Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

  • Total voters
You know...I just went back and checked the old chapters again and I realized something...

My suggestion was actually taken! X got rid of the scars on Kali's body! So she did customized the shell after she finishes fighting NT.
Adhoc vote count started by Lepidoptera on Jan 27, 2023 at 10:24 AM, finished with 37 posts and 18 votes.

Time for a healthy(?) distraction.
I shouldn't make any comments cause I'm drunk, but god, dammit, I hope everything comes out alright...
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2.1.9 - Getting Back To Business As Usual
Chapter 88 - Getting Back To Business As Usual

"So," you begin as casually as possible, hoping to distract from the immense tension that's been growing this whole conversation. "We'll be running patrols later this evening. It'll be either one or two teams, since covering the whole city every day is difficult otherwise. With how many Witches have been showing up recently, we can't afford anything less. If you feel like you need to do something, you can always join us."

"Sure, sounds great." Kyoko says a little too quickly. Her casual tone would probably have covered up the sheer desperation to have something else to do otherwise. Beside her, Mami smiles in relief.

"It will be nice to fight side by side with you again." she says, still smiling softly. While her voice is enthusiastic, it's tainted by a note of melancholy. If you remember correctly, she expressed almost the exact same sentiment to a disguised Nothing There.

You've seen Mami's mind. You know exactly how much Kyoko meant to her. The two were practically sisters, both children who had lost everyone else in their lives. She has experienced their reunion twice now, both times tainted. Right now, it seems hard to believe things will ever actually go back to normal.

"Glad to have you with us, then." you say as cheerfully as you can. The familiarity should do them both some good. Maybe things won't ever truly go back to the way they were, but that doesn't mean the way they are now has to be without happiness. Of course, that's not the only reason.

"It'll be good for Sayaka to have another role model as well, especially considering you're almost definitely Mami's best student." you continue, drawing a raised eyebrow from the others around the table. Well, from Mami and Kyoko. Yuma is otherwise occupied with her slice of cake and seems to just accept that if you say something is a good idea, it probably is.

"I dunno if you've met me," Kyoko drawls, "but I'm not really what you'd call 'role model' material. Fuck, I'm not even really a Magical Girl anymore." The temperature in the room flares with those last few words, though Kyoko doesn't emote any further beyond it. The heat isn't the same blazing inferno from before, though. Instead, it almost feels… guilty? There's a gentle, warm happiness for just a moment, and then it is smothered by a heavy, stifling wave of heat. Your life only ever gets more complicated, doesn't it?

Still, repairing the ruined mental health of emotionally-unstable powerhouses was literally your day job. You can do this.

"If I was thinking in those terms, then Mami's already got that covered. You'd be hard-pressed to find a better example of the quintessential Magical Girl anywhere." you answer. Kyoko nods, again slightly too enthusiastic for her casual act to be believable.

"You've got that right." the red-haired Distortion affirms, though Mami only shakes her head and looks down.

"You're too kind, both of you, but I am not as impressive as you make me out to be." The humility is more out of politeness than anything else. You are intimately familiar with Mami's mental issues, and while there are some places she feels she lacks confidence, she has too much faith in you and Kyoko's judgement to really argue.

"You are, but we're getting off-topic." you counter. "The point is, it'll be good for Sayaka to meet more Magical Girls. Information and experience are everything, after all."

"Perhaps you could have her meet the Magical Girls in the Library? It would certainly provide a variety of experiences." Mami suggests. You consider for a quick moment, but then shake your head.

"I don't think that would work. I don't know most of 'em, so I can't make any judgements that way. But the real issue would be having so many people. It's a lot to take in all at once." It's not even been an hour and you're already worried about them. Or, to be more specific, worried about Chesed. He's capable and charismatic, yes, but children are a lot to take care of. Especially superpowered, highly unstable children.

Eh, he'll probably be fine.

"Can Yuma see the Library?" your youngest interjects. You pause for a moment, considering the proposition. You'd normally be hesitant to let any of your children into the City. As strong as they are, your homeworld is a brutal, terrifying place. The kind of place that was so horrible, the founding and running of Lobotomy Corporation could be justified just for a chance to make it better. But the Library, at least, is a controlled environment. Death isn't even possible without Angela's permission.

Before you can give your affirmation, the conversation is interrupted by an unwelcome guest. Kyubey slinks out from nowhere and perches themself on one of the nearby shelves, face as motionlessly cheerful as ever.

"Good afternoon, Mami, X, Chitose Yuma, Sakura Kyoko. I hope I'm not interrupting anything, but I'm here to report the absence of any new Abnormalities in Mitakihara."

Somehow, the atmosphere manages to become even more fragile and uneasy than it already was. Heat flares erratically, washing through the room in irregular waves, though this time Kyoko's disguise holds. Mami glances at her in concern, noting the crimson-haired girl's fists clenching under the table. Undeterred, Kyubey leaps down from the shelf to settle in Yuma's lap. Your daughter yelps in surprise, but settles quickly enough. Interestingly, Yuma doesn't seem too uncomfortable with the alien creature's presence sitting on her lap. The way she shifts her posture to make room for it is practiced, like she's done it before.

[] Ask Kyubey to leave
[] Allow Kyubey to stay


[] Witch Patrol Schedules
[] Kyoko's Future (Press)
[] Kyoko's Feelings About Distortion
[] Carmen
[] Kyubey
[] Mami and Kyoko's Past
[] Absence of Abnormalities

This option is available only if Kyubey remains present
[] Kyubey's Interactions with Yuma
This option will include Kyubey if they remain present
[] Write-in


Der Freischütz's Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
Porccubus' Sapling - Observation Level 2/3

Sorry I was late on this one, writing conversation without it feeling too awkward is difficult. That, and I was looking through Mili's songs for completely innocuous reasons and got caught up in that. Apparently, they've done a cover of Komm, Süsser Tod? As well as quite a few other under appreciated works.
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Anyone who said that Kyoko's heat burning up everything around her isn't that big of a deal has never touched a hot rice cooker before.

I'm surprised Mami and Yuma is so chill when Kyoko's heat turns up. But then again, Yuma didnt say much and Mami is desperately nostalgic anyway.

As for Kyubey. Sure, hes a dick, but hes still helpful if nothing else.
Lets keep him around yeah? Plus...

We didnt have a chance to check out his exposure last time around. Why not use this as an opportunity to have a lookie inside the bugger's head?

The kids are fine for now. We can delegate Mami to explain what Abnormalities are if she didnt tell Kyoko already. Tell the kids to take the chance for a tour around the City while X, Yuma and Kyubey talk.
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I'm surprised Mami and Yuma is so chill when Kyoko's heat turns up. But then again, Yuma didnt say much and Mami is desperately nostalgic anyway.
Kyoko hasn't actually gone "set everything on fire" mode just yet, Distortions just tend to express their emotions in… special ways. If she did, considering she's currently in a small apartment, it would destroy everything pretty quickly.
If she did, considering she's currently in a small apartment, it would destroy everything pretty quickly.
I know. I'm just surprised both of them didn't mention the increased in heat.

Just the increase of 1 or 2 degrees in a room will make things noticeably hotter. So Kyoko doesn't need to burn things to make Mami and Yuma uncomfortable.

But that's a minor nitpick anyway.
There, Kyoko's calmer. Now for something more serious.

[X] Allow Kyubey to stay
[X] Kyoko's Feelings About Distortion

The Distortion thing is important, and she's already opened up that dialog at least partly. Kyubey stay for this, it's not like we can hide what she is. Not when she keeps raising the thermometer every few minutes.
Still, repairing the ruined mental health of emotionally-unstable powerhouses was literally your day job. You can do this.

Here are some flashback to said day job:

Eh, he'll probably be fine.


Bet you were expecting the *This is Fine* dog, didn't you? :V

"Good afternoon, Mami, X, Chitose Yuma, Sakura Kyoko. I hope I'm not interrupting anything, but I'm here to report the absence of any new Abnormalities in Mitakihara."
the absence of any new Abnormalities in Mitakihara."

He just said that he didn't say anything there and gave absolutely no information.

For all we know, there are thousands of Abnos that were already there, or all the ones he found where right outside of town. He could even have spent all his time searching outside town to make sure he could say that when he comes back.

Yuma doesn't seem too uncomfortable with the alien creature's presence sitting on her lap. The way she shifts her posture to make room for it is practiced, like she's done it before.

Note for later: give Yuma a very thorough speech about why she shouldn't wish, maybe do it with Madoka in the room to remind her too, go full withcbomb on them, make sure to point out you offer alternatives with the existence of EGO.

We probably don't want Kyubey around if we're going to ask Kyoko how she feels about Distortion.

Agreed, also, we still have to talk about Carmen, Kyouko really needs to know more about her, this is very important:

[x] Ask Kyubey to leave
[x] Carmen

Carmen won't stop existing to potentially destabilize Kyouko if we ignore her, discussing her is paramount.

Putting our head in the sand and refusing to discuss this subject is not going to help, and we don't want Kyubey to learn much about her, so he has to go.
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If only taking one option, then I'm going to make a write in
[X] Allow Kyubey to stay
[X] Require a list of updates about abnormalities in the surrounding cities or if possible the entirety of Japan, If you have to wait then talk with your daughters about Distortions.
Personally speaking I'm on team checking out Kyubey's exposure so...
[X] Plan: Distraction!
-[X] Allow Kyubey to stay
--[X] Make him talk about the current known Abnormalities and where they are
---[X] Check Kyubey's Exposure levels to the Light while he talks
----[X] Tell Kyubey to leave afterward
-----[X] Carmen

I personally don't see any reasons to limit ourselves so much. Plus, the abnormality topic could be a good way for us to segway into Carmen.
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[X] Allow Kyubey to stay
[X] Require a list of updates about abnormalities in the surrounding cities or if possible the entirety of Japan, If you have to wait then talk with your daughters about Distortions.
Since its pretty likely that we would need to do one of the two later on anyhow.

Pick Carmen and we would have to yank Kyubey back and interrogare him later.

Interrogate Kyubey and we would have to approach Carmen later with Kyoko anyway.

So why not use the opportunity and do both in the most seamless matter possible?

First, we get Kyubey to talk about Abnormalities, tell him to screw off, then we segway into Carmen's relation to X and why Kyoko should goes through us first if she ever has Carmen's voice talking in her head.

No need to really split up the vote.
[X] Plan: Distraction!

Makes sense given that Carmen spoke to distorted Homura. Though if she does the same to Kyoko, I have to wonder why she is specifically reaching out to the girls. As far as I can tell, she doesn't do that for other people after they distort, and I'd assume they shouldn't need further guidance to follow their innermost desires since that was the point of distorting in the first place.