5 · Semblance Of The Ebon Dragon ·
The vampire channels Yin through her corpse to transform her entire body into a cloud of pure Yin energy. In this form, she's completely intangible, although she may travel the roads of the Dead and deal with the ghosts of the Dark Kingdom of Jade.
System: Except for the different type of Chi used to activate it, and the fact that the vampire enters the Yin World rather than the Yang World, this power is identical to Semblance of the Scarlet Queen.
5•Semblance Of The Scarlet Queen ·
The vampire floods his entire body with Yang energy in one mighty pulse, transforming him into Yang-substance. In this form, the vampire essentially distills himself to his spirit nature; he may walk among the clouds and treat with the lords of the Yang World.
System: The vampire concentrates for a turn, then spends three Yang Points and rolls Yang + Rituals against a difficulty of the local Wall. If successful, the vampire's body turns to spirit-stuff formed from ray Yang energy, and the vampire passes into the Yang World. While in spirit form, the vampire is invisible and incorporeal to material beings, although he can choose to become visible. He may pass freely through barriers and the like, and material attacks are incapable of affecting him. The vampire can affect and be affected by Yang-spirits (through the use of Hun, P'o, and Willpower). For purposes of spirit combat, the vampire can withstand an amount of damage equal to his health levels + permanent Yang rating. Chi-based attacks (such as Yin ghost-flame) affect him normally. He may be affected by mental attacks, such as the Soul Disciplines, provided the wielder of the power can perceive him at all. The vampire remains in the spirit form until she chooses to re-cross the Wall into the material world (rolling against a difficulty of the local Wall to do so). She may explore the Yang World as she chooses, interacting with the bizarre and terrifying spirits of that place. While in spirit form, the vampire doesn't spend Chi to animate herself, but does spend Chi normally to activate powers and heal her spirit body.