This is silly. The Accords basically include 90% of the powers capable of performing diplomacy and set the standards aped by most of the rest.Frankly the Accords are to small time for Molly. Molly better off making her own treaties independent of it.
You can make arguments about potential influences and issues with the people who got it rolling, but avoiding it on the basis of being superior to it is like avoiding the UN on the basis of being better than everyone there.
Not very helpful for diplomacy.
They aren't hurt, right now they're comfortable and safe.[X] First thing's first, get Izzy and Alec to some kind of medical facility, you can deal with the rest of this later.
[x] Plan Taking Charge and Status Report
Getting even more reminders of why I fucking hate Exalted as a setting you guys. Seriously even if Molly needed to sit on Her Throne to activate Mercy in Servitude for her worshipers, it was Izzy and Alec getting hurt that started this sequence of events. Let's make sure they are okay as much as we can.
The situation needs managed, but we also sort of triggered a bigger one in the process of handling the last one.
We're one voice in this, this is going to touch off a whole event for the people living here regardless of what we do that must be worked through before anything else is going to happen.
So we can choose to deal with insulting and dismissing these people then dealing with the fallout before getting help for our stable and unharmed friends, or we can address this head on and with the respect it deserves and then get help for our stable and unharmed friends.
You're hating on exalted like we're leaving them to bleed out on the floor while we collect shiny objects, but I think you're ignoring the context around both the situation preceding this and what we're doing right now.
Again, if Broken Seeker left any lasting harm then he's failed to honor his word before even taking delivery of the thing he traded them back to us for. He'll stab us in the back for his own advantage in a heartbeat, but this entire situation should underline that he isn't an idiot and finds the idea of fighting a pissed off infernal unpalatable.
Screwing us over in this particular way at this particular time would just be stupid and pointlessly trigger the exact situation he wants to avoid.
Pocket Idaho splendors.1)Cite?
I dont recall seeing any thing on the order of "make a Horizon Realm the size of Ukraine"
Supernatural powers have their foundations in different places, wizards don't work the same as vamps who don't work the same as fey.2)I am reasonably sure thats not how power in the Dresden Files works.
The White Council doesnt hold enough territory to even count as a city-state.
Ditto Odin.
Winter is an example of a power for which this is a relevant factor. Winter being a nation of hundreds of millions is how they manage to hold the position they do.