Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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I was just thinking about it but wouldn't being paid to rescue a soul gem from nothing there reach all of these requirements? (Target: Nothing There/ That one Puella Magi. Payment: Money, or Information. Anguish: The soul gem losing it's grief sink.
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I think coming into contact with Nothing There (Because of the soul gems) would fulfill Anguish by that logic, same with any witch, heck, the one we just encountered with the puppeted people could count.

But since it didn't, maybe the context of who experiences the concept matters. Though, if we Witchbomb Mami and Anguish doesn't get fulfilled I'll throw my hands up and give up on it.

EDIT: Maybe we could visit the Hospital and look for anyone receiving bad news? Surely Anguish would be present there, and at the very least it would could confirm or deny if another person's experience could work for these
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Its kinda obvious that Anguish mean that we will be the one suffering Anguish.

I mean. Der Fruity isnt exactly hiding his crippling depression any good.

Edit: Or atleast, our "bullets" will cause Anguish.
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Its kinda obvious that Anguish mean that we will be the one suffering Anguish.

Not sure, this is part of why I find it a pity that we didn't manage to go see what was the second part of Blue Star that was validated, we're lacking data as to the specificity of the triggers and can only make imprecise hypothesis as a result, the Anguish having to happen around us is the only thing I can confirm, whether it has to be felt by us, inflicted by us, or just felt strongly enough around us (which would make NT's collection a perfect source to get it) is unknown.
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felt by us, inflicted by us, or just felt strongly enough around us (which would make NT's collection a perfect source to get it) is unknown.
Oh. I had assumed that Nothing There's collection would work for that (Inflicted by us: Removing the Gem from it's grief sink and it witching out.) (Our anguish: Watching someone witch out because of us) (Strong passive anguish: Nothing There's collection would suffice)
Oh. I had assumed that Nothing There's collection would work for that (Inflicted by us: Removing the Gem from it's grief sink and it witching out.) (Our anguish: Watching someone witch out because of us) (Strong passive anguish: Nothing There's collection would suffice)

While all of them are possible for it, two of them are failstates I don't want to reach and will try to avoid, making relying on them for this a bad idea IMO.
While all of them are possible for it, two of them are failstates I don't want to reach and will try to avoid, making relying on them for this a bad idea IMO.
That's fair. I just also wanted to point out that that is a danger of occuring that we should keep in mind, and prepare a Lobotomy for.
We should try to avoid having to resort to meeting NT to fulfill the requirement in the first place and start testing out our gardening skills once we get some free time.

Speculating like this make us feel trapped because we don't know much, which can influence our decision making in the future.

We should hold onto faith for now since encountering NT isn't something we can just decide just yet, and we have Hitomi coming up to save...

Heres hoping we don't get to see Anguish during that upcoming venture.
I would like to restate, let's visit the hospital to see impersonal Anguish. If it fulfills the condition, we know that the condition need not be personally fulfilled, if not, we know it can't be fulfilled by impersonal others.

This would would clarify how the conditions are to be fulfilled, otherwise I guess I could go reread this and see how the previous conditions were fulfilled
see how the previous conditions were fulfilled

Acceptance came from us telling Mami about our basic knowledge of abnormalities along with where they came from and Mami accepted it.

Togetherness came from when we were talking to Homura about time travel and how she deals with it.

And Devotion came from us giving Homura a Lobotomy. (It could have come from her memories or from us feeling devoted towards helping her.
So, what your saying is, If we do a Lobotomy on Kyoko, we'll probably fulfill at least one of those conditions

Honestly though, what Magical Girl hasn't experienced Anguish in this series?
Anguish is very different from fear, sadness, or depression.

Anguish is...what Carmen felt when Enoch died. When Ayin saw Carmen's body in that bathtub. When Angela realizes she is forgotten by her creators.
It is what Kali felt when she saw most of her workers die from Garion's attack.
It is the mind-numbing pain Roland felt when he looked at Angelica's corpse with his unborn child stuck amongst many others in that cursed Piano.

It is also the pain Ejirah/Malkuth felt when she partook in that experiment. It is the pain of torture Garion/Binah went through because of Ayin's wrath. It is the sheer ridiculous pain of the passengers of the WARP trains, spreading their body surface area out to experience maximum pain.

To answer your question. It's not that there's no magical girls who experience Anguish. It's that Magical Girls who experienced Anguish usually aren't magical girls anymore.
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So Kyoko has totes experienced Anguish with the Whole "Family Dead" thing
Yes. But Anguish needs to be fresh for it to be Anguish. If you survive the Anguish, it will cool down.

By then it's just Sorrow, and Sorrow needs...time and effort...for it to burst into Anguish again.

Roland managed to...bury...his Anguish by putting on a mask and focusing his all on vengeance.

Anguish stops being Anguish the moment a person's mind stops being consumed by it.

Kyoko's "Dead Family" is a sore spot and a traumatic memory. But it is just that. A traumatic memory.

She has...mostly...suppressed it and moved on.

For it to become Anguish again, X would need to prod and force it out in the open, and to make Kyoko essentially relive it.

Because Anguish is in the present. It is always in the present. You can only feel it most clearly in the present.
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Your getting poetic about it, and while that's cool, I suppose it more depends on if the QM or otherwise ProjectMoon has given a 'official' definition on it.

And from what I've heard of about the related abnormality, "Dead Family" because of a "Deal with Devil" is pretty close in experience, so close that I feel it's worth the effort to see if a Lobotomy would work for fulfilling the condition
No. Literally. That's the definition of Anguish. There's literally no poetry here.

SEVERE mental pain or Physical suffering.

Der Freischütz didn't feel anguish AFTER he shot all his loved ones to death.

It's kinda obvious WHAT caused Der Freischütz Anguish. The man LITERALLY shot all his loved ones to death. For every shot until the 7th Bullet, he felt Anguish, felt the Severe mental Pain of SHOOTING LOVED ONES TO DEATH.

As for Kyoko. Yeah, that's the point. We would need to drag that memory out if we want to obtain "Anguish". There's literally no need for an official definition of Anguish to be given because there already is an official definition.

Do you know Roland's third phase? His Scream attack's art is literally the picture of him seeing his wife's corpse. That's Anguish.

For Kyoko, it would be the moment when her whole family died. So we would need to have her permission to dig around her head.

Since she's headstrong as all hell. That's not happening for now. We would need to raise our "Friendship points" with Kyoko before we attempt such a thing.

With Homura and Mami, it's easy because we are basically their mom at this point. Kyoko hasn't been adopted by us just yet.
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Where I say your getting Poetic is that the Emotion needs to be in the Present to fulfill the condition, that it needs to 'fresh'. We don't know that, especially in regards to how Lobotomy works, of the people it's been done on, no one has said they saw their life flash before their eyes unless my memory of the quest is poorer then I'd like.

Also, yeah, need to do a adopting Meguca 100% speedrun
Ah, I see. My wording wasnt clear enough.

In the context of Lobotomy, theres no need for "In the Present", since we can just pluck their memories out literally.

I was more so talking about outside of Lobotomy context in regards to how Anguish itself is.

If we are using Lobotomy then all we need to do is befriend/kidnap/adopt Kyoko. She literally fits most of the criteria of Der Freischütz.
1.4.4 - Not Really Cause For Alarm
Chapter 46 - Not Really Cause For Alarm

You wince internally at Sayaka's declaration. The last thing you want is for her to reinforce the idea that being a Magical Girl makes her a hero. That ideal is what lured her and so many others into Kyubey's system without a chance to question what they were offered, and if she holds onto it too tightly she'll get herself killed. You and Mami won't always be there to support her, and you already know Sayaka wants to prove herself on her own. You were lucky to catch her when she snuck out, but what about next time? Or the time after that? You have to put an end to these delusions before they get out of hand. This world might be a kinder one than the City, but some truths hold true no matter where you are. There are no heroes, only people asked to do more than they ever could. For every person who excels, a thousand more fall into mediocrity. The dream of becoming a hero is just that, a dream that drives people to grind themselves to nothing shouldering an ever-growing burden. You can protect Sayaka, keep her safe and healthy and alive, but only if she doesn't put herself in danger. You should say something, anything, to shut down her fantasy right now.

But you don't. It's just too cruel.

Your gaze settles on the kid, an uncertain, questioning smile on her face and the last traces of starlight gleaming in her eyes. She needs this right now. Needs to believe that she's doing something good, that she has a purpose, that she can do something about the nightmares she just saw. And she can, with help. Maybe the world has no place for people who think themselves heroes, but it still needs someone to make sacrifices for others. As long as you can shoulder most of that burden, Sayaka can share some of it with you. If believing that she can be a hero who saves people is what Sayaka needs to keep going, you won't take that from her. At least, not right now. There's always time to develop a healthier worldview. Until then, you can let her live her fantasy a little bit.

"We certainly did," Mami answers in your stead. "Kyubey will remove their memories of the Witch's Barrier, and the hospital will be able to take care of them," Then, after a nigh-imperceptible pause, she continues. "You did great for only your second hunt, Sayaka. I feel much more confident about our chances with the three of us working together."

Sayaka relaxes with the affirmation, a slight blush coloring her face as she dismisses her transformation in a flash of marine light. A gold flash follows as Mami does the same, leaving the two in their ordinary school uniforms.

"You were all amazing!" Madoka exclaims, practically glowing with praise. "I hope I'll be able to be as strong as you all one day," she continues, far quieter. Of course, that's when Kyubey takes the opportunity to insert himself into the conversation.

"If you make a contract with me, you'll be an incredibly powerful Magical Girl!" it declares in its fake, syrupy voice. You're glad Homura already left to head home, because you don't think your fellow time-traveller would have been able to resist putting a few holes in the rat for that comment. She hasn't explained to you the specifics of her relationship with your other kids, but you have a detailed enough picture by now. You know well enough that she can be… protective, to say the least, of Madoka in particular. As you are here now and she is not, you'll have to stick with more subtle deterrents.

"I'd advise caution before you rush into making a contract. Doing this means sacrificing most of your free time as well as pretty much any chance of holding down a steady life and putting yourself in danger for the sake of people who will never knew what you did for them. You get one Wish as compensation, so if you're serious about this you should make sure it's a good one."

Mami nods along with your words. "Your Wish is very important. You should make sure not to waste it on something that you'll come to regret one day." Her expression is dampened ever so slightly at the mention of Wishes, a fact that clearly goes unnoticed by the other girls.

"What'd you Wish for, Mami?" Sayaka asks, ignorant of her senior's discomfort. The bluenette doesn't miss the expression that passes over Mami's face at the question, and immediately backpedals.

"Ah, If that's too personal, you don't have to-"

"It's fine," Mami cuts her off. "My Wish was a simple thing made in the heat of the moment. I don't regret it, but I'll always wonder if I could have made a better choice if I had more time."

Sensing the older girl's sadness, Madoka leaps forwards and throws her arms around the veteran Magical Girl. Mami freezes in shock, unused to the action, before slowly lowering her arms around her junior in turn.

"Don't worry, Mami. I'll be sure to make a Wish I can always be proud of."

The two pull away from one another, revealing the barest traces of tears in Mami's eyes. Seems as if Madoka's more perceptive than you thought. That or she's just very quick to get attached to people.

"I bet the transfer student wished for something bad. They seem like the type to want something selfish," Sayaka says, completely killing the moment. It seems you'll need to go on damage control again.

"All Wishes are selfish; if you don't want something then you can't really Wish for it, now can you? Besides, Homura's not that bad," you remand. Honestly, what is it with Sayaka and Homura? Some sort of fated rivalry?

"She's so creepy about everything, though!" Sayaka insists. "Did you see the way she was back in that Barrier? She didn't even flinch at it!"

"Everyone copes differently, Sayaka. Miss Akemi may simply be a more withdrawn person. Regardless, we should keep going," Mami interrupts to your great relief. "Witches have been getting more active recently, and there should still be time to find another today if we want to keep up with them. If you are all ready for it, of course."

"Actually, could I stay back with X and talk about something?" Madoka pipes up. "It's important, and we won't take long!" she insists frantically. The display of emotion earns her a strange look from Sayaka and a patient smile from Mami, but the pair acquiesces and heads off in search of their next Witch. You're worried about them heading off without you, but they both just cleansed their Soul Gems and Mami's been fine on her own for years. She can take care of herself for a few minutes. Once the two Magical Girls are out of earshot, you lean down towards Madoka.

"So what'd you want to tell me?"

A beat passes as she struggles to get the words out. "I… well… it's something strange I noticed during school. I tho if they you might know more about it."

Well, knowing about strange things is one of your talents. It'd be worrying to find an Abnormality making itself at home near a school, but if it's been there this long it might be one of the less hostile ones.

"This morning, I noticed Mami and Sayaka both had these cards around their necks. I didn't really think about it, but then I saw that Homura had one too! I thought they might be a Magical Girl thing, so I asked Mami, but she said she didn't know where it came from. Homura and Sayaka said the same thing, but none of them thought it was important! I know they're probably right and I'm worried about nothing, but I just have this feeling that there's something wrong!"

You don't recall anything that fits that description, at least nothing that has any reason to be in Mitakihara. Could it be some sort of Gift? A card is small enough to be one and seems like the kind of thing an Abnormality might give out.

"Did you get a good look at any of these cards?" you ask. Madoka nods, looking worried.

"Oh, Sayaka showed me hers! It had her name and her picture on it along with a bunch of personal information. I'm really concerned that all this happened and none of them seemed to worry about it. I didn't even know some of the things on Sayaka's card!" And then, almost as an afterthought, she adds: "There was a symbol too, like a red circle with an L going through it?"


Madoka shrinks back from you; your voice flat and devoid of inflection while still roiling with a mess of emotions. It seems you may have overreacted. How could that be here? Why do the kids have them?

What do you do about this?
[] Confront them immediately
[] Wait for later
[] Write-in

Der Freischütz's Sapling - Observation Level 0/3
Madoka Kaname: Exposure I -> Exposure II
Totally nothing to worry about.
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"Oh, Sayaka showed me hers! It had her name and her picture on it along with a bunch of personal information. I'm really concerned that all this happened and none of them seemed to worry about it. I didn't even know some of the things on Sayaka's card!" And then, almost as an afterthought, she adds: "There was a symbol too, like a red circle with an L going through it?"
Okay, so the cards are a physical thing. And the people who have them don't think a thing about having them is odd. And all three of them definitely should.
And X had no idea. Hmm.

[X] Wait for later

Frankly, the fuck are they going to tell us?
Not Really Cause For Alarm

I would insert the third trumpet theme, but I'm on mobile and it would be a pain. :V

Sayaka relaxes with the affirmation, a slight blush coloring her face as she dismisses her transformation in a flash of marine light.

Yeah, she really needed some validation, breaking her dream here would've led to Oktavia on short order… and not tempering it at least a little can lead to Oktavia in short order…. The joys of complicated situations.

She hasn't explained to you the specifics of her relationship with your other kids,
with your other kids,

You are being adopted, please do not resist.

Mami nods along with your words. "Your Wish is very important. You should make sure not to waste it on something that you'll come to regret one day." Her expression is dampened ever so slightly at the mention of Witches, a fact that clearly goes unnoticed by the other girls.

I think you have a typo and wanted to say wish.

Also, yeah, Mami would know quite well both about not taking your time to think of a good wish, with hers, and regretting your wish later, with Kyouko's.

"Don't worry, Mami. I'll be sure to make a Wish I can always be proud of."

We really need a long, personal, and thorough discussion with Madoka about the entire puella magi system and why she shouldn't wish….

God, that conversation is not going to be pleasant….

Honestly, what is it with Sayaka and Homura? Some sort of fated rivalry?

Yes, with Walpurigisnacht as the screenwriter.

She can take care of herself for a few minutes.

*Something something head jokes.*

It'd be worrying to find an Abnormality making itself at home near a school, but if it's been there this long it might be one of the less hostile ones.

Technically, Porcubus counts?

This morning, I noticed Mami and Sayaka both had these cards around their necks

Oooooohhhhh boy, here we go….

"There was a symbol too, like a red circle with an L going through it?"


Don't worry, we know the abnormality it comes from! :V

Totally nothing to worry about.

How did the joke go? Ah, yes:

*There's Nothing There to worry about*

As for the vote, just waiting is going to make Madoka worry too much, we need to explain at least a little why we reacted this way:

[x] Tell Madoka the symbol is from the place you worked in, which should be impossible since it shouldn't exist anymore….
-[x] Go ask the girls if you can look at the cards.

This isn't the moment to do nothing.
Ey, this could be a chance for X to finally realize how much of a favorite child she is!

[x] Tell Madoka the symbol is from the place you worked in, which should be impossible since it shouldn't exist anymore….
-[x] Go ask the girls if you can look at the cards.

X needs to interact with the card to know for sure what they do.

Since it's kinda obvious from whom the gift came from, the abnormality that gave the gift has the best knowledge on how to deal with said gift.

It will also give us a good idea on what buffs the gifts give.

Wait I just had a thought, we aren't some kind of fucked up Whitenight Aberration whose true form get revealed when all 12 agents are gifted right?
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Wait I just realized, we aren't some kind of fucked up Whitenight Aberration whose true form get revealed when all 12 agents are gifted right?
Maybe! But probably not. X is made out of Light, just ticking boxes off her checklist isn't going to have her go murderhobo or begin the End of Days. That would probably required something badly hurting or killing someone important to her. Looks meaningfully at Nothing There.
Wait I just had a thought, we aren't some kind of fucked up Whitenight Aberration whose true form get revealed when all 12 agents are gifted right?

Actually, given what we know of aberrations, we could very well work very differently as long as we keep some of the original theme, since the examples known are:

-Nobody Is, seems to work almost like Nothing There, but probably require to work on it with always the same employee, given what it wants.

-The blue smoked shepherd and the reddened buddy, who keep almost nothing from red riding hood and big and will be bad wolf, except for the fact that they are a humanoid and a dog and that they react to each other.

-penitent girl, who is very close to red shoes but makes you chop off your own feet instead of others.

-pygmallion, who we know almost nothing about.

-and finally Titania, who is almost definitely from fairy festival and keep nothing but the fairy theme, being an Aleph instead of a Zayin, and searching desperately for her *husband* instead of trying to keep her food fresh.