Is it just me, or does it feel like our Lupus Class are getting destroyed the most? Should we get an updated one once we managed to get some DP research done?
We need a lot of them to hit maximum effect, and we just don't have critical mass of them yet--which wasn't helped by us needing to leave something behind for the Space Marines, and most of the Lupus-class didn't make the cut. They're also not nearly as overtuned as the Super Aries is, so they have normal Destroyer death rates.
Honestly, the weird thing was how they apparently forced a "Take the best die of 2" instead of the sum of 2 for that roll. That was a hit on
us, but we're supposed to be immune to low level Chaos bullshit, so how'd that happen? Was it just "We used bullshit magic to make that Imperial roll hit you instead?" Because otherwise we should have both won.
And there was weird things going on where apparently we'd still have Corruption events happening even with rolls that didn't land on Sacred Numbers.
Honestly, that effect in general makes Chaos an absolute bitch to fight, even if we're immune to it. Especially with nonsense like "Yay I can instantly kill any one ship of my choosing as soon as I get in close, because then I roll an absurd number of dice." Sure, it apparently cost the entire rest of their flotilla to do it, but it's still scary, especially if they can hit us with that. The ability to just
guarantee one ship in the enemy fleet dies is really scary.
Given this was our first engagement against Warp Bullshit though, I'm hoping our Choirs will have some idea on what we can do to better counter it in the future.
Plus, you know, I got the fear of NOVACANNON put in me, as is proper. Cripes it's monstrous.