Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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Do note that these are not necessarily Abnormalities. Any character can be the subject of a Sidestory, it's just that Abnormalities usually feature in some way or another. Most of these are characters you have either met or seen before. (emphasis mine)

[] The Toy -> Homura
[] The Monster -> Nothing There?
[] The Conductor -> Kyubey? Hitomi? Carmen? Angela/Roland? Ayin?? Argalia??? First three are the most likely IMO, but I'm not very sure
[] The Deceived -> Mami, or Leonie
[] The Liar -> The Adult? Kyouko??
[] The Muse -> Sayaka
[] The Lamb -> Madoka
(guesses also mine)
I wonder where the Yuma option is (if it exists), Lepidoptera? Sounds fun, and might even grant a fresh perspective as far as info-gathering is concerned anyway.
Do these options contain J Bird, Burrowing Heaven and/or Snow Queen?

(Do bear in mind The Deceived's perspective is not unlikely to be, well, filled with lies)
As far as I N T E R E S T I N G is concerned...
[X] The Muse
[X] The Conductor
[X] The Monster
Ya know...I just realized.

X can very easily fits into the Conductor role. Since shes currently doing Carmen's bidding of spreading the light, similar to how Argalia and the Pianist once did.
A Mimicry gun would likely be too much, this is quite an excellent weapon already. Given the description, this thing is insanely strong in the strength department.
True, but overkill is nice and I'm sure NT would agree. Let's see if we can get a Hello? machinegun going.

It could entirely be possible. Might need Apoc Bird for it, but wouldn't be surprised if Punishment Bird alone net us the Claw.
In the vein of that I wrote up some hypothetical bird integrations with the individual White Ordeals. I focused less on the basic functions of each E.G.O. and more on the actual powers of the pairing and its reasoning.
Beak - A tiny but ferocious pistol. Its bullets are covered in teeth that dig into sinners and tear them up from the inside.

Pairing - Armaments: Punishing Bird sought the means to punish any evildoer no matter how tough they were. The weapon can be thrown aside, transforming into an autonomous flying drone (picture that meme of Punishing Bird with a gun but as a robot) that will seek out enemies and blast them with bullets. When destroyed it will unleash the Red Fixer's piercing death laser amplified by Punishing Bird's powers on the attacker. Make sure allies stand clear of the laser. The more terrifying the punishment, the better it would deter everyone from sinning.

Lamp - An eternal fire burning ever so brightly, contained in the frame of a hammer. Can plunge the surrounding area into darkness, establishing a radius of effect for its active abilities.

Pairing - A Request: The creatures of the forest desired protection from the Beast at night, and Big Bird obliged. The hammer can be planted into the ground to channel its fire for a time, unlocking or corroding physical barriers of choice in its zone of darkness. Creatures are not safe from the Beast even locked up or barricaded in their homes. To be truly saved they must be able to arrive at Big Bird's side.

Justitia - An enormous sword casting heavy judgment on the souls of all it strikes. Its bandages conceal the sacrifices made in the name of justice.

Pairing - The Fixers: Judgment Bird relied on the guidance of a scale it knew to be tilted, because it could not bear a justice that doubted itself. The sword comes with a snazzy case in the style of Pale Fixer's briefcase. This case can be moved remotely in relation to the sword and has a wide range of utility in its use. For example, commanding the case to open and spring out Justitia as a projectile and then moving the case to retrieve the sword afterwards. It has a small hammerspace for storing mundane things like eldritch tentacles that rend souls. Finally, the user and their allies can jump into the case and teleport with it a medium distance. All are guilty and will be judged in the end. The order matters not.

Twilight - Justitia melded with the powers of the other birds. Manifests when ruin has come to the forest in spite of the user's best efforts, or perhaps because of them?

Pairing - The Claw: Only when the Apocalypse Bird has complete control can peace return to the forest. It will forever seek out the Beast that could challenge it, though none can be found. The creatures of the forest shall have no choice but to live in fear and be stamped on by its claws. Grants the user access to imitations of Serums W, R, and K. The regeneration and blinding speed offered by these serums combined with the weapon's already monstrous power will ensure the user's victory. The twilight shall never end.
Edit: Added a bit more rationale for Beak and Justitia. To be honest it was a bit tough to make thematic links to the respective fixer for those two so I tried to settle for at least integrating the fixer gimmicks in a cool way.

[X] Plan: Loopholes ahoy!

[X] The Conductor
[X] The Deceived
[X] The Lamb
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Gawd damn. That actually sounds pretty nice! While I feel like some part is a bit iffy, like Punishment Bird and Justitia, I really like the Apocalypse Bird.

True, but overkill is nice and I'm sure NT would agree. Let's see if we can get a Hello? machinegun going.
I meant it more as in, we probably won't be able to make a machine gun...But who knows? There isn't a Head around to enforce that law after all.
1.7.0 - Clearing The Stage
Chapter 79 - Clearing The Stage

Your work is never truly over.

The rain continues to pour as you pocket the scattered Soul Gems one by one. Your conversations with Kyubey have indicated that reconnecting with a body is effortless as long as the Soul Gem is intact, regardless of where the body came from. You'll try to give each of the children a body as close to their old one as possible, but that's a matter for the future. Of more immediate concern is the mental states of Nothing There's victims. You've left them asleep for now to prevent any further damage, but there's a likely possibility that they've already been harmed by Nothing There's intrusion. Your earlier scans showed most of the Magical Girls' consciousnesses fully intact, but Nothing There has been in combat since then and may have exacerbated things. Worse, Kyoko's Soul Gem in particular had already begun showing signs of strain. You reach-

-and suddenly fall back to a knee, violently expelling more preservative fluid from your lungs. The sickly green chemicals mix with the rain.

"X! Are you alright!"

Mami rushes forward to support you, her footsteps loud and clear even in the pouring rain. Despite being nearly twice her size, she still does her best to help you up. It's unnecessary; you don't need help, but it still feels nice.

"It's fine." you respond, bracing against your rifle and pushing yourself back to standing position. You can't put anything more on her. On anyone. They'll have enough to deal with. You can handle a bit of pain. "I'm fine. I just need to take it easy for awhile until I've recovered." How long that'll be isn't totally clear, but you were able to regrow a whole arm in a single night. With Mimicry now acquired, this should be a temporary issue. In the meantime, you have other resources to pull from.


"Is there something you need me for?" the alien answers in its fake, syrupy voice, appearing from nowhere.

"I need you to perform an in-depth scan of the Soul Gems I've recovered. Report any possible damages to the stored consciousnesses."

Mami gasps beside you, her grip on your arm tightening. The fate of somebody she thought of as family, who she might never get a chance to reconnect with, will be decided by Kyubey's verdict. Thankfully, you don't have to leave her in suspense for very long. Almost immediately, Kyubey gives you your answer.

"For the majority of Soul Gems, only superficial damage has been detected. The Magical Girls will be able to make a full recovery, assuming they can be reconnected with a body." You don't feel any relief just yet. Millennia's worth of disasters have given you a sense for when something isn't over yet. "However, the Soul Gem of Kyoko Sakura has sustained extensive damage. It is unlikely she will survive any attempt to reawaken. It's a completely new occurrence for me."

Mami freezes, her hands digging tightly into your arm. If looks could kill, your glare would have atomized the little white chimera as it sits calmly before you, completely dry despite the downpour. "Can you fix her?" you grind out.

"That would be very unlikely."

It's being evasive again. You're not going to let those half-answers go any longer. Not for this. "Because you can't or because you won't?"

"What do you mean?" The despair in Mami's voice is blunted by confusion.

"While technically possible, the expenditure of energy required to repair Kyoko Sakura's Soul Gem would not be justified. That's without factoring in that this sort of damage has never been seen before. Of course, if you were to make a Contract with me, it would be-"

You force away the mental link as violently as you can. It's not a diplomatic move, and despite how inherently problematic Kyubey is they're still useful. But right now, you're choosing not to care about that. You're injured, you're tired, your kids are afraid, and you've just about had it with the Incubators and their shit.

"It's going to be alright," you assure Mami, taking her hand and guiding her towards where the other children are huddled around Homura. "I have other resources to access that can repair this sort of damage. If it comes to it, my sister will have more options."

"Your sister?" Mami asks, distracted from her sorrow by a rare mention of your life before arriving to Mitakihara. It's not the healthiest way to cope, but for now keeping her mind off of Kyoko will have to do.

"We have a… complicated relationship, but she'll be willing to help." Complicated is quite an understatement, but it works for now. You turn your attention to the others, Sayaka frantically trying to heal Homura of some injury you can't see. "What's the situation with Homura?"

"She- something happened to her after you disappeared!" Madoka stammers. "She did something to get you back and then just collapsed!"

You limp to where the fallen Magical Girl lies. Her simple clothes have become a black-and-white soldier's outfit, dull purple accents the only trace of color. It's old and damaged, showing wear and tear from the years of battle Homura endured in her quest. The oddly familiar ribbon tied around her waist seems almost out of place in comparison, faded pink and weathered but undamaged and clearly cared for. You could almost mistake the massive bow it forms for a pair of wings. While the rest of Homura's body is completely still, the ribbon shifts and twitches as though it has a life of its own.

Whatever she's wearing, it's not EGO despite the similar sensation. Looking closer, it seems as though her clothing is actually attached to her body. More notable are the open wounds, through which you can see intricate machinery ticking away instead of raw flesh. The injuries remain even as Sayaka pours wave after wave of healing magic into them. EGO gear shouldn't have such a profound effect on a person's body outside of severe Corrosion, and that can't have happened in the short time you were absent. Not to mention that there's nothing foreign that you can sense. The transformation is overwhelmingly characteristic of Homura, to the point that calling it a transformation at all feels incorrect.

You are shaken out of your thoughts by something in front of you. One end of the ribbon has moved to present a small silver key with a purple diamond set into the head. While it could be mistaken for her Soul Gem, the telltale concentration of consciousness is completely absent.

Hesitantly, you take the key. It's only then that you take notice of the similarly-sized keyhole on the back of Homura's neck. Without much else to do, you place the key in and turn. A tightness overcomes you, like something clawing at your soul, but it passes without incident. You withdraw the key, the ribbon once again grasping it, and wait.

Homura rises slowly, though still abruptly enough to send Sayaka crashing backwards with a yelp. She scans the area, face completely unmoving. If you weren't looking for it, you'd probably miss the mechanical artificiality of the action. Homura was always… stoic, to say the least, but it seems she's gotten worse since you were gone.

"The Abnormality was defeated."

It's a statement, not a question. Her voice is surprising unchanged although her mouth doesn't move to speak. Something has gone horribly wrong.

"Hey, transfer student. Are you… alright? What… happened to you?" Sayaka asks tentatively, picking herself up off the floor.

"I am no longer a Magical Girl." the time-traveller announces flatly. "That aside, I do not feel all that different to how I was before." She stands completely unmoving amidst the shock and sorrow all around her. Uncaring, Homura continues. "I will head home for now. Expect me to return soon." And with those words and a chorus of mechanical sounds, she disappears.

The remaining five of you stand silently in the ruins and rain.

"There's something wrong with her." Sayaka says, although lacking any bite or derision. If anything, she sounds pitying. It's a shame Homura left before she could hear it. It would've been good for her, you think, to hear somebody new expressing care for her. Sayaka's next words are even more despondent. "What are we gonna do now?"

"Mom's gonna fix everything."

All eyes fall on Yuma, who had been perfectly silent up until now. She stands with more confidence than any of you, undeterred by the cold and the rain.

"Cuz' she said everything is gonna be alright. And I believe her. Don't you?"

You can't help but smile. You know the feeling of having faith placed in you. Of somebody believing in you. Of being trusted so absolutely you could order a person to die on the spot if you wished. It's a burden, a responsibility. But it's a burden you welcome gladly. Because if you don't, who will have to carry it in your place?

You never expected a life beyond your purpose. You still don't. But while you're still needed, you'll protect your family. No matter what it takes.

"Alright then," you say, dismissing your weapons and forcing yourself to stand on your own. "First things first: We should all get out of the rain."

"Let's head home."


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Not the optimal outcome. But Kyouko isn't completely dead and gone. Homu Distorted yes, but Distortions can be reverted. Kyubey's still a fucking dick but we can... I dunno beat him black and blue. Mami needs some reassurance and to be very gently led in onto certain topics so no one can fuck her up that way. X needs to probably take some time to settle given the very intense day she's had. Gemmed MGs need to be given bodies which I don't have an idea for except asking Angela. Sayaka and Madoka also probably need some reassurance?

Man, how come Yuma is the only one I'm confident won't fall to pieces if we look away for two minutes?

And yes those are sorted in terms of how concerned I am about them :V
To be honest, out of the quintet, Sayaka seems to be the most balanced.

We never know whether Yuma's bravado is true or false.
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What Homura needs is some Thalisain. Get her back in touch with her emotions in a controlled manner.
Gemmed MGs need to be given bodies which I don't have an idea for except asking Angela.
I still vote cloning.
Man, how come Yuma is the only one I'm confident won't fall to pieces if we look away for two minutes?
I wonder why the fuck Yuma's there. She's like eight, and not an MG. She's going to catch her death of cold out in this rain.
We never know whether Yuma's bravado is true or false.
According to Oriko Magica, Yuma really is that optimistic. Mami, Kyoko, and her get the witchbomb dropped on them mid-combat. She is the only one to not despair, and she even gives a pep talk along the lines of "yeah we might become witches but not today". She was probably too young to fully comprehend the implications of becoming a witch, but it seems like she still perceived the realities of MG life as preferable to the domestic abuse she suffered.
It's unnecessary; you don't need help, but it still feels nice.

X, accept the goddamn help, being a loner is only romantic in then mind of people who don't completely understand the world, even the *lone wolf* archetype is a great example of that, since the lone wolf is a dead wolf.

It's being evasive again. You're not going to let those half-answers go any longer. Not for this. "Because you can't or because you won't?"

"What do you mean?" The despair in Mami's voice is blunted by confusion.

"While technically possible, the expenditure of energy required to repair Kyoko Sakura's Soul Gem would not be justified. That's without factoring in that this sort of damage has never been seen before. Of course, if you were to make a Contract with me, it would be-"

Yes, yes, let's make Mami doubt the incubator even more, let's show her that it isn't her friend and never was... just also prepare a group of real friends to make her see she's wanted anyway.

You are shaken out of your thoughts by something in front of you. One end of the ribbon has moved to present a small silver key with a purple diamond set into the head. While it could be mistaken for her Soul Gem, the telltale concentration of consciousness is completely absent.

Hesitantly, you take the key. It's only then that you take notice of the similarly-sized keyhole on the back of Homura's neck. Without much else to do, you place the key in and turn. A tightness overcomes you, like something clawing at your soul, but it passes without incident. You withdraw the key, the ribbon once again grasping it, and wait.

So it seems we can recharge Homura without cost, good, good, that gives us more time to find a way for her not to depend on that.

"There's something wrong with her." Sayaka says, although lacking any bite or derision. Judging from what you've seen, receiving sympathy of any kind from the bluenette would have thrown Homura through a loop.

I'm pretty sure even this Homura would've reacted, and well, the normal one would've had a blue screen of death.

Man, how come Yuma is the only one I'm confident won't fall to pieces if we look away for two minutes?

She's basically immune to despair due to her poor life, it was horrible yet she was saved, this and her normal disposition made her an optimist of the highest level.

To be honest, out of the quintet, Sayaka seems to be the most balanced.

Thus proving we are in a bizarro universe.

We never know whether Yuma's bravado is true or false.

Completely true, as I said, she is basically immune to despair and truly optimistic, I wouldn't even be surprised to learn that Kyubey did a miscalculation when contracting her in Oriko Magica, he probably expected her to succumb to despair quickly with her background, and yet she will almost certainly die before despairing.
That's the attitude of the makers of Lob Corp....And Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann...you know, that I think of it The Light and Spiral energy have some similarities, though I suppose that can be said of all emotion related esoteric energies, But Anyway,


She's basically immune to despair due to her poor life, it was horrible yet she was saved, this and her normal disposition made her an optimist of the highest level.
Completely true, as I said, she is basically immune to despair and truly optimistic, I wouldn't even be surprised to learn that Kyubey did a miscalculation when contracting her in Oriko Magica, he probably expected her to succumb to despair quickly with her background, and yet she will almost certainly die before despairing.
I wonder why the fuck Yuma's there. She's like eight, and not an MG. She's going to catch her death of cold out in this rain.
According to Oriko Magica, Yuma really is that optimistic. Mami, Kyoko, and her get the witchbomb dropped on them mid-combat. She is the only one to not despair, and she even gives a pep talk along the lines of "yeah we might become witches but not today".

View: https://imgur.com/a/HH37HU1

It took me literally twenty minutes to make and figure out how to post this gif on phone. Still worth it.
I don't think Yuma actually has a strong resistance to despair or much optimism. Rather, it is that she firmly believes that nothing can be worse than what she has already gone through. However, her desire to belong is a rather vulnerable part of her.

I agree that, in a strange way, Sayaka is probably the most stable person on the team right now.
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Lepidoptera, I assume that the Timeskip vote is still open, right? Because uh, I'm pretty sure the tally does not like having two separate votes (for different things) in different posts - some of our votes probably got eaten. Fixing now:

[X] Plan: Loopholes ahoy!
[X] The Muse
[X] The Conductor
[X] The Monster

Nyarky (I assume it's you who made this plan, don't really remember for sure), mind modifying it to ask Angela whether we can switch between Light Bodies and the later-prepared Cloning/Regeneration options first before we make them Light Bodies?
Her voice is surprising surprisingly unchanged

Add a question mark at the end of this dialogue
What… happened to you"

I know "although" is meant to refer to other situations where she will/is expected to drop this line, but as there are no examples in-update to contrast to (and I don't think contrasting tone to expected tone of the line works), this alternative should work better
Sayaka says, although lacking without any bite or derision

Your work is never truly over.
Is this the Abnormality, DoSaM speaking here?
It's unnecessary; you don't need help,
I don't know, DoSaM, was Angela's and the Sephirah's reporting services not "help" to you? (Well, until it becomes "halp" due to the Script)
Aside from that, I think we can all agree this is not a healthy attitude to take, right?

The transformation is overwhelming… Homura.
The transformation is (overwhelming.... Homura), or > The transformation is overwhelming... > Homura. (X's perception of her new Identity/Nature, for lack of better terms), or The transformation is overwhelming... (who or what is this here?) Homura.
Someone else mind taking a look at the flow and implied logic of this line here?

If looks could kill, your glare would have atomized the little white chimera as it sits calmly before you, completely dry despite the downpour.
I assume this is not because of the nature of the news, and more because QB did not choose to deliver this line privately?

Because running away while your friends are worried about you is very rude.
Wind-Up Soldier: I have friends?
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