What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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I think that we could maybe ask for origins of Necrons, because we in character do not know about war in heaven or we could ask about holes in what we know about humanity itself
I think that we could maybe ask for origins of Necrons, because we in character do not know about war in heaven or we could ask about holes in what we know about humanity itself
The age old rule of seers is that you don't look at places that can look back...and the Necrons probably can look back so...maybe not them. I am more comfortable with the Eldar because they have bigger problems but yeah...also maybe we can send the Eldar a "Hey the Nids are coming. Wanna join the compact"
So what's the next We Were focus? Looking back to the War in Heaven and seeing what Insights we can glean?

The Lamenter thing will happen on it's own. On the other hand we don't need any more ISCs... So maybe we do Lamenters and dump the rest into reaearch. Null thoughts anybody?
Would anyone still be willing to burn a charge to see if we can fish for Developmental insights haha…? I'd really like to know if we can before I start making big overarching plans. We can just rush Heavy Industry XIX next turn if we're so inclined if we switch the ISC this turn.

Otherwise, we could look at the (scientific) history of Terra or Mars or something like that. That might get us some research bonuses or progress, since the majority of DAOT history ought not to be psychically shielded like say, "History of the Emperor" would be.

Looking up history of Star Child Worshipers might be worth doing too.

We Were was a great pickup honestly, lets us do something interesting every turn.
Still think we should see who was scrying us on the other side of the galaxy.

I am extremely curious on who it was.
[] [Chapter] Test The Legion Gather The Lost Brothers (1.5/4 0/2) - [TBD Legion Fleet 1+2 are unavailable while this Action is active.]

We definitely need to do this, even if it can autocomplete Lamenter stuff finishes at .5 actions per turn, and given how awful the Lamenters' luck is I say we rush this before they either get lost in a Warp storm or warp-jump to a Necron Tomb-world that's already awoken by mistake.

Plus we can finally get Primaris Marines! If we get those we'll be all set for the Epilogue/Post-Endgame.

Also, wonder if we could use our choirs to hijack any Imperial Astropaths?
Hey there, it's me, your boy, talking about the All-XX treadmill again.

With the ISCs in hand, and if people don't want to burn We Were charges on Development boosters, here's what we got. No free actions, but there's no free lunches in the Galaxy. All-XX is achievable, and that's what matters.

Today is the 13th, meaning we have 15 days left. People seem to want to hop on the Lamenters, so really things will start on Valentine's Day. So 14 days left. This turn, we switch to either Sixteen Tons or Primum Non Nocere. It doesn't matter each one.

Next turn, we just dump 4 general actions into the appropriate development.

If it's Sixteen Tons, Dev costs are reduced to 1. 4 actions, 4 dev levels. We're up to 19.

If it's Medical Services, it's a little trickier. The ISC adds 25% per action, so it'll be like… (unless it's 25 of the way to a dev level, but I doubt it. But if it is, it's nuts)

1 Action (50% boost) => XVII + 3 Actions + 1 total ISC boost (since 4 actions) so +2 Dev Levels => XIX.

That's two turns, so 12 updates left. Switch to Wholesalers at the end of these 2 turns.

Next up is the problem children, which is Food Production and Military Industry. Same ISC, same action stuff. 4 actions into each gets them to XVIII over 2 turns, which leaves 10 updates left. Another turn where we give 2 actions to each gets them to XIX. That's 9 updates left. (We can also do it this turn but lol I don't think we're doing that.)

By then, the warp should've calmed its tits enough to turn on Tribal Warfare. Flip that on, 4 actions, All XX. 8 Updates left. Milestone Votes and All-XX, 6 Updates left. If the warp is being an asshole, that's fine. It's just another turn.

After that, go wild. Yes it's tight and no free actions, but it's a non-ideal galaxy and we didn't get all the ISCs we wanted. The Warp is also being a massive asshole and won't let us do Cry or Tribal to make our lives easier We also don't know for sure if the We Were charges can net the 50% boosts either, so like, yeah. Is what it is. At least we can vote on We Were focuses so we don't have completely monotonous turns.

If you guys don't want to do All-XX and 5-6 updates of doing pure development is too much for you, then that's that, we can do whatever y'all want. But if we get on the train, barring insane shit going on, we're not getting off, so help me Star Child.
Wait someone was scrying us?
Yep, had to go look for it.
1. They found a lot of "Eldar are looking, Tzeentch is looking, and some fucks at the other side of the galaxy are looking?" running around. Tzeentch got a visit by Cerberus where applicable, the Eldar are looked at from a (hopefully) safe distance because their clowns are fucking terrifying, and the last, uuuuh...wat?
No idea who they were.
I hope you don't mind answering these questions, I know I don't make plans much if at all:
1) I want my All-XX, and I know there's plenty of things people want too.
Therefore, can we reveal this capability to allied nations and/or Eldar, for us to search on their behalf, with the implied cost of us knowing what they were looking for, and the explicit cost of them donating Actions to our budget if accepted?
(To cut down on the paranoia spirals, we would say we have absolutely no reason to use it upon your own military secrets, we have much better things to look for and are allies so that is a waste of time)

2) I know you mentioned getting Wraithbone would piss the Eldar off, but could we frame it as "search for methods the Eldar elsewhere had to proof Wraithbone against getting digested, since they surely had countermeasures" and allow the Eldar to narrow it down for us?

Presumably with some lesser, but still good Eldar Tech as a reward, and them more willing to help us during Tyranids.

3) I know you mentioned that figuring out what happened to Crucible's Bile is an option, and likewise the planet that got eaten by Tyranids.
Going a bit wilder as you seem to have requested, would "the origin and production of Living Metal" and "the creation of Star child and motivation" (if taken with asking the Star Child at the same time), and "the cause of the failure of sentient AI" be valid targets, and hopefully useful ones within our time left, or during the Epilogue?
Or perhaps, "how our Prophet got to know of Star Child", and "the current state of the other Star Child nations"?
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[X] Plan: Tyranid Deterrence Initiative
-[X] [Free] Change ISC to Sixteen Tons Cooperative
-[X] [Free] Focus We Were the march of humanity across the distant past - ideally locating factories from the Dark Age Of Technology to observe how their technology was made. Observing the history of locations of the Ancients we've already identified/investigated is a good place to start.
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Shrine of Saint Tibuna)
-[X] [Free] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication
--[X] [AUTOMATIC] Improve Relations (Van Zandt Free Duchy)
-[X] [Military] Fleet Construction - (20.000 Points per Action) (2 actions = 40,000 points)
--[X] 15 Flag Armadas, named Event Horizon, Black Dwarf, Tachyon, Eridanus, Umbra, Triangulum, Messier, Carina, Tarantula, Centauri, Perseus, Cygnus, Draco, Hercules, Scorpius & Sculptor. (30,000 points)
--[X] 50 SBGs, names to be determined by lower levels of bureaucracy (10,000 points)
-[X] [Military] Construct God-Engines 40x Immensa Immensus (2/2) (1 action + 1 Heartbeat of Industry action)
--[X] Produce 40 more titans according to the plans of the Valiant Battle Titan.

So we're capping out our military cap here. This is 90 battleships, along with associated escorts. The purpose here is so that when the nids do show up we won't need to delay to build up our military strength. We'll already be at our full strength.

And making 40 more of the titans that carried the the war against the cults. You know, the ones where the Khornish cultists blew up a continent rather than try to fight 4 of them.

And switching on the ISC so that we can go for all-XX in the following turns.
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How did that happen?

It was the scheduled "Take neat things away from the Space Elfs" day, and they didn't have any more Avatars of Khaine to die to a rando Space Marrine or get bullied by generic Tyranids.

Now, in practice, the idea of "The Space Elfs aren't actually 100% independent of logistics and can print out infinite gear" isn't a bad one, since it gives them a reason to actually pick fights that isn't just "because the plot said so". You can still have a psychic material shaped by singing if you have some precursor elements you need to use as catalysts to get there, but this is James Workshop, so they fucked it up.
@Neablis have we done a looksie at Tyrranids with this new Seer spell? How they work and all that?

[X] Plan: Tyranid Deterrence Initiative
We have not. We should start making al ist of the various possible things we could do:

1. More science-tech foci (looking at DaoT) Trying now. May do more in future?
2. History of Humanity (Grand Crusade, big E)
3. History/intelligence on Zenos (Learn more about Orks, Eldar, Necrons, etc) Risky
1) I want my All-XX, and I know there's plenty of things people want too.
Therefore, can we reveal this capability to allied nations and/or Eldar, for us to search on their behalf, with the implied cost of us knowing what they were looking for, and the explicit cost of them donating Actions to our budget if accepted?
Since "Actions" are an abstraction that directly relates to "how much stuff we make do things" for nations...no.
Ratato said:
2) I know you mentioned getting Wraithbone would piss the Eldar off, but could we frame it as "search for methods the Eldar elsewhere had to proof Wraithbone against getting digested, since they surely had countermeasures" and allow the Eldar to narrow it down for us?
You could. Still would piss 'em off.
Ratato said:
3) I know you mentioned that figuring out what happened to Crucible's Bile is an option, and likewise the planet that got eaten by Tyranids.
Going a bit wilder as you seem to have requested, would "the origin and production of Living Metal" and "the creation of Star child and motivation" (if taken with asking the Star Child at the same time), and "the cause of the failure of sentient AI" be valid targets, and hopefully useful ones within our time left, or during the Epilogue?
Or perhaps, "how our Prophet got to know of Star Child", and "the current state of the other Star Child nations"?
Valid targets.
How did that happen?
GW Fuckery.
@HeroCooky will there be any difference in outcome of the Lamenters' action if we toss action(s) their way or not?
You'll find out. :>
Mmm, I like Neablis' plan a lot, so I'm gonna vote for it.

[X] Plan: Tyranid Deterrence Initiative

However, I'm going to make an unwise plan, because this is the first and likely only chance to cross the Cicatrix Maledictum before the Epilogue. So might as well make it a bang. But yeah, the 4 decades is just that the Lost Brothers action is 2 actions, so if it ticks at 0.5 each turn it's 4 turns.

[X] Plan: Crash Out
-[X] [Free] Change ISC to Sixteen Tons Cooperative
-[X] [Free] Focus We Were the march of humanity across the distant past - ideally locating factories from the Dark Age Of Technology to observe how their technology was made. Observing the history of locations of the Ancients we've already identified/investigated is a good place to start.
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Shrine of Saint Tibuna)
-[X] [Free] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication
--[X] [AUTOMATIC] Improve Relations (Van Zandt Free Duchy)
--[X] [Free] Pull 2000 Choirs from Love Unto Death - 1000 to sing Legacy of the Federation, 1000 for the use of Operation DELIVERANCE (If needed, 500 to sing No Evil if its range does not stretch past the Cicatrix Maledictum).
-[X] [Chapter] Gather The Lost Brothers x2
-[X] [Military] Begin Military Operations [Operation: DELIVERANCE]
--[X] OBJECTIVE: Serve as needed to deliver the Lamenter Legion to the Lost Lamenters at maximal speed, and to ensure their safe return at maximal speed.
--[X] SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: Gain as much intelligence of the wider galaxy as possible. Deny the objectives of the forces of destruction (i.e. Chaos) when possible.
--[X] Forces:
---[X] Flag Armadas: Nova, Nebula, Quasar, Pulsar, Ashen Star, Broken Void, Magnetar, Singularity, Voidfire, Stellar Conflagration
---[X] 55 SBGs
---[X] 20 Nomadic Fleets
---[X] LRADs: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Eta, Theta, Iota, Kappa
---[X] Logistic Fleets Mermaid, Cherub, Nymph, Dryad, Slyph
---[X] 50 Pyxis-Tertium Scout Sloops
---[X] Evacuation Fleets
---[X] 10 War-Worlds
---[X] Invasion Fleets 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
---[X] Temple Ships The Divine Spark, The Last Word, The Gargantua, A Feather From A Wing, and The Fleeting Moment
---[X] Ground Forces: Legio Gladius, Half Of Each Knight Order, and Half Of Each Grand Army

If @Alectai is okay with it, I'll tag the Seyfert along with it, because fuck it, we ball.

Also: this isn't even like, half our fleet, lol.

There was a compromise plan I was cooking up where we'd do like, 1 Lamenter action to shorten the timespan to 2 decades and then 2 Psykana actions to get 5 Psykana Actions. 1 to swing a few melodies, and 4 to get 16 songs so we'd have more stuff to play with over the turns. Unfortunately for me and fortunately for Cooky, I lost this post like 2 times, so their wrist is spared.
[X] Plan: Crash Out

[X] Plan: Tyranid Deterrence Initiative

[X] Plan: Crashing Out With The Seyfert And Friends
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