Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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[X] Write-In. Let the kids talk it out. But mention that Homura meant well. She just has the social skills of a hedgehog.

I personally think that at some point we should talk to Sayaka by herself and tell her of the stories of the Royal Strait of Suffering that are The Magical Girls of The City. We should also discuss our mentality with Madoka (while emphasizing the significance of our blessings from the Knight and the Army)
Have we displayed the ability to take away the despair within soul gems yet?

If not, thats another reason to capture NT because its somehow stopping the gems from witching out.

We will need it so we have some sort of bargaining power to calm the girls down once its time to drop the witch bomb.
I see. I was peetty certain but wasnt sure if it was just my memory playing tricks on me again.

In that case, maybe the next time there is a chance, we should try to introduce our basically daughter Kyoko to the group.

It will make dropping the bomb has a lower chance to explode.
What I curious is just what kind of permanent modifications we can do with lobotomy aside from the obvious memory alterations and stain in soul gem or grif seed, since X kind of mentioned it during homura operation
Well...most obvious one could probably be...you know.

Distortions, and more specifically Abnormalities extractions. Lobotomy is basically the name of the corpo responsible for that type of thing.
[X] Write-In. Stress the importance of heroic deeds not being recognized, that the true reward is [The Expectation of the Meaning of Existence]. The power of cooperation, of [Those who are Faithful and Trustworthy]. And the necessity to control one wrath and focus on [The Courage to Protect]. And that, Homura isn't too different from ourselves as a veteran who had become jaded from the harsh reality.
Sidestory 6 - Those Without
Sidestory 6 - Those Without

When Kyousuke made his recovery, Hitomi couldn't have been happier. The doctors had claimed it was impossible, that the nerve damage was too extensive to ever truly heal, but even knowing this a part of her had always hoped for a miracle. And one day, that miracle had come. Nobody knew how it had happened, but Kyousuke didn't seem to care and neither did Hitomi. While the hospital had decided to keep him in for a few more days to try and determine what had happened, Sayaka had told her that he would be released soon after. The week after that, he had a recital planned. It seemed like everything was going to be alright in the end.

Hitomi's feelings on Sayaka's relationship with Kyousuke were complicated, to say the least. Even if Kyousuke hadn't noticed Sayaka's blatant affection, Hitomi had. She knew her friend had loved him for a long time now, but never found the courage to actually confess to him. Even now, she remained nothing but a friend. Considering how bad Sayaka usually was at concealing her emotions, it was getting to the point where Hitomi had to consider that Sayaka had actually asked him and was simply turned down. While that would make things easier between them, it didn't seem likely. Even if Kyousuke had chosen not to tell Hitomi out of respect for Sayaka's privacy, the bluenette wouldn't have been able to just move on from it like nothing had happened. This left Hitomi in the unenviable position of being the one to break the stalemate between the three of them.

That morning, Hitomi had decided to deliver an ultimatum. If this dragged on too long, there was a chance somebody else would confess to Kyousuke before either of them. He was a prodigy, after all, and a very kind and gentle boy on top of it. Hitomi had hoped to speak with Sayaka that day after school, when everyone had split off to head home, to confess to her about her own feelings for Kyousuke. If Sayaka didn't confess to him within the week, then Hitomi would do so first. Even as this was a way to force Sayaka to confront her own feelings, a small, selfish part of Hitomi hoped that her friend would not come forwards. She knew it was wrong to feel that way, that Sayaka was far closer to Kyousuke than she was, but those feelings existed regardless. At least it would be over soon.

Hitomi had gone to approach Sayaka after school, but stopped at a strange sight. Sayaka and Madoka were speaking with Akemi Homura, the new transfer student, as well as an upperclassman who Hitomi was ashamed to admit she didn't recognize. This in itself was an oddity, as for a reason unknown to Hitomi Sayaka thought quite poorly of the new girl. She knew Sayaka wouldn't act that way without a reason, but it was still unusual. What reason would they have to all be grouped together like that?

That was not what struck her most about the scene. The strangest thing was the woman that was with them.

The first thing Hitomi noticed was that the woman was tall. Of course an adult would be taller than them, but this woman would have easily stood a head or so above Hitomi's own parents. This seemed a relatively minor detail compared to the woman's hair, a not unite messy but still unkempt mane of bright red that faded into a cloud of shimmering starlight. Perhaps some sort of fashion thing? It stood out against the woman's simple black clothes and white coat, the only other accessory Hitomi could see being a small red hair clip that mostly blended in with the woman's hair. Perhaps this was somebody's mother?

It was inconsiderate to stand there and spy, but Hitomi couldn't help her curiosity. Something about this scene felt unnaturally, otherworldly. Important. After a short exchange that Hitomi couldn't catch, Miss Akemi headed off and the rest of the group trailed behind her.

There was something odd going on with her friends, Hitomi thought as she rode home. For the past few days, they had been sharing strange looks and disappearing whenever they had free time. It left Hitomi wondering what it was that they were doing without her. She was the odd one out between the three of them, yes, but Sayaka and Madoka practically always included her in whatever it is they did. It hurt, feeling left out. What were they doing that Hitomi couldn't be a part of?

As Hitomi's shoes clacked against the marble floor of her home's foyer, it occurred to her just how large her house was. It has never felt daunting in this way before, but today the sheer size made Hitomi feel even more alone. Her parents were away, of course, on a business trip that would last through most of the week. Madoka and Sayaka were busy with something, and despite her popularity Hitomi didn't really have any other close friends.

At least there was always the garden.


Maintaining the manor's garden was one of the few tasks Hitomi had that wasn't attended to by somebody else. What had started as a small distraction to relieve stress had grown into a dedicated pastime. There was always something to attend to, always something that Hitomi could use to keep herself busy. In a city so dominated by construction, the Shizuki family garden was one of the few preserved areas of nature left.

The garden felt quiet today. Perhaps Hitomi had simply come earlier than usual, but the birds and insects that usually gathered to rest here were nowhere to be found. Regardless, Hitomi didn't think much of it as she moved between each of her plants. The roses were doing very well, as were the cacti, but the hydrangeas could probably use some watering. The blueberries weren't quite ready yet, but the raspberries looked fine. The poppies-

Wait. Poppies? Hitomi bent down for a closer look. Indeed, a large stretch of poppies had sprouted out of what had been previously determined to be unsuitable soil. They looked healthy, all things considered. As Hitomi inspected the anomaly, she noticed light reflecting off of something within the greenery. Curious, the girl reached out to push aside the brush and get a better look, heedless of the unseen thorns awaiting her touch.
I have no clue what this is, off the top of my head.

It could be the Oz Abnormalities, because of that scene. It could be Meat Lantern, dyed red with blood. It could be Snow White's Apple, though I doubt it--there'd be more corpses otherwise.

EDIT: Ah, fuck. It's Porccubus.
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Strange that Hitomi didn't pay attention to the scars. Well, maybe it wasn't a good viewing angle for this.
Also, Porccubus, hmm? Well, at least it probably won't kill her instantly. Still very dangerous. I hope the girls and X find out about this before it gets too bad.
I always forget that our hair fades into what looks like the beginning of the night sky for some reason.

What is up with that anyway? Integratin KoD EGO? Or something to do with that Daughter of Sun and Moon thing?

Most likely this is the influence of the Knight of Despair. Her EGO was our first, and given how naturally X approached it without even meeting the Anomaly itself, they had a very high degree of synchronization.
the only other accessory Hitomi could see being a small red hair clip that mostly blended in with the woman's hair.

Checks character page.

Oh, huh. How long has that been there, and is it important?
Strange that Hitomi didn't pay attention to the scars. Well, maybe it wasn't a good viewing angle for this.
She didn't mention her face at all, maybe she couldn't see them?
Also, Porccubus, hmm? Well, at least it probably won't kill her instantly. Still very dangerous. I hope the girls and X find out about this before it gets too bad.
What is a Porccubus? It sounds like something you eat with barbecue sauce.