Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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The setting is an ultracapitalist dystopia, expecting the megacorps to negotiate in good faith is like expecting the moon to suddenly turn into cheese, it's not going to happen.
Uh, then how did L Corp get all those sweet contracts with T, R and K Corp, exactly? Obviously we don't have the infrastructure and reputational pull of a Wing anymore, but we aren't exactly asking for bleeding-edge time compression tech here, nor an entire R pack's support.

Like, how would the Wings even sell their product if they just screwed everyone over immediately?

If we negotiate "properly" (i.e. through a contract Office intermediary, with an escape plan for emergencies, etc.), then I don't see why we can't strike a deal with a Wing. Now, whether acquiring such services is ethical, considering their origin being pure human suffering, is another question, but I absolutely think it's possible, and wouldn't even be that difficult.
Uh, then how did L Corp get all those sweet contracts with T, R and K Corp, exactly? Obviously we don't have the infrastructure and reputational pull of a Wing anymore, but we aren't exactly asking for bleeding-edge time compression tech here, nor an entire R pack's support.

Like, how would the Wings even sell their product if they just screwed everyone over immediately?

If we negotiate "properly" (i.e. through a contract Office intermediary, with an escape plan for emergencies, etc.), then I don't see why we can't strike a deal with a Wing. Now, whether acquiring such services is ethical, considering their origin being pure human suffering, is another question, but I absolutely think it's possible, and wouldn't even be that difficult.
one, l corp got those by gaving away absurd amount of energy, for almost nothing.
two, everyone is getting screw over, they just got used to it, and the wings just dont do it to themselfs too much, and the stuffs are good at killing, who cares?
but some sucker form the outskirts? fuck him in the eye and sell his head to street 23, he worths nothing to the city anyway.

you need to rememeder, the city folks only cares about Money and Power.
so expecting them to play fair is unrealistc.
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Uh, then how did L Corp get all those sweet contracts with T, R and K Corp, exactly?

By going to war and being very, very, very *generous* with their energy, also, insider trading for T corp. And don't think the sweet contracts were actually that good, if they were, everybody's reactions to L corps fall wouldn't be to shrug and go on, it would be to frantically search for a replacement.

Like, how would the Wings even sell their product if they just screwed everyone over immediately?

By being the only choices. They make sure to kill any and all competition that isn't also a backstabbing bastard in the cradle.

If we negotiate "properly" (i.e. through a contract Office intermediary, with an escape plan for emergencies, etc.), then I don't see why we can't strike a deal with a Wing. Now, whether acquiring such services is ethical, considering their origin being pure human suffering, is another question, but I absolutely think it's possible, and wouldn't even be that difficult.

Not that difficult? Guy, we are:

-Only one person.

-A representative of something that was sent to the outskirts by the head.

-Not rich.

Also, you seem to be ignoring the very type of setting the City is: as I said, ultracapitalist dystopia, the megacorps are always the bad guys in this, and the wings are no exception.
if they found out that we can make them a fortune with L corp tech, they will make the safety of the girls as a bargaining chip to make us spill the beans.
they dont play fair.
And don't think the sweet contracts were actually that good, if they were, everybody's reactions to L corps fall wouldn't be to shrug and go on, it would be to frantically search for a replacement.
I seem to remember R corp having an energy shortage in LoR, to the point of scrapping a bunch of their specialist branches because they didn't have the energy anymore.

By being the only choices. They make sure to kill any and all competition that isn't also a backstabbing bastard in the cradle.
But they don't do it because they're some moustache-twirling evil overlords, and can't tolerate honesty in all its forms! That's not how capitalism works, even in the City!

The point is to get money and power, and sometimes for that you need to actually deliver on your promises. Any Wing that just went back on every deal would get outcompeted by another one, because trustworthiness is not always a matter of morality, sometimes it's also practical to be honor your deals.

Also, you seem to be ignoring the very type of setting the City is: as I said, ultracapitalist dystopia, the megacorps are always the bad guys in this, and the wings are no exception.
Them being evil, amoral scumbags does not mean we can't negotiate with them. This is rather similar to dealing with Kyubey for adoption paperwork, in fact, just on a larger scale.
they are not like QB.
they dont have nobel intent.
they want money, they want gain, they want to be the top of the world.
they are not L corp that is doing those things for a better world.
they are greedy sons of a bitch.
they will kill babies for the meat if it gave them a buck.
they are scum of the earth that sit on top of everyone, because they killed, cheated, and got lucky.
they are the worst kind of human alive.
I seem to remember R corp having an energy shortage in LoR, to the point of scrapping a bunch of their specialist branches because they didn't have the energy anymore.
And why wouldnt they? Its more economic to purge their employees.

But they don't do it because they're some moustache-twirling evil overlords, and can't tolerate honesty in all its forms! That's not how capitalism works, even in the City!

The point is to get money and power, and sometimes for that you need to actually deliver on your promises. Any Wing that just went back on every deal would get outcompeted by another one, because trustworthiness is not always a matter of morality, sometimes it's also practical to be honor your deals.
Just because they wont go back on their deals with other wings doesnt mean that they will honor those deal with a single person.

Wings keep their promises, but unless you yourself got leaverage on them, the chance of them stabbing you in the back is very high.

Nemo and the Camera heads are the perfect example of Wings trying to stab each others in the back even when they work for each other.

Them being evil, amoral scumbags does not mean we can't negotiate with them. This is rather similar to dealing with Kyubey for adoption paperwork, in fact, just on a larger scale.
This is different because with QB the rodent was actually in a much more even playing field when compared to a wing. And QB is also a lot nicer than a Wing.

QB is less like an average Wing and more like L-Corp. Which has been described as grossly generous for a reason.
they are not like QB.
they dont have nobel intent.
they want money, they want gain, they want to be the top of the world.
they are not L corp that is doing those things for a better world.
they are greedy sons of a bitch.
they will kill babies for the meat if it gave them a buck.
they are scum of the earth that sit on top of everyone, because they killed, cheated, and got lucky.
they are the worst kind of human alive.
Kyubey would do all of the latter stuff for their greater goal of preventing entropy, the motivation doesn't matter, they act the exact same in the end, screw everyone else over to fulfill their own goals if need be.
but the result is not the same.
QB wants to save the world.
the wings, just wants to go higher on the ladder.
By your logic, we dont need to care about the result of l corp, the goal.
L corp is evil, the same as all the wings.
Ayin is evil, as same as all the wing ceo.
X is evil, as same as A.
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but the result is not the same.
QB wants to save the world.
the wings, just wants to go higher on the ladder.
By your logic, we dont need to care about the result of l corp, the goal.
L corp is evil, the same as all the wings.
For the purposes of someone working with them or for them, they're the same, L Corp had a lot of employees die working for it in the name of energy production. The only difference to outsiders was that they just vanished one day after having accomplished their goal.
Any Wing that just went back on every deal would get outcompeted by another one, because trustworthiness is not always a matter of morality, sometimes it's also practical to be honor your deals.

If we were another megacorp, being trustworthy would enter the equation. On the individual level? For people that aren't ultrarich? Fuck trustworthiness, let's get more money!

they will kill babies for the meat if it gave them a buck.

To note: Backstreet of flavor, they absolutely do this, not much doubts about it.

QB wants to save the world.

The universe, he doesn't care much about the earth as long as he gets the energy.
sure, whatever.
whatever you want, the self intrested basters will not help us without a catch, form slavery to out right w corp stuff, they will try to fuck us over because they can, they will kill our girls and the soul gems for expriement resomes, they will blackmail us for more info, they will invaid earth for money, and they will rat us out to the head after all that.
so no, no matter what, we will never EVER EVER EVER EVER work with a wing untill we can make sure they cant fuck us in the eye and get away with it.
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[x] (soul gems) Give them to Angela so that they have a body right now and you can ask if they want to stay like this, keep it till you find a way to do cloning, or they are willing to suffer through the regeneration.
[x] (Kyoko) Wings

I've decided that I don't want to risk Kyoko's distortion having something that is effectively a hard time limit like Homura's distortion has.
I've decided that I don't want to risk Kyoko's distortion having something that is effectively a hard time limit like Homura's distortion has.

I don't see why it would be the case, it is a consequence of this:
This ability is a consequence of Homura's internalized knowledge of her own limited lifespan both before and after becoming a Magical Girl.

Where the *limited lifespan* talked about is her health's problems before she became a magical girl and her thinking she won't survive saving Madoka for after, as well as her having completely internalized that all magical girls either die or become witches during her long loops, Kyouko may have lived hell recently, but she has different circumstances and no reason to arrive to the same conclusion.

Also, we just finished a discussion about why the wings of the world are about as trustworthy as the bunch of megacorp existing in a dystopia they are, I would rather risk Kyouko having a limited lifespan than a wing learning about any of our girls.


Also, the hypothetical library fights gives us this:
Wind-Up: Can Store up to 300 Charge. Starts the Act with full Charge. Dies upon reaching 0.

For the wind-up soldier and this:

Rosso Fantasma: This Character's Combat Pages will be displayed as having two possible targets. At the start of Combat, one of those two targets will be attacked at random.

Saintless Pyre: This Character does not lose Burn. When this Character would receive damage from Burn, that damage is divided among this Character and all Enemies.

Glass Flesh: Prevent all Damage dealt to this Character. Whenever this Character becomes Staggered, they lose 400 HP and enter a Damaged State while creating four Living Flames. After three Scenes, performs a Mass Attack that reabsorbs all Living Flames and heals the Mosaic of Prometheus by their percentages of remaining Health.

This Passive's effect changes after transitioning Phases.

Cracked Vessel: HP does not go below 50%. If this Character's HP is below 1200 after reabsorbing the Living Flames, transition to Phase 2.

This Passive's effect changes after transitioning Phases.

For the Mosaic of Prometheus.

Contrary to the fact that the wind-up soldier's life is tied to charge, a ressource that wind downs each turn no matter what, there is no signs of anything like this in Kyouko's abilities, she can't die without any input from someone else, in fact, she's outright immune to damages in phase one.
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Adhoc vote count started by Nyarky on Dec 14, 2022 at 4:16 PM, finished with 216 posts and 26 votes.

New tally, seems like the consensus has shifted to Library.

*Shrug* I have no real problems with it, my vote is just a fancy version of it anyway.

Kyouko is still mostly going for not asking the corrupt megacorps for help, as it should be.