What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Warp skimming is significantly safer than the proper Warp travel like the Imperium does since if you do it right the ship will never actually enter the Warp proper and thus won't be affected much by the detriments of the Warp. Significantly safer against daemons and other Warp phenomena.

In exchange, you are a LOT slower than proper Warp travel. And if you do it wrong you might get dropped into the Warp proper instead of 'skimming' the boundary between the Warp and reality.

Hmm, honestly? @HeroCooky , have the Yeeni been continuing their forays into Warp Skimming or has our discovery kinda pushed them to just copy our style of doing things?

If the Yeeni were still doing Warp-Skimming it would give them a key niche for merchant marine style things, tbh, if they continued developing the technology. Because in this case safety honestly matters massively more than speed for the kinds of things that we would be shipping (which would be finished goods, luxury goods, etc, not basic necessities or etc, thanks to no longer having specialized worlds.)
Hmm, honestly? @HeroCooky , have the Yeeni been continuing their forays into Warp Skimming or has our discovery kinda pushed them to just copy our style of doing things?

If the Yeeni were still doing Warp-Skimming it would give them a key niche for merchant marine style things, tbh, if they continued developing the technology. Because in this case safety honestly matters massively more than speed for the kinds of things that we would be shipping (which would be finished goods, luxury goods, etc, not basic necessities or etc, thanks to no longer having specialized worlds.)
I find it doubtful they're still experimenting with that, what with them freaking the hell out over what we told them of the Warp and showed what happened to the Bold Explorer to the point they destroyed the factory that made their Warp Drives. They're definitely just gonna try following our lead when it comes to FTL travel.
I find it doubtful they're still experimenting with that, what with them freaking the hell out over what we told them of the Warp and showed what happened to the Bold Explorer to the point they destroyed the factory that made their Warp Drives. They're definitely just gonna try following our lead when it comes to FTL travel.

If that's the case, it's honestly a damn shame, because warp-skimming is great for merchant vessels of an established polity. Never in the history of risk management has a stable economic situation relied on, "You can go five times as fast for transporting goods, but there's a 5% chance you just die."

Venture Capitalism of the Old Style (sending trade caravans 5000 miles) sure, but that's not STABLE.
altered my vote based on that...hopefully we get some way of the Skimming research again, because having that for the merchant void-trade industry would be very beneficial for us as it would ease logistics even if we have to plan a bit ahead of the stuff...then again planets are very big and have allot of people, so you can make a decent buck selling the finished/luxury goods.
Hm. So next turn we'll likely push into the other subsector but do we have a good fortress buster? I guess we could overwhelm them with bombers, but that would likely cost a fair bit of pilots' lives.
[X] Allow Secondary Involvement.

Re. The Warp Skimming thing, I imagine we already know how to do that, and that it's what whatever limited interstellar trade the Federation has going on is managing inter-system travel. We don't have navigators, or nearly enough Choirs to maintain a civilian economy based on 'proper' warp-travel, so Skimming is the only real option to maintain any kind of civilian interstellar trade.
If the Lamenters aren't going to be willing to invade the Neonites with us, would it be worthwhile to spend an action on the below research instead of helping complete the Lamenter fleet action?
That is always worthwile.
How long before we corrupted enlightened them into being more than a single post in a broken picket fence and break that 1000 unit cap?
The moment they are at 1000 Marines.
This is from a song about Poseidon it has to be I was just listening to it earlier today.
I am allowed to make obscure refferences. :p
Question, what are the advantages of Warp-Skimming and the disadvantages?
It is safer, as you are only skimming over the top-most layer of the Warp like a stone being skipped across a pond.
But it is also a lot slower. An unguided Warp Drive would take roughly a year to cross the Federation's territory, a Skim Drive would take that same time to cross a single lane between systems.
Hmm, honestly? @HeroCooky , have the Yeeni been continuing their forays into Warp Skimming or has our discovery kinda pushed them to just copy our style of doing things?
The latter, though they haven't done much research/investment into making Warp Drives due to a rational fear of the Warp and Chaos you've inflicted upon them.
It's probably below the level of abstraction but it would be interesting to see glimpses of PoW camps the Federation will have to set up to handle and process prisoners of war taken from the Battle of Itani.
To go ahead and reiterate my support for forming an SAG for the Yeeni, I really do think it is ok for them to join us in battle.

It has been 60 years, about 3 generations for them. That's enough time for a species to get acclimated to a changing environment and circumstances. If we go for it, they are not going to get thrown out on the frontlines into a meat grinder with shitty training. They're going to have years of prep time and be outfitted with our equipment (though some of it may be adapted for their physiology). And with my plan, they are going to be well equipped and relatively secure as long as we don't throw them in unsupported.

While there are some reasonable concerns that this may establish precedent that one can only be declared Kin through their military contributions, I think this fear is a little too overblown and may in fact lead to the opposite problem of making it harder for other species to reach Kin status after the Kil'drabi, especially if they don't have the capability to form a decent navy. If this decision here sets a precedent for how we handle other future Protectorates, it could essentially make it impossible for others to achieve Kin status through military means, essentially closing the door on everyone else after the Kil'drabi achieved it through that way. Though this also begs the question of how else a Protectorate can achieve Kin status, b/c when we made that category and accepted the Kil'drabi we put a lot of emphasis on the fact they were willing to put their lives on the line so trying to clarify what other means the Yeeni could achieve that would be great.

And besides, it's not like if we chose the SAG option, we can't also have them in secondary and tertiary roles.

Anyways, onto more practical concerns. If we accept this, we essentially get an SAG gift wrapped to us for free without spending an action point, and I don't need to tell you guys how precious each and everyone of those points are. As for they'll fight, guessing based on them being hyenas, I think Sabatoge and Assault roles would suit them best where they can strike hard and fast where the enemy is most vulnerable. And not to mention that Neon is the most ideal enemy to bloody them on, since they aren't TOO scary in comparison to most other threats out there. And if we don't want to bar the way for them to serve as soldiers entirely, they WILL be fighting eventually, and since they've had half a century of getting acclimated to us, the sooner the better so we don't have these growing pains at an objectively worse time. And even if we don't wish to deploy them soon, they will still be available and sitting in their home system, all the while training for when they eventually do.

After everything, I don't see a reason why we should refuse them from fighting in battle if they so wish to do so. While relatively young in terms of leaving their planet, they are not children to be coddled, we already stripped them of their innocence when we revealed the ugly truth of the galaxy and the monsters that dwell within it. If they know about all the horrors that await them in the stars and still wish to stand alongside us against them, who are we to turn them away? To say that they're not worthy or it's too dangerous for them? While there definitely should be other ways to Kinship, if this is one of the paths that the Yeeni want to go down, who are we to deny them the opportunity to beat back the darkness and spread the Star-Child's light?

[X] Create The 1st Protectorate SAG
-[X] 2x Heavy Tank Units, x1 Heavy Mechanized Assault Unit, x1 Medium Sabotage Infantry Unit
—[X] Allow Human and Kil'drabi volunteers to also be part of the SAG.
[X] Create The 1st Protectorate SAG

Changing my vote. Having ground forces is important for the invasion we're planning. I also think it'll speed integration in a 'blood-brothers' fashion, potentially reducing the action cost of integration.

I don't think we should be worried about necessarily setting a bad precedent because that's a decision we get to make? Saying that this isn't required should be enough.
Wow, looking at the System Army Groups we have, some of them are really interesting. For example Ubraka SAG is all tanks (1 heavy, 2 medium, 1 light) and Itani SAG is 3 heavy tanks and a heavy Mechanized engineering unit.
I don't think we should be worried about necessarily setting a bad precedent because that's a decision we get to make? Saying that this isn't required should be enough.
And it's important to note, we aren't forcing this on them, they're enthusiastically choosing this without any prompt whatsoever from us. The real question about precedent comes when we get a protectorate that doesn't want to fight for whatever reason but still contribute to the Federation through other means.
[X] Allow Tertiary Involvement.
[X] Deny It.
I just feel like we shouldn't be jumping to let former kids to fight especially when we don't need it. Like we're already going to have issues transporting the army groups we already have that adding another one just feels like it would be left alone in the backline.
[X] Allow Tertiary Involvement.
[X] Deny It.
I just feel like we shouldn't be jumping to let former kids to fight especially when we don't need it. Like we're already going to have issues transporting the army groups we already have that adding another one just feels like it would be left alone in the backline.
First off, they aren't kids. It is true that they only graduated from being Children by our classification a couple centuries or so ago, but they aren't anymore and I don't want to infantilize them.

Secondly, yes, odds are they will be sitting in the backline at the start, mostly due to our transport capacity being limited by up to 2 SAGs at the moment, but that is something I wish to fix in the next couple turns by updating the Taurus to have a bigger Troop Hold and making more of them. And if we do have some SAGs sitting back home, that isn't an issue, especially since we don't have to pay any upkeep for them through any of the game mechanics we have so we have an extra army around "just in case"
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