I think that we could maybe ask for origins of Necrons, because we in character do not know about war in heaven or we could ask about holes in what we know about humanity itself
The age old rule of seers is that you don't look at places that can look back...and the Necrons probably can look back so...maybe not them. I am more comfortable with the Eldar because they have bigger problems but yeah...also maybe we can send the Eldar a "Hey the Nids are coming. Wanna join the compact"I think that we could maybe ask for origins of Necrons, because we in character do not know about war in heaven or we could ask about holes in what we know about humanity itself
Would anyone still be willing to burn a charge to see if we can fish for Developmental insights haha…? I'd really like to know if we can before I start making big overarching plans. We can just rush Heavy Industry XIX next turn if we're so inclined if we switch the ISC this turn.So what's the next We Were focus? Looking back to the War in Heaven and seeing what Insights we can glean?
The Lamenter thing will happen on it's own. On the other hand we don't need any more ISCs... So maybe we do Lamenters and dump the rest into reaearch. Null thoughts anybody?
Still think we should see who was scrying us on the other side of the galaxy.
I am extremely curious on who it was.
Still think we should see who was scrying us on the other side of the galaxy.
I am extremely curious on who it was.
[] [Chapter]Test The LegionGather The Lost Brothers (1.5/40/2) - [TBD Legion Fleet 1+2 are unavailable while this Action is active.]
Yep, had to go look for it.
No idea who they were.1. They found a lot of "Eldar are looking, Tzeentch is looking, and some fucks at the other side of the galaxy are looking?" running around. Tzeentch got a visit by Cerberus where applicable, the Eldar are looked at from a (hopefully) safe distance because their clowns are fucking terrifying, and the last, uuuuh...wat?
You want a really wild option?Going a bit wilder as you seem to have requested, would "the origin and production of Living Metal" and "the creation of Star child and motivation"
I think it would be better to ask if there are other Star Child believers in the galaxy?
Wraithbone is now made from ores and minerals instead of sung into existence.
We have not. We should start making al ist of the various possible things we could do:@Neablis have we done a looksie at Tyrranids with this new Seer spell? How they work and all that?
[X] Plan: Tyranid Deterrence Initiative
You're missing an X on this line.--[] Produce 40 more titans according to the plans of the Valiant Battle Titan.
Since "Actions" are an abstraction that directly relates to "how much stuff we make do things" for nations...no.1) I want my All-XX, and I know there's plenty of things people want too.
Therefore, can we reveal this capability to allied nations and/or Eldar, for us to search on their behalf, with the implied cost of us knowing what they were looking for, and the explicit cost of them donating Actions to our budget if accepted?
You could. Still would piss 'em off.Ratato said:2) I know you mentioned getting Wraithbone would piss the Eldar off, but could we frame it as "search for methods the Eldar elsewhere had to proof Wraithbone against getting digested, since they surely had countermeasures" and allow the Eldar to narrow it down for us?
Valid targets.Ratato said:3) I know you mentioned that figuring out what happened to Crucible's Bile is an option, and likewise the planet that got eaten by Tyranids.
Going a bit wilder as you seem to have requested, would "the origin and production of Living Metal" and "the creation of Star child and motivation" (if taken with asking the Star Child at the same time), and "the cause of the failure of sentient AI" be valid targets, and hopefully useful ones within our time left, or during the Epilogue?
Or perhaps, "how our Prophet got to know of Star Child", and "the current state of the other Star Child nations"?
GW Fuckery.
You'll find out. :>@HeroCooky will there be any difference in outcome of the Lamenters' action if we toss action(s) their way or not?