Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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"You make it sound like she's keeping them as prisoners, not employees." you say.

*Of course not, look at all this glitter! Do you think a cage would be that gilded?*
The Adult, probably.

She wasn't very specific about what you can do, but referenced control and manipulation a lot. She said that you were taking control of any Magical Girls you met so you could turn them into monsters.

Just enough truth to cristallise the lie around, yes, we do have a strong theme of control and technically manipulation, and we absolutely are a very strong abnormality The Adult wouldn't want to fight, but we aren't *taking control* of the girls (though I'm not sure the Adult could recognize healthy relationships if they punched her in the face) and the transformations are involuntary… plus the fact that just the mill makes the Adult a huge hypocrite on that one.

The other three were all working on special projects that I never heard about. We barely interacted, so I can't tell you anything more about them. Sorry."

Information control, limit the way they can interact with each others and the parts of the projects they can see and you can shape their expectations in any direction you want.

Leonie is right that the one in charge of the outside reach is probably a weak link here.

That, and so much dialogue from a bunch of different characters is pretty much my exact weak spot for writing.

*Looks at the intended Madoka/Hitomi/Madoparents discussion I want to vote for on the earliest possible occasion*

Well, practice makes perfect? :V

As for what to do, I want to discuss Leonie, but we still have the Adult to take care of…. Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh.

[X] Argalia and Leonie's experience with the Adult, ask them about what her goal could be, and what they could've gleaned from interacting with her.
[X] Argalia and Leonie's experience with the Adult, ask them about what her goal could be, and what they could've gleaned from interacting with her.

"We were all told that you are an Abnormality of incredible power that even Oz wouldn't want to have to fight. She wasn't very specific about what you can do, but referenced control and manipulation a lot. She said that you were taking control of any Magical Girls you met so you could turn them into monsters."
I really like the Adult's lie here, not ourright using falsehoods we have after all been collecting and have Kyoko under our employ.
Taylor might be willing to listen to you.
Hey, she is around! Cool, hope she's willing to hear us out. And that the lying liar who lies doesn't arrange an unfortunate accident for her if she starts talking with us.

[X] Leonie's Distortion

My priority.
While Leonie's distortion is something to note, we should get a better feel of how the Adult acts for now. Leonie should be spoken to when X is back home.
What makes you think Leonie is going anywhere with X?
Eh, I'm sure it'll be fine.

Leonie can stay with either Yuma or Mami. So that she'll get some social interactions.

While Argalia can be X's sidekick. X doesn't even technically live in Mami's house most of the time. She kinda just work there instead of living there. So it'll be fine if you add Argalia to it since it's likely that we will be working with him anyway.

If nothing else, Argalia can sleep on the couch.
I feel he already has a place to live, he just killed the original residence and take the place for himself.
and if X told him to move he will do the same thing again
I feel he already has a place to live, he just killed the original residence and take the place for himself.
and if X told him to move he will do the same thing again
Which is why we should strong-arm him into staying with us.

He has only just escaped from the Adult with Leonie after all, based on his conversation pieces. So currently he's a hobo.

This is the perfect chance to make sure he ain't going around making a mess of things (even if he can just hide the body or something), by killing X's neighbors.
I simply think that if we want to help Leonie, we need to demonstrate interest in her condition and situation through votes. So far, all votes have been about Ar-mehammer and the deceitful grown-up. This lastest vote is still on that. So until I see a vote focused on Leonie win, I'm going to be the one pushing for those votes.
You make a good point.

Once this vote is done, the next one should probably focus on getting Blue Sheep and Depressed Compass to stay at our place.
So far, all votes have been about Ar-mehammer and the deceitful grown-up.

That's probably because right now we are right next to the Sneaky mature woman's territory and discussing how to take her down, in addition to not trusting the other Violin Boy and so not wanting to begin working on helping Leonie where he can see us and intervene.

I want to help her too, but right now's not the time.
[X] Argalia and Leonie's experience with the Adult, ask them about what her goal could be, and what they could've gleaned from interacting with her.
The idea of this crossover looks cool but I'm posting this before reading because I want to know if there are any good recaps of everything important to know for Project Moon that I can read online before I read this quest?
EDIT: Oh yeah my vote!
[X] Argalia and Leonie's experience with the Adult, ask them about what her goal could be, and what they could've gleaned from interacting with her.
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[X] Argalia and Leonie's experience with the Adult, ask them about what her goal could be, and what they could've gleaned from interacting with her.
I don't doubt that from the few minutes I watched after you suggested him, but are there any that are easier to listen to while doing other things?
I might get all the lore from his videos but it would be a struggle to get through them all. The listening experience isn't the best.
Eh, WordsmithVids like Seams of Reality said. Sorry, don't have much suggestions.

[X] Argalia and Leonie's experience with the Adult, ask them about what her goal could be, and what they could've gleaned from interacting with her.
So, ¿how the hell did the adult recruit the lover of the Kawai Taylor?

This is pretty weird and just makes me want to know what's going on in Kamihama.
And let's hope Iroha doesn't go to Kamihama
so not wanting to begin working on helping Leonie where he can see us and intervene.
Do we even know if he will intervene?

Like, it's so strange to think about it, but Argalia's stance on X is so up in the air due to her position. We have absolutely no certainty about how he'll act with X.

At least with Angela, and Roland we got some ideas. But X's status as Seed of Light 2.0 makes Argalia way too smitten with her for us even to judge what his standards are.

I do think he'll be cool with X if X tries to help Leonie tho. Given that he's doing that too, telling her to appreciate herself more.

That's already plenty different from how maniacal we expected him to be. Basically, that's a "Normal" 4 on a scale of 1 to 10 on crazies.

Sure there are some hypotheses about he might be trying to manipulate Leonie into being a better ally...but that doesn't have a lot of sturdiness before we purposefully check him out with Lobotomy.

We need to test his boundaries more before we can really judge him too hard. Since the situation is quite...strange/unique.

Our kids kinda spoiled us in this regard, but we never really took into account how much trust Distortions likely view X with. Since the girls by default will trust X a lot.

Argalia is even more extreme since he's a massive simp due to him being drawn to X's light.
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Sure there are some theories


And the problem is that we don't have enough data on Argalia to know how he'll react and right outside enemy territory while discussing how to infiltrate is neither the place not time to test that.

Once we are out of the current crisis, we can get Leonie to talk with Homura on how being a tool is great or something, allowing us to go for a one on one discussion with Argalia about his intentions towards our sister… I mean, about his dreams and goals and how he sees us.