I have a question; would the mammoth be a Divine Beast with all the qualities TYPE-MOON defines Divinity possessing or will it just be counted as a ridiculously huge magic mountain mammoth? Basically, would it possess some of the more esoteric properties is what I'm asking. Because I am fairly certain that Divinity in the Nasuverse has some form of conceptual one-upmanship where divine effects simply do more than their mundane equivalents.
I need to look up what it means to be a Divine Beast. I'll say that it does count as one. (If Moby Dick can be a Divine Beast then the Mammoth can too.)
There was something about Compendium's lower half becoming this thing like a knockoff Echnida? (Yet Echnida ends up looking like a cheap knockoff....) Would Compendium become like a tiny freckle on it's backside or would he grow in size?
Okay so with nineteen votes, we have an overwhelming majority for Zveri - Krestnyy Khod. I think I can safely close the vote a little in advance.
And that will allow me to talk about it. Apart from the wiki page for it and for Ivan, I couldn't find anything else about it.
First, the size, Mountain as a descriptor is very cute but it's not very helpful. In one image we can see that it's four or five times (more?) taller than some tree (pine?) but again that's not much help.
There is one image that shows the Mammoth wrestling with a golem, and the wiki page for that golem says that it reaches 1000 meters in height at its tallest. Can I use that? Did anyone get more info? How come I can't find any image/video of the manga/anime?
Next, I'm a little more confident with duration but I'll still like your opinion. I think 3 minutes is fair, it's short but enough to still deal massive damage even before taking into account the laser/lightning blast thing it can do. Using that attack would end the noble phantasm regardless of the remaining duration of course. Obviously, that duration would be doubled if Alex used Energy Boost (and there's no reason he wouldn't.
And even more so he could drain mana from some other partners or use some mana regenaration effect he has access to increase that even more. So is 3 minutes as a base a good number?
The last thing is about the amount of Magic circuit that Alex will gain because of this noble phantasm. I'd like to clarify things on that front. We gain those Magic Circuit when Shadow became a Servant.
And that's where it gets interesting because those Servants got special treatments from the Menagerie./Yep, I just found the detail on that. We can either summon Shadow "normally" if we can call what we do normal. Or we can use our newly gained Magic Circuits to power a Summoning Ritual and summon him that way./That has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are that he wouldn't count toward our limit, he could go much further away from us, and he would not automatically disappear after twenty-four hours. While that sounds great the disadvantages mean that we would need to support its existence using our new Magic Circuits and the cost depends on the distance and the level of activity./I've checked the numbers, and if he remains right next to us and does nearly nothing we can have him out for the whole day, with a minimal level of activity half a day and with intense power use perhaps an hour./ So not great but not useless either and that can be improved with regular use./ It can also be improved by funneling our other source of magic into our Magic Circuits but the conversion rate is horrendous something like ten to one, still could be useful in a pinch.
I never specified how many Magic Circuits that represent. I think that now that we have another use for those Circuits we may need to have a firm number. How many Circuits (assuming max quality) are needed to power a low-level Servant like Shadow for a day of little activity?
And how many are needed to manifest Zveri - Krestnyy Khod for 3 minutes? I doubt anyone can give an exact answer but if any Fate experts are present even a ballpark could be useful.
Unrelated note: I just noticed that we reached 200 threadmarks for the main story. That's cool. And 25 sidestory.
Okay so with nineteen votes, we have an overwhelming majority for Zveri - Krestnyy Khod. I think I can safely close the vote a little in advance.
And that will allow me to talk about it. Apart from the wiki page for it and for Ivan, I couldn't find anything else about it.
First, the size, Mountain as a descriptor is very cute but it's not very helpful. In one image we can see that it's four or five times (more?) taller than some tree (pine?) but again that's not much help.
There is one image that shows the Mammoth wrestling with a golem, and the wiki page for that golem says that it reaches 1000 meters in height at its tallest. Can I use that? Did anyone get more info? How come I can't find any image/video of the manga/anime?
Next, I'm a little more confident with duration but I'll still like your opinion. I think 3 minutes is fair, it's short but enough to still deal massive damage even before taking into account the laser/lightning blast thing it can do. Using that attack would end the noble phantasm regardless of the remaining duration of course. Obviously, that duration would be doubled if Alex used Energy Boost (and there's no reason he wouldn't.
And even more so he could drain mana from some other partners or use some mana regenaration effect he has access to increase that even more. So is 3 minutes as a base a good number?
The last thing is about the amount of Magic circuit that Alex will gain because of this noble phantasm. I'd like to clarify things on that front. We gain those Magic Circuit when Shadow became a Servant.
Here's the relevant quote from chapter 95:
I never specified how many Magic Circuits that represent. I think that now that we have another use for those Circuits we may need to have a firm number. How many Circuits (assuming max quality) are needed to power a low-level Servant like Shadow for a day of little activity?
And how many are needed to manifest Zveri - Krestnyy Khod for 3 minutes? I doubt anyone can give an exact answer but if any Fate experts are present even a ballpark could be useful.
Unrelated note: I just noticed that we reached 200 threadmarks for the main story. That's cool. And 25 sidestory.
Okay, I may not be the foremost expert on Nasuverse Lore but I have studied it rather extensively nonetheless, so I'm close enough to give you some ideas.
For height, I'd say going with ~100 meters would be a good number, since the Golem it fought grows from 15 meters to 1000 meters by doubling every hour. If it was actually 1000 meters tall, it'd be a 900 Point creature, which you can do and then change the price in the google sheet to 900 Points. So yeah, either ~100 meters at 800 Points or change it to 900 Points and make it ~1000 meters tall. Your choice.
3 Minutes as a base sounds fair. I believe that right not by taking the Circuits we'd get + what Circuits we have + the increase in quality + other sources of mana like the Dungeon Class + taking energy from other Partners + Energy Boost we can easily reach almost 10 minutes, more than enough for almost any S-Class Fight.
For Circuits, Emiya Shirou (that's Shirou Emiya for our Western, non-Japanese Audience (most of us)) had only 27 atrophied Circuits of Very Poor quality (only generating 10 units of mana each after they were awakened), mostly relying on an ad-hoc method of turning his own nerves into artificial Circuits to perform Magecraft (Note: DON'T DO THIS! It is very painful and apparently quite lethal if you do it perfectly, the fact that Shirou did it for years and lived is a capital M Miracle).
Even with Circuits like that, Shirou managed to have Saber Arturia Pendragon, a powerful 5 Star Servant, around 24 seven, although she couldn't Astralize and could only fight for limited periods of time (although the Grail gave Saber 80% of her Mana supply as it was designed to).
For Alex, I'd say Shadow becoming a Servant resulted in him getting 20 (the average number) Poor Quality Circuits (better than Shirou's, but still not that much mana), and getting another Servant or a Noble Phantasm gives him another 20 Circuits and ups the quality by one rank.
Rank in this case is a letter-based system, with C being enough magical power to rival the conventional power of a village at most (when paired with the average of 20 Circuits). The highest quality (I think EX?) paired with the largest number of Circuits (several Hundred) puts you at "I can take on the combined armed forces of a modern first world country by myself and win" levels of power (if you know what you're doing (these Mages are called Grand Mages in case you're wondering, I think there's at most a dozen in the whole world?)). Rin has 40 "good quality circuits" that produced 30 units of mana each for a total of 1200 Mana, so I'd say D-C Rank Quality for her, with the number of Circuits (being more than her parents had) being what pushed her into "top tier" average magus territory (i.e. the best the average Magus can be).
Shirou I'd say had E Quality Circuits, atrophied to F from lack of use in favor of Nerve Circuits. For Alex, I'd say he had 20 E Rank Circuits, and now he has 40 D Rank Circuits, which by themselves puts him at maintaining the Noble Phantasm Zveri - Krestnyy Khod for 3 minutes before he's out and needs to recover, meaning he went from 20 Circuits producing 10 units of Mana each (200 Mana) to 40 Circuits producing 20 units of Mana each (800 Mana), and each Rank doubles the number, so C = 40, B = 80, A = 160, EX = 300+.
Maybe have the 'moderate increase in quality" be +'s. So after this, the next Servant/Noble Phantasm will make him have D+ Rank Circuits which produce 30 mana each, the C at 40, C+ at 60, B at 80, B+ at 120, A at 160, A+ at 240, then EX at 320 with every improvement afterwards increasing it by 50% (480, 720, 1080, etc).
That's the best I got without spending the next few weeks doing nothing but study Nasuverse Lore on this subject.
Should be noted that I'm pretty sure the grail supports the summoning of Servants during the grail wars, and that summoning a calamity even for 3 minutes at base is way way past D rank circuits.
Should be noted that I'm pretty sure the grail supports the summoning of Servants during the grail wars, and that summoning a calamity even for 3 minutes at base is way way past D rank circuits.
No, because Illya (even if she was modified to allow this at the cost of lifespan) managed to support the super powerful Servant that is Berserker Heracles for months without Grail Support because her 'family' made her summon him super early to the point the Grail's support system wouldn't activate because, idk, reasons. I believe supporting a single Noble Phantasm for 3 minutes is more than fair, since he isn't supporting a powerful Servant who acts as an intermediary to then summon the Noble Phatasm, which would much more than double the cost. I mean, Alex is going to be in a lot of pain while doing that and need at least a full day of rest afterwards, and his support/healing powers are the only reason he can survive doing that and recover in a day, but he can do it.
No, because Illya (even if she was modified to allow this at the cost of lifespan) managed to support the super powerful Servant that is Berserker Heracles for months without Grail Support because her 'family' made her summon him super early to the point the Grail's support system wouldn't activate because, idk, reasons. I believe supporting a single Noble Phantasm for 3 minutes is more than fair, since he isn't supporting a powerful Servant who acts as an intermediary to then summon the Noble Phatasm, which would much more than double the cost. I mean, Alex is going to be in a lot of pain while doing that and need at least a full day of rest afterwards, and his support/healing powers are the only reason he can survive doing that and recover in a day, but he can do it.
Illya is not an ordinary person, her body is practically filled with magical circuits.
Using the good ending of UBW as a reference might be more interesting, Rin needs help to maintain Arthuria's existence, even if Saber isn't fighting.]
Also Saber is not a proper servant as she made a deal with Alya to get the grail. So that was also why she could not go astral, because she was not technically dead yet.
1. You messed up the post and your response is also in the Quote.
2. Yes, Rin did need help to maintain Arturia's Summoning, and that's why Alex, as indicated by @zagan's quote, could only have Shadow summoned for ~24 hours if he stood next to him all day and did nothing, after which he would be unSummoned from lack of Mana. Doing anything halves that time, and actually fighting drops him to an hour of being summoned.
Also Saber is not a proper servant as she made a deal with Alya to get the grail. So that was also why she could not go astral, because she was not technically dead yet.
Concerning size I think I will go all the way to 1000m in height while keeping the price at 800. The limited duration and necessity to power it with your magic circuit (meaning that you can't use it for anything else) is a fair compensation.
That will give us something like that:
-[800]-Zveri - Krestnyy Khod: When this Noble Phantasm is activated, your lower half takes on the form of the mountain-sized (1km in height and 1.5km in length) primordial Mammoth, that is considered a Divine Beast. The transformation lasts for 3 minutes, or until you unleash your energy blast, if you only possess the minimum amount and quality of Magic Circuits. (~4 mana/sec)
-Magic Circuits: To fully use your Servants and Noble Phantasm the Menagerie granted you 40 D ranks circuits. (Mana produced per Rank: E=10, D=20, C=40, B=80, A=160, EX=320)
I don't think the rank of the Noble Phantasm has any relation to the quantity/quality of the circuits. Well, not directly. You could say that the rank is correlated to the mana cost and that determines the quantity/quality of the circuits that are gained.
Though I guess that some high-rank phantasm with a very short duration or very small area of effect could cost less than one expects and a low-rank phantasm could be low-rank because it's not efficient and costs way more mana than its effect should warrant.
Minor Note: I reorganized the informational posts, mainly by creating a separate post for the Creature's Weapon/Vehicle shapes, Material Extraction, and Senses. The main Character sheet was getting too heavy and was laggy.
There's also a number of informational posts that aren't very useful that I put at the end of the list.
Aw man, this reminds me so much of Dynasty Warriors. Riding into battle on a f@ck you sized elephant was an excellent past time. *Nostalgic sigh* Good times.
anything else about it.
First, the size, Mountain as a descriptor is very cute but it's not very helpful. In one image we can see that it's four or five times (more?) taller than some tree (pine?) but again that's not much help.
For or 5 times?! From tgd small video on the site look at the close up of it's foot when it first ssets down. Its foot can flatten a small house, including the shrubbery around it!
The following shots are long distance pics. 1000 meters seems small.
Size of a mountain? More like rock climbers have scaled it's calcified poop piles unknowingly!
Summon in a city then tell him to roll over if you wanna wipe a city off of the map!
Next, I'm a little more confident with duration but I'll still like your opinion. I think 3 minutes is fair, it's short but enough to still deal massive damage even before taking into account the laser/lightning blast thing it can do. Using that attack would end the noble phantasm regardless of the remaining duration of course. Obviously, that duration would be doubled if Alex used Energy Boost (and there's no reason he wouldn't.
And even more so he could drain mana from some other partners or use some mana regenaration effect he has access to increase that even more. So is 3 minutes as a base a good number?
If it's like an invocation then 3 minutes is fine. Power wise I think someone needs to ask:
Which requires more power; Summoning a Servant or casting a Noble Phantasm?
And how much power does a single Magic Circuit produce?
And of course that's all answered by the time I actually get to read all this.
[X] Clockblocker asked to talk to me about something private.
[X] Power
Power Roll: (1150 points)
Entry Roll D39=32
500 Pocket Biosphere, 0 Choose a Category, 0 Bonus points (100)
Sub-vote results: 0 Choose a Category (TYPE-MOON): 800 Zveri - Krestnyy Khod
Banked: 350
We didn't gain the pocket dimension I expected. Thankfully this time I didn't prewrite the paragraphs about it. I'm learning! Instead, we gain the ability to transform/fuse with a primordial divine Mammoth. That's cool too.
I add a lot of fun describing the power interaction with the Mammoth, too much perhaps. But as always, power interaction is my favorite thing in this quest. I hope you'll have as much fun reading it as me writing it
Also we'll discover what Denis wants. Truly a mystery for the age.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sunday, 05/08/2011 (4 AM)
I was in the Mental Realm while my body was sleeping. I was spending time with some partners that I didn't call on much, or ever. Mainly those that were too useful for Material Extraction to miss a day of it and so preventing me from summoning them in the real world.
Oh, the Mental Realm was perfectly comfortable, and that wasn't an exaggeration, each personal bubble was custom-made to provide the perfect environment with all the amenities one can wish for. This includes food, resting spots, entertainment, and even illusory companies such as prey or packmates. They could even visit each other's personal bubbles, providing endless environments to explore.
Still, despite all that, I sometimes felt bad that they never got to visit the real world. In an effort to compensate I tried to spend time with them when I could. Currently, I was playing with Minos, using my jacket as a cape in a facsimile of corrida. While I despised the concept of real corrida, and even more so now that I could feel the emotions of animals, the fact that he was the one who initiated the game and that he appeared to enjoy it immensely alleviated my concerns in this instance.
Of course, Minos was smarter, stronger, and more agile than a normal bull, so it was a much fairer competition.
Just as I jumped to the side to avoid his latest charge, a sudden burning sensation manifested all over my body making me scream and tripped. An instant later, I gasped for breath in the real world clutching my head as something entered my brain forcefully. A peculiar type of pain that reminds me of something.
It took all I had to refrain from screaming. I vaguely felt my current partners trying to alleviate my suffering by taking it on themselves, with limited success. Olky hovered near my bed and hit me with a wave of healing, it helped a little.
My agony abated after a few minutes and I could breathe freely again.
Slumping back down in my bed I absently petted my Nut, grateful for his presence. It was only half an hour later, around four in the morning, when I felt well enough to analyze what happened.
The pain comes in part from the new Magic Circuits and the improvement of the old ones. We now have twice as many as before and of a much better quality./It's the same process as when Shadow became a Servant. The magnitude was just that much greater.
Thinking back, yes I could see the commonalities. The same burning sensation all through my body.
The Menagerie chose to gift us those wonderful Magic Circuits because it will allow us to use a Noble Phantasm of our own. Like Shadow's Dark Pool of Oblivion./Of our own might be an exaggeration, this Noble Phantasm belonged to a Servant version of Ivan the Terrible./We won't linger too much on Ivan, we don't have much info about him anyway./It was the download of the metaphysical knowledge about the Phantasm that causes the pain in our head.
I didn't look but I could indeed feel a new weight inside. Not with my partners, it was sort of in between the conduit for my invocations and my lists of Blue Magic Spells.
And as far as Noble Phantasm go, this one is a completely different level./It's a self-transformation effect lasting a few minutes, the lower half of our body would become a sort of primordial magical Mammoth, with a hornblade at the end of its trunk for reasons./While a first glance this may just sound weird instead of powerful that Mammoth is a giant thing reaching upward to one kilometer in height at the top of his hump.
I was getting accustomed to being caught by surprise. I even braced myself for that one, expecting something. It wasn't enough. Hurriedly, I accessed my newfound knowledge in case my Minds decided to prank me. But no it wasn't a prank. It could really transform my legs into a Mammoth the size of a mountain. A giant Mammoth that could fire an energy beam wider than Rex, because why not?
Once I managed to digest that my inner discussion continued.
So I can't think of any scenario where we'll be able to use it. We'll do more damage than an Endbringer just by transforming, moving wouldn't help matters, and firing the laser would be completely overkill./So, will this turn into an amazingly powerful power but a completely unusable one?/I wouldn't go that far. It doesn't count as a partner so it has some interesting power interaction./The first thing that comes to mind is that as part of our body it benefits from Strength of Many but using the Mammoth strength and endurance as a base. The results are just insane. And then you need to add Self Boost. I don't think we can conceptualize the resulting numbers./There are the Modifiers too. Mountain-sized Mammoth with Dragon Wings, anyone?
I was still trying to wrap my brain around the resulting image when another mind chimed in.
What about Solar? Could he apply Plasma Body to it?
This prompted a long discussion with our Shard. Solar was more than willing to try if only for the data. But realistically it exceeds its limits by multiple orders of magnitude. Applying Plasma Body to parts of the Mammoth's body, like the trunk or the tusks, was a possibility, however.
Two Minds noticed at the same time that we could technically use Share Power with it to have two Mammoth transformations, one for us and one for a partner. Apart from the fact that if we ever need that much firepower and have enough room for it, we're probably already screwed, like a moon-sized asteroid threatening to destroy the planet in the next few seconds. Even ignoring that unlikely possibility, I'll need to touch the target partner to make it work, meaning that we'll end up with two one-kilometer-tall Mammoths on top of each other. Unhindered Movement would make it possible but probably awkward. It wouldn't forget about the possibility but again the probability of needing it was even lower than using the Noble Phantasm itself.
I don't know how but this segues into a discussion of applying Cards effects to our Mammoth-self. The Big was dismissed out of hand, going bigger seems to be a ludicrous proposition. When The Jump was brought up there was a pause and we decided to stop there. The risk of creating an extinction-level event of our own was all too real.
So in conclusion, this one won't make it into our report. Nobody would believe it and even if they did they'll ask for a demonstration. And where would we hold it?
With that decision taken, we turn away from the Noble Phantasm itself to how we could use our shiny new Magic Circuits. Considering the cost of acquiring them you can bet I want to use them.
We did the Math and we realized that we could summon Shadow using the Servant Summoning ritual and keep him summoned 24/7 with the occasional mana regeneration effect. We'll just need to draw a permanent ritual circle. One more thing to add to the Orb's dimension.
That would free up a slot for one other partner. And I like the idea of having a permanent invisible bodyguard that would follow me around.
Those inner ruminations reached their conclusions around five. I considered going back to sleep but I was far too awake for it. I got up as quietly as possible and booted up my computer. I could play a little until it was time to make breakfast. It's been days, I had a lot of daily quests to catch up on. And it would make for an excellent distraction.
A few hours later, around nine, I was back at the Rig, in my little used office reading my mails. Aggretsuko was resting today, she earned it. Today being Sunday people we finally started to leave me alone. The only thing was a meeting with the HR department just before ten, it seems that I accumulated too many work hours. As a pseudo-military organization, our rules were more relaxed than a civilian organization. But I was still well above the quota.
My status as a pseudo-Noctis cape complicated matters, because there was a clause in our contract stating that we were paid the same for our daylight work hours and nighttime work hours. But in exchange, if we accept to work more often at night we receive a premium at the end of the month.
Then there was the issue with my partners to take into account. If I'm patrolling while Clank is helping Colin with his Tinkering, does it count as twice the hour of work? If I'm sleeping at home but Scalpa is guarding the building with the troopers does it count as working?
One would think that this would have been dealt with in my initial contract, but as my powers grew and the number of partners I could call upon increased, this contract became more and more inadequate.
All in all, it was a thorny issue and despite my newfound fame, it was still something that needed to be resolved.
And for that, I need to go to the PRT building. I understand why the PRT and the Protectorate were two separate organizations but we worked so closely together that having two separate buildings, and not even adjacent ones at that, was a pain to deal with. And I could teleport, so it was even worse for my colleagues.
After two hours of discussion, we managed a new wording for the contract that was agreed upon, subject to a review by the legal department. It boiled down to my partner not counting as separate entities for the purpose of calculating work hours but in exchange, I got a pay raise. I didn't strictly speaking need it but it was appreciated, and I could understand why counting my partners separately would be too complicated.
Following that, I had a relaxing lunch with Assault and Battery. There was an awkwardness that wasn't present in our interaction before. Seeing the scope of my powers put some distance between us, a sort of instinctive deference that I could see in the way they worded things. I tried my best to dispel that, and for the most part, I think that by the end of the meal I succeeded. Ethan started telling jokes again so I took that as a good sign.
I was at my desk in my office, the one in the PRT building this time, around two in the afternoon, when someone knocked on the door. The Harvest unit on duty showed me that it was Clockblocker without his mask.
"It's open!"
The door opened much slower than I would expect from the bold teenager. He entered the room with hesitant steps.
A little confused, I greeted him warmly. "Hello Clock."
He responded with false cheer. "Good day. How's the Endkiller doing today?"
I decided to humor him. "I'm doing just fine. I'm on a break from the mountain of paperwork I had to deal with."
He forced out a laugh. To help him relax I called on Olky to bring us something to drink. I gestured for him to sit down. And while waiting we exchanged pleasantries. He talked about the battle explaining that the Ward all volunteered for search and rescue. They all witnessed the fight and cheered together when we won.
When Olky brought our drink, coffee for me and pineapple juice for him, I judged that it was time to break the ice.
"So what brings you by?"
I saw him hesitate. He lowered his eyes and to gain time he slowly sipped his drink. Then he took a deep breath and looked at me fixedly. I saw tears in the corner of his eyes. "I want to ask if you could heal my dad." The dam broke and a torrent of words spilled out. "Please. I'll do anything. He's deadly sick. I overheard the doctors saying that he didn't have long left. You can do healing. I can't lose him, I can't. Please."
He sagged into his chair with a ragged breath.
I certainly didn't expect that. It brought to the fore painful memories of my own. What would I have been willing to do if I knew that someone would have saved Dad?
As gently as possible I spoke up. "If you came to me I assume that's it's serious. What is he suffering from?"
"Leukemia." It was only a whisper but I caught it.
I frowned, calling on both my Menagerie-granted Veterinary knowledge and the medicine I learned from Miss J, that could be tricky. As delicately as possible I asked him a series of questions to build a profile of his dad and to learn the specific characteristics of the malady. Even though he couldn't tell me everything, it was enough to determine that it was a case of chronic leukemia. The survival rate was pretty high but his father might just be an unlucky case, resistant to mundane treatments.
I could easily deal with the symptoms and heal the damage to his organs. That would give him more time. But it wouldn't solve the problem at the source. Considering that it was a cancer of the bone marrow my Doctor Fishes would be of no use.
Still thinking on how I should go about it he mentioned that his father was in St Laura Clinic, an establishment in the southern district. That reminds me that maybe I should visit hospitals and clinics other than Brockton General.
Another question occurred to me and I saw no reason to not voice it. "What about Panacea? Unlike a lot of people, you do have contact with her. Why didn't you ask her? She could certainly do it."
He sighs. "You wouldn't believe the number of times I almost approached her. But she has rules, I know she doesn't take requests. If she refused I don't know what I would do."
He paused. "Does this mean that you can't help?"
The poor kid looked desperate so I hurried to ease his worries. "I didn't say that. I can heal a lot of things fairly easily, I can heal the damage dealt by the cancer. That will give him some time at any rate. Dealing with the source is more complicated but maybe doable." I'll need to consult with Yuhe but a bone regeneration jutsu should be within his arsenal..
The raw hope in his eyes almost hurt to look at. "Really?"
"Yes, really. But we do need to talk about logistics."
"If I present myself to the St Laura's clinic and ask to heal one specific person it will definitely endanger your identity. So I'll need to contact them beforehand and arrange an event to heal multiple people. Maybe I'll contact Amy to see if she wants to join me to further disguise things."
The teenager slumped into his chair, the relief was palpable in his attitude, tension leaving his body. "Thank you. Thank you so much. If you need anything from don't me don't hesitate. I'm in your debt." As he spoke the tears at the corner of his eyes spilled out.
I didn't comment, in his place, I would do the same. And I couldn't help but think about a living grandmotherly mask that I gained recently. Maybe I would call in this favor sooner than he expected.
Wordcount: 2615
Excess words: 197
There we go, nothing to say for this one.
Activity vote:
[] Sergeant Blair contacted me to organize another training exercise with the Wards
[] I should check on that animal shelter that accepted the dogs from the dog fighting rings.
[] The PR department organized a visit to an orphanage for me.
[] Compendium is supposed to visit a school and talk to the children
[] I accumulate a fair number of Enchanted books, it's time to put them to use.
[] Armsmsaster proposed a spar. Me against the rest of the team.
[] I got a rest day. it will be good to spend some time at home
[] The meeting with the Adepts has been approved. Let's see what they want.
[] Kid Win has found his specialty and he wants to show off. Let's go see the results.
[] It's time to give away more partners and create more heroes.
[] I have enough parts to build my own Mech, let's do that.
For the roll, 350 (Banked) + 240 (Chapter) + 120 (Excess words) = 710 points.
[] Creature
[] Power
Voting will be closed Thursday at 3 PM GMT
Note: I hope I didn't offend anyone with my brief explanation of Leukemia in the chapter. What little I know comes from a Wiki page. If you or someone you know suffers from it you have my deepest sympathy.
[X] The PR department organized a visit to an orphanage for me.
[X] Compendium is supposed to visit a school and talk to the children
[X] Armsmsaster proposed a spar. Me against the rest of the team.
[X] The meeting with the Adepts has been approved. Let's see what they want.
[X] Kid Win has found his specialty and he wants to show off. Let's go see the results.
[X] It's time to give away more partners and create more heroes.
So many things to do, so little time to do them in.
Glad the Dennis option won. Also glad that the PC is not getting isolated due to fame
[X] Power
[X] The PR department organized a visit to an orphanage for me.
[X] Compendium is supposed to visit a school and talk to the children
[X] Armsmsaster proposed a spar. Me against the rest of the team.
[X] Kid Win has found his specialty and he wants to show off. Let's go see the results.
[X] I have enough parts to build my own Mech, let's do that.
[X] I should check on that animal shelter that accepted the dogs from the dog fighting rings.
[X] The PR department organized a visit to an orphanage for me.
[X] Compendium is supposed to visit a school and talk to the children
[X] Kid Win has found his specialty and he wants to show off. Let's go see the results.
[X] The PR department organized a visit to an orphanage for me.
[X] Compendium is supposed to visit a school and talk to the children
[X] Armsmsaster proposed a spar. Me against the rest of the team.
[X] The meeting with the Adepts has been approved. Let's see what they want.
[X] Kid Win has found his specialty and he wants to show off. Let's go see the results.
[X] I should check on that animal shelter that accepted the dogs from the dog fighting rings.
[X] Sergeant Blair contacted me to organize another training exercise with the Wards
[X] I should check on that animal shelter that accepted the dogs from the dog fighting rings.
[X] Armsmsaster proposed a spar. Me against the rest of the team.
[X] The meeting with the Adepts has been approved. Let's see what they want.
[X] Kid Win has found his specialty and he wants to show off. Let's go see the results.
[X] Power
[X] The meeting with the Adepts has been approved. Let's see what they want.
I have two questions.
First, how much does Alex get paid? It has to be a decent amount given the legion of toys the Protectorate can sell of him and his partners.
Second, does Alex know what is causing the deference in Assault and Battery? As in, why they instinctively submitted before his power. I mentioned before in this quest that it is likely bleed over from their Shards mindset but what is Alex's take?