@Hyacinthium contuing our convo from earlier assuming chelle plan wins here what I am thinking for next turn plan is draft so feedback from you and other will be taken into account and might lead to changes. Also assume we have 33 exp alongside minor increase in other categories next turn
Draft plan
[] Plan: Snappy plan name
-[] Exploring the Expanse: A region located to the Galactic West of Teklia. Mostly dead, but perhaps additional focused exploration of the region might reveal some manner of secret. Locations of Interest found: 1/???. Outpost Level: 1.
--[] Accomplishment
get around to seeing what else is in the expanse and hopefully finding some cool things
-[] Follow up exploration in the south
--[] Endeavor
follow up exploration of the south too further invesitgate what we have ever discovered there.
-[] EXP
--[] Living Metal Farming: 20/20, grants 1 Living Metal
finish up what we have started next turn.
--[] Herdtemples: 1515, establishes Herdtemples, providing FTH and 1 Warp.
do this to get us back into the postive on warp and get some more fth too
--[] Naklis 15/15, generates FTH.
get us some more FTH and preemptively appeases the spirits there so they don't get super pissed off at us for all the mining/expansion we are gonna be doing there
-[] CUL
decided not to try to do sleepwalk brew this turn cause I want to get the translator done next turn I'll try to get that done.
--[] Antianima Translator Matrix: 10/10, grants Crude Antianima Translator Matrix, allowing for communication with the Booug.
reasoning for why I think communication is worth it
Okay with that confirmation I will posit a theory the boog aren't trying to hurt us they are trying to help us. They know this realm for what it is a nightmare realm filled with horrors ready to kill the tekkets at any moment so they are therefore desperate to have us leave. That why they don't attack tekkets at all only the machinery of the ship in what I think is attempt is to force the tekkets to leave warp.
That why when the gellar field shut down they rampaged even more than usual cause they knew the much more dangerous fiends would be in route as a result and with reality fraying we were finally able to start to understand what they are saying it desperate pleas to get them to leave this accursed place in there eyes. In conclusion the evidence points to the booug not being malevolent toward us but in actuality begin in really trying us to GTFO out of this accursed place. However until we are able to communicate with them we will be stuck in the currently equilibrium of the booug thinking they are helping us and us thinking they be crazy monsters so that why we should take this option soon so we can hopefully break that equilibrium
but tldr hopefully this will serve as a way to make peace or the first step to making peace with the Booug and get more understanding of their reasoning for attacking us.
--[] VR Simulators: 10/10, grants ACD and unlocks SimTek.
increase our ACD point while also unlocking a cool new tech for us which usually unlocks further tech options after that and has knock effects of it own.
--[] Orbital Pioneer Initiative: 4/10 --> ?/10, generates EXP.
hopefully we will have the cul points to complete it next turn but if not I'll throw the extra points to get this close to completion as possible for next next turn but I rather increase ACD point than EXP but if people pefer the late I can switch it around.
-[] FTH
--[] Holy-Talismen 10/10, provides FTH and slight protection against malign influences. Strengthens most religious orders.
--[] Occult-Talismans: 10/10, Occulteks gain Occult-Talismans, increasing FTH and providing 1 Warp.
The occult tailsman decrease how much we do blood sacrfice alwasy a win and gets us some fth/ one warp which is pretty awesome. Then the other tailsman one is great since it a literal holy tailsman for our people to have to protect them against bad juju should be pretty helpful in warp travel too/in general. All of these increase FTH as well allowing us to do more stuff in this category and this also alongside herd temple bring us firmly into the positive on WARP so we have some to spare and don't have to worry as much on spending it.
--[] Mystek Protective Wards 15/40, Mystek Compartment upgraded with Exceptionally Crude Protective Wards, costs 1 Warp.
any excess FTH points we get next turn will go here setting this up for completion next turn(if we gain gain enough
--[] Anti-Mutation Medication: 15/15, grants Crude Anti-Mutation Medication.
Finish up what we started last turn and hopefuly making warp travel a little safer
--[]Academy Fleet Compartment High Energy Lab: A proposed improvement to the Academy Compartments was giving them their own High Energy Labs and self-contained power systems: this would allow them to further meet the fleets technical needs as well as provide, in all likelyhood, a great deal of surplus power for your ships to use. 11
/20, Academy Fleet Compartment upgraded with High Energy Lab, increasing available power and efficiency of all advanced subsystems. Costs 1 Nuclear Material.
Doing this cause we have been noted to not have enough power on the ship when we go to warp making our particile fields the one thing keeping us safe from the warp meaning that one power failure could as seen last turn doom us so getting more avaibale power would make our parctile fields more reliable to not turn off. Also is just a general boost to everything which is quite nice and allow us to do more things in space.