Secrets Spoken, Secrets Heard
-Lots of Finnish-American residents, check.
Thats one piece of the puzzle. Others are still missing.

And here we have one set of potential candidates.
Of course the Red Court would have a hand here. They have the right combination of immortality, financial and human resources and sheer recklessness to be fucking around with chtonic entities.
And being at war, I would not be surprised if some bright spark is looking to weaponize it; they have a history for it in the Dresdenverse. There's the Outsiders of course, but also the shoggoth in Warcry.
But they shouldnt have the right ethnic/cultural background to be fucking with Finnish myth. If they were doing this in 1953, there's no reason for them to wait more than fifty years to try again. Maybe if its a stellar convergence/The Time Is Right sorta deal, but there's no such indication so far. And Rampires would probab'y have murdered the FDA investigators anyway.
They are unlikely to be the only player here; interlopers, but not the original instigators.
Some detail we're missing.
How did this dude find us? We only arrived in the Cleveland area today, and we've visited four places so far: The FDA office, the Plain Dealer newspaper offices, Helen's home, and now this graveyard. None of them is a typical Rampire haunt, and I refuse to believe he just stumbled upon two girls and a middle-aged man on a graveyard bench.
For him to have known we were in town, someone has to have been staking one or more of those places out.
And someone has to have either followed us around or put a tracker on our truck to find us in the graveyard.
-Worth noting that many Reds do not have the strength to be daywalkers.
They dont have to sleep in the daytime, just stay out of the sunlight, but many of them dont have the strength or skill to make sufficiently powerful fleshmasks, so sunlight absolutely fucks them. Only the really old ones can walk freely in the daytime.
Its still daytime, and while he preferred shadow, he has no trouble stepping into the light.
Dude here either has a talent for this, sorcery protecting him, or he's old.
Not a Lord of Outer Night, but still something to be wary around.
This is reinforced by the fact that he notices and recognizes the Sword, even while its sheathed.
- "Boneless grace" spy has a 8 dice Stealth pool.
That suggests we're looking at Dex 4 + Stealth 4, or Dex 5 + Stealth 3. This is indicative of a pretty scary combat stat block.
And Rampires have narcotic spit as a projectile weapon.
-Worth noting that a Red Court operative in North America has no excuse not to know what Michael looks like.
Not since Bianca's Court burned down.
So I find it unlikely that this dude doesnt know who Michael is, even if he doesnt know who we are.
Iku Turso link is broken.
Not that it matters, but Molly gets -2 DC to Alertness rolls from Demonic Guide.
So she should have been rolling at difficulty 4, not difficulty 6.
But like I said, since we rolled a 1, doesnt change anything.