Beak: A small pistol with disproportionately high firepower. The pristine white surface is stained red around the barrel. At least, it looks like a stain. Cheerfully wishes to punish misdeeds.
Type: EGO Integration: Neutral Synergy: -
Small Beak: While this weapon's power is normally middling, it increases in strength the more a target is deserving of punishment. This variable is determined according to the wielder's perception, but misdeeds that personally affect them are given far more weight.
Depends, X might have a sense of mercy towards an abnormality because they are unable to change their nature thus may not necessarily be deserving of 'punishment' in their perception, just containment. As we see with Nothing There and how much Mercy was spared.
Then again, Nothing There was Earnest in their desire, they just could not succeed in it and thus were 'evil' in their failure. The Adult who Lies makes no such attempts and as a abnormality represent a part of humanity that I doubt anyone could see good in.
Beak: A small pistol with disproportionately high firepower. The pristine white surface is stained red around the barrel. At least, it looks like a stain. Cheerfully wishes to punish misdeeds.
Type: EGO Integration: Neutral Synergy: -
Small Beak: While this weapon's power is normally middling, it increases in strength the more a target is deserving of punishment. This variable is determined according to the wielder's perception, but misdeeds that personally affect them are given far more weight.
Lamp: A pitch-black lantern containing a twisting, bright flame. Within its radiance, all other lights are extinguished.
Type: EGO Integration: High Synergy: -
Darkness: The crushing weight repelled only by the lantern's glow, which strips away strength from intruders. Indiscriminately removes enhancements from enemies within a moderate range while active.
Big Eyes: A way to see deeper than a person normally could. Reveals details, invisibility, illusions, enchantments, other modifications, dimensional abnormalities, and other things within your ordinary line of sight. Improves range of vision and eventually accesses pre/postcognition depending on the wielder's paranoia.
[X] Yes, go see them
-[X] Assure them that they won't be forced to stay here forever and that you are looking for a way for them to return home eventually.
Depends, X might have a sense of mercy towards an abnormality because they are unable to change their nature thus may not necessarily be deserving of 'punishment' in their perception, just containment. As we see with Nothing There and how much Mercy was spared.
Then again, Nothing There was Earnest in their desire, they just could not succeed in it and thus were 'evil' in their failure. The Adult who Lies makes no such attempts and as a abnormality represent a part of humanity that I doubt anyone could see good in.
From a philosophical position, trying to punish The Adult who Lies is pointless. It doesn't really matter how much they enjoy being a monster, if they can only be a monster, and can only enjoy being a monster. It'd be like trying to punish a toxic gas. There's no point, it can't change and is only acting within its nature.
On the other hand, little bird specifically wanted comeuppance, and there's no small element of revenge cooked into comeuppance. And revenge is cathartic. And sure, normally trying to punish or het revenge something like that would be insane, The Adult who Lies has a body, a mind and can feel pain. I don't see a good reason to not get some easy revenge if it comes up.
[X] Yes, go see them
-[X] Assure them that they won't be forced to stay here forever and that you are looking for a way for them to return home eventually.
--[X] Wish Angela good luck running her orphanage.
---[X] Give her a hug before you go home.
X] Yes, go see them
-[X] Assure them that they won't be forced to stay here forever and that you are looking for a way for them to return home eventually.
--[X] Wish Angela good luck running her orphanage.
---[X] Give her a hug before you go home
(Does this count as an Omake? I just wanted to make these for this quest. Since we finally got to Act 2.)
Observation: The Ordeals (Part G) "The Bucket can rise with some impurities mixed in with what we usually draw, such as the abyss within Humanity, the subconscious, and all kinds of possibilities." Green
An Ordeal that comes in the form of an army of mechanical lifeforms. Declaring their presence with the sound of a horn.
All Employees are wary of this Ordeal. Yet it is the least dangerous of them all.
Once they were just another nightmare to deal with. Now, they are the foundation of your kingdom. Doubt "One day, a question crossed through my mind. Where do we come from? We were given life and left in this world against our own volition."
The weakest of the Green Ordeal. Yet it is also the strongest among the Dawn Ordeals when counting singular numbers. An almost skeletal robot. Wearing naught more than an old cloak. With gears for organs. With a single Lance. Its indifferent red-eye glows in Doubt.
Rarity: Paperback. Prototypes. The first to be created. E.G.O Strength: It declares its existence as powerful as any other TETH Abnormality. Basic Attack: Do not let its stick-like figure fool you. Though it is pathetic when faced off against competent opponents. This Lance-like arm is more than enough to skewer through a person. Still, it is manageable due to Doubt's slow speed. Unending Doubt: Should you find your life ended at the hand of one of these things, however? Then you shall be made an answer to your colleagues' understanding of its fearsome nature. Humans are fragile. When a Doubt kills a human, it shall remove all doubts of such a fact. Perform an "Overkill" protocol when killing any combatant. Ramming their body into the ground with its lance and rapidly stabbing their corpse until it is unrecognizable.
Utilization Value: Just as it was back in the Facility. They are useful as fodders. Nothing more.
Process of Understanding "In the end, they were bound to life. We existed only to express despair and ire."
Massive mechanical entity. Simplistic. Straight Forward. Dangerous. Persistence. More than twice the size of its smaller brethren. Covered in heavy armor platings. Wielding a massive saw the size of a human. Glaring out from within its "helmet" with a singular eye, the sensors of this cyclopean foe ensure that its machine gun shall annihilate those who are unprepared.
Rarity: Hardcover. Guardians. Adapted to the world around them. E.G.O Strength: It declares its existence as powerful as any other TETH Abnormality. The Saw: If the size of it doesn't already give you an understanding of its fearsome nature, then the moment it bites into your flesh will. Impossibly sharp for something so low-tech. Capable of cutting clean through multiple agents if in range. Exercise caution when attempting close-quarter combat. Machine Gun: A shabby-looking gun that deceives its true lethal accuracy. Rapidly firing bullets down range, will quickly end the life of anyone unsuited to take them. Luckily, outside of their accuracy, the bullets are less deadly than their size would suggest. "For something that is almost as tall as people, firing bullets the size of a fist, this thing's gun doesn't actually hit as hard as you think it does." - Ferris, Disciplinary Captain. Enduring Knowledge: Capable of entering a state of self-repairing. Is incapable of defending itself or attacking in this state. Providing valuable breathing room for weaker agents, and an invaluable vulnerability to more capable agents.
Utilization Value: Impressively strong in large numbers, and can punch far above their E.G.O strength. But lacking power against any real threat. Useful as fire support for your close-quarter summons in the latter case.
Where to Reach "We constructed a looming tower to return whence we came."
Unassuming things. Incapable of attacking. Incapable of defending itself. Yet their appearance shall raise the hair of even veteran Agents. A declaration of War.
Exceptionally durable. Focus and eliminate quickly.
Rarity: Limited. Factories. To grind all to dust. E.G.O Strength: It declares its existence as powerful as any other WAW Abnormality. Grasping Desire: Capable of mass producing Process of Understandings and Doubts. An unknown intelligence determines which of the two to pursue. The rate of production is reliant on the quality and number of its products. More than capable of overwhelming a whole department of experienced Agents if not dealt with carefully and quickly. Failure to deal with it quickly enough can easily see a full multi-department wipeout.
Utilization Value: Valuable allies to have. Just as lethal as they were back in the Facility. These massive Factories now stand beside you. For what it's worth, they can give you effigies of old friends. Best used at the rear of the formation, behind all others.
Will of the Daughter (G) Last Helix "The tower is touched by the sky, and it will leave nothing on the earth."
A supreme existence. All Clerks prepare themselves for death upon its entrance. Agents hurry to the safety of the Elevators as you warn them of it's coming. Nigh indestructible. From whence the darkness reached its pinnacle. This tower of glowing green light arrives to end all life and return all things back to their base existence.
Rarity: Objet d'art. A singular existence. Declaration of the World's End. E.G.O Strength: It declares its existence as powerful as any other ALEPH Abnormality. Helix of the End: The towering green light that erases all things. No matter one's physical strength. No matter one's mental fortitude. Any and all Agents who stand in its path are erased of all traces. Not even the Black Bullets can shield them from its wrath. The only method available of defeating it is through the utilization of the W-Corp's elevators, which allow Agents to hide behind the safety of dimensional walls. A weapon capable of killing gods. Its mere touch declares your expiration. And yet. Agents are far happier to see it than any of its contemporaries. "We are lucky it is incapable of harming us while we are in W-Corp's elevators." - Tido, Welfare Agent.
Utilization Value: A beyond-powerful weapon. One of the many crowns that the Daughter wears. Its effectiveness is greatly boosted due to the absence of W-Corp's dimensional technology. Any enemies who face its indifferent gaze shall quickly find their body and mind erased. Something capable of greatly harming even other pinnacles. An invaluable tool, yet a great curse.
From a philosophical position, trying to punish The Adult who Lies is pointless. It doesn't really matter how much they enjoy being a monster, if they can only be a monster, and can only enjoy being a monster. It'd be like trying to punish a toxic gas. There's no point, it can't change and is only acting within its nature.
If the Adult cares at all about pain (or any other kind of punishment, really), then you can sometimes influence her behavior by setting up punishment-based incentives, in this case an incentive to not be an evil sadistic bitch.
Also, this is not just about the Adult, but the whole archetype of "evil sadistic bitch". Even if punishing the Adult in particular can't possibly affect her behavior causally (e.g. she's about to be punted back into the Library anyway), it can still be correct to fuck her up, just because this establishes a precedent.
(This post was brought to you by Roland the Hedgehog.)
Why are we talking about punishing her when we should just nuke her out of existence? Shes even worst than Argalia on the scheming behind our backs thing.
Atleast Argalia would likely listen to what we say, the Adult already told us what it thinks of Angela and X.
[X] Yes, go see them
-[X] Assure them that they won't be forced to stay here forever and that you are looking for a way for them to return home eventually.
--[X] Wish Angela good luck running her orphanage.
---[X] Give her a hug before you go home
From a philosophical position, trying to punish The Adult who Lies is pointless. It doesn't really matter how much they enjoy being a monster, if they can only be a monster, and can only enjoy being a monster. It'd be like trying to punish a toxic gas. There's no point, it can't change and is only acting within its nature.
That only means punishment serves no rehabilitative purpose. The appropriate punishment for The Adult who Lies would be to incapacitate her and prevent her from doing further harm by imprisoning her back in the Library.
Dealing pain to the abnormality as revenge on the side would make Beak more effective and help with this. It would also be mimicking the past behavior of Gebura, a funny parallel since we based our image on Kali.
[X] Yes, go see them
-[X] Assure them that they won't be forced to stay here forever and that you are looking for a way for them to return home eventually.
--[X] Wish Angela good luck running her orphanage.
---[X] Give her a hug before you go home.
[X] Yes, go see them
-[X] Assure them that they won't be forced to stay here forever and that you are looking for a way for them to return home eventually.
--[X] Wish Angela good luck running her orphanage.
---[X] Give her a hug before you go home.
If the Adult cares at all about pain (or any other kind of punishment, really), then you can sometimes influence her behavior by setting up punishment-based incentives, in this case an incentive to not be an evil sadistic bitch.
The thing is, trying to set her up with one of those will not give her incentives to be less of an "evil sadistic bitch." She can't be that. It's just not what she is.
No matter how many times you shoot Big Bird to death for escaping on the 2nd Trumpet, it will always try again.
A system of punishment would drive her towards being an evil sadistic bitch, in a way that will not get her punished, most likely in a way we cannot see.
[X] Yes, go see them
-[X] Assure them that they won't be forced to stay here forever and that you are looking for a way for them to return home eventually.
--[X] Wish Angela good luck running her orphanage.
---[X] Give her a hug before you go home.
[X] Yes, go see them
-[X] Assure them that they won't be forced to stay here forever and that you are looking for a way for them to return home eventually.
--[X] Wish Angela good luck running her orphanage.
---[X] Give her a hug before you go home.
[X] Yes, go see them
-[X] Assure them that they won't be forced to stay here forever and that you are looking for a way for them to return home eventually.
[X] Yes, go see them
-[X] Assure them that they won't be forced to stay here forever and that you are looking for a way for them to return home eventually.
--[X] Wish Angela good luck running her orphanage.
---[X] Give her a hug before you go home.
[X] Yes, go see them
-[X] Assure them that they won't be forced to stay here forever and that you are looking for a way for them to return home eventually.
--[X] Wish Angela good luck running her orphanage.
---[X] Give her a hug before you go home.
[X] Yes, go see them
-[X] Assure them that they won't be forced to stay here forever and that you are looking for a way for them to return home eventually.
--[X] Wish Angela good luck running her orphanage.
---[X] Give her a hug before you go home.
If I were Angela, I'd be shit-talking Argalia and his posse every opportunity I had, too.
[X] Yes, go see them -[X] Assure them that they won't be forced to stay here forever and that you are looking for a way for them to return home eventually. --[X] Wish Angela good luck running her orphanage. ---[X] Give her a hug before you go home.
10000% different from what I usually do, violent cough meme violent cough, but when I saw what abnormality X look like I wanted to give it a try (not sure if that how the eye was supposed to look). I also give up trying to figured out how to paint a galaxy so I grab a picture off of google. Sorry if it's a plain.
Adhoc vote count started by Lepidoptera on Jan 6, 2023 at 3:33 AM, finished with 32 posts and 20 votes.
[X] Yes, go see them -[X] Assure them that they won't be forced to stay here forever and that you are looking for a way for them to return home eventually. --[X] Wish Angela good luck running her orphanage. ---[X] Give her a hug before you go home.
[X] Yes, go see them -[X] Assure them that they won't be forced to stay here forever and that you are looking for a way for them to return home eventually. --[X] Wish Angela good luck running her orphanage. ---[X] Give her a hug before you go.
[X] Yes, go see them -[X] Assure them that they won't be forced to stay here forever and that you are looking for a way for them to return home eventually.
[X] Yes, go see them -[X] Assure them that they won't be forced to stay here forever and that you are looking for a way for them to return home eventually. --[X] Wish Angela good luck running her orphanage.
-[X] Assure them that they won't be forced to stay here forever and that you are looking for a way for them to return home eventually. --[X] Wish Angela good luck running her orphanage. ---[X] Give her a hug before you go home.