Of course, it's probably not worth it. From what I'm seeing, the other pages are usually more useful. But, if you FUCKED UP and somehow let your ass get beat this hard.
This is absolutely why I would never use this page, I will rather reset than let a fight reach a point where this page can seem like a good idea, so it will always be a dead drop for me.
Like, a 300 damages nuke is not enough to make me decide to lose any act, most of what stopped me from beating the last fight against the distorted ensemble was that I was extremely reluctant to do it with even two floors, I wanted to do it in one, a card entirely made to force this situation is not even in the same planet as my thought process.
Actually, let me show you a version of this concept I would go for:
Final Desperation
Level III Breakdown Page
[All allies] - For this Scene, gain Dice Power equal to half of your maximum Stagger Resist. Each of your librarians will die at the end of their attacks.
That way, it can be used in others way and you have to calculate for any multiple acts fights.
Actually, here's another:
Final Desperation
Level III Breakdown Page
[All Allies] - Requires all your librarians to have a different Synchronization page. For this Scene, gain Dice Power equal to half of your maximum Stagger Resist. At the start of the next Scene, the Act ends in defeat.