Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

  • Total voters
[X] Allow Kyubey to stay
[X] Mami and Kyoko's Past

Makes sense given that Carmen spoke to distorted Homura. Though if she does the same to Kyoko, I have to wonder why she is specifically reaching out to the girls. As far as I can tell, she doesn't do that for other people after they distort, and I'd assume they shouldn't need further guidance to follow their innermost desires since that was the point of distorting in the first place.
I think she just likes Homura.

It's also a way to reach out to X, since if she could talk to her directly, she probably would've done so already.
Adhoc vote count started by Lepidoptera on Jan 30, 2023 at 10:10 PM, finished with 23 posts and 12 votes.

Votes are somewhat… decentralized, so I'll be leaving things open for an extra day.
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Vote was divided by line, that's why the plan was strange in the Tally, here:

Adhoc vote count started by Nyarky on Jan 31, 2023 at 1:28 AM, finished with 25 posts and 12 votes.
[X] Plan: Distraction!

Honestly, is it just me or do Kyubey and Carmen have a lot of similarities in the way they operate? They both appear to people on the edge of mental breakdown and offer them the power of a lifetime for only the low-low cost of warping your soul! Though, to be fair, distortions can (if I'm remembering right) be actualized into true E.G.O. with enough effort and character development(TM) while Witches are... yeah.
Adhoc vote count started by Lepidoptera on Jan 31, 2023 at 11:30 PM, finished with 27 posts and 13 votes.

Well, that's much clearer. Back to schedule, then.
Honestly, is it just me or do Kyubey and Carmen have a lot of similarities in the way they operate? They both appear to people on the edge of mental breakdown and offer them the power of a lifetime for only the low-low cost of warping your soul! Though, to be fair, distortions can (if I'm remembering right) be actualized into true E.G.O. with enough effort and character development(TM) while Witches are... yeah.
Kyubey has no requirement for mental breakdowns, and his desire is typically for the mental breakdown to come after the wish. Something about the phase change between hope and despair. I guess they both could still be considered contracts with the devil though. Kyubey represents the more formal suit and tie with hidden conditions, while Carmen is the sweet whisper of temptation.
2.1.10 - Regular Report Received
Chapter 89 - Regular Report Received

As much as you dislike Kyubey, they're still usually useful. So, despite the general inclination to either ask the Incubator to leave or forcefully eject them from the apartment, you lean back into your chair.

"Well, that's good to know. I haven't found any either, so Mitakihara is probably clear." you announce, prompting some mild celebration from around the table. Some previously unseen tension leaves Kyoko's body, and she relaxes in her seat. Yuma nods along, happy to see everyone else relieved but clearly not fully understanding why. She only ever met three Abnormalities, and you and Punishing Bird have both treated her well. Mami smiles as well, though as she does her thoughts are elsewhere. You wonder if she's remembering her first proper encounter with an Abnormality.

Your own thoughts stray back to Blue Star. You were exceedingly fortunate that you are so resistant to mental effects, and even then it very nearly wasn't enough to banish the False God's presence before it could take root. Blue Star was never the most combat-capable Abnormality, but that never really mattered. Sure, the Agents who could fight it were at very little risk, but everyone else usually died the moment it breached. If it had escaped like Nothing There did? The collateral damage would have been far worse than a few ruined buildings.

"However," you remind the table, gazing pointedly at Kyubey all the while, "that's not everything. We know for a fact that Abnormalities aren't restricted to appearing in this City. Do you have any knowledge, or even any suspicions, of any other Abnormalities?"

The Incubator blinks silently. "Aside from you, I haven't found any definitive evidence of Abnormality presence. There has, however, been a disturbance nearby that was assumed to be a result of interference from an Abnormality."

With that news, the previous feeling of safety is snatched away. The temperature goes from the previous warm glow to an oppressive, cloying haze. You lean forwards in your chain, hearing the faint creak of the wood in the now-silent room. "Well, out with it, then. What've you found?"

"It's more accurate to say that information is missing. There has been a complete failure to receive any information regarding Kamihama City, starting about two weeks ago. Due to the nature of the issue, pinpointing an exact time is not possible."

Information blackout. That narrows things down significantly. An automatic defense in response to [CENSORED]? Unlikely. Some previously unseen ability of Dimensional Refraction Variant's invisibility? Equally improbable. You could've even pegged it as an extension of Big Bird's ability to subsume nearby light to force people to follow its lantern, but that option's crossed out. You already fought the Black Forest's most proactive Guardian, and while you did fail to prevent all the loss of life the fight was finished with only you and Homura standing. Lamp sits patiently in the back of your mind, awaiting your call.

Instead of the all-revealing lantern, you call upon a different power. While your ability to use Lobotomy has slowed to a crawl compared to your previous heights, it's easy enough when you're sitting down and not doing anything else. A single glowing spine, a tendril of Light, reaches from behind you and pierces Kyubey. Of course, nobody reacts. The "wing" isn't even real, let alone visible. Just like your tools and materials from before. Ways to help visualize, to speed up the process.

Of course, they could be real if you wanted them to be. All it would take is a little crack. You could-

You dismiss that train of thought before it can proceed any further. Your urges always get a little stronger around uses of Lobotomy. Nothing you can't deal with. You'll close up the operation when Kyubey finishes their report and see what you found.

Speaking of, Kyubey hasn't stopped talking.

"The City was under watch previously due to a group of Magical Girls who gained undue knowledge of the mechanics of Magic. With it, they made specific Wishes to try and claim control of the Contract system for themselves. They had planned to harvest energy from Soul Gems for power, disrupting the present system in the process."

Around the room, the mood only darkens. Mami is without her ordinary presented smile, face set in a grim line. Kyoko stares down at her chest, where her Soul Gem once was.

"And they knew what Soul Gems are when they did this? That Soul Gems are parts of Magical Girls, that they can't survive without them?"

"They were aware of the truths about Magical Girls. It was only because of their information that their plan could occur at all."

"And what, you just let it happen? Didn't have any way to stop them? This seems like the kinda thing you should be stopping before it gets out of hand." Kyoko spits with more aggression than is necessary. Not more than is justified, though. Setting aside the red-haired girl's hatred of Kyubey, it's a good question. You likely would've asked it if she hadn't.

"While there are teams of Magical Girls who normally deal with these sorts of things, they were occupied at the time. By the time their other issues cleared up, the situation had changed."

You file away the existence of Kyubey's Magical Girl secret police for later and keep listening.

"Recently, the entire team was found to have disappeared. While the investigations were cut off, it seems likely there were killed by something with Soul-manipulating Magic."

Well, that pretty much closes it. You know who's responsible. And if you're actually right, and you are, then you will need to maneuver very carefully in the future.

"I see." you announce, standing up and closing your connection with Lobotomy. You hadn't expected much, but the lack of any response confirms what you already theorized. Even with the Light's presence, the Incubators just don't have anything for it to amplify. "I believe that's everything I need to know. You should head back and observe the surroundings; find out what you can actually learn."

With your order given, Kyubey leaps up from Yuma's lap and vanishes out of sight under the table. The last embers of tension fade, leaving the room at a less uncomfortable level of heat. With the audience gone, Mami shoots Kyoko a worried look. You wonder when Mami stopped considering Kyubey somebody she could be open with her emotions about.

Kyoko waves at Mami dismissively, but doesn't meet her eyes. "What?"

"While I felt it intrusive to bring up earlier, I will not allow this to go unaddressed. You cannot hide when you are feeling uncomfortable or upset now." Mami states cleanly.

"Yeah? So what? It's not anything important, you shouldn't be worrying about me."

"No, I will not accept that." Mami shakes her head. "You were clearly uncomfortable with Kyubey being here. If you'd said anything, we could have had him leave for now and return later."

"I told you, it's nothing to be worried about."

"Mom's really strong, right?" Yuma suddenly interjects. You're not really sure where she's going with this, but Kyoko nods slowly. "Stronger than everybody else. But she still asks for help sometimes. So you should, too."

You wince internally at that point. Sure, you asked the girls for help against Nothing There, but you would really prefer they not have to fight. Carrying burdens like this is your purpose; you were quite literally made for it. It just feels… wrong, letting children share some of your weight.

Heh. You said the same thing to Tiphereth once and got quite the critique in response. Scarily competent children aren't exactly new territory.

You nearly miss Kyoko's mumbled response to Yuma's advise beneath your own thoughts. "It's not about needing it, it's about deserving it."


-Include Personal Relationship…
[] (Personal) Yes
[] (Personal) No
-Portray Carmen As…
[] (Portrayal) Manipulative
[] (Portrayal) Misguided
[] (Portrayal) Caring
[] (Advice) Caution
[] (Advice) Ignore
[] (Advice) Listen


Der Freischütz's Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
Porccubus' Sapling - Observation Level 2/3

These kids need some hugs. And a therapist. At least X can provide sort of both.

No plans this time, only independent votes.
Carmen is a misguided individual that should not be listened to but You should still follow some of her advice because it is actively helping you, so do not follow her relationship or advise on how to treat your mental problems, but she does help.

What do you mean on this?
How much do you explain your relation to and with Carmen
"Recently, the entire team was found to have disappeared. While the investigations were cut off, it seems likely there were killed by something with Soul-manipulating Magic."
Kyubey Kyubey.
Why are you so dumb? We can help you if it's a problem that bad you know? Like, this is a rebellion in the making! And not the kind we approve of either!

Well, that pretty much closes it. You know who's responsible. And if you're actually right, and you are, then you will need to maneuver very carefully in the future.
Uh...X, I think you a being a bit too confident here. She might be thinking of "I AM CAPITAL G GOD" Whitenight instead of the Adult since the latter isn't really a big soul manipulator in comparison to the former.

"I see." you announce, standing up and closing your connection with Lobotomy. You hadn't expected much, but the lack of any response confirms what you already theorized. Even with the Light's presence, the Incubators just don't have anything for it to amplify. "I believe that's everything I need to know. You should head back and observe the surroundings; find out what you can actually learn."
This might change once more Light accumulates. So we should do a check-up on the furry dumbass whenever his exposure increases.

You wonder when Mami stopped considering Kyubey somebody she could be open with her emotions about.
HAH! We won the child custody case! Take that Kyubey!

Truth is sometimes better than fiction.
There's no real need to phrase Carmen in a bad light when we already know what works with Homura.

[X] (Personal) Yes
[X] (Portrayal) Misguided
[X] (Advice) Caution

Carmen means well. But she is misguided. However, her help shouldn't be disregarded, though one needs to approach them with caution. Having X open up about her personal experience with Carmen would be a great way to wink wink nudge nudge Kyoko into the "Everyone can help me" mindset too.

Though given X's mental thoughts, that is kinda hard for her to do still. Understandable. Given that we are telling kids to fight for us.
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oh... Well, in my opinion, we should get the cat out of the bag just to get it out of the way so we don't need to explain it later on the line In the middle of a battle with seven threats actively trying to kill our girls.
Uh...X, I think you a being a bit too confident here. She might be thinking of "I AM CAPITAL G GOD" Whitenight instead of the Adult since the latter isn't really a big soul manipulator in comparison to the former.
X's narrowing here is more about Abnormalities that use Magic than Soul Manipulation, though that is one of AWTL's speciality. Her EGO can raise the dead, after all.
Regular Report Received

Unfortunately, I have to inform you that *Incubators* doesn't begin with a R, your proposition for a new squad of R-Corp is thus rejected.

Our company is deeply sorry to do this and is ready to send a special delivery in compensation, please go to the training facility number 3655 and tell them you are there to assist in live training.


"It's more accurate to say that information is missing. There has been a complete failure to receive any information regarding Kamihama City, starting about two weeks ago. Due to the nature of the issue, pinpointing an exact time is not possible."

Good, we now have a target for our next abnormality hunt.

Of course, they could be real if you wanted them to be. All it would take is a little crack. You could-

Seems like we're getting a little cramped in there. We should find a way to relax.

"While there are teams of Magical Girls who normally deal with these sorts of things, they were occupied at the time. By the time their other issues cleared up, the situation had changed."

You file away the existence of Kyubey's Magical Girl secret police for later and keep listening.

That's a pretty good information to have, and having it be revealed right in front of Yuma helps too, she is smart, we can use this to explain to her why trusting the cabbit is a bad idea.

Heh. You said the same thing to Tiphereth once and got quite the critique in response. Scarily competent children aren't exactly new territory.

Note for later: find a way for Tiphereth and the magical girls to come here and have some fun.

You nearly miss Kyoko's mumbled response to Yuma's advise beneath your own thoughts. "It's not about needing it, it's about deserving it."

You do deserve it, there is naught you have done that makes you undeserving, we'll make you value yourself, you'll see.

Also, is it me or does all our most problematic cases involves lack of self esteem in one way or another? Homura, who only cares about Madoka even at her own expense, Madoka, who wants to help and think she doesn't do enough, Kyouko, with her survivor guilt, Mami, who wants to be more than she is and think she drives all friends away.

[] (Portrayal) Caring

Both at the same time really seems like a winning combination! :V

These kids need some hugs. And a therapist. At least X can provide sort of both.

We even can give therapy hugs with our wings!

For the vote, I think the parts are interconnected enough that we should be careful on what combination we vote on and not just all the individual parts independently, telling them she is caring then asking to be cautious doesn't have the same vibe as telling she is manipulative before, same for misguided, and I think we would get some looks if we tell that she's manipulative right before telling they should listen to her.

[X] (Personal) Yes
[X] (Portrayal) Misguided
[X] (Advice) Caution
[X] (Personal) Yes
[X] (Portrayal) Misguided
[X] (Advice) Caution

Man, I really don't like that Carmen is getting this much leeway in affecting the girls. But this seems to be the most sensible choice.

Kinda worried about Madoka now though, we should catch up with her asap