[X]For 100 Miles
---[X] Assigned Sorcerer: Yourself (-1 Personal Action; Frees Up 1 Learning Action)
-[X][Mining] Mountain Scouting (DC 20+)
-[X][Mining] Set Up Smitheries (DC 50+)(CONSUMES 1 LUMBER)
-[X] [Mining] Pull Up the Vein (DC 20/30/40)(SORCEROUS)
--[X] Assigned Sorcerer: Yourself (-1 Personal Action; Frees Up 1 Mining Action; -20 DC)
-[X][Personal][LOCKED] Decide Who'll Advise (No Roll)

Aim here is to achieve basic sustenance for ourselves in our current location (Granary, Local Stabilization, Smithy and Vein Pull) while building up as fast as possible over the span of the following turns to bolt out of here (Tents, Lodestone.)

Tossed in Mountain Scouting in the Mining section as a burner choice, given that Survey the Ground doesn't confer any further bonuses to pulling ore veins up ourselves.

[] Plan This Place Is Ours
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Admittedly, I'm still working that out. My initial thought was that it could improve DBs who use it so that their combat stat bonus would become X instead of X - 5, but that's kind of boring and not really thematic of the style themselves. My second thought was that because of Wood Dragon Style's focus on self-regen, that it could give Songbird the ability to regenerate her lost wounds in mini-turns when she's not actively fighting. Or ignore any terrain bonuses against targets she's already inflicted damage to. Something to that effect.

It definitely seems like it should do more than that. Our Sorcery Mark gives about as good as the +5 would be (it gives enemies -10 to harm us after all) and that should probably be a lot less effective than a whole martial arts style. IMO it should probably both up her to using her full stat and apply some of the bonuses you're considering.
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@Vardei and @DeadmanwalkingXI , I've updated the Turn 1 Post with a few more options if you'd like to take a look at those. I'm still trying to drum up ideas to help with the migratory route, let me know if you think of any.

Also, for those who haven't seen the edits, I've finished up the sorcery student rolls. Needless to say, some are viable for future use.

EDIT: Eh, what the heck, I'm feeling in a generous mood today. Here's my character profile for our Wood Aspect Immaculate. The other DBs, Sovereigns and Slumbering Star will all have profiles like these when it comes to the Advisor vote:

  1. What you know about Innocent Songbird is this: She is the daughter of a Patrician family in the Realm, though she is hesitant to speak about her parentage for reasons that she elaborated on later. Her family had very little of the dragon's blood flowing through their veins, so it was a pleasant surprise when she took her Second Breath in her mid-teens. From what she was willing to disclose, the family had been planning to marry her off to House V'neef for a sizable helping of money (she seems to bear Milosen no ill-will for this). In response she had left them, running away to the Cloister of Wisdom, where she was taken in as a student. During her stay, she studied one of the famous Immaculate Dragon Styles, Wood Dragon Style specifically, and was eventually taken in as a full monk of the First Coil, a phrase you do not know but from what she tells is just the status of a full initiate.

    You then proceeded to ask her why she was here, and her answer was simple, though sorrowful. "I have performed an action which harmed the Order, two really, and ruined their trust in me. I showed not just mercy to an Anathema, but instructed them in our ways. Those ways were then turned against my mentors when they caught the Anathema with me. Rather than accepting my punishment, I fled from them like a coward. Now, I will likely never rejoin them or the Elemental Dragons when I die, not for several lifetimes." When you asked about her thoughts and feelings regarding your own "status," she said, "I do not have a solid answer I can give you. Once my thoughts are clear as the steady stream on the subject, I will give you my response."

    On a lighter note, her answers regarding her companions were a lot more… well, it felt like a huddle of housekeepers gossiping. It was like the monk with heavy-laden shoulders had been swapped with a teenage girl, so sudden was the shift in personality and speech. "Oh, you didn't see it, but just the other day Nokun and Flaris were getting into each other's faces, and they were so close it was almost like they were going to KISS! I was SO excited to see-"and things just continued on from there. You ended up going significantly overtime thanks to this tangent.
    1. Essence 2
    2. Wood Aspect
    3. Personality: Repentant (+1 Piety)
    4. Stats: Martial 10 (+5), Diplomacy 13 (+8), Stewardship 10 (+5), Intrigue 9 (+4), Piety 13 + 1 = 14 (+9), Learning 12 (+7), Combat 15 (+10)
    5. Advantage: Wood Dragon Style (Able to use and teach the powers of the style up to the Form. Somehow, she can learn more of the style over time.)

EDIT 2: Changed the This Other Place plan with the new choices.

Huh... I would have guessed more of a selfish motivation. Well I guess 'not wanting to be censured' is selfish, but only in a defensive sense. Interesting that she was already burned by Anathema once yet here she is willing to serve more Anathema. I think she blames the order while also holding to the teachings of the Immaculate dragons which is an... uncomfortable place to be certainly.
Another question: Is Milosen the Water Aspect? I saw the name in the blurb for Innocent Songbird, and didn't quite know where it fit.
Alright, the students have now been added to the future advisor vote. With their inclusion, that chapter is complete and ready to be dropped. When the current vote concludes, I'll be able to immediately drop the next, woo!

In the end, I decided to only use Nkiru (the Recordkeeper's Daughter) and Taiwo (the General's kid) for the vote for Records, since our jack-of-all-trades student Mawunyo (the farmer's kid) was better suited as an independent character rather than being used primarily for 1 stat. Mobolaji and the other kid of course just didn't really make the mark.
Speaking of Sorcery... has anyone thought that it's odd that we can do it.

Sorcery is the ability to shape the Essence of Creation within certain patterns preserved in the Salinan Working, but this is not Creation, so how can we cast? Two possibilities present themselves

A) This is in fact Creation in some way known only to the Primordials, we know that canonically they tried to make other worlds and failed several times before they managed to make something good enough to last before the onslaught of the Wyld, this could just be one of those earlier projects that somehow managed to stabilize in the absense of its creators
B) We infected this place with Sorcery. Everything in Exalted is Essence, the matter, the energy, the souls of mortals, everything is Essence and thus everything contains the potential to be shaped in a Sorcerous manner, it could just be that in brearing Essence from one world to the other we carried some of the source code of the Primordials like a virus into this world

Either way one thing this world would not have because it was made during the First Age is the Salinan Working. If we carried that with us then it means that random hermits in Bretonia are going to start to see how to cast Flight of the Brilliant Raptor and summon Malfean Demons in the pattern of pine branches and the flight of butterflies since that is how the Salinan Working works, it actively works to spread sorcery.

Fittingly for the Exalted we might have irrevocably altered the world by merely setting foot in it.
Right, but that does not autogrant the knowledge of them to anyone who studies sorcery.

You know, I misread the title of the quest for a moment to be Gem in the wastes. Man, that would have been an interesting way to destroy Gem. Hurl it into another world.

Part of ensuring they are not lost is making sure people can read them. Now mind we are here and we are sorcerers so that might be enough to keep the working from putting the spells into the brains of random people, but that depends on what an appropriate number of sorcerers is as far as its concerned. Salina wanted sorcery to be used.
This discussion is pretty interesting, though intruding on some stuff that I'm keeping safe for the future. So all I can say is that there's a difference in how Sorcery and WF Magic are unlocked.

One is weak, but present in childhood a la Harry Potter, gradually growing in strength before it becomes obvious in the early to late teens.

The other is not present until enough instruction or potentially some trigger is present, and is then unlocked suddenly, providing a great degree of less instinctive power.

This difference is important.
Turn 1 Vote Reminder
Alright folks, we're coming up on only 13 hours left for the vote for Turn 1. Currently, Plan This Place is Ours is in the lead, only 2 votes ahead of the second-place Plan This Other Place Is Ours. The first is a stationary plan which will involve you settling down in your current location and building up your defenses, while the latter is a migratory plan allowing you to potentially locate a better starting spot. With how close this race is, it's possible for things to change with a few more votes, so please, if you haven't already, or if you wish to change your vote to one of the 2 in the lead, please do so.

I'll be closing the vote when I wake up tomorrow, and then dropping the Advisor poll soon after. Once that's done, I'll get started on rolls and writing up the results for Turn 1, it may take a while for everything to get written out. I might even have to split the results up into 2 sections, so if you see a "Part 1" to the Results, that's why.

EDIT: For those who want a more detailed description of what each plan would entail, here is a link to the 3 most voted upon plans thus far. If there's something wrong with the link, let me know.
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