The Dawi in Arda (Hiatus)

Other Peoples of Middle Earth
Other Peoples of Middle Earth

NamePeople GroupsLanguagesKnown Locations of Note

ImladrisNoldor, Sindar, Dunedain.Sindar, Quenya, WestronImladris
The DunedainDunedain, Men of ArnorWestron, SindarFornost, Annuminas, Bree, Amon Sul
The ShireHobbitsWestronMichel Delving, Hobbiton, Bree
Remnants of ArnorMen of ArnorWestronBree
LindonSindar, Noldor, AvariSindar, Quenya, WestronMithlond, Forlond, Harlond
DunlandDunlendingsMiddle Mannish, Westron, RohirricTharbad, Isengard

EotheodEotheodRohirric, KhazalidFramsburg
BeorningsBeorningsRohirricThe Carrack
WoodsmenWoodsmenRohirric, SindarEryn Galen
BoatmenBoatmenRohirric, DwarvishThe Long Lake
Durin's FolkDurin's Folk, Uri's Folk, Balin's FolkDwarvishUdrabax, Silverplunge, Celegost, Thundercleft, Erebor
The Woodland RealmSindar, AvariSindar, QuenyaHall of Thranduil
LaurelindorenanNoldor, AvariSindar, QuenyaCaras Galadhon
The Gladden FieldsHobbitsRohirricThe Gladden Fields

The South​
GondorDunedain, Men of GondorWestron, RohirricOsgiliath, Minas Tirith, Pelargir, Dol Amroth
HaradHaradrimHaradrim, Black TongueHarad
UmbarBlack Numenoreans, HaradrimNumenorean, Black Tongue, HaradrimUmbar

The East​
MordorOrcs, EasterlingsBlack TongueBarad-Dur, Minas Morgul, Dol Guldur
Thulin's FolkThulin's FolkDwarvishBuzan
Bavor's FolkBavor's FolkDwarvishGabilzahar

The IstariIstariQuenya, Sindar, Westron, Rohirric, Dwarvish, Black Tongue, Middle Mannish, Haradrim, Easterling, NumenoreanRhosgobel
The Great EaglesGreat EagleQuenyaThe Eyrie
Master TomTom, Goldberry and all that dwells in the Old ForestQuenya, Sindar, Westron, Rohirric, Dwarvish, Black Tongue, Middle Mannish, Haradrim, Easterling, Numenorean, KhazalidTom's House
FangornThe EntsEntish, Quenya Fangorn Forest
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Yeah, some say Tom is a Maiar, one of the Primordial spirits created to help the Valar shape the world.

But he could be something even more fundamental, powerful and primordial, he could be an actual god.
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but I also see that being an overlap meaning we can spread the -5s around.

I actually see this happening with the pop updoot in a couple spots. Dedicated prospectors, for instance. That's one -5 spread to the highest prospector die instead of a miner die. Dedicated Herder die. Dedicated Smelter die.

Dedicated Merchants soon (tm) from the Bronzeplaits.

I'm surprised we don't have a hunter's hut or something, as hunter is a trade lore.

I'm really excited to see what the Carpenter sub-trades are, tbh.

Why does tom even know khazalid? WTF? Did we meet him at one point?

Tom Bombadil is utter and complete bullshit. Just accept that he can do whatever the story needs him in any story so long as it doesn't involve leaving his slice of the pie and move on.


Should we send a 3 throng force to back up Udrabax? Rather send a 3 throng force to settle the grudge at Framsburg and then if we did well go relieve the dwarves, because we do want good relations with them yes? Though waiting a turn for field siege weapons might be best, as it'll also coincide with a definite increase to Throng size.

When they come back we'll probably need to restructure. I'm hoping that with the pop increase we'll be able to lower the total amount of throngs that need to stay glued to the hold+outpost to two and we'll be able to start kulling a lot more.


I would be very excited for a river barge design. More to make them for the Eotheod, for them to trade down the Anduin. That means they could build relations with Galadriel and Gondor both, and we can tag along for that.

River Warship at somepoint too, cause Dol Guldur is pretty close to the Anduin.

Other than that I trust our trade planners implicitly.
I would be very excited for a river barge design. More to make them for the Eotheod, for them to trade down the Anduin. That means they could build relations with Galadriel and Gondor both, and we can tag along for that.

River Warship at somepoint too, cause Dol Guldur is pretty close to the Anduin.

Other than that I trust our trade planners implicitly.
Even an incredibly 'simple' (by dawi standards) iron armoured tub with a thunderer/quarreller compliment and just two bolt-throwers/cannons would be an astonishingly potent monitor.
Ok Initial plan:

[]Plan Jreengus
-[] [Immediate Bargain] Write-In
--[] Buy: Riverine Barge Designs, 7 Steel ingots. 3 Fish 3 Coal
2000 + (7 * 50) + (3 * 5) + (3 * 1) =2368
--[] Sell: 10 Silver, 8 Ale
(11 * 200) + (6 * 20) = 2120

Total value 248 to us. We finish with 16 steel, 24 silver and 86 ale.

-[] [5 Year Agreement] Write-In
--[] Buy: 100 sulphur, 50 Lindon fish, 50 Noldor wine, 50 Lindon grain, 10 gold, 50 coal, 40 wood.
(100 * 0.02) + (50 * 5) + (50 * 5) + (50 * 10) + (10 * 500) + (50 * 1) + (40 * 5) = 6252

--[] Sell: 25 Ale, 30 Silver
(25 * 20) + (30 * 200) = 6500

Total Value 248 to them. Income changes: Sulphur becomes +20, Meat becomes +12 (2 goat 10 fish), Assuming we change the grand stall Ale becomes +2 Wine becomes +6. Lindon Grain becomes +10. Coal goes neutral. Wood becomes +8. Gold becomes + 2 Silver becomes +4.

Overall neutral, I deliberately avoided fractions of things per turn on the 5 year deal. It gives us a lot of sulphur per turn so we will probably lose some to degredation but it is so cheap I don't think it really matters. Notable thing is that the 7 steel is very deliberate. If the runesmith completes the shield next turn 7 steel would mean we have enough steel to start work on the spear @UlseDovThur proposed for King Gisilhari.

Thoughts, comments?
I'd swap the gold for gold AND jewels, variety, and up the initial purchase of fish so we have extra just in case and don't have a near empty storehouse of meat Dawi can wander by and worry about, and maybe taking from the Noldor wine for some Sindarin for variety, with appropriate increase in purchases to keep the overall amount of wine bought the same. Otherwise, quite nice, quite nice.
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As some one new I read the modifiers page but how do we get rid of the -5 without abandoning projects

The -5s represents the work that's happening automatically. So like the brewers brew ale every turn, that's a -5 to the highest brewer die on special projects. Showing that the brewers are still brewing. We basically can't get rid of it.

It has everything I want. Though I'll give it an hour/sleep (depending on when I go off to bed) before I throw an actual vote.

Edit: But don't we have like +16 coal when we aren't capped?
Anyone else get the impression the last not-king of Arnor and Chieftain of the Dunedain is a bit of a bitch for aiding and abetting the decline of civilization in Eriador and Middle Earth as a whole? He's reinforcing that by refusing trade with us.

The Ents learn Westron in about 500 years with the founding of Rohan and Saruman gaining the keys to Orthanc.
Huh. So what's your take on the Elves teaching speech to the Ents, if I may ask, in the distant past?
Anyone else get the impression the last not-king of Arnor and Chieftain of the Dunedain is a bit of a bitch for aiding and abetting the decline of civilization in Eriador and Middle Earth as a whole? He's reinforcing that by refusing trade with us.

Huh. So what's your take on the Elves teaching speech to the Ents, if I may ask, in the distant past?
They learnt Quenya, which I've updated in the table, and then made their own language of Entish afterwards. Westron is descended from Numenorean.
Edit: But don't we have like +16 coal when we aren't capped?
That was before the smelter came online, it costs us 20 coal a turn to run it plus we built more halls.

I'd swap the gold for gold AND jewels, variety, and up the initial purchase of fish so we have extra just in case and don't have a near empty storehouse of meat Dawi can wander by and worry about, and maybe taking from the Noldor wine for some Sindarin for variety, with appropriate increase in purchases to keep the overall amount of wine bought the same. Otherwise, quite nice, quite nice.
2 more ale would get us 8 more fish so enough for a feast right now. Sindarin wine is like really expensive, double the cost of our ale and 8(!) times the cost of noldor wine, it's really hard to justify that.

For the Jewels they aren't offering any only jewelry which is finished goods that might not even include jewels which is why I skipped it. I could be convinced to change my mind if people still want to go for it though, say 5 gold and 5 jewelrey per turn which would cost 5 extra silver?
That was before the smelter came online, it costs us 20 coal a turn to run it plus we built more halls.

2 more ale would get us 8 more fish so enough for a feast right now. Sindarin wine is like really expensive double the cost of our ale and 8(!) times the cost of noldor wine, it's really hard to justify that.
For the Sindarin wine, variety for the feasts is better if we have to replace Dawi ale.

For the Jewels they aren't offering any only jewelry which is finished goods that might not even include jewels which is why I skipped it. I could be convinced to change my mind if people still want to go for it though, say 5 gold and 5 jewelrey per turn which would cost 5 extra silver?

I mean I'm quite fine with 1 jewelry and 9 gold. I just think there is value in having some variety of material wealth. Some will probably get broken down by the jewelsmiths anyway.

Is there value in variety @Warkeymon ?
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We can trade gems from Imladris, I don't see why we should buy finished jewelry from Mithlond. I agree that we should diversify our wealth but I don't think we should buy jewelry when we can make our own.

I also think that Sindarin Wine is too expensive, once we have more finished products or other material wealth we can sell we could buy some Sindarin Wine.
Ok two different versions of my plan, 1 that buys the jewelry one that doesn't. Y'all can sort out which you prefer I need to stop messing with spreadsheets and go sleep.

[x]Plan Jreengus
-[x] [Immediate Bargain] Write-In
--[x] Buy: Riverine Barge Designs, 7 Steel ingots. 11 Fish, 3 Coal.
2000 + (7 * 50) + (11 * 5) + (3 * 1) =2408
--[x] Sell: 10 Silver, 8 Ale
(10 * 200) + (8 * 20) = 2160
Total value 248 to us. We finish with 16 steel, 24 silver 11 fish 61 coal and 84 ale.

-[x] [5 Year Agreement] Write-In
--[x] Buy: 100 sulphur, 50 Lindon fish, 50 Noldor wine, 50 Lindon grain, 10 gold, 50 coal, 40 wood.
(100 * 0.02) + (50 * 5) + (50 * 5) + (50 * 10) + (10 * 500) + (50 * 1) + (40 * 5) = 6252
--[x] Sell: 25 Ale, 30 Silver
(25 * 20) + (30 * 200) = 6500
Total Value 248 to them. Income changes: Sulphur becomes +20, Meat becomes +12 (2 goat 10 fish), Assuming we change the grand stall Ale becomes +2 Wine becomes +6. Lindon Grain becomes +10. Coal goes neutral. Wood becomes +8. Gold becomes + 2 Silver becomes +4.

[x]Plan Jreengus with Jewelry
-[x] [Immediate Bargain] Write-In
--[x] Buy: Riverine Barge Designs, 7 Steel ingots. 11 Fish, 3 Coal, 2 Sindar Jewellery.
2000 + (7 * 50) + (11 * 5) + (3 * 1) + (2 * 700) =3808
--[x] Sell: 17 Silver, 8 Ale
(17 * 200) + (8 * 20) = 3560
Total value 248 to us. We finish with 16 steel, 17 silver 2 Sindar Jewellry 11 fish 61 coal and 84 ale.

-[x] [5 Year Agreement] Write-In
--[x] Buy: 100 sulphur, 50 Lindon fish, 50 Noldor wine, 50 Lindon grain, 10 gold, 50 coal, 40 wood.
(100 * 0.02) + (50 * 5) + (50 * 5) + (50 * 10) + (10 * 500) + (50 * 1) + (40 * 5) = 6252
--[x] Sell: 25 Ale, 30 Silver
(25 * 20) + (30 * 200) = 6500
Total Value 248 to them. Income changes: Sulphur becomes +20, Meat becomes +12 (2 goat 10 fish), Assuming we change the grand stall Ale becomes +2 Wine becomes +6. Lindon Grain becomes +10. Coal goes neutral. Wood becomes +8. Gold becomes + 2 Silver becomes +4.