As someone who has spoken at length about letting Rosie know that we'd be in a position to help support her if needed to get her out of from the control of her mother and stepdad (her mum wanted her to get an abortion and, iirc, said that she would not support Rosie if she kept it) I really want to get the cash thing set up before doing Rosie actins incase her circumstances come up in her action.
Similarly, I want to get the cash action set up before doing the Porter actions, as it will let us know what we might have available to meet the needs of the ghouls working for us if that stuff pops up during said action.
Ok, idle idea, not given a huge amount of thought to this; but I was reading the arguments for and against the diamond mine/factory options, and one of the things mentioned was that our lack of electricity usage might tip people off to our process being weird.
This would depend on Thomas' advice on what state is best to best our startup/'factory' in, but
if he suggests Illinois (i.e. Chicago) then what about buying a property directly above the Last Station and running a powerline down through the factory to the people living there?
(It would of course be designed such that the powerline can be 'plugged out' at the surface (the connection/socket would be under false concrete flooring) and plugged into the 'diamond machine' in the event of inspection.
Or heck, the 'diamond machine' just sits over the bit where the powerline starts to turn straight down

[X] Starting up, you have an assistant and an idea, not to help actually set this thing in motion, not just the paperwork but actually getting (or making) some machines that look like they could make diamonds. Also includes making more diamonds.