A Hellfish flys again! ( a Simpsons X DVV CK2 Quest)

Both really. Sorry to be so pedantic or 'rah rah armed force' about it, just curious about how the most powerful nations in the world haven't done anything about the weirdos tearing up their territory to make their evil villian fiefdoms.
The US Government can absolutely take down any one US based King on their own, except maybe the MCP, but doing that also means it's also open season and the corporate war goes hot. Glomgold crashes the economy, the MCP is the internet, Syndrome has an army of Omni-droids that are commonplace throughout the country, Shego is the strongest human alive and has an army of capes under her... and so on and so on.

But nobody besides DOR-15 and Bill really wants to destroy the world, and are all kept busy by pointing knives at everyone else, and so there's a measure of stability and Uncle Sam assures the populace that besides the Dustbowl and Past Tense Hawaii, nothing has changed, and everything is fine. Business as usual, don't pay attention to the fact that in each King's heartlands they hold more power and control than the government. All the Masquerades are in place if in only barely in places.

Or at least thats how I see it.
Voting is over
Voting is over!
Scheduled vote count started by Ranger65 on Jul 23, 2023 at 2:47 PM, finished with 48 posts and 12 votes.
Hellfish aquarium!
Hero Units:

Abe's best friend. Though before they didn't see eye to eye, now they are what you could call best buds. He has Abe's back no matter what.

Martial: 6 (Even though he is a World War II Veteran, time has taken a toll on his old bones. Still he is always ready to wack people with his cane)

Stewardship: 7 (Jasper isn't the best when it comes to management skills, he may know the basics but don't expect much.)

Diplomacy: 9 (Jasper is quite a nice person to talk to, but he will tell you always exactly what he thinks, not much for tact or subtlety.)

Intrigue: 11 (Jasper can be quite sharp of mind… when he isn't distracted with something else.)

Learning: 8 (Jasper received basic education, though it never went anywhere more than that)

Loyalty: 35


That's a paddlin: Jasper always brings with him a paddling, for when the situation requires it. This gives him a +5 to a roll when trying to intimidate someone.

Brothers in Arms: He and Abe are old World War Veterans, they have been through thick and thin, even if they do not always see eye to eye. Making them able to work well together in almost any situation. This gives +10 to Jasper rolls when he and Abe are on the same adventure.

Helping hand: Jasper is here helping you in his own volition, mainly cause you are his best friend, in part cause of the pay. A National Action Jasper is assigned to doesn't count to the total Action limit.

Statler & Waldorf: Two fellow grumpy elders. With the Muppets long since shut down, they need more entertainment, and Jasper is about as good as they're going to get! (when Jasper is in combat, they might randomly show up to heckle his opponent, giving them a -10 to Rolls from being thrown off. However, they are just as likely to heckle Jasper if he fails a Roll, adding a further -10 to him for similar reasons)

Your son's over friendly Neighbor. With both his Leftorium and Flancrest Enterprises in shambles because of the crisis he was left with no job. He accepted Abe's offer to work as an assistant and help Abe with running Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. Though there's the chance he could have accepted for free if just asked, he is that nice of a guy.

Martial: 16 (Though not properly trained, Ned is in great physical condition and is able to throw some mean punches.)

Diplomacy: 26 (Ned's honest and friendly personality works wonders when meeting with people, allowing him to win them over quickly.)

Stewardship: 18 (Ned was able to handle quite easily 2 businesses, though not quite successful, were able to keep him and his family financially stable, making him decent on management jobs.)

Intrigue: 10 (Ned is too good of a person to deliberately trick or cheat people. He might be willing to do it to people that receive it or earn his anger, but that's a high bar to match.)

Learning: 13 (Ned graduated from college and has a decent education, though nothing special to brag about.)

Loyalty: 30


"Hidely Ho!": Ned's over-positive attitude makes him great when talking with people, though sometimes it can backfire quite badly. When making diplomacy rolls, he either gets +5 or -5 to the roll due to the other person finding his attitude endearing or not.

"Diddly and Doodly!": Though Ned is an overall nice guy, he also has his limits, even if that's a vast threshold to reach, but once the straw that breaks the camel's back is reached, Ned can react quite… explosively. As such when facing people or situations that has truly earned his anger he gets a +5 to Martial and Intrigue rolls, but as a demerit gets a -10 on diplomacy rolls until the situation is resolved.

"Begone wicked ones!": Ned is a man of faith, fully believing in God and His messages. This can make it rather difficult for him to accept the concept of Magic. Until Ned achieves peace with this, he gets a -10 on non-Christianity related occult rolls.

Springfields local Genius and Mad Scientist with an IQ of 197. He is one of the most brilliant minds the city has to offer. Though a bit nerdy and socially inept, you can bet he will Science the heck out of anything.

Martial: 6 (Don't expect much from him in this regard, his specialty is in a laboratory, not doing physical activity.)

Diplomacy 12: (Though Frink can usually talk with people with no issue, his lack of social skill has held him back a little.)

Stewardship: 22 (Frink has an excellent mind for management, being able to organize people and activities quite well. Though he would prefer to spend his time researching or building things instead.)

Intrigue: 8 (Frink, as smart and quick minded as he is, is not the best at hiding stuff from people.)

Learning: 35 (Frink is not only a genius scientist, but a certified professor, knowing about every branch of science and also a lot of general knowledge and trivia. Ask him anything, he will give you the correct answer in no time.)

Occult: 2 (By Einstein's hair, he's done it; he's unlocked the powers of that confounding book!)

Loyalty: 25


Brilliant, Brilliant, Brilliant!: Frink prides himself in his capacity to build or invent almost anything when he sets his mind to it, putting 1000% effort into his projects. Though impressive, it can also make things escalate out of hand. When doing Learning or Stewardship national actions where you build, create, or develop something Frink gets a +20 bonus to the roll, but also increases the critical failure threshold by 10, because Frink might do things without proper security protocols or doesn't bother to account for certain variables in his focus.

N.E.R.D: Not Even Remotely Dorky: Frink doesn't like when people mock or belittle him, preferring the company of people that can match his intellect, or at least understand what he is talking about. This gives him a +5 bonus to diplomacy rolls when dealing with people with a Learning score of 20 or higher, but a -5 bonus to diplo rolls with people that mock or don't understand his genius.

Walking Library: It wouldn't be a joke to say that Frink has several encyclopedias worth of knowledge in his brain. This gives him a +10 to any Learning research roll he is involved with.

Head of the Italian Mafia, this softpoken person had full control of Springfield organized crime for several years. Unfortunately after the crisis and Dome accident his criminal empire is pretty much in shambles, members of his organization either dead or abandoned him. With no better options, he decided to join Abe for a chance to rebuild his criminal empire.

Martial: 22 (Fat Tony is a fierce and ruthless fighter, something needed if one wants to be the head of a mafia.)

Diplomacy: 16 (Fat Tony is quite the polite person, being able to make conversation with most people. Though sometimes he can scare people off quite easily.)

Stewardship: 20: (Fat Tony had to manage the legitimate, and not so legitimate, businesses of the mafia, alongside the organization full of criminals and no-goodies itself. He knows several things about management.)

Intrigue: 23 (Fat Tony is an expert at weaving lies and tricking people. A quite devious mind is needed in order to keep the mafia under your control after all.)

Learning: 15 (Tony is a cultured person, knowing many facts and tidbits about the finer arts.)

Loyalty: 30


We are going for a ride…: Tony's time in the mafia has had a bit of an influence on his language and how he communicates with people, making him sometimes come off as more intimidating than intended. When making Diplomacy rolls on national actions and adventures, roll a 1d2 dice, on a 1, Tony gets -4 on the roll, on a 2, he gets a +4 instead.

Criminal expert: Fat Tony is quite knowledgeable about several illegal businesses, and is quite happy to apply this experience for you. This gives +10 to rolls dealing with black market, smuggling and stealing things.

-Mob Mentality: Every good mafia boss has a bunch of useful mooks running around. +2 to Martial combat rolls.
-Johnny Tightlips: Arguably Tony's most consistently useful man, though his refusal to squeal reaches borderline obnoxiously detrimental levels at times. adds +3 to Intrigue and Martial.
-Louie: the timid but funny guy in the group. He gives +3 to Fat Tony's Diplo and when rolling opposing intrigue rolls against someone, his klutzy and not so intimidating appearance gives them a -3 to the roll as they underestimate him!
-Legs: the doctor of the crew, his experience has saved many members of the mafia from an earlier retirement. He gives a +3 to Learning rolls and on adventures, when a hero units is hurt or taken out of the action, has the option of Rolling a learning roll with a +10 bonus to fix them right away. DC will vary depending how hurt the unit is.

The undead former leader of Germany!

Martial: 21 (The Kaiser fancies himself a cowboy and, surprisingly, has the skills to back some of it up.)

Diplomacy: 23 (The Kaiser learned some things after his exile and is no longer the hot headed man he once was, unfortunately he's now a walking corpse so most people run away screaming when he starts talking.)

Stewardship: 20 (Ironically enough the kaiser gained the skills and experience to be a proper statesman after he lost the throne, he does not appreciate the irony.)

Intrigue: 10 (The Kaiser can be a bit sneaky but his attire is not suited for it.)

Learning: 16 (The Kaiser went to the finest colleges in his youth. Though some of the information he learned has… gone a bit outdated, to put it bluntly.)

Occult: 10 (He is a zombie and he's been to an afterlife, though no-ones sure which one, and as a result has picked up a few tidbits here and there.)

Loyalty: 15


The walking Kaiser: The Kaiser is a zombie that talks!...but still a zombie, the Kaiser gets a +10 in personal combat due to his zombie body being able to handle wounds that would kill a normal human. The Kaiser takes -15 when talking to people that are scared of zombies unless he can manage to convince them he's not one.

Wannabe cowboy: The Kaiser really **really** likes the wild west, the kaiser gets a +10 to handling horses, shooting revolvers, or other stereotypically 'cowboy' actions

The (ex)Kaiser of Germany: Though he's long been exiled from the fatherland, the kaiser still knows how to handle his fellow Germans. The Kaiser gets a +10 to interactions with nearly all Germans. Keywords being **nearly all**...

Zom-Boy!: The Kaiser can add 1/4 of his Occult stat to his Martial rolls. Wunderbar!

Your ex-wife, though funnily you don't remember ever actually signing the divorce papers. A strong willed and passionate woman, her will to always do the right thing is as big as the love she has for her family. She has been on the run for several decades due to a grudge that Burn has, but now that she doesn't have to worry about that she decided to come back home and reconnect with her son. You and her hadn't seen eye to eye in a while because of her abandonment of your son at a young age. She offered to help you assist you with your new job and you begrudgingly accepted. You aren't sure what will come from this though, or how much time she will stay before leaving again.

Martial 9 (Mona, in her youth has seen and lived though some considerable amount of conflict and danger. Unfortunately the passage of time has done quite the job on her body, making her not as skilled in terms of combat.)

Diplomacy 15 (Mona is a sweet and caring person, she's fairly likable when she isn't actively commiting eco-terrorism.)

Stewardship: 8 (Mona has never done anything related to management or handling money, she doesn't have the experience nor the time to focus on it.)

Intrigue: 29 (Mona, being the militant Hippie that she was, has done several acts that can be considered eco-terrorism, all the while managing to never once get caught. Having managed to duck capture and the long arm of the law for several decades now you can bet this grandma can be as sneaky as she wants to.)

Learning 21 (Mona had a decent education and though never studied the more advanced subjects. Nonetheless a strong educational foundation, broad cultural experiences, and simple time have left her with a bevy of facts and information.)

Loyalty: 25


Eco Grandma: Mona isn't much of a fan of the way the government handles things, as well as the fact that megacorporations have such big influences these days and she is more than willing to act against them. She gets a +5 when doing actions that in some way goes against the government, and +10 bonus when acting against corporations, or helping the environment in some capacity.

You didn't see me: +10 to intrigue rolls when sneaking away or infiltrating a place. Mona is an old pro at these types of games, she has the skills to go anywhere she wants without being seen.

The owner of the local Kwik E Mart prior to them being dissolved. Now he works for you! Hey, a job's a job...

Martial: 12 (Apu may not look like much if a fighter, but has been though several scraps, and has some experiences with dealing with injuries, particularly gunshots, thanks to all the times his Kwik-E-Mart has been robbed.)

Diplomacy: 15 (Apu is generally a polite guy, even more so during work hours, after all, you need to make sure customers feel welcomed!)

Stewardship: 25 (Apu has quite the managerial skills, even if it isn't evident at first glance. He is a great and resourceful worker; he will make sure all work gets done within schedule.)

Intrigue: 16 (Apu can be quite manipulative and sneaky, especially when he is trying to convince a customer to buy something.)

Learning: 23 (It might not look like it but Apu has a surprising educational background, having graduated as top of his class, a class of 7 Million. He even has a PHD!)

Loyalty: 30


Thank you, come again!: Apu is unfortunately what you could call a workaholic, and you can bet he will stop at nothing to get the job done, even if he is shot and hasn't slept for several days, one way or another, things will get done.

-If a Stewardship National Action Apu is assigned to results in a critical failure, the result is automatically rerolled, and the new result will be the one considered, whether it results in a failure or success. Unfortunately, this will result in Apu getting the "Overworked" trait, because Apu went above and beyond his limits to make sure the action gets done, putting his health at risk. The trait gives Apu a -20 bonus to all rolls he does next turn unless the "Take a break" Personal action is taken that turn too.

Computing Wiz: Apu graduated top of his class in computer science, and even has a doctorate in the subject. This gives Apu +10 bonus on rolls regarding computer programs, and a +5 when specifically designing them.

Love that clerk work: Apu's preferences are in management and specifically clerk work. He won't be too enthusiastic about being taken away on adventures to be honest.

The world's oldest sniper and an old friend of Jasper's!

Martial: 30 (The man has been through many wars and is one of, if not the most deadly sniper in the world.)

Diplomacy: 25 (despite being a sniper, The Finale is remarkably friendly and cheerful when he is not sniping.)

Stewardship: 10 (While The Finale prefers nature to paperwork, he is able to do it if needs be. Even he still had to deal with the quartermaster after all.)

Intrigue: 30 (The man is scarily good at hiding, sniping, and sneaking into places, especially if the place is near or in nature)

Learning: 12 (He knows a lot about plants, sniping and math.)

Occult: ??? (There might be something magical about this man.)

Loyalty: 20


(Grand)father of sniping: The man literally invented modern sniping so God help you if you try to fight him at long range. +30 to martial when being used as a sniper, -10 debuff when in close combat.

Non lethal sniper: Now despite the fact he literally invented sniping, The Finale doesn't like killing so he uses a modified sniper rifle that shoots tranquiliser darts. Though there are some that even he thinks should get a bullet, The Finale puts people to sleep instead of killing them so can't be used for lethal operations or assassinations unless the person is a right bastard...or a nazi.

One with the green: +10 when in forest areas as well as +10 with animals.

A grouchy bartender, but nonetheless a good friend of your son. You saved his bar so now he works for you!

Martial: 23 (Moe is a decent fighter due to all the years he had to kick drunk customers who couldn't pay their tabs out of his bar. Also…where the heal does he keep hiding that Shotgun? Seriously! It seems to pop out of nowhere!)

Diplomacy: 5 (Moe may have a short temperament, but what really makes it difficult for him to communicate with other is his supposed ugliness. Are you serious? He isn't that bad looking right?)

Stewardship: 24 (Moe has runs for several years his bar business without any major issue. Sure he had to cut corners a few times but he is really good in the financial stuff.)

Intrigue: 17 (Moe can be quite the tricky person to deal with, especially when he is dealing with customers unwilling to pay their tabs.)

Learning: 12 (Moe has a basic education and is knowledgeable in the art of mixing drinks but it doesn't go farther than that).

Occult: 10 (Not only he knows some weird Voodoo magic. Moe might or might not be part Yeti and though he denies it, he seems to have some further knowledge of the supernatural.)

Loyalty: 30


Good old Uncle Moe: Moe is surprisingly good with children, he has a knack for interacting with them. +15 to all rolls when Moe deals with a child in any capacity.

Blood of the Yeti: Moe seems to be part Yeti and while aside from a different color type, he doesn't seem to have other inhuman features. Who knows what secrets his bloodline may have?

Who do you Voodoo?: Moe is a beginner in the voodoo arts but with the right set up and materials he can manipulate "innocent" people into buying more of his stuff.

Moe can spend personal actions to create Voodoo dolls of people, provided that he has DNA or something personal from said person, and Moe can make an occult contested roll with that person, if the roll succeeds then Moe can implant simple thoughts or force simple actions to the probably underserving victim.

Professional Barkeeper: +15 to all Bar/Tavern related Stewardship rolls.

The Easily enraged but ultimately well-meaning groundskeeper of the elementary school your grandkids attend. He could use some extra income so you hired him. He's Scottish!

Martial: 24 (The man is ripped, maybe cause of all the labor he does day by day, maybe because of his Scottish heritage, but Willie has such physical condition and experience that he can easily wrestle with animals such as wolfs and win single handily.)

Diplomacy: 8 (Willie has a really bad temper, being easily to anger, not only that, but his thick Scottish accent also makes most of his sentences hard to understand for the common person, making it hard to communicate)

Stewardship: 19 (Willie has high level on experience doing any type of menial labor, doing work not only on the Springfield Elementary school as a Groundskeeper, but also doing several odd jobs all around the city. He is surprisingly good at that.)

Intrigue: 16 (This Scottish man is surprisingly decent at subtlelty when he wants to, he can be very sharp of mind.)

Learning: 3 (Willie seems to not only lack a formal education, he is even illiterate.)

Loyalty: 10


Almighty Groundskeeper: This Scottish man has several decades of experience on handyman work. +10 bonus to all rolls related to odd jobs or things that Willie has worked previously.

Peeping Tom: One of willie hobbies unfortunately is recording couples on cars, and though questionable is surprising he was never caught. 10+ to intrigue rolls regarding to spying people or other factions.

Scottish Rage: +5 to martial combat rolls.

A shadow given life with a sad past. She's reluctant to work with you after getting her arrested, but Flanders make a good sandwich so she's willing to help for his sake.

Martial: 11 (she can fight decently if need be, but she's still A teenager for all intents and purposes, she's no master Fighter)

Diplomacy: 9 (Lena is a moody teenager who tends to have very few people she gets along with, usually after a bit of work)

Stewardship: 7 (She was stealing food before getting arrested for a reason...)

Intrigue: 19 (Lena has had to pick up a thing or two to get by on the streets and to get things past her "aunt"...)

Learning: 10 (Lena is more street smart and has no formal education)

Occult: 22 (Though no expert, Lena does know a thing or two about magic and, well, is Literally MADE of it)

Loyalty: 40


Fighting Dirty...or Magically: Lena isn't afraid to fight dirty if she must to win. (Lena can add half her Occult stat to Martial Rolls)

You Get me Pink: Though not exactly a hugely affectionate person, Lena still values the few friendships she makes. (When on An Adventure with someone she has bonded with, Lena adds +5 to that person's Rolls)

The De Spell Name: Though not exactly proud of her legacy, she knows it can open doors. (-10 to Martial from beings that would know of the De Spell Name due to them being worried she might still be connected to Magica)

An elderly man possibly more old than you yourself. He reach out to you when you were looking for experts in the occult. Claims to be a wizard of immense power, but has been stripped of most of his magic, if that's possible! Anyway, Crumbs does seem to posses some magical abilities and expense knowledge of Magic, thought he is quite tight lip on where or how he learned the stuff.

Martial: 5 (Without his magic, Crumbs is a frail but old healthy person, don't expect from him to do some sick acrobatics anytime soon)

Diplomacy 22 ( Crumbs might be of advance age, but with time comes wisdom, and that makes Crumbs really good at talking with people.)

Stewardship: 18 (Crumbs claims he has some know,edge of administrative manners, but that he usually delegated that to other people)

Intrigue: 15 (Crumbs may be a sharp old man, but sometimes he can be fooled quite easily)

Learning 13 (for his advance Age and supposed mastery of the occult, Crumbs has enough knowledge of most modern appliances and machine, he even knows how to use the internet! Thought the why or how it works is lost of him.)

Occult 34 (Crumbs claims of being a wizard with centuries of experience aren't just hot air, he seems to have actual magic to back up his claims. Heck he even is dressed as a wizard! Unfortunately, he has lost most of his magic so he won't be casting black holes anytime soon.)

Loyalty: 25

Magicless and Wandless: Crumbs has stripped of most of his magic and also has lost his wand, vital tool for any wizard worth their hat. Without both of those, he cant perform his grand acts of magic has usual. occult stat for when Crumbs has to cast actual magic for any reason are halved.

Grand old Wizard: Crumbs claims that in his 3000 years alive he has gathered quite the understanding of magic , and while that's a dubious claim, his knowledge of magic is in fact second to none. +10 to any occult roll where research or study of magical phenomena is done.

A mysterious teen staying here while on a road trip , Hunter is a bundle of trauma and angst, but he is improving slowly but surely.

Martial: 24 (Hunter trained to be the best of the best and is very physically adept, if held back a little by his age and poor nutritional gains)

Diplomacy: 9 (Hunter is used to threatening people to get what he wants; without that, he is pretty mediocre)

Stewardship: 11 (Hunter has some experience in money management as part of his duties but not much)

Intrigue: 20 (Hunter is very sneaky as part of his Golden Guard training)

Learning: 21 (Hunter loves to learn but is very focused on his interests in particular)

Occult: 25 (though unable to use magic himself unassisted, Hunter is well versed in many areas of magical study)

Loyalty: 25


Momma's Boy: At the request of His current mother figure, Camila Noceda, Hunter may not always be available. (Hunter will once every 5 turns be unavailable due to Camila insisting he takes a break out of concern for his mental health. Will add +5 to his first roll up on returning however in an attempt to make up for it)

Malnourished and trauma: his 'uncles' treatment and past experiences have left hunter a shell of what he could be. (Hunter has great potential for growth once he gets past his traumas and slight physical ailments. When Hunter improves at a stat, add another +1 to the improvement)

THE GOLDEN GUARD!: Although his age made it so his fellows didn't completely respect him, he was still Belos' right hand man for a dang good reason! (+10 to Rolls fighting against Magic users, +15 if they're from the Boiling Isles)

The Hexsquad!: Hunter's closest friends, bordering on family. They are all willing to pitch in here and there!
-Willow Park: The Captain can be weirdly passive at times, but beneath her kindness is a fierce warrior. +2 to Martial and Diplomacy.

Disgraced college professor, laughed out of his profession due to a firm belief in the supernatural. Worked as a middle school principal for a time but is seeking to continue his magical research.

Martial: 7 (He is a regular middle aged man. He isn't exactly useful in a fight)

Diplomacy: 15 (He can be stubborn and eccentric, often leading to not getting along with others very well)

Stewardship: 22 (He has been a teacher for awhile. Combined with his... After school activities, he had to learn how to balance a budget)

Intrigue: 19 (He has gained some serious skill in hiding and sneaking around, though not enough to be an expert, especially if people know what to look for)

Learning: 28 (For all his eccentricities, Rotwood was a college professor, with all the knowledge that entails)

Occult: 13 (Rotwood has spent years of his life dedicated to studying magic. He certainly won't be launching any fireballs, but he is pretty knowledgeable)

Loyalty: 20


I Knew It!: Rotwood's knowledge on the occult is vast! (+15 to Rolls involving the studying of or identification of a magical creature or phenomenon)

Quack Professor: ...However, he gets little respect for it. (-10 to Rolls interacting with those disbelieving of magic, -15 if they are actively trying to stop magic from being discovered)

Proud German: Despite having presumably been in America for decades, he hasn't forgotten his roots. (+5 to Rolls involving Embracing his German heritage....or at least the positive aspects)

High In Knowledge, Low in Skill: For all his knowledge, actual casting alludes him... (He can't actually cast magic, just researches it really well... *For now*)

Your son. For a long time, you were estranged, but you have finally patched things up as much as is humanly possible. Hooray! He has his character flaws, but he is a good man at the end of the day.

Martial: 23 (Homer May not have formal training like you do, but he has been though way to many scraps and fights. He can throw a punch and take a beating.)

Diplomacy 20 (Your son has a way with works that even surprises you. When he isn't drunk his speeches can teach the hearts of some people)

Stewardship: 18 (Homer is great when it comes to leadership, being able to organize mobs of people with some success. But he sucks when it comes to handling money)

Intrigue 13 (Homer isn't the sharpest tool I. The shed when it comes to lying. Though sometimes he Can come up with good lies and misdirection he can be fooled quite easily too.)

Learning 12 (Homer can be quite dumb most of the time. Though there's some smart on your son's head. He even is a polyglot!)

Loyalty: 40


Superhuman resistance: Homer can take a deal of punishment that would incapacite most people. Not only that but your son is a brilliant fighter.+10 bonus to all martial combat rolls Homer is directly involved.

Music ability: +10 to All music related rolls and +10 to rolls when singing.

Leadership skill: +5 to all roll on an adventure when Homer is the one leading it and he is invovled on the roll (Not including combat rolls).

Box of donuts: Homer is a very lazy person and sometimes can forget the job he was assigned to.

When Homer is assigned to a national action a d10 is rolled. On a 1 the action is rolled but Homer Stats aren't considered for it, like he wasn't assigned to it. On a 2 the action is done but Homer only adds half his stats to it. On a 3-10 the action is rolled normally.

That lucky fatass: Homer has managed to do some impressive things across his life. Some of it has been because of how stubborn Homer can be. Some of it is because of how lucky your son can be. Though luck eventually runs out.

If a National action Homer is assigned to end in a failure or bare failure. Homer rerolls the action with a +25 bonus. But if the action doesn't succed In the second roll it becomes automatically a critical failure.

Most famous celebrity in Springfield. Your son and grandson had some runs in with him, and from what you have been able to gather, there is more hidden than what that clown's smile tells you.

Martial: 11 (Krusty is not a fighter by any means, and years of smoking, drinking and taking other substances has left his body in quite a bad shape)

Diplomacy: 20 (behind that clown appearance and loads of cynicism, Krusty knows how to talk to people and reach out to them. He still prefers doing childrens's comedy, as much as he can hate that.)

Stewardship: 7 (Krusty May earn loads of money, but that just means he spends huge amounts of it as fasts as he gains it. He doesn't have any money management skills. If he didn't earn money as fast as he wastes it he would be broke in less than a day)

Intrigue: 22 (Krusty's cynicism may be something that holds him back sometimes, but it definitely helps him when trying to suspect people or keep his own interest hidden. Heck he even faked his own death once!)

Learning 4(Krusty didn't have much of a formal education. He even is semi illiterate.)

Loyalty: 35


Most famous clown of Springfield: Krusty have several decades worth of shows entertainment on his belt. he knows how to work a crowd and make them laugh to death!…not literally +25 bonus to all entertainment related rolls.

Cynical clown: Krusty negativity might hold him down sometimes, but it also helps him keep him grounded. Any National action Krusty is assigned to has its Critical success threshold Dc increased by 10, BUT, it's critical failure threshold Dc is reduced by 10 also!

Unhealthy lifestyle: not only has Krusty the clown several health care problems, but also suffer from depression. Sometimes Krusty can rise above this problems, but other times this has a huge effect on his work. At the start of a turn, a d10 will be rolled. On a 1, all of Krusty stats are halved, either for Nationals or Adventures. On a 10, Krusty gets a +5 to Nationals rolls or Adventures he is assigned to.

What's behind the smile: Adds half of Krusty Intrigue to any Diplomacy contested Roll Krusty is involved with.

Temporary Hero Units:

The wife of your son, Homer. All these years you have known her as a very positive and reliable person, reeling in your son and grandkids antics, though she does seem to have a wild side to her.

Martial: 19 (She may not look like it but marge doesn't only have a really fit body, but also had some police training. This mom can kick ass!)

Diplomacy: 27 (Marge has a kind and sweet personality. She knows how to listen to people and can reach an understanding with most of them. She even was mayor of Springfield for a time!)

Stewardship: 23 (Marge shows good management skills, it shouldn't come as a surprise, a part of all the work she has done over the years, she had to manage a family as chaotic and lively as the Simpson.)

Intrigue: 9 (Marge is somewhat likely to believe what people tell her, especially her children and husband)

Learning: 12 (Marge didn't go to college or pursued a carrier, she has basic education but not much aside from that.)


Mama bear: Marge can be considered a bit of a killjoy, for good reasons. That also means that when her children are in danger she can get quite fierce. When she goes to an adventure and one of her children goes with her, they get a -10 bonus to rolls when doing things, she considers dangerous, but she also gets a +15 to rolls when protecting or rescuing her kids from any type of menace.

Jack of all trades: Marge has gone through several jobs in the last years, and some of the things she learned stuck. She gets a bonus of +10 related to skills or things that she previously worked on.

Cooking RaMarge: Marge gets a +15 to all cooking and food related things.
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Good, good, a competent hero unit and a guy who can provide a bonus action.

I'm assuming we'll be getting our own stats sheet at some point? Might be good to have them all in one place.
Abe simpson, aka you.
Abe Simpson's Sheet Itself:

Martial: 25 (You aren't just any semi senile old man! You have fought in wars! All that training that you got in the Army, Navy and Air force hasn't been ignored. Sure your body isn't in exactly tip top shape but still, once you learn to ride a bicycle and all that.)

Diplo: 13 (Though you sometimes can be quite rude and direct you have a way with words. Heck, people like when you tell them history of your youth! right?)

Stewardship: 8 (You aren't the best when it comes to handling your money, sure you can get by, but it isn't anything really to talk home about.)

Intrigue: 18 ( You can be quite crafty when the situation calls for it, you don't get to an old age with all the things you have done if you don't got some wit!)

Learning: 10 (You unfortunately didn't have the best education in your childhood, still you managed to get by, if you say so yourself! Even so, you recognize that you are a little behind modern times.)


Do we sell French…fries?: Abe is quite old himself, and unfortunately means that he has missed or ignored some of the current stuff going on the world. This gives hims a -10 to a roll when dealing with things that he lacks info about. Better hit them books!

Flying Hellfish!: Abe experience in WW II not only make him capable combatant, they also gave him some connections with military people. Sure, many of them are dead or retired nowadays, but you never know when it could come in handy.

A Grandpa to all Springfield: Abe has a big heart, willing to help people in trouble, especially his family, or people he considers dear to him. This gives a +15 to rolls when helping solve a situation in the city or protecting his family or Citizens from Springfield from danger, and gives you advantage on said rolls.

Storyteller: You have quite the knack to tell stories! You can captivate your audience and make them pay attention only to you. Gives +5 to Diplomacy and Intrigue rolls when Abe is able to tell his stories to someone, either to gain their favor, or distract them.
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So here's our hero unit's rolls in practice.

Martial National Action rolls
  • 24 (Abe's Martial stat) + 16 (Flander's Martial stat) +5 (Diddly and Doodly!) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 2 (Loyalty) = 57
  • 24 (Abe's Martial stat) + 16 (Flander's Martial stat) + 10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 2 (Loyalty) = 52
  • 24 (Abe's Martial stat) + 16 (Flander's Martial stat) +5 (Diddly and Doodly!) + 2 (Loyalty) = 47
  • 24 (Abe's Martial stat) + 5 (Jasper's Martial stat) +5 (That's a paddling) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 45
  • 24 (Abe's Martial stat) + 16 (Flander's Martial stat) + 2 (Loyalty) = 42
  • 24 (Abe's Martial stat) + 5 (Jasper's Martial stat) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 40
  • 24 (Abe's Martial stat) + 5 (Jasper's Martial stat) +5 (That's a paddling) + 1 (Loyalty) = 35
  • 24 (Abe's Martial stat) + 5 (Jasper's Martial stat) + 1 (Loyalty) = 30
Diplomacy National Action rolls
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 26 (Flander's Diplomacy stat) +5 (Hidely Ho! positive) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 3 (Loyalty) = 57
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 26 (Flander's Diplomacy stat) +5 (Hidely Ho! positive) + 3 (Loyalty) = 47
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 26 (Flander's Diplomacy stat) +5 (Hidely Ho! positive) - 10 (Diddly and Doodly!) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 3 (Loyalty) = 47
    13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 26 (Flander's Diplomacy stat) -5 (Hidely Ho! Negative) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 3 (Loyalty) = 47
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 26 (Flander's Diplomacy stat) +5 (Hidely Ho! positive) - 10 (Diddly and Doodly!) + 3 (Loyalty) = 37
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 26 (Flander's Diplomacy stat) -5 (Hidely Ho! Negative) + 3 (Loyalty) = 37
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 26 (Flander's Diplomacy stat) -5 (Hidely Ho! Negative) - 10 (Diddly and Doodly!) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 3 (Loyalty) = 37
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 8 (Jasper's Diplomacy stat) +5 (That's a paddling) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 37
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 8 (Jasper's Diplomacy stat) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 32
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 26 (Flander's Diplomacy stat) -5 (Hidely Ho! Negative) - 10 (Diddly and Doodly!) + 3 (Loyalty) = 27
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 8 (Jasper's Diplomacy stat) +5 (That's a paddling) + 1 (Loyalty) = 27
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 8 (Jasper's Diplomacy stat) + 1 (Loyalty) = 22
Stewardship National Action rolls
  • 8 (Abe's Stewardship stat) + 18 (Flander's Stewardship stat) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 2 (Loyalty) = 38
  • 8 (Abe's Stewardship stat) + 8 (Jasper's Stewardship stat) +5 (That's a paddling) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 32
  • 8 (Abe's Stewardship stat) + 18 (Flander's Stewardship stat) + 2 (Loyalty) = 28
  • 8 (Abe's Stewardship stat) + 8 (Jasper's Stewardship stat) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 27
  • 8 (Abe's Stewardship stat) + 8 (Jasper's Stewardship stat) +5 (That's a paddling) + 1 (Loyalty) = 22
  • 8 (Abe's Stewardship stat) + 8 (Jasper's Stewardship stat) + 1 (Loyalty) = 17
Intrigue National Action rolls
  • 16 (Abe's Intrigue stat) + 10 (Flander's Intrigue stat) +5 (Diddly and Doodly!) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 42
  • 16 (Abe's Intrigue stat) + 10 (Jasper's Intrigue stat) +5 (That's a paddling) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 42
  • 16 (Abe's Intrigue stat) + 10 (Flander's Intrigue stat) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 37
  • 16 (Abe's Intrigue stat) + 10 (Jasper's Intrigue stat) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) =37
  • 16 (Abe's Intrigue stat) + 10 (Flander's Intrigue stat) +5 (Diddly and Doodly!) + 1 (Loyalty) = 32
  • 16 (Abe's Intrigue stat) + 10 (Jasper's Intrigue stat) +5 (That's a paddling) + 1 (Loyalty) = 32
  • 16 (Abe's Intrigue stat) + 10 (Flander's Intrigue stat) + 1 (Loyalty) = 27
  • 16 (Abe's Intrigue stat) + 10 (Jasper's Intrigue stat) + 1 (Loyalty) = 27
Learning National Action rolls
  • 10 (Abe's Learning stat) + 13 (Flander's Learning stat) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 34
  • 10 (Abe's Learning stat) + 7 (Jasper's Learning stat) +5 (That's a paddling) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 33
  • 10 (Abe's Learning stat) + 7 (Jasper's Learning stat) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 28
  • 10 (Abe's Learning stat) + 13 (Flander's Learning stat) + 1 (Loyalty) = 24
  • 10 (Abe's Learning stat) + 7 (Jasper's Learning stat) +5 (That's a paddling) + 1 (Loyalty) = 23
  • 10 (Abe's Learning stat) + 7 (Jasper's Learning stat) + 1 (Loyalty) = 18
Overall National Action rolls
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 26 (Flander's Diplomacy stat) +5 (Hidely Ho! positive) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 3 (Loyalty) = 57
  • 24 (Abe's Martial stat) + 16 (Flander's Martial stat) +5 (Diddly and Doodly!) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 2 (Loyalty) = 57
  • 24 (Abe's Martial stat) + 16 (Flander's Martial stat) + 10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 2 (Loyalty) = 52
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 26 (Flander's Diplomacy stat) +5 (Hidely Ho! positive) + 3 (Loyalty) = 47
  • 24 (Abe's Martial stat) + 16 (Flander's Martial stat) +5 (Diddly and Doodly!) + 2 (Loyalty) = 47
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 26 (Flander's Diplomacy stat) -5 (Hidely Ho! Negative) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 3 (Loyalty) = 47
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 26 (Flander's Diplomacy stat) +5 (Hidely Ho! positive) - 10 (Diddly and Doodly!) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 3 (Loyalty) = 47
  • 24 (Abe's Martial stat) + 5 (Jasper's Martial stat) +5 (That's a paddling) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 45
  • 24 (Abe's Martial stat) + 16 (Flander's Martial stat) + 2 (Loyalty) = 42
  • 16 (Abe's Intrigue stat) + 10 (Flander's Intrigue stat) +5 (Diddly and Doodly!) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 42
  • 16 (Abe's Intrigue stat) + 10 (Jasper's Intrigue stat) +5 (That's a paddling) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 42
  • 24 (Abe's Martial stat) + 5 (Jasper's Martial stat) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 40
  • 8 (Abe's Stewardship stat) + 18 (Flander's Stewardship stat) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 2 (Loyalty) = 38
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 26 (Flander's Diplomacy stat) -5 (Hidely Ho! Negative) + 3 (Loyalty) = 37
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 26 (Flander's Diplomacy stat) +5 (Hidely Ho! positive) - 10 (Diddly and Doodly!) + 3 (Loyalty) = 37
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 8 (Jasper's Diplomacy stat) +5 (That's a paddling) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 37
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 26 (Flander's Diplomacy stat) -5 (Hidely Ho! Negative) - 10 (Diddly and Doodly!) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 3 (Loyalty) = 37
  • 16 (Abe's Intrigue stat) + 10 (Flander's Intrigue stat) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 37
  • 16 (Abe's Intrigue stat) + 10 (Jasper's Intrigue stat) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) =37
  • 24 (Abe's Martial stat) + 5 (Jasper's Martial stat) +5 (That's a paddling) + 1 (Loyalty) = 35
  • 10 (Abe's Learning stat) + 13 (Flander's Learning stat) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 34
  • 10 (Abe's Learning stat) + 7 (Jasper's Learning stat) +5 (That's a paddling) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 33
  • 16 (Abe's Intrigue stat) + 10 (Jasper's Intrigue stat) +5 (That's a paddling) + 1 (Loyalty) = 32
  • 16 (Abe's Intrigue stat) + 10 (Jasper's Intrigue stat) +5 (That's a paddling) + 1 (Loyalty) = 32
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 8 (Jasper's Diplomacy stat) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 32
  • 8 (Abe's Stewardship stat) + 8 (Jasper's Stewardship stat) +5 (That's a paddling) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 32
  • 24 (Abe's Martial stat) + 5 (Jasper's Martial stat) + 1 (Loyalty) = 30
  • 10 (Abe's Learning stat) + 7 (Jasper's Learning stat) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 28
  • 16 (Abe's Intrigue stat) + 10 (Jasper's Intrigue stat) + 1 (Loyalty) = 27
  • 16 (Abe's Intrigue stat) + 10 (Flander's Intrigue stat) + 1 (Loyalty) = 27
  • 8 (Abe's Stewardship stat) + 8 (Jasper's Stewardship stat) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 27
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 8 (Jasper's Diplomacy stat) +5 (That's a paddling) + 1 (Loyalty) = 27
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 26 (Flander's Diplomacy stat) -5 (Hidely Ho! Negative) - 10 (Diddly and Doodly!) + 3 (Loyalty) = 27
  • 10 (Abe's Learning stat) + 13 (Flander's Learning stat) + 1 (Loyalty) = 24
  • 10 (Abe's Learning stat) + 7 (Jasper's Learning stat) +5 (That's a paddling) + 1 (Loyalty) = 23
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 8 (Jasper's Diplomacy stat) + 1 (Loyalty) = 22
  • 10 (Abe's Learning stat) + 7 (Jasper's Learning stat) + 1 (Loyalty) = 18
Flander's National Rolls
  • 24 (Abe's Martial stat) + 16 (Flander's Martial stat) +5 (Diddly and Doodly!) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 2 (Loyalty) = 57
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 26 (Flander's Diplomacy stat) +5 (Hidely Ho! positive) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 3 (Loyalty) = 57
  • 24 (Abe's Martial stat) + 16 (Flander's Martial stat) + 10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 2 (Loyalty) = 52
  • 24 (Abe's Martial stat) + 16 (Flander's Martial stat) +5 (Diddly and Doodly!) + 2 (Loyalty) = 47
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 26 (Flander's Diplomacy stat) +5 (Hidely Ho! positive) + 3 (Loyalty) = 47
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 26 (Flander's Diplomacy stat) +5 (Hidely Ho! positive) - 10 (Diddly and Doodly!) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 3 (Loyalty) = 47
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 26 (Flander's Diplomacy stat) -5 (Hidely Ho! Negative) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 3 (Loyalty) = 47
  • 24 (Abe's Martial stat) + 16 (Flander's Martial stat) + 2 (Loyalty) = 42
  • 16 (Abe's Intrigue stat) + 10 (Flander's Intrigue stat) +5 (Diddly and Doodly!) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 42
  • 8 (Abe's Stewardship stat) + 18 (Flander's Stewardship stat) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 2 (Loyalty) = 38
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 26 (Flander's Diplomacy stat) +5 (Hidely Ho! positive) - 10 (Diddly and Doodly!) + 3 (Loyalty) = 37
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 26 (Flander's Diplomacy stat) -5 (Hidely Ho! Negative) + 3 (Loyalty) = 37
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 26 (Flander's Diplomacy stat) -5 (Hidely Ho! Negative) - 10 (Diddly and Doodly!) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 3 (Loyalty) = 37
  • 16 (Abe's Intrigue stat) + 10 (Flander's Intrigue stat) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 37
  • 10 (Abe's Learning stat) + 13 (Flander's Learning stat) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 34
  • 16 (Abe's Intrigue stat) + 10 (Flander's Intrigue stat) +5 (Diddly and Doodly!) + 1 (Loyalty) = 32
  • 8 (Abe's Stewardship stat) + 18 (Flander's Stewardship stat) + 2 (Loyalty) = 28
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 8 (Jasper's Diplomacy stat) +5 (That's a paddling) + 1 (Loyalty) = 27
  • 16 (Abe's Intrigue stat) + 10 (Flander's Intrigue stat) + 1 (Loyalty) = 27
  • 10 (Abe's Learning stat) + 13 (Flander's Learning stat) + 1 (Loyalty) = 24
Jasper's National Rolls
  • 24 (Abe's Martial stat) + 5 (Jasper's Martial stat) +5 (That's a paddling) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 45
  • 16 (Abe's Intrigue stat) + 10 (Jasper's Intrigue stat) +5 (That's a paddling) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 42
  • 24 (Abe's Martial stat) + 5 (Jasper's Martial stat) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 40
  • 16 (Abe's Intrigue stat) + 10 (Jasper's Intrigue stat) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) =37
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 8 (Jasper's Diplomacy stat) +5 (That's a paddling) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 37
  • 24 (Abe's Martial stat) + 5 (Jasper's Martial stat) +5 (That's a paddling) + 1 (Loyalty) = 35
  • 10 (Abe's Learning stat) + 7 (Jasper's Learning stat) +5 (That's a paddling) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 33
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 8 (Jasper's Diplomacy stat) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 32
  • 8 (Abe's Stewardship stat) + 8 (Jasper's Stewardship stat) +5 (That's a paddling) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 32
  • 16 (Abe's Intrigue stat) + 10 (Jasper's Intrigue stat) +5 (That's a paddling) + 1 (Loyalty) = 32
  • 24 (Abe's Martial stat) + 5 (Jasper's Martial stat) + 1 (Loyalty) = 30
  • 10 (Abe's Learning stat) + 7 (Jasper's Learning stat) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 28
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 8 (Jasper's Diplomacy stat) +5 (That's a paddling) + 1 (Loyalty) = 27
  • 8 (Abe's Stewardship stat) + 8 (Jasper's Stewardship stat) +10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield) + 1 (Loyalty) = 27
  • 16 (Abe's Intrigue stat) + 10 (Jasper's Intrigue stat) + 1 (Loyalty) = 27
  • 10 (Abe's Learning stat) + 7 (Jasper's Learning stat) +5 (That's a paddling) + 1 (Loyalty) = 23
  • 8 (Abe's Stewardship stat) + 8 (Jasper's Stewardship stat) +5 (That's a paddling) + 1 (Loyalty) = 22
  • 13 (Abe's Diplomacy stat) + 8 (Jasper's Diplomacy stat) + 1 (Loyalty) = 22
  • 10 (Abe's Learning stat) + 7 (Jasper's Learning stat) + 1 (Loyalty) = 18
  • 8 (Abe's Stewardship stat) + 8 (Jasper's Stewardship stat) + 1 (Loyalty) = 17
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Turn 1
After a few minutes, Flanders returned with 2 cups of steaming hot Cocoa. He passed one to you while he started drinking from the other one.

"Well Sir, I think it was great you stuck to your guns and told that man off." You guessed even Flanders was peeved up with the government. He and his 2 sons went through some hard times too during the incident. "Still, are you sure it was a good idea? The city kind of is a fixer-upper right now." He lets some concern appear on his face as he looks at the window.

You remained silent for a while, just letting the nice heat of the cup warm your hands. During your life you did a lot of things, some of them you regret with all your being, while others you would do in a heartbeat. Time will tell which one of those categories this one will fall on.

"Who knows Flanders?" You shrug while taking a sip. Umm Cocoa, Yummie! "But there's no time to be sitting, we have some stuff to do." You have to start doing something with this damm power plant. No more fooling around!

"Glad to hear that Sir! Soooo… whats the plan?"


Donate resources to the city's police. DC 30: With the current situation of the city there has been a lot of crime happening around. Lots of stealing, property damage, murder, heck, even jaywalking! The police don't have the current manpower or resources to actually do something, maybe you could lend them a hand somehow?
Rewards: increased public opinion with Springfield, increased public opinion with the government, and made the city more safe.

Upgrade your security force. DC 60: Now that you are the CEO of Burns company you can see a lack of…security in the building. Sure there's lots of traps keeping the place secure against robbers, but not much on actual competent manpower. It wouldn't hurt to fix that.
Rewards: increased DC against any attacks made to your company.

Release the hounds! DC 40: Mr Burns' hounds have got a bit lazy and unfit due to the lack of people to chase so they could use a bit of exercise and training to get back into tip top ship and while you're at it why don't you get the rest of security shored up as well?
Reward: Increased DC against assaults and infiltrations attempts against the Power Plant.

Create your own security group. DC 75: Seeing all those caped people and the current situation of America makes you realize that Springfield isn't as secure as you think. Making your own security group seems like a good idea, having people you can count on to protect you and your family in case of trouble.
Reward: Increase of Dc against people/organizations that are attacking/invading Springfield. Further actions unlocked.

Capture Mutant Animals: DC 45: After your son homer dumped all that pig shit in the lake there's been reports of some weird ass animals roaming around the outskirts of the city. So far they haven't proven to be TOO dangerous to the city, but that. May change sooner or later. Deal with it!
Reward: Mutant Specimens obtained for research! City is safer! Unlocks new actions!

Hire some local workers for your company DC: variable, higher the better. Recruiting more people to help sound like a good idea, y'know what they say, the more the merrier right? Luckily Springfield has loads of people with potential waiting to be found. Hopefully, Someone answers the call.
Rewards: Options to hire a Canon Simpsons hero available.

Hire Outside Workers for your Company DC: Variable higher the better. So, with Springfield opening its doors to newcomers comes a slew of people who need jobs. Maybe it's best to give them a chance, but it can't go that badly... Right?
Reward: Options to hire a Canon Character from outside the Simpsons

Reach out to the government. Dc 70. You aren't too keen to reach out to that Damn government after their bullshit with the Dome and their bomb. Even so, the city could use the help of the government, it might be worth setting talks with them. But if they dare to put another dome on the city you swear you are gonna send non stop mail to the president until they apologize!
Reward: begins communication with the government, possibility to collaborate on actions.

Recruit super villains to your retinue DC 70: Some people might think you are going senile for thinking this But jokes on them! You are already senile! Still back to this. You can tell there are some issues you need help with, and that some goody too shoes wouldn't be amendable to doing. Just have to make sure the people you hire won't double cross you.
Reward: Options to recruit a villain cape.

Recruit Super heroes to your retinue DC 60: Apparently with the SRA many super heroes hadn't had a good time the last few years. Having one working for you could not only benefit you in some ways but also help them in these rough times
Reward: Options to recruit a hero cape.

Recruit Criminals DC 60: You know, maybe a sort of reform program could reduce crime instead of just locking people up!
Reward: You form a reform program that adds various criminals from surrounding prisons to your Recruitment list. Increased opinion from people who advocate for giving criminals second chances

Work with Union Members DC: 45 After Burns lost the company, Lenny and Carl formed an union amongst the workers. A bit inconvenient, but probably for the best. You should talk to them.
Reward: You discuss terms with the Power plant's new Union. Increased opinion with said employees. Increased DC against infiltration.

Just what did burns own? DC: variable. Man, Burn's vault is insanely big, you can believe so much stuff fits in here, and that's not considering other hidden things Burns may have! Taking stock of all of this is important! Who knows what you will find?
Rewards: Knowledge of what burns actually owned, Chances to obtain items and even more income. Possibly more actions unlocked

Buy the Itchy and Scratchy show. DC 45: apparently there this animated show that's been going through some hard times. Apparently it hasn't been earning enough top dollar as always and rumor is it might close down in just a few months. It could be worthwhile to buy it. (Cost 1 Income)
Reward: become the proud owner of the Itchy and Scratchy Show. More actions unlocked, entering business in the show industry.

Support the city reconstruction effort. DC: Varies depending if the district. Choose one:
Northern Springfield DC40 (1 income)
Olden Springfield town Dc 35 (1 income)
The docks and waterfront Dc 30 (1 income)
South Springfield (AKA: the bad part of town) DC 25(1 income)
All the districts at once: DC 100 (3 income)

Reward: For each district fixed, unlock new actions regarding Different sectors of the city, and increase public options with the city's Citizens.

Bring the power plant up to code DC: 40 Once you were able to see the state of the Power plant you blanched, if the notes are right the plant is seriously under performing. There's lot of security risks that need to be addressed. Better get to it. [Cost 2 income]
Rewards: Company now up to standards, raise public opinion, increase amount of wealth gained by the Power Plant, increase DC to assault the company and to infiltrate it.

Look into Expanding your business. DC 65: So far your company only supplies Springfield with energy, why don't you check with nearby cities and see if you can arrange a deal to build more plants for them? They get cheap energy at low costs and you get more money! Win-win situation right?
Rewards: Action to build the power plants near the cities, increase in public opinion, increase of more income once more reactors are built.

Invest in Powell Motors DC 45: Your other son, Herb, has a car manufacturing business that has been.... Mixed in terms of success ever since he met Homer. When it's up, it's really up but when it's down, it's really down. Maybe you could help it out?
Reward: Gain Herb's gratitude; Increased income from entering the motor vehicle market; learn some auto repair knowhow.

Pay your Damn Taxes DC: 50 Turns out Burns' company has spent so long not paying it's taxes the IRS is actively suspicious of your attempts to do so. You should probably do so anyway…
Reward: The IRS will not hate you as much, you may gain income from tax returns depending on how well you roll

Upgrade Springfield Prison DC: 60 This prison is quite frankly notorious for even the lowliest criminal being able to escape pretty easily. Some funds so the place is more secure would probably be well spent!
Reward: Upgrade Springfield's local prison. Criminals won't essentially be able to escape with no effort anymore. High DC to get out or to get in.

Stewardship: bribe Quimby DC:5 Now apparently Burns enjoyed a bit of a close relationship with Quimby so you have been thinking why can't you have something similar? It would certainly help if you had the mayor in your pocket and might stop your enemies from using him against you,that is unless they offer him a bigger bribe…
Reward: Quimby bribed, more freedom in actions with Springfield, decreased dc for certain actions involving Springfield,Quimby won't work against you unless offered a bigger bribe. (Note: You will have to keep paying Quimby 1 income per turn to make sure the mayor is kept loyal… until you decide to stop bribing him. )

Research your competition. DC: 50. You weren't the most keen regarding business and all that, you knew that perfectly. But now that you are the CEO of a company and all that maybe it's a good idea to see what you are up against? You don't want to lose something this important cause you weren't paying attention. Again.

Rewards: You get to know more about other Kings, their business and current state of affairs. Unlocks Collaboration and Infiltration actions.

Look into what happened to Radioactive man. DC: ??? Maybe now would be a good chance to look up what happened with that superhero the city used to have, Radio-Man or something? Your grandson made a huge deal about it before he disappeared.
Reward: Find what happened to the radioactive man and clues to find him. Chances to make contact with Radioactive man himself.

Develop traps for the company. Dc 75 You have to admit it. Burns knew what he was doing when designing some of the traps in his office. They are as creative as they are dangerous. Perhaps you could work in spreading that to the whole company? Who knows, it could help in case of burglars.
Reward: increase Dc for enemies to infiltrate or steal things from you. Chances of shenanigans happening.

Take a look at the wasteland. Dc 30. Now you can't get out of your head that "wasteland" and "dust bowl" thing. You have to check out for yourself. Who knows? Maybe the government was lying about that one too!
Reward: learn more about the wasteland. Unlocks Adventure to explore it.

Learning: Study Maps of the lands/areas near you DC: 35 Hmmmmm... You never know when you might have to visit nearby areas, you know? Better safe than sorry In case such a visit is necessary...
Reward: Have a better grasp of the geography of various areas around you. Learn about interesting locations.

Upgrade the Plant waste disposal methods. Dc 45. For too long has Springfield been affected by the lax way the Power Plant deal with the radioactive waste, mainly dropping it all in the lake and nearby areas. Have your people find a solution now.
Rewards: Springfield pollution is reduced, public opinion increased, Government opinion increased.

Upgrade the laboratories of the Power plant. Dc 35 The scientist that you have in your employ have complained about the poor quality of the current facilities, as well as the lack of better equipment. Buying new stuff should help your lab coats do more science stuff.
Reward: upgraded facilities, small bonus of +5 to National Learning rolls.

Improve the Safety of your Reactors. Dc 70. From what you have heard, your son has been the cause of several near-meltdowns during the years. From what you've seen there's not much in terms of security systems or protocols. There should be a way to make the system safer right?
Rewards: Dc increase to chances of your Reactor blowing up because of in house failures as well as sabotage attempts.

Upgrade your Power Reactor. Dc 80 From what you can tell, the current process the plant is using is well… It sucks. It generates way more waste and doesn't produce the supposed amount of energy that fission power promises. That idiotic Burns cut too many corners when building it. It's time to fix that. Though caution, it's advised from what the scientists tell you.
Reward: Springfield Power plant stops producing waste. Increase income. Unlock action to research Fusion power.

Jog your memory. You lived a looong life, and you have certainly see more things that other people have. You just… don't remember it right now. Maybe spending some time thinking about it could help you remember something useful? …What were you thinking of again?
Reward: Chances to unlock new actions, national or personal.

Hit them books. Suppose now would be a good time as any to read some of the books that your granddaughter Lisa has gifted you for your birthdays. There's lots of info you could glean from them.
Rewards: need to take this action 3 times, once taken gain 1d3+1 Learning.

Hang out with your elders. Even though being the boss of Springfield Nucler Power Plant has occupied much of your time you should give yourself some time to spend with your friends in the retirement home.
Rewards: Abe hangs out with the elders, chance to learn info about things going on in the town or interesting tidbits of info.

Spend time with your son. It's unfortunate that your son doesn't want to spend time with you after the dome accident. Still, you should give it a try to reach out to him and his family.
Rewards: spend time with your son and his family. Chances to recruit Homer as a hero unit. Chances to recruit Marge, Lisa or Bart as a Temp hero unit for next turn.

Get the hounds to like you: Mr burns hounds aren't exactly friendly to most folks and that includes you, so perhaps you should change that.
Reward: Mr Burns' hounds become Abes hounds, obtain two personal guard 'dogs'( if you roll high enough) cripper and badger.

Practice your lying skills. This is the last time you lose to Jasper on Poker Night! You need to get better at faking things. You will get it…somehow.
Reward: increase Abe intrigue stat by 1d2+1 (Needs to be taken twice to complete.)

Hang out with one of your workers. Perhaps you could use some of your free time trying to get to know one of your workers. Who knows what kind of stuff you may find out! (Can be taken multiple times a turn)
Reward: you get to know one of your hero units better, chance of increased opinion, chance to unlock actions related to the hero. ???

Go look for a fashion designer. Clothes maketh the man. That's something you hear in Tv once and it might have a grain of salt on it. Your wardrobe is nothing to talk home about. Let's do something about it.
Reward: Abe gets a Damn nice suit (cost income). Chances to meet ???

Play Poker: Playing cards is how you got into this mess... But it's just too much fun! Reward: Abe plays Poker with a random group of people. He may gain or lose income depending on the Roll.

Figure out this damn control panel: Burn's had a lot of weird buttons on this thing. You might as well see what they do before you press something you shouldn't
Reward: Office adds defense against attacks made against the Power Plant, stewardship bonus for some actions.

A test of your own medicine: You know that old rag about retirement homes drugging you up to the gills to keep you passive? Well Springfield didn't get the memo! Anything that wasn't vital to your day to day might as well have been water with all the good it did you. Let's see what kind of stuff burns money can buy!
Reward: Abe goes and buys actual quality medicine, chances for possible Stat ups! (Learning, stewardship or martial +1).

Is this my beautiful house?: Geez this mansion is huge! What the hell are you gonna do with it all? And what kind of rooms did he think he needed?
Reward: better house awareness, very small bonus to next turn's/next 4 personal actions. Chances to find some weird rooms?
Visit Maude Flanders grave: your beloved first wife Maude has passed away for years but you never forgot her.
Reward: Visiting her grave gives Flanders peace of mind on this upcoming times, chances of ???.

Spend some time with your sons. Just because you have more… "interesting job" there's no reason to spend more time with your family! You better check on Your kids now that you have some time.
Reward: Flanders spends some time with his sons. Chances to raise opinions of Abe.

Go to Church: Nothing like going to the church and feeling in contact with the Lord! After the Dome incident ended more people seemed to go to church! And you know how people like to blab in those places. Perhaps you could get some interesting tidbits?
Reward: Chances to meet new people and learn some interesting information.

Go to the Gym: Now that you have some free time perhaps you could spend it on the gym. It seems working for Abe might be a bit more physically demanding than your other jobs. Better make sure your muscles are up to the task!
Reward: Martial Stat gain if rolled high enough
Go to the theater and watch a show: it's been a while since you've been to a theater show but now that you have some time and money why don't you go see one?
Reward: Jasper has a good time, chances to meet ???.

Go visit some old war buddies: it's been some time since you've seen them and you don't even know if they are still alive after all these years but it can't hurt to attempt to find and visit them can it?
Rewards: Jasper meets some old war buddys. Possible useful information from the ones still in the military, chances to get in contact with ???.

Play chess with abe. Abe has complained that you cheat on Poker all the time. That's not true! You only cheat half the time! Still if he is gonna complain too much perhaps you can beat him in another game.
Reward: Jasper plays chess with abe. Possible stat increase for high enough roll.
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[X] Getting Our House in Order
-[X] National Action
--[X] Donate resources to the city's police.
--[X] Hire Outside Workers for your Company (Ned Flanders)
--[X] Support the city reconstruction effort
---[X] The docks and waterfront
--[X] Research your competition
--[X] Upgrade the laboratories of the Power plant
--[X] Take a look at the wasteland (Jasper Bonus)
-[X] Personal Actions
--[X] Abe
---[X] Spend time with your son
---[X] Practice your lying skills
---[X] Hit them books.
---[X] Hang out with your elders
--[X] Flanders
---[X] Go to Church
--[X] Jasper
---[X] Go visit some old war buddies
Last edited:
[X] Building Our Homefront
-[X] National Actions
--[X] Donate resources to the city's police.
--[X] Hire local workers for your company (Ned Flanders)
--[X] Support the city reconstruction effort
---[X] The docks and waterfront
--[X] Research your competition
--[X] Upgrade the laboratories of the Power plant
--[X] Take a look at the wasteland (Jasper Bonus)
-[X] Personal Actions
--[X] Abe
---[X] A test of your own medicine
---[X] Practice your lying skills
---[X] Hit them books.
---[X] Hang out with your elders
--[X] Flanders
---[X] Visit Maude Flanders grave
--[X] Jasper
---[X] Go visit some old war buddies
Last edited:
[X] Building Our Homefront
-[X] National Actions
--[X] Donate resources to the city's police.
--[X] Hire local workers for your company (Ned Flanders)
--[X] Support the city reconstruction effort
---[X] The docks and waterfront
--[X] Research your competition
--[X] Upgrade the laboratories of the Power plant
--[X] Take a look at the wasteland (Jasper Bonus)
-[X] Personal Actions
--[X] Abe
---[X] A test of your own medicine
---[X] Practice your lying skills
---[X] Hit them books.
---[X] Hang out with your elders
--[X] Flanders
---[X] Visit Maude Flanders grave
--[X] Jasper
---[X] Go visit some old war buddies

Thanks for providing a neater format for plan votes. I appreciate it.

Differences between Building Our Homefront & Getting Our House in Order for anyone trying to figure out what plan to vote.
  • Getting Our House in Order Diplo Action: Hire Outside Workers for your Company
  • Building Our Homefront Diplo Action: Hire local workers for your company
  • Alternate Personal Actions for Abe in Getting Our House in Order: Spend time with your son
  • Alternate Personal Actions for Abe in Building Our Homefront: A test of your own medicine
  • Flander's Personal Actin in Getting Our House in Order: Go to Church
  • Flander's Personal Actin in Building Our Homefront: Visit Maude Flanders grave