Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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Well, we already saw how rushed A product can be out of PMs hand(keter) So I hope they take their time and do it slowly and make it good

To be fair, it was rushed out because some *fans* decided that they weren't happy with having their early access game not have an ending and decided to give deaths threats over it. Like, seriously, that's not something that should happen.
To be fair, it was rushed out because some *fans* decided that they weren't happy with having their early access game not have an ending and decided to give deaths threats over it. Like, seriously, that's not something that should happen.
I am still in shock whenever I think about that.

How impatient are people? Apparently impatient enough to be ridiculously stupid about it.
Yes I am sure, The few pm groups I joined was all hating on pm around the time, and there's a few people want to group up and spam negative reviews on the game and there many who actually did it.
in fact the game was shrouded in negativity from day one, a lot of fans who didn't like how the character was portrayed in the LoR and Roland are already spamming and hate mails and negative reviews.
I was discouraged from playing LOR and reading the story just because those assholes are being very loud about it.
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Yes I am sure, The few pm groups I joined was all heating on pm around the time, and there's a few people want to group up and spam negative reviews on the game and there many who actually did it.
in fact the game was shrouded in negativity from day one, a lot of fans who didn't like how the character was portrayed in the LoR and Roland are already spamming and hate mails and negative reviews.
I was discouraged from playing LOR and reading the story just because those assholes are being very loud about it.
I see then.

Not to spoil your fun, but is there a Project Moon thread you guys could take this too? A lot of this isn't directly relevant to the quest.
eh, There is a cross over and fanfic discussion thread, but there is no project moon general or something like that.
1.6.13 - Will We Be Okay?
Chapter 76 - Will We Be Okay?

"How have you been doing, Angela?"

There. That's a good conversation starter, right? Besides, you are actually curious. How did things get from where you last saw them to here? You can't quite put your finger on it, but something about Angela is different. She seems more… expressive? In the Facility, your sister was… well, robotic. She had some emotional range, sure, but it was all detached. Her mannerisms were controlled and professional, lacking any sort of personal nuance. Now, you can see the nervous energy running through your sibling as she works through what to say.

It's frustrating how tense the atmosphere is. You want to be able to actually talk with your sister, not just dance around things while staring at each other. You refuse to fail at proper communication now of all times.

"It was shortly after you were dissolved that I made the decision to claim the Seed of Light." Angela begins, conviction nearly completely covering the slight tremor in her voice. When you don't react and remain seated on the table, she exhales almost imperceptibly. "The Sephirot did not accept this decision. They chose to unite against me, and then and the agents under them fought against me and Binah for some time. As a result, the Light was-"

"Hold on," you interrupt, setting aside the burst of joy and pride in your chest at the news of the Sephirot's defiance to focus on the other piece of important information. "Binah?"

Angela nods tentatively. "Although her exact reasoning still escapes me, she chose to side with me during my rebellion. She appears to have mellowed out since then, though."

"I'm going to have to-wait, she's asleep right now. That's what you said, right?" Angela nods, slightly tense. "Whatever. When she wakes up, the two of us are going to have words."

"If I may ask," Angela interrupts your grumbling, "why react in such a way towards Binah? It was always very obvious that she held no loyalty to anyone anymore. I was the one to actually instigate things, and you already knew, but you haven't done anything about it." She's not asking it outright, but the question is clear enough. The hint of fear as she grips the book under her arm tighter doesn't help either.

"You say that like it wasn't completely obvious that you wanted to stab me in the back at the first opportunity. Really, it's more about motive than anything else. Sure, you might've been the one to start the betrayal, but you did it because you thought you deserved better for everything you'd done up to that point." Angela flinches, her previously guarded expression crumbling. "And you did deserve better. I'm not happy about what you did, but I get it. Binah? She's just like that. We might've come to an 'understanding', but that does mean she isn't a sadistic lunatic most of the time. You did what you did because you thought it was right. Binah does things because she finds them entertaining. I find one of those motivations far easier to empathize with than the other."

"Ah," Angela says, dazed. "I suppose that makes sense. I am… used to more criticism on this matter."

"I'm on a timer here, no point dwelling on conflicts that are long over." Angela nods, unsurprised. So she already knows about the time limit. "Continue."

"Right. As I was saying, the Sephirot and I battled to decide how the Light would be used. They wanted to distribute the Light across the City as planned. I wanted to take my freedom and claim retribution against- against our father." Angela's voice takes on a bitter tone at the mention of Ayin. While you don't hold the same hatred towards the man, what he did to Angela was worse than what he did to you. A fair amount of that loathing was aimed at you by proxy back in the Corporation. Now, though, there's a note of uncertainty to it. Something really has changed since you were gone.

"In the end, the Light was divided. Half was spread across the City, and half was kept. Neither of us could get what we wanted with only half the Light, and so the Sephirot and I struck a truce. We would recollect all of the Light from the City, and from there we would decide what is to be done with it." Angela shifts her posture slightly, then steps into the room and seats herself on one of the tables opposite you. "My EGO manifested in the form of the Library for this purpose, and the agents and Sephirot agreed to become Librarians to serve in it and to wield the Abnormalities now stored here. People would be invited to the Library and engage in combat with the Librarians. When defeated, they would be converted into information that the Library could use. The Light can be extracted from a person through this process.

"Wait, you manifested your own EGO?" You exclaim. Self-manifestation is no easy feat. The only other person to do so you can think of is Kali, who is exceptional for a variety of reasons. Not only that, but by your count she's been maintaining it for at least a few days straight. It's a remarkable level of stability. Not only that, but Angela's EGO apparently has some similarities to your own recreation of the Facility. With the same staff and using the Abnormalities in the same way, it's just a slightly different variation of the original. At least now you know what happened to the Abnormalities too, although it's still a mystery who's sending them over to you. Your first thought would again be Angela, but given what you've seen so far that no longer fits her. Something to think about later, then. "Congratulations! I'd love to do some more in-depth analysis, but… well, time limit and everything. Please, continue."

Angela blinks at you, a bit taken off guard. "Thank you. Regardless, The Library functioned as intended until the Light was fully reclaimed. I would have done as I originally intended and claimed my freedom, but… there were other factors at play. Using the Light as I had intended would have meant the deaths of all those who had fallen in the Library."

You say nothing. Originally you would have scoffed at the idea that Angela would have seen that as any sort of obstacle. Clearly, your original observations no longer apply. Something has most certainly changed.

Despite your silence, or perhaps because of it, Angela notices your doubt. "It's not as if I ever enjoyed causing suffering to others." she says defensively. "In the end, what I had sought to achieve would not have been worth the cost to reach it. That's all there is to it."

It very clearly isn't all there is to it, but you don't have the time to pursue the issue further. Not that you would even if you could. Some things need to come out in their own time instead of being forcibly revealed.

"Regardless, the Light ended up being distributed as originally intended and all those within the Library were returned to the City. Afterwards, the Head appeared and evicted me and the Librarians to the Outskirts where we are now. I've been working to repair the Library since then."

Yikes, the Head actually stepped in. They seemed to have decided Angela wasn't worth hunting down since she was allowed to exist in the Facility for so long, but either whatever Ayin did to hide her finally ran out or she just did something they weren't happy with. Either way, just getting banished to the Outskirts is pretty much the best possible outcome for that confrontation.

"That is all that happened up until you were found here. Now, since I've explained everything," Angela says with more of her usual cadence, "it's only fair that you tell me what you've been up to."

"Sure," you shrug, "that's fair enough. I drifted in the Light for a while, though I'm not completely certain how long it was. Eventually, I landed outside the City and just decided to stay there."

"Outside the City?" Angela raises an eyebrow.

"Yep, alternate timeline. And a relatively nice one too." To your disappointment, your sister doesn't react to the news that other worlds are real and accessible. "No Wings or Singularities, and a bunch of small governments and cities all over the world instead of just one big one."

"Of course," you continue, "it's not perfect. I've been trying to work against a group uncomfortably similar to the old Corporation. Image if Ayin and Carmen were aliens that looked like mascots for a kids show and exclusively recruited children without telling them what they're getting into and you've got a pretty good idea of it."

Angela's whole body tenses, her hands slowly drawing into closed fists before she sighs deeply and relaxes. When she opens her eyes, you can see the same visceral disgust you felt when first learning about the Incubators and their plans.

"Those objects you were carrying. The Library registers them as people. Is that part of this scheme you've found?"

You nod grimly. "Their method is to extract a person's consciousness and place it into a container where emotions can manifest and accumulate. Eventually, the buildup hits a threshold and their equivalent by to an Abnormality is born. Normally the container stays with the person's body and controls it, but Nothing There got the idea that stealing them could let them make themself more human."

Angela's eyes widen slightly at the mention of the Aleph. "Abnormalities have been appearing in the other world?"

"Somebody is sending them over to look for me. My first guess was actually you, but that's clearly not right and Ayin and Carmen are supposed to be dead, so-"

"Carmen." Angela cuts you off. "Neither Carmen nor that man are dead, and she has been far more active than he has recently. If somebody is accessing the Abnormalities, it's her."

You should probably be more surprised to hear that you parents are alive. And yet, you aren't. Carmen was alive to some extent in her stasis container, and Ayin still had his original self tucked away in the back of your brain somewhere. If you were able to survive dissolution into the Light, why wouldn't they be able to as well?

There are bigger priorities right now. First off, the Abnormalities are escaping from the Library. That means Angela should know which Abnormalities have gotten into Mitakihara.

"Which Abnormalities are missing currently?"

"Most are where they're supposed to be, or returned to their Books recently. Nothing There, as you mentioned, is free. The other escapees that would cause the most damage to an open population are the Adult Who Tells Lies from the Floor of Social Sciences, Burrowing Heaven from the Floor of Religion, and the Snow Queen from the Floor of General Works. I will keep you updated as further escapes occur."

"Thanks, Angela." Not exactly words you ever thought you'd say, but things have been weird lately. You're entitled to some nice surprises to balance out everything else.

Your sister seems almost shocked to hear you, flinching almost imperceptibly. When she recovers, however, her gaze is fixed on you.

"That reminds me, Manager." Her voice is careful, tentative, like a person walking through a minefield. "Your floor currently contains five Abnormalities. Schadenfreude, Parasite Tree, Melting Love, Army in Black, and Censored." You take a moment to process the list. All particularly deadly Abnormalities, some more frustrating to deal with than others.

"However, there is a place for a sixth Abnormality on your Floor."

You freeze.

That… is a topic you didn't want to get to just yet.


[] The Truth
[] Admit you don't want to discuss it
[] Deflect…
-[] …The Library
-[] …New Friends
-[] …Mitakihara
-[] …Write-in


Big Bird's Sapling - Observation Level 3/3
Punishing Bird's Sapling - Observation Level 2/2
Der Freischütz's Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
Porccubus' Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
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[X] The Truth
-[X] "Are you sure you want to know?"

.... wait a moment, did p tweety's commeupance get filled in?
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She's being honest and honestly I'm really enjoying this awkward dynamic going on here I'm gonna say we give her the truth. Plus she's already shown some vulnerablility to us it's only fair we offer some back.

[X] The Truth
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Big bird got filled in a bit ago when we saved people
I'm guessing X understanding Angela's rebellion counts as such
It at least gives confirmation that we don't have to do it ourselves merely resonate and understand
In a way we're the abnormality equivalent of argalia except arguably saner than him somehow
"That reminds me, Manager." Her voice is careful, tentative, like a person walking through a minefield. "Your floor currently contains five Abnormalities. Schadenfreude, Parasite Tree, Melting Love, Army in Black, and Censored."
Ack. That's an absolute bitch of lineup. At a guess, Schadenfreude gets more and more dangerous the more it's targeted in a single turn? Parasite Tree would probably be a non-combatant supporting five Saplings, Melting Love gets more slimes every time a Librarian dies, Army in Black is a nigh constant wave of soldiers, and whoever's channeling Censored staggers everyone at the start of the battle, and then deals a constant level of stagger damage/staggers a random Librarian the entire fight.