Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

As a note, whatever we bind to our phone is going to be basically our personal secretary. Screening our calls, sending texts in our name to help organize things, managing the note and calendar apps if we have a smartphone, so on and so forth.

Not sure if that helps on deciding a name, but those were my thoughts.

Also, let's please not name it after a forum member. It's fine IC, but OOC it's going to cause some confusion. I'd rather avoid that if possible.
-Charity handles the finances I see.

-Loling at this encounter.
The Molly/Charity dynamic is proving to be one of my favorite things in this quest so far.
Even when it comes off as Charity treating Molly as younger than her age would imply, it never fails to be entertaining.

-Yeah, called it.
Charity understands and can account for the dangers and implications of physical training better than the more nebulous threats of magic and magical ethics. I almost expected her to demand to meet the dude, but I suppose she'll ask

can read people pretty well mom," you note. I can read you right now, the arguments while fine on the face of them are like a thin sheet of ice over an ocean of fear. She remembers being a young girl with strange powers and insights looking for a teacher and finding the man who had eventually served her up to a monster.
Funny enough?
She actually had a heart to heart with Dresden after Molly was kidnapped, and they came to enough of an understanding that she would actually entrust him with her, to teach her magic and magic ethics.

Of course Molly doesnt know that; she wasnt there. Noone else was.
Our social rolls are fire this turn. Charity is still being a social monster against Molly; 6 successes is a truly disgusting level of social success by a mortal with a mortal dice pool. Momdar OP, please nerf.

It does seem like changing Charity's attitudes are going to be a long siege, not something where you take it by storm.
Okay, thing that won me over to a specific name when thinking about it: if we call him "Glitch," one of our little siblings is eventually going to call him "Snitch" when he rats them out over something. And that's going to cause the kind of harmless chaos that makes me smile. Also, nobody's going to look twice at us cursing out a glitch, so…

[X] Glitch
How do you try to waken your phone and what do you name it?

[X] [Stunt]: Looking down at the phone in your hand, you frown a little, fingering the buttons a littlr as you attempt to put yourself in the right frame of mind to invest a sentience into the phone. Almost absently, you begin to hum one of your mother's favorite songs under your breath "Every breath you take..."

[X] [Name] Clippy

Music is a large part of many teenagers and young adults growing up.
You cant go putting demons into electronics without an appropriate soundtrack.
And I cant currently think of a better one for the year 2006 than this one


Molly's mom grew up in the 1980s, with Michael having grown up in the 1970s; the Police were almost certainly part of their soundtrack growing up. Molly will have heard it around the house a time or two. Or several hundred.
And the lyrics are apropos for a surveillance machine.

Clippy just seems hilariously appropriate.

Honestly, Papercut would have been almost as good; she would have been around 12 when Linkin Park released Hybrid Theory, and her fashion stylings put her in the strike zone for a lot of early 2000s rock and alternative music.

But Im saving Linkin Park as the soundtrack for her first Hell of Maggots charm.
Its just too on the nose.
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And the lyrics are apropos for a surveillance machine.
Okay, but wouldn't that be better for when we subborn the Chicago camera network by possessing it with our new spymaster? Because I'm pretty sure that's on the list of things we're going to be doing. This little guy is going to be more of a secretary.
Yeah, but no one is doing that. I think you're confusing proxy voting with votes for the name itself.

[X] uju32
… Well, that's my bad. Alright then.

[X] Madsamurai
Okay, but wouldn't that be better for when we subborn the Chicago camera network by possessing it with our new spymaster? Because I'm pretty sure that's on the list of things we're going to be doing. This little guy is going to be more of a secretary.
Same tune works for that as well.

But you're putting a cyberdemon helper kami in the phone of a 2006 teenager. Giving it access to all her communications with friends and parents, any photographs, everything she says or does within hearing range of the phone, all her email, most of her Internet access....

I'll be watching you is a very appropriate tune IMO.
[X] You put your phone to your ear, and whisper, softly, letting your breath carry the sound beyond the boundaries of mundanity. Your word, a name you chose to conjure by, the idea of what your seek to call, tries to find the power it is addressed to. It sifts through the infinite myriad possibilities inhabiting the grinding gears of the Demon City. And when it can't find the right demon, for no one with such a name exists? The infinite and absolute power, the eternal and unbreakable will and the Mandate of Creation placed upon your brow join together to reject such an outcome. Fate bends and twists and was always such that a loyal demon is summoned to do your bidding, ready and eager to bend the knee.
[X] Link

Why Link? Because Matrix. The name on the other side of the phone is either Tank, or Link. And Link is cooler. It's a bit more obscure reference, but Link is a good name for a cellphone dwelling demon, I believe. I certainly would be less embarrassed talking to a Link on my phone, than to a Clippy.

The description of the summoning might be way too much, though.
[X] You put your phone to your ear, and whisper, softly, letting your breath carry the sound beyond the boundaries of mundanity. Your word, a name you chose to conjure by, the idea of what your seek to call, tries to find the power it is addressed to. It sifts through the infinite myriad possibilities inhabiting the grinding gears of the Demon City. And when it can't find the right demon, for no one with such a name exists? The infinite and absolute power, the eternal and unbreakable will and the Mandate of Creation placed upon your brow join together to reject such an outcome. Fate bends and twists and was always such that a loyal demon is summoned to do your bidding, ready and eager to bend the knee.
[X] Link
恐Drake threw 10 100-faced dice. Total: 355
53 53 21 21 62 62 67 67 66 66 45 45 1 1 10 10 23 23 7 7
恐Drake threw 10 100-faced dice. Total: 494
7 7 92 92 51 51 3 3 42 42 86 86 46 46 16 16 82 82 69 69
恐Drake threw 10 100-faced dice. Total: 540
47 47 47 47 62 62 70 70 87 87 1 1 26 26 68 68 84 84 48 48
恐Drake threw 10 100-faced dice. Total: 515
87 87 55 55 16 16 61 61 14 14 84 84 74 74 30 30 37 37 57 57
恐Drake threw 10 100-faced dice. Total: 396
74 74 48 48 9 9 10 10 28 28 50 50 41 41 63 63 57 57 16 16
恐Drake threw 10 100-faced dice. Total: 533
61 61 59 59 65 65 52 52 20 20 88 88 24 24 100 100 9 9 55 55
恐Drake threw 10 100-faced dice. Total: 576
21 21 80 80 27 27 81 81 90 90 70 70 47 47 25 25 99 99 36 36
恐Drake threw 10 100-faced dice. Total: 606
83 83 55 55 81 81 44 44 75 75 35 35 61 61 70 70 76 76 26 26
恐Drake threw 10 100-faced dice. Total: 519
64 64 29 29 26 26 55 55 1 1 91 91 69 69 48 48 52 52 84 84
恐Drake threw 10 100-faced dice. Total: 467
23 23 71 71 19 19 39 39 44 44 62 62 98 98 13 13 38 38 60 60
恐Drake threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 4
4 4
Why Link? Because Matrix. The name on the other side of the phone is either Tank, or Link. And Link is cooler. It's a bit more obscure reference, but Link is a good name f
Not really feeling it.
In the Matrix movie, Link was on the other side of the phone while the characters were inside the network.
The thematics dont work IMO.

And the demons here are not meant to have the sort of agency that a Link or a Tank would anyway.
Clippy dates back to 1996.
It is entirely thematic to be an option when a child of that generation with access to a home pc thinks of a cyber assistant.
Also, its both snappy and funny.

Molly isnt a comics person, so Jarvis, Alfred and Skippy arent options.
While she is a Star Trek/Star Wars/scifi entertainment person, Data, R2D2 and C3PO dont fit either.
And Skynet would be just spitting in Murphy's eye, daring shit to go wrong at the worst possible moment.
[X] [Stunt] You brace yourself, focusing on the beyond. You remember the first time you touched the legions of lesser cyber spirits and beckoned them forth. You hear a chorus of litanies, each a supplication from a desperate spirit. Yet there can only be one in the end and thus you pull and then bind. You force permanence or an attempt of it, for you had your supplicant, and you would have permanence.

[X] Glitch
I'm still a fan of Clippy the Demonphone, but I think Q might not be a bad choice, either. Not so much as a Star Trek reference, but as James Bond's gadgeteer.
[] [Name] Sir Shwoompy Humplebumple IV
because what else would you name a demon?
[X] [Name] Locutus (he who speaks)
simply because it works so well for a phone-bound demon but also as a Star Trek reference
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I'm still a fan of Clippy the Demonphone, but I think Q might not be a bad choice, either. Not so much as a Star Trek reference, but as James Bond's gadgeteer.
Q was a department head in Bond's MI6. That is the sort of nickname that you give part of the management of your Inner Hell.
Not the AI of your cellphone.

[] [Name] Sir Shwoompy Humplebumple IV
because what else would you name a demon?
[X] [Name] Locutus (he who speaks)
simply because it works so well for a phone-bound demon but also as a Star Trek reference
Locutus was an ambassador. By Borg standards a serious heavyweight.

A cellphone demon is there for information management and utility, not diplomacy.
I dont think it would be a thematic fit.
[X] [Stunt]: Looking down at the phone in your hand, you frown a little, fingering the buttons a littlr as you attempt to put yourself in the right frame of mind to invest a sentience into the phone. Almost absently, you begin to hum one of your mother's favorite songs under your breath "Every breath you take..."

[X] [Name] Clippy

I think Clippy is great. Clippy is genuinely helpful, but what made IRL Clippy annoying was that it had poor sense of the human context and thus kept helpfully suggesting things you didn't actually need or want.
It's worth keeping in mind that we can have a lot of these things, and will probably end up using what could be seen as a highly unreasonable number of devils.

If you really like a particular name, consider another place where it might be appropriate.

We could put Locutos in a server to be our stock market manager ("Your shares will be assimilated, your financial and institutional distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile") Or Link in to run part of our virtualized software company if we choose to launch one.

Q would be a good name for the aimbot demon in our smart gun(s), and Molly's car should clearly be driven by Optimus Prime.

No need to try forcing a name to fit this vote because it'd be fun to give to a cyber devil; if it doesn't work here we can just reserve it for use somewhere that it does slot in naturally.