[X] Plan Designing Greatness
It would be supremely hypocritical to deny him this. We have made a great many mistakes, we have grasped for thing that have burned us when people who know better were telling us to go home and be a teenager, and I'm not sure the English language has the words to describe the level of hubris in our actions. We're planning on pulling a Denarian out of Harry and making the woman his literal, rather than metaphorical, roommate and we have a Naaglioshii that is kinda-sorta our friend right now.
Shit, man, we're not in a position to tell somebody off for playing Icarus. We did it even before we got our Exaltation, back before McCoy declared that we weren't human enough to execute. If somebody wants to do something patently unwise all we have a right to do is ensure that they go into it eyes open and then do our damnedest to make sure Icarus keeps his wings on this time. We'll bring gorilla glue and flextape.
This is what humans do. Even when we know best, we can't just act like we know best.
Our best bet is to give him something but to do so slowly enough, arduously enough, that he doesn't go into power-fantasy-mode and fatally lose a fight with a windmill. Training from hell can instill maturity and caution, hopefully, before maturity and caution are necessary for survival. Something that can be built upon but which isn't just handing the kid a loaded gun that any idiot can use, something that intentionally takes work but which has enough promise that he wants to keep working.