Why come little swimmers fish are plenty, waters cool, mortal whispers pon the shore, winter winter comes, do not little hands need dig burrows, seal larders, prepare to sleep, or fly fly away to warmer winds?
Ling Qi felt her temple's throb, a vein pulsing under her skin as she worked to translate the crush of information down into something so clear. She saw images of men on flying horses flying away, of people digging little holes and building up huts of turf and grass and wandering away to follow herds in later days, of shining fish and rippling waters, temperatures and quantities and countless years swimming by at speeds that made her mind ache.
+2 Clarity XP
"To give our thanks for your benevolence, and to deepen our relationship, to offer you gifts and sovereignty, intertwined with the young prince of the High Garden. We will not come or go, most of us. Your shore our home, through all the passing years."