What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Binary is very basic it doesn't have to be the symbols for 1 and 0. It can be as simple as Morse code. Flashing lights. Yes and No. And so on.
But how would they know what the code is? How would they know that one blink is yes and two no? And morse code is incredibly complex, same as binary once you want to send out more than one word.
[X] PLAN: Simple and Clear
-[X] This is a Message about Danger, with other messages to follow. Pay Attention to it! We consider ourselves to be an wise culture
--[X] The Danger is in Moving to the Stars, This is a statement we consider to be important.
---[X] The Danger increases as Moving to the Stars continues.
----[X] The Danger is to body and mind, and it can kill.
-----[X] Include simple pictograms to help add clarity with these messages. Making use of obvious astronomical data of their home system and where their ship ended up on our side of the line. A simplified version of a Circinus on both sides, and one 'In Travel' with a circle around it, that arrives on both sides, and then a simple version of one of their own vessels leaving without that circle, with a show of it being damaged in the 'Transition' period and ending up on the other side a distorted mess. Make these as simple and clear as we could
------[X] Work at cracking the language while keeping our envoy here, at least until we can better clarify the terms to them.

The intention here, @HeroCooky, is using straight, uncomplicated single words and simple statements supplemented by simple pictograms transmitted as best we can to at least provoke hesitation until we can more clearly communicate. Drawing heavily from the nuclear material storage facility warnings stuff in real life (The "This is not a place of Honor" stuff), which is intended to communicate as clearly as possible to a hypothetical distant future entity that could stumble upon it.
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HeroCooky said:
A new era begins, heralded by the Star Child's vision of the truth behind the past shown to their gathered faithful.
Even if some whisper about the forceful nature of it...and how wrong some parts felt.
This is an era in which the Outsiders shall be categorized as five parts of the whole, each different and requiring a keen hand and mind to find those who belong and those who don't within them, be it by misclassification or past atrocities committed and hostilities extended once more.
But by whom? Why were ours not shown?
One where a new class of ship wrought in holy visions would ply the stars and deliver the mercy of the Star Child to those ailing and those wicked!
Was it the Star Child which spoke to us...or the Emperor-and-Omnissiah?
And one where lowly challenges shall not bow us, for we have the truth behind us and the future before us. Us all, for the Kil'drabi can no longer be called a Protectorate for all that they have done.
There were contradictions. Parts didn't match. Holes in the story told.
They shall be Kin. Evermore. Blood has weight, and they spilled theirs for ours without prompting, willing to fight and die because it was the right thing to do.
Was it the truth? Or the one told to our Divine?
Thus it is written. Thus it shall be.

For the ease of everyone, I copied the text and bolded the invisitext.

[X] PLAN: Simple and Clear
Do we need to specify sending a ship to tell the Taurus and other ships we had as contingency that they aren't needed and don't need to rush in after we spend 2 days talking?
[X] Plan: We come in peace, please don't summon demons.
-[X] "Greetings. We come in peace. We have recently discovered that you have breached the barriers between Reality and the Warp. Firstly we must congratulate you, creating a warp drive is no small feat and is a credit to your civilisation. Unfortunately there is much danger regarding the Warp that you do not yet know. The parallel dimension that you are attempting to traverse is inimical to life and is plagued by beings that are actively hostile to every known species in the galaxy. Your exploration vessel was sadly lost to the madness that is ever present in that realm and came upon our territories. Through this we came to learn of your attempt to travel the Immaterium without a suitable means of protection, and thus we must warn you. Cease. You are only drawing more attention towards yourself and are actively increasing the chances of warp contamination to your species and culture. We are willing to remain in contact for any questions you may have."
-[X] Send pictures and videos of the exploration ship that we found.
[X] Plan: Monkey Noises
-[X] "Warp travel not safe. Faster than light travel not safe. Do not jump. Do not travel. Warp dimension/area hostile." Repeat.
Do we know who the archangels they are talking about are? It doesn't feel like the imperium to me, Who would just have wiped them out fullstop....
Its the Imperium. Shockingly enough, they are willing to engage in diplomacy with Xenos...to buy time to gather the forces to perform a full genocide. They also engage in "preventative culls" aka nuclear/orbital bombardment to keep a species down until enough forces can be shaken loose to kill the species fully.

The Imps just never got to do the last step.
If "Day of the archangel" Refers to the First cleanse, and not the Last cleanse (Can't discount it), Then its only been 1000 years since the imperium discovered them, and started suppressing them in preparation for extermination/colonization.
You (in-quest) know that the Imperium has bombed the Yeeni at least four to six times, about once every ~500 years. The last bombing just never happened due to the whole *gestures at giant warp rift in the middle of the galaxy* thingamajig.
Its the Imperium. Shockingly enough, they are willing to engage in diplomacy with Xenos...to buy time to gather the forces to perform a full genocide. They also engage in "preventative culls" aka nuclear/orbital bombardment to keep a species down until enough forces can be shaken loose to kill the species fully.

The Imps just never got to do the last step.
You (in-quest) know that the Imperium has bombed the Yeeni at least four to six times, about once every ~500 years. The last bombing just never happened due to the whole *gestures at giant warp rift in the middle of the galaxy* thingamajig.

So 2-3000 thousand years. The bureaucrats must have had a bad lunch and felt like being picky a couple times in a row:p

The big rift didn't help things, and gulliman kicking over the table and requisitioning as many soldiers as he can, saying "Why are you wasting time on that, GTFO" Probably didn't help. gulliman isn't against Xenocide from what I know, Being Apathetic/uncaring at best, but given the fire's he is trying to put out, i assume "useless" troop requisition like this are the first things he stuck on the chopping block while He tries to duck tape the imperium back together into a slightly less rotten shambling corpse.
[X] PLAN: Simple and Clear

I'm sold on this.
After all, I simply adore the THIS IS NOT A PLACE OF HONOR shit
[X] PLAN: Simple and Clear
-[X] This is a Message about Danger, with other messages to follow. Pay Attention to it! We consider ourselves to be an wise culture
--[X] The Danger is in Moving to the Stars, This is a statement we consider to be important.
---[X] The Danger increases as Moving to the Stars continues.
----[X] The Danger is to body and mind, and it can kill.
-----[X] Include simple pictograms to help add clarity with these messages. Making use of obvious astronomical data of their home system and where their ship ended up on our side of the line. A simplified version of a Circinus on both sides, and one 'In Travel' with a circle around it, that arrives on both sides, and then a simple version of one of their own vessels leaving without that circle, with a show of it being damaged in the 'Transition' period and ending up on the other side a distorted mess. Make these as simple and clear as we could
------[X] Work at cracking the language while keeping our envoy here, at least until we can better clarify the terms to them.

The intention here, @HeroCooky, is using straight, uncomplicated single words and simple statements supplemented by simple pictograms transmitted as best we can to at least provoke hesitation until we can more clearly communicate. Drawing heavily from the nuclear material storage facility warnings stuff in real life (The "This is not a place of Honor" stuff), which is intended to communicate as clearly as possible to a hypothetical distant future entity that could stumble upon it.
Maybe we should include an offer for protection?
I.e. after this help them build the bare minimum drive necessary for non Chaos-!!FUN!! travel?
They are between children and travelers, so... adolescents.
Too far to be children.
Not far enough to be travelers.

Also, maybe include, "If Initial contact goes well, offer to take their team in a travel on our ships. To the first ship of theirs we found and back to their home, working on communication (and when communication works: explaining the warp dangers) during the travel".
Their team meeting our ships and sending home a message about "friendly contact with the Watchers, recieved warning about danger of our drive, offered to show us our first ship" should get their people to re-consider Warp travel. Until their team returns after having seen what the Warp does to people and having heard the warning we can give in the travel time. That should make it very clear: "No FTL without proper protection!"