Attempting to Subvert the Plan: Dominion Edition

Retcon: Should General Horner (the MC) have been The Magistrate (Starcraft 1 PC)?

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 43.8%
  • No

    Votes: 29 36.3%
  • This does not matter to me

    Votes: 16 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
We do need to make sure we have 25 Resources to spare, because we are 100% doing the Black Budget next turn, which means we'll be back "down" to "only" 200 Resources a turn.
[X] Plan: A Good General Has Good Officers

I just don't think starting Canis right off the bat when we're probably not going to do any of the vespene options for a few turns is all that useful. Tyrador needs to get resolved; getting these people jobs so they can earn some kind of wage is good, and likewise selling off those consumer goods will probably add some revenue for us. That's more immediately useful than an expensive project that pays off only when we get proper resource extraction going again. Vardona's gas is something we might not even get around to for the next ~3 turns- and since Canis is merely a refinery, it probably applies retroactively to preexisting Vespene harvesting operations- at which point we would probably want to do Vardona's Vespene first.
[X] Plan Attempting to Extinguish The Dumpster Fires

Guess I like this plan better, but either one is a good start.
Only issue I have with Laurent's plan is not using all 3 dice for Obligatory National Service to reach the DC, but I like the overall action spread (Brontes clean-up, Echelon, etc).

[x] Plan: A Good General Has Good Officers
Only issue I have with Laurent's plan is not using all 3 dice for Obligatory National Service to reach the DC, but I like the overall action spread (Brontes clean-up, Echelon, etc).

[x] Plan: A Good General Has Good Officers

I did really think about that, but a part of me leaned towards starting to chip away at the more... positive Services ones. I'm tempted to switch it to full out National Service, but I wondered at the effects of executing it and whether it needs all three dice. I'm left uncertain, to be clear. Hmm, what do others think?
I'd be fine with you changing it.
(I wonder if rolling too high won't incur a Paranoia penalty? But I think we want to do well on it regardless.)
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Etranger on Nov 6, 2022 at 4:38 PM, finished with 52 posts and 28 votes.
  • 17

    [X] Plan: A Good General Has Good Officers
    -[X] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) [MANDATORY]
    --[X] 2 dice, 30 R
    -[X] Brontes: Orbital Cleanup (Phase 1) [Reconstruction]
    --[X] 2 dice, 40 R
    - [X] Korhal: Keresh Mining Complex (Phase 1)
    --[X] 3 dice, 30 R
    -[X] Tyrador IX: Refugee Workshops (Phase 1) [Reconstruction]
    - [X] Korhal: Regreening Effort (Phase 1)
    --[X] 1 Dice, 5 R
    -[X] Tyrador IX: Establish Farmsteads (Phase 1) [Reconstruction]
    --[X] 2 dice, 20 R
    - [X] Obligatory National Service [Reconstruction] [MANDATORY]
    --[X] 2 dice
    -[X] Mass Literacy Movement (Phase 1)
    --[X] 1 dice 10 R
    -[X] Korhal: Eastcliff Military Academy
    --[X] 4 dice, 40 R
    -[X] Supply Bunkers (Tech)
    -[X] Integrated Protective Ensemble (Tech)
    --[X] 2 dice, 10 R
    - [X] Refill the Upper Echelons (Experts)
    --[X] 2 Bureaucracy Dice, 10 R
    -[X] Appoint a Vice-Chancellor
    --[X] 2 Free Dice, 10 R
    -[X] Hire an Executive Assistant
    --[X] 1 dice, no cost.
  • 11

    [X] Plan Attempting to Extinguish The Dumpster Fires
    -[X] Infrastructure (4/4 dice + 1 Free die, 60 R)
    --[X] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) 0/400 (2 dice, 30 R) (2/9 median dice to finish)
    --[X] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) 0/600 (3 dice, 30 R) (3/14 median dice to finish)
    -[X] Heavy Industry (3/3 dice, 35 R)
    --[X] Korhal: Keresh Mining Complex (Phase 1) 0/200 (3 dice, 30 R) (3/5 median dice to finish)
    -[X] Light Industry (3/3 dice, 60 R)
    --[X] Korhal: Canis Chemical Refinery (Phase 1) 0/400 (3 dice, 60 R) (3/10 median dice to finish)
    -[X] Environmental (3/3 dice, 30 R)
    --[X] Tyrador IX: Establish Farmsteads (Phase 1) 0/400 (3 dice, 30 R) (3/10 median dice to finish)
    -[X] Services (3/3 dice, 0 ?? R)
    --[X] Obligatory National Service (3 dice, 0 R)
    --[X] (4% chance fail, 4% chance DC 30, 8% chance DC 50, 84% chance DC 70)
    -[X] Military (4/4 dice, 40 R)
    --[X] Korhal: Eastcliff Military Academy 0/200 (2 dice, 20 R) (2/5 median dice to finish)
    --[X] Tyrador IX: Military Recruitment Offices 0/200 (2 dice, 20 R) (2/5 median dice to finish)
    -[X] Research (3/3 dice, 20 R)
    --[X] Supply Bunkers 0/50 (1 die, 10 R) (41% chance to complete)
    --[X] Integrated Protective Ensemble 0/100 (2 dice, 10 R) (33% chance to complete)
    -[X] Bureaucracy (2/2 dice, 10 R)
    --[X] Appoint a Vice-Chancellor (2 dice, 10 R)
    --[X] (11% chance fail, 6% chance DC 30, 6% chance DC 40, 77% chance DC 50)
    -[X] Personal (1/1 + 1 Free die, 0 R)
    --[X] Hire an Executive Assistant (2 dice, 0 R)
    --[X] (7% chance fail, 4% chance DC 20, 6% chance DC 30, 83% chance DC 40)

At Laurent's request, the die from Mass Literacy was moved into Obligatory National Service.

Ignore that third Augustgrad die; this is my first time using this interface.

EDIT: Rolling for penalty reduction; if it's 51 or higher, it'll reduce the penalty to -8 for next turn. And... it is! Horner is down to -8 for his penalty as of Turn 2.
Etranger threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Augustgrad Phase 1 Total: 54
30 30 2 2 22 22
Etranger threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Brontes Cleanup Phase 1 Total: 159
65 65 94 94
Etranger threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Keresh Complex Phase 1 Total: 244
86 86 76 76 82 82
Etranger threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Tyrador Workshops Phase 1 Total: 105
85 85 3 3 17 17
Etranger threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Korhal Regreening Phase 1 Total: 1
1 1
Etranger threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Tyrador Farmsteads Phase 1 Total: 142
83 83 59 59
Etranger threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Obligatory National Service Total: 117
81 81 18 18 18 18
Etranger threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: Korhal Military Academy Total: 148
75 75 8 8 60 60 5 5
Etranger threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Supply Bunkers Total: 94
94 94
Etranger threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Protective Ensemble Total: 56
18 18 38 38
Etranger threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Upper Echelons Experts Total: 82
27 27 55 55
Etranger threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Vice Chancellor Total: 165
95 95 70 70
Etranger threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Executive Assistant Total: 59
59 59
Etranger threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: On-The-Job Training Total: 60
60 60
Last edited:
Tbf, rolling too high on organizing national work crews might just trigger Mengsk's paranoia so the sweet spot would be an average result lol. I guess in that sense I'm not miffed about the plan as it was.
Augustgrad: 30+2-5=27/400 progress, hugely underwhelming :(
Brontes Orbital Cleanup: 65+94-5=154/300, honestly a really good start.
Keresh Complex Phase I: 86+76+82-10=234/200, which is both great and gives us some spillover into Phase 2.
Tyrador Workshop: 85+3+17-10=95/400, below average, but could have been worse.
Korhal Regreening: 1-10=0, for instance it could be this stinker.
Farmsteads, Phase 1: 83+59-10=132/400, a very good start!
Obligatory National Service: 81+18+18-10=107, somehow we would have gotten the highest DC with just one dice. Oh well!
Korhal Academy: 75+8+60+5-5=143/200, below average but should be in range of a 2-dice completion next turn for a nice Paranoia dip.
Supply Bunkers: 94-10=84/50, we completed the hell out of it, hopefully there's overrun.
Protective Ensemble: 18+38-10=46/100, underwhelming but we're within 2 of completing it, so that's next turn.
Bureaucracy, Upper Echelons: 27+55-10=72/100, not a great roll but it does put us within 1-2 dice of completing it, so that's nice!
Vice Chancellor: We fucking killed it.
Assistant: 59-10=49, luckily the highest DC was 40! So we got it.
Augustgrad: 30+2-5=27/400 progress, hugely underwhelming :(
Brontes Orbital Cleanup: 65+94-5=154/300, honestly a really good start.
Keresh Complex Phase I: 86+76+82-10=234/200, which is both great and gives us some spillover into Phase 2.
Tyrador Workshop: 85+3+17-10=95/400, below average, but could have been worse.
Korhal Regreening: 1-10=0, for instance it could be this stinker.
Farmsteads, Phase 1: 83+59-10=132/400, a very good start!
Obligatory National Service: 81+18+18-10=107, somehow we would have gotten the highest DC with just one dice. Oh well!
Korhal Academy: 75+8+60+5-5=143/200, below average but should be in range of a 2-dice completion next turn for a nice Paranoia dip.
Supply Bunkers: 94-10=84/50, we completed the hell out of it, hopefully there's overrun.
Protective Ensemble: 18+38-10=46/100, underwhelming but we're within 2 of completing it, so that's next turn.
Bureaucracy, Upper Echelons: 27+55-10=72/100, not a great roll but it does put us within 1-2 dice of completing it, so that's nice!
Vice Chancellor: We fucking killed it.
Assistant: 59-10=49, luckily the highest DC was 40! So we got it.
Uh, I think those -5 and -10 penalties apply per die, not per project.

So I think we're at

Augustgrad: 22/400
Brontes Cleanup: 144/300
Keresh Complex: 214/200
Tyrador Workshop: 75/400
Korhal Regreening: -29 (or 0)/400
Farmsteads: 122/400
National Service: 87
Korhal Academy: 128/200
Supply Bunkers: 74/50
Protective Ensemble: 36/100
Upper Echelons: 62/100
Vice Chancellor: We fucking killed it.
Assistant: 49, highest DC was 40