I'm not sure having too many defined positions in a group of just nine people is worth it. Nine people is small enough that we can just sit down and talk to each individual member. Discuss the broad strokes of our morels so they know what sorts of behavior we find bad. Listen to them talk about the realities of their life here.
Trying to find them above ground housing or a lease or whatever seems massively premature. How would they even use above ground housing with their current job? Would they have to commute through undertown every day? Sounds like a massive risk to me. Our money would be far better spent making their current living spaces more habitable.
Considering how much money we are spending on food we may be able to get significant savings by buying in bulk. Does $300 per person come form retail prices? In the long term we can probably buy food by the pallet. Plus we won't be buying stuff with 2022 prices. So our money may stretch a bit further then we think.
[X]Plan Red Dog Redemption
This seems decent.
1)Charity specifically raised it as a concern, given her own personal history as member of a cult.
And while trauma colors her opinions, her lived experience is not going to be ignored by Molly. So it seemed worthwhile to address formalizing a division of powers setup as part of the restructuring process instead of just leaving it to informal influence.
Additionally, its not a bad idea to setup a structure we can just plug people into later; we do expect them to grow, and the fact we can talk to everyone now wont necessarily remain true if, say, they double in size between now and September.
And we havent even seen the Whampires.
2)Undertown has many, many entrances and exits.
We use Marcone's warehouse because its convenient and we know where it is. The Red Dogs undoubtedly know several others, and will likely have told us about them.
That said, yes, commuting is very much one of those issues that I was thinking about when I mentioned taking a couple months to get things right before moving them aboveground.
3)Would be nice, but I dont really expect any savings on food in the short term.
When they are living in a six or seven bedroom house with a two or three car garage? Then they can afford to do things like put 2x 25 cubic feet chest freezers in the garage and have a dedicated storage room and buy food in bulk.
But while they are living underground and everything has to be handcarried or magicked down the tunnels, that limits what you can buy and how much at a time. And that means a lot of stuff that is portable and preserves well.
500 bucks, not a thousand. 450 is for power packs for cell phones and such.
And entertainment is important. Once you don't suffer constant hunger and aren't driven to find food, you quickly get bored. That's just how human-like mind works. While 500 bucks might be too much, At least some entertainment budget should be allocated immediately, if we are to treat our minions well.
Money is demonstrably not a problem for us. At most, we'll spend another day or two making gems / whatever.
That falls under camping supplies.
A car battery and an inverter will just about provide enough power to keep four cellphones charged for a month comfortably. And a new car battery is around 50 dollars.
The oldest members of the group have been down here for five years
The youngest have been here for months at a minimum
They have to have had stuff to pass the time. They can use that for the next month.
We dont currently have the income margins to spare.
Yes we'll make more money soon, but until we do, I'd rather keep the margin in the event of unforseen expense.