Grand Army of the Republic: A Star Wars Plan Quest

Also... Does the slowed aging also slow down bioprocesses?

As do want the Clones to basically become/eventually lead to super Mando's who live centuries, are superhuman and ultralethal. (As they live centuries and their descendants inherit the lifespan and traits)

Asking as they will also inevitably be those who have kids/settle down. Given the 50/50 split of male and female clones it would suck if female clones have to basically decide if they want kids within the first 10-20% of their lifespan (50-60 years) before losing the chance permanents (Menopause and such).

Especially since all the clones will be stuck fighting the War for the first few years, then any subsequent wars that arrise when Palpy's plan explodes from our Sabotage (we have royally buggered order 66, made the clones blantantly OP and left the sith pretty out of the loop (As Palpy is probably running of the assumption the clones are similar to the gen 1 clones Jango gave him for his sith troopers)). So I will say good odds that the War is going to be infinitely more painful for the Confederacy (especially since the clones are not brain dead this time... looking at you clone who punched a droid.)

I expect subsequent civil wars, empire BS and eventual galactic invasion and such (as thats the one thing that both EU and new Canon have... that there's a threat from unknown space coming to attack the SW galaxy... hence thrawn showing up)
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looking at you clone who punched a droid.)
Speaking of which can we rescind the ban on crushgaunts here? If so it would screw over a droid army just that much more. [Also the sith, they never would think that a clone squad could just close to melee and choke them to death while holding their lightsaber at bay with their other hand.]


Mechanisms in the gauntlet hands allow them to crush whatever they grip. Necks, heads, blaster rifles, just about anythingHan Solo The crushgaunt (or shuk'orok in Mando'a) was a gauntlet designed to augment its wearer's strength. Developed by the Mandalorians, the armored glove used a reactive...
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Q2 23 BBY Results

Q2 23 BBY Results

Resources (R): Too Many To Spend
Sith Support (SS): 49
Exposure (E): 24 (-1 per turn)
Free Dice: 3

Current Capabilities
Facilities: Major Shortages (-12)
Production: Major Surpluses (+38)
Logistics: Major Shortages (-19) (+20 per turn)
Trainers: Marginal Surpluses (+1) (+2 per turn)

Grand Army of the Republic
Clones: 758,210,000 (+75,821) (+16,384 per turn)
-Troopers: 21,690,000 (+2,169)
-Commandos: 990,000 (+99) (+19 per turn)
Blasters: Concordian Crescent Technologies
-Quantity: +193,528 (+16,914 per turn)
-Quality: +3
Armour: Duraplast Medium Mandalorian Armour
-Quantity: +101,916 (+16,252 per turn)
-Quality: +8
Scout Walker: All Terrain Recon Transport (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +2,492 (+140 per turn)
-Quality: +2
Light Walker: All Terrain Personal Transport (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +790 (+134 per turn)
-Quality: +3
Light Speeder: Crusader-class Strike Tank (MandalMotors)
-Quantity: +88 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +7
Medium Speeder: TX-130 Sabre-class Fighter Tank (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +3,842 (+262 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Medium Speeder: RX-200 Falchion-class Assault Tank (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +160 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Medium Speeder: Verdjur-class Combat Transport (MandalMotors)
-Quantity: +88 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +3
Heavy Speeder: Canderous-class Assault Tank (MandalMotors)
-Quantity: +88 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Heavy Walker: All Terrain Tactical Enforcer (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +2,372 (+134 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Heavy Walker: Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery Turbolaser (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +764 (+262 per turn)
-Quality: +6
Light Starfighter: A-7 Hunter Interceptor (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +28
-Quality: -1
Medium Starfighter: Z-95 Headhunter (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +54
-Quality: +3
Medium Starfighter: Z-96 Headhunter (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +1,304 (+72 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Medium Starfighter: Liberator-class Starfighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
-Quantity: +88 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Heavy Starfighter: Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 Starfighter (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +160 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +6
Medium Interceptor: Fang-class Starfighter (MandalMotors)
-Quantity: +4,176 (+258 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Heavy Interceptor: Aurek-class Starfighter (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +556 (+32 per turn)
-Quality: +6
Heavy Bomber: NTB-630 Naval Bomber (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +364 (+20 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Heavy Bomber: PTB-625 Planetary Bomber (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +160 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Light Gunship: LR-20B Troop Transport (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +160 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Medium Gunship: Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry Gunship (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +48,124 (+6,000 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Medium Gunship: Low Altitude Assault Transport/carrier Gunship (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +1,248 (+232 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Medium Gunship: Kom'rk-class Fighter/Transport (MandalMotors)
-Quantity: +88 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Heavy Gunship: Defender-class Light Corvette (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +240 (+16 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Light Escort: CR90 Corvette (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
-Quantity: +188 (+18 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Light Escort: Galaar'kyramud-class Corvette (MandalMotors)
-Quantity: +88 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +2
Medium Escort: DP20 Frigate (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
-Quantity: +88 (+262 per turn)
-Quality: +6
Medium Escort: Arquitens-class Light Cruiser (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +3,746 (+518 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Medium Escort: Thranta-class Corvette (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
-Quantity: +88 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Heavy Escort: Harbinger-class Cruiser (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +433 (+71 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Heavy Escort: Hammerhead-class Cruiser (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +273 (+19 per turn)
-Quality: +6
Light Capital: Acclamator-class Assault Ship (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +2,454 (+262 per turn)
-Quality: +3
Light Capital: Dreadnought-class Heavy Cruiser (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +240 (+16 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Light Capital: CC-2100 Interdictor Cruiser (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
-Quantity: +88 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +7
Medium Capital: Warrior-class Star Destroyer (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +2,056 (+126 per turn)
-Quality: +7
Medium Capital: Venator-class Star Destroyer (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +354 (+70 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Medium Capital: Valour-class Cruiser (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +276 (+22 per turn)
-Quality: +7
Medium Capital: Centurion-class Battlecruiser (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +240 (+16 per turn)
-Quality: +7
Heavy Capital: Republic-class Star Destroyer (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +240 (+16 per turn)
-Quality: +9
Medium Superheavy Capital: Democracy-class Dreadnought (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +6
-Quality: +6

Plan Goals (Q1 25 BBY to Q4 23 BBY)
Construct 2 Dreadnoughts. (+15 SS)
Complete Cloning Operations (Phase 12) by Q4 25 BBY (+5 SS)
Complete Cloning Operations (Phase 13) by Q4 24 BBY (+5 SS)
Complete Cloning Operations (Phase 14) by Q4 23 BBY (+5 SS)

[-] Local Shield Generators (Phase 2)
As you continue to build up Kamino, you may want to look into protecting your investments. Shield generators would be expensive, but setting up one in each major city would be a good way to minimise any damage done by an attack, be it a raid or a full-scale invasion.
(358/300, 50 Resources per Die) (58/300) (-- Facilities)

Despite multiple delays and setbacks over the course of the project, the shield generator to protect Tidema City has finally been completed halfway into the year. The excess funding has been funneled into acquiring the parts required for a third shield generator in Tibara City in the eastern regions of Kamino. While plenty of work and credits are still required before it can be brought online, the first steps have been made.

[-] Off-World Expansion (Phase 10)
While Kamino has proven sufficient so far, you are rapidly approaching the limits of the watery world's ability to support a project of this size. As you have no intention of slowing down, you will need to expand your operations to other planets though this will make secrecy harder to maintain.
(599/550, 25 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (49/600) (+++++ Facilities)

With Sidious' 'help' about to come to fulfillment, you need a lot more room for your operations. Far more room than your current expansion can support so as usual, you launch another wave of expansion into star systems outside of Kamino to the point that it feels like half of your operations are no longer on the watery world.

And yet it isn't enough with your operations becoming cramped as you prepare for the extra clones that the latest expansion to clone production is bringing. Another wave of off-world expansion is required and it is required yesterday.

[-] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Aurek (Phase 4)
Having constructed extensive orbital shipyards over Kamino and having acquired dreadnought designs from Rendili StarDrive, it is finally time to begin Dreadnought production.
(922/1,500, 50 Resources per Die) (-100 Production whilst project is underway) (+1 Medium Superheavy Capital)
[-] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Besh (Phase 4)
Having constructed extensive orbital shipyards over Kamino and having acquired dreadnought designs from Rendili StarDrive, it is finally time to begin dreadnought production. With vast amounts of unused shipyards at Kamino, it is possible to construct two dreadnoughts at once.
(932/1,500, 50 Resources per Die) (-100 Production whilst project is underway) (+1 Medium Superheavy Capital)

The construction of the last two Democracy-class Dreadnoughts continues apace. While work on the first one is beginning to lag behind the second, both warships have steady progress being made on them and it should be relatively easy to finish both by the end of the year barring any unexpected setbacks.

[-] Expand Clone Production (Phase 14)
You have completed the initial batch of clones, but the army is still going to need plenty more soldiers. Now you need to work on expanding the current cloning operations to allow for more clones to be produced at once.
(507/500, 15 Resources per Die) (7/525) (-64 Facilities, -64 Logistics, -32 Trainers, +4,096 Clones)
[-] Cloning Operations (Phase 14)
As you get more cloning operations online and running smoothly, you just need to set things up so the longnecks are producing more as required without requiring your direct input.
(194/100, 10 Resources per Die) (94/100) (75 Resources per turn) (+8,192 Clones per turn)

With additional resources from Darth Sidious, the next expansion to clone production finishes before the year reaches its halfway point. The sheer amount of assets that the expansion will consume leaves you in a similar position to where the last expansion left you last year, with too little space and too little food to spare. Also like last year, the food situation would be rectified by your imports from the Abrion sector long before you have enough new clones before it becomes a concern. And also like last year, you have a severe shortage of space that is hampering your operations, something that you will want to sort out within the next month or so.

[-] Expand Commando Training (Phase 18)
With the completion of the commando courses, you will have a small batch of clone commandos once the trainees are old enough. They are a marginal amount compared to the rest of the army however and further expansions are required to increase the number of clone commandos that will be trained. Fortunately, Kal Skirita's new methods should make the training process quicker and more efficient.
(322/100, 25 Resources per Die) (222/100) (122/100) (22/100) (+ Commandos per turn, -Trainers)
[-] Clone Trainers (Phase 34)
As the clone cadets begin to come of age and finish their training, it is possible to start them to work assisting your Mandalorian trainers. While it would take some time to give them the proper instruction on how to train others, it could be done and help supplement your reserves of available teachers and trainers. After some serious failures and inefficiencies with the previous method, you have gone from training an entire batch of clones at once to training the adult clones with the most attitude for the task.
(363/100, 15 Resources per Die) (263/100) (163/100) (63/100) (++ Trainers)

As has been the norm for a fair bit of time now, you expand the ranks of both your commando classes and clone trainers. At this point, the commando classes are still primarily handled by non-clones, but the regular training has grown to the point that the vast majority of trainers are clones.

[-] Slowed Ageing (Phase 4)
As room for more genetic enhancements run out, Doctor Desnos wishes to return to helping improve the lifespans of the clone troopers.
(2,151/2,000, 30 Resources per Die) (151/2,500)

This quarter, Doctor Desnos and her team hit another breakpoint in their project, making enough progress in their work to allow for another update to the genetic structure of the adult clone troopers. While not particularly impressive compared to past successes, the Arkanian prodigy has figured out how to add between one and two decades to the already immense lifespans of the clones.

[-] Expand DP20 Frigate Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Corellian Engineering Corporation to produce DP20 Frigates for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Corellian Engineering Corporation about expanding your DP20 Frigate contract.
(303/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (263/40) (223/40) (183/40) (143/40) (103/40) (63/40) (23/40) (-5 Resources per turn) (++ Medium Escorts per turn)

Desiring more escorts for all of your capital ships, you decided to purchase more DP20 Frigates from Corellian Engineering Corporation despite the organisation's recent cooperation with the Jedi Order. Commonly called the Corellian Gunship, the relatively high amount of firepower of the warship combined with its relatively low crew requirement makes the small warship ideal for your purposes and as a result, you increase your order with CEC to include several hundred of them.

[-] Burying Secrets
The clone army is supposed to be a secret which means this whole affair is supposed to be secret. When too many things begin to start pointing in your direction, you need to bury them before people come poking out. Of particular note, the Jedi Order has been actively investigating what they can of your operations.
(410) (DC 216/236/256/276/296) (-1E/-2E/-3E/-4E/-5E)

The usual duelling between the Jedi investigators and the proxies of the Sith continues to take place. This quarter, your allies have the upper hand, but your extensive negotiations and resulting purchases with Corellian Engineering Corporation have drawn a bit too much attention, forcing you to abandon a few shell companies and discard several discreet shipping locations.


The last required phase of Clone Production is done and while you could do more, I highly doubt that you will do so before the end of the quest. By the way, you'll want to get working on Facilities deficit pronto.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
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Thanks for the update.

Posting 4 plans for feedback before I go to sleep. The first two has us still keep exposure down, the last two presumes we aren't going to control our exposure down because we are considering taking one of the endings in Q4 23 BBY or Q1 22BBY, and therefore it doesn't really make sense to keep exposure down as strictly as we've done in the past.

In all plans, the following are in common:

11 dice to Off-world expansion is allocated to make it a near certainty we get past our Facilities deficit, and the overflow hopefully allows us to work towards a final phase of Off-world expansions so we can get more defences.

3 dies Clone Trainers, 4 dice Commandos. Our surplus is a little to narrow for me to dare 3D Clone Trainers, 4D Commandos.

5D to both Dreadnoughts. Our sheer naval industry bonuses will get us there, it's +55 per dice, which adds up to +550 progress for 10 dies over two turns.

However, all four plans diverge with the use of Admin dies - the variables between Fleet/Artillery focus and whether or not we should be worried of keeping Exposure down at this time of the game.

[] Plan Republic
-[] Off-World Expansion (Phase 10) 8D+3FD
-[] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Aurek (Phase 4) 5D
-[] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Besh (Phase 4) 5D
-[] Expand Commando Training (Phase 18) 4D
-[] Clone Trainers (Phase 34) 3D
-[] Slowed Ageing (Phase 4) 7D
-[] Expand Republic-class Star Destroyer Contract (Phase 1) 3D
-[] Burying Secrets 4D

The first plan has us complement the DP-20's with the Republics, in doing so, expanding both our best escorts and best capital ships for Elite Fleets. There's no need for half measures, produce those Republics. They are our very best warships.

[] Plan Artillery Secrecy
-[] Off-World Expansion (Phase 10) 8D+3FD
-[] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Aurek (Phase 4) 5D
-[] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Besh (Phase 4) 5D
-[] Expand Commando Training (Phase 18) 4D
-[] Clone Trainers (Phase 34) 3D
-[] Slowed Ageing (Phase 4) 7D
-[] Expand Falchion Tank Contract (Phase 1) 3D
-[] Burying Secrets 4D

In the second, we expand our Mobile Artillery and Anti-air capabilities with the Falchion tank. It's long overdue, and our army can never have enough artillery. The advantage too is that there is no exposure cost to doing so. But it means fewer Republics to go along with DP20 production.

However, here's an alternative that really goes all the way on getting artillery.

[] Plan King of Battles
-[] Off-World Expansion (Phase 10) 8D+3FD
-[] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Aurek (Phase 4) 5D
-[] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Besh (Phase 4) 5D
-[] Expand Commando Training (Phase 18) 4D
-[] Clone Trainers (Phase 34) 3D
-[] Slowed Ageing (Phase 4) 7D
-[] Expand Falchion Tank Contract (Phase 1) 3D
-[] Expand PTB-625 Planetary Bomber Contract (Phase 1) 2D
-[] Expand Canderous-class Assault Tank Contract (Phase 1) 2D

If we are concerned about artillery, why not go all the way? Falchion tanks for mobile artillery + serious Anti-air capabilities for our army, PTB Planetary bombers for badly needed Close Air Support platforms, and Canderous heavy tanks, which are capable of indirect fire and have literal deflector shields on them? Embrace the King of Battles. Excluding Off-world expansion, the Exposure here is +4.

[] Plan Providence Hunters
-[] Off-World Expansion (Phase 10) 8D+3FD
-[] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Aurek (Phase 4) 5D
-[] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Besh (Phase 4) 5D
-[] Expand Commando Training (Phase 18) 4D
-[] Clone Trainers (Phase 34) 3D
-[] Slowed Ageing (Phase 4) 7D
-[] Expand Republic-class Star Destroyer Contract (Phase 1) 3D
-[] Expand CC-2100 Interdictor Cruiser Contract (Phase 1) 2D
-[] Expand NTB-630 Naval Bomber Contract (Phase 1) 2D

Alternatively, let's go for more Republics, more badly needed Interdictors to pin Separatist Fleets and control hyperspace lanes, and expand Naval bomber production. This is a fleet with dedicated Anti-cap ship power, they are meant to hunt Separatist Dreadnoughts like the Providence class or shatter fleet blockades. This is the most exposure expensive, the Fleet Expansion will cost +7 Exposure.

As an added advantage, this fleet might come in useful should we choose Sithfall, since this is probably the type of fleet you want to have if you want to assassinate Palpatine/Dooku while they are in space, or to keep them from fleeing a planet.
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Also, just cuz I do want to get them if possible. Can we have Jango perform grand theft Deactivated Basilisk from a museum or something so We can reverse engineer and add basilisk war droids to the army roster?

Also... Does the slowed aging also slow down bioprocesses?
(As Palpy is probably running of the assumption the clones are similar to the gen 1 clones Jango gave him for his sith troopers))
With the exception of the whole disabling the chip thing, Palpatine and Dooku are being kept fully up to date on what is going on with the clone army.
Speaking of which can we rescind the ban on crushgaunts here? If so it would screw over a droid army just that much more. [Also the sith, they never would think that a clone squad could just close to melee and choke them to death while holding their lightsaber at bay with their other hand.]


Mechanisms in the gauntlet hands allow them to crush whatever they grip. Necks, heads, blaster rifles, just about anythingHan Solo The crushgaunt (or shuk'orok in Mando'a) was a gauntlet designed to augment its wearer's strength. Developed by the Mandalorians, the armored glove used a reactive...
No. I'm assuming that they got a ban for a reason in canon and Jango didn't rescind that ban in canon so I see no reason why he would do so here.
Hmm, since the deadline the Sith gave us will end on Q4 of this year, it probably isn't a good idea to wait for that time, since that's when whatever plans Palpatine has for Jango will be activated. Better to strike this next quarter, since we should be able to finish off the Dreadnoughts and have enough Facilities. That will top off our Sith Support, which probably gives us a greater possibility of success, and means we won't need to worry about the Exposure any longer so we don't need to put anything into Burying Secrets.
Q3 23 BBY

Q3 23 BBY

Resources (R): Too Many To Spend
Sith Support (SS): 49
Exposure (E): 24 (-1 per turn)
Free Dice: 3

Current Capabilities
Facilities: Major Shortages (-12)
Production: Major Surpluses (+38)
Logistics: Major Shortages (-19) (+20 per turn)
Trainers: Marginal Surpluses (+1) (+2 per turn)

Grand Army of the Republic
Clones: 758,210,000 (+75,821) (+16,384 per turn)
-Troopers: 21,690,000 (+2,169)
-Commandos: 990,000 (+99) (+19 per turn)
Blasters: Concordian Crescent Technologies
-Quantity: +193,528 (+16,914 per turn)
-Quality: +3
Armour: Duraplast Medium Mandalorian Armour
-Quantity: +101,916 (+16,252 per turn)
-Quality: +8
Scout Walker: All Terrain Recon Transport (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +2,492 (+140 per turn)
-Quality: +2
Light Walker: All Terrain Personal Transport (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +790 (+134 per turn)
-Quality: +3
Light Speeder: Crusader-class Strike Tank (MandalMotors)
-Quantity: +88 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +7
Medium Speeder: TX-130 Sabre-class Fighter Tank (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +3,842 (+262 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Medium Speeder: RX-200 Falchion-class Assault Tank (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +160 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Medium Speeder: Verdjur-class Combat Transport (MandalMotors)
-Quantity: +88 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +3
Heavy Speeder: Canderous-class Assault Tank (MandalMotors)
-Quantity: +88 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Heavy Walker: All Terrain Tactical Enforcer (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +2,372 (+134 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Heavy Walker: Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery Turbolaser (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +764 (+262 per turn)
-Quality: +6
Light Starfighter: A-7 Hunter Interceptor (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +28
-Quality: -1
Medium Starfighter: Z-95 Headhunter (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +54
-Quality: +3
Medium Starfighter: Z-96 Headhunter (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +1,304 (+72 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Medium Starfighter: Liberator-class Starfighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
-Quantity: +88 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Heavy Starfighter: Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 Starfighter (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +160 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +6
Medium Interceptor: Fang-class Starfighter (MandalMotors)
-Quantity: +4,176 (+258 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Heavy Interceptor: Aurek-class Starfighter (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +556 (+32 per turn)
-Quality: +6
Heavy Bomber: NTB-630 Naval Bomber (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +364 (+20 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Heavy Bomber: PTB-625 Planetary Bomber (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +160 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Light Gunship: LR-20B Troop Transport (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +160 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Medium Gunship: Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry Gunship (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +48,124 (+6,000 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Medium Gunship: Low Altitude Assault Transport/carrier Gunship (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +1,248 (+232 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Medium Gunship: Kom'rk-class Fighter/Transport (MandalMotors)
-Quantity: +88 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Heavy Gunship: Defender-class Light Corvette (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +240 (+16 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Light Escort: CR90 Corvette (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
-Quantity: +188 (+18 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Light Escort: Galaar'kyramud-class Corvette (MandalMotors)
-Quantity: +88 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +2
Medium Escort: DP20 Frigate (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
-Quantity: +88 (+262 per turn)
-Quality: +6
Medium Escort: Arquitens-class Light Cruiser (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +3,746 (+518 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Medium Escort: Thranta-class Corvette (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
-Quantity: +88 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Heavy Escort: Harbinger-class Cruiser (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +433 (+71 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Heavy Escort: Hammerhead-class Cruiser (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +273 (+19 per turn)
-Quality: +6
Light Capital: Acclamator-class Assault Ship (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +2,454 (+262 per turn)
-Quality: +3
Light Capital: Dreadnought-class Heavy Cruiser (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +240 (+16 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Light Capital: CC-2100 Interdictor Cruiser (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
-Quantity: +88 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +7
Medium Capital: Warrior-class Star Destroyer (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +2,056 (+126 per turn)
-Quality: +7
Medium Capital: Venator-class Star Destroyer (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +354 (+70 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Medium Capital: Valour-class Cruiser (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +276 (+22 per turn)
-Quality: +7
Medium Capital: Centurion-class Battlecruiser (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +240 (+16 per turn)
-Quality: +7
Heavy Capital: Republic-class Star Destroyer (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +240 (+16 per turn)
-Quality: +9
Medium Superheavy Capital: Democracy-class Dreadnought (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +6
-Quality: +6

Plan Goals (Q1 25 BBY to Q4 23 BBY)
Construct 2 Dreadnoughts. (+15 SS)
Complete Cloning Operations (Phase 12) by Q4 25 BBY (+5 SS)
Complete Cloning Operations (Phase 13) by Q4 24 BBY (+5 SS)
Complete Cloning Operations (Phase 14) by Q4 23 BBY (+5 SS)

Infrastructure (8 Dice): +20

[] Expand into Tipoca City (Phase 9)
Tipoca City is the capital city of Kamino and where your initial cloning operations are located. You will need more room for your operations to expand and to do so, you need to clear up space in Tipoca City to be used for your purposes.
(36/900, 15 Resources per Die) (++++ Facilities)

[] Expand into Timira City (Phase 5)
Timira City is a secondary major settlement located in the northern regions of the planet. You have expanded your operations to Timira City, but there is still plenty of space that you can make use of over there.
(2/500, 15 Resources per Die) (+++ Facilities)

[] Expand into Tidema City (Phase 6)
Tidema City is a secondary major settlement located in the southern regions of the planet. You have expanded your operations to Tidema City, but there is still plenty of space that you can make use of over there.
(4/600, 15 Resources per Die) (++ Facilities)

[] Expand into Tibara City (Phase 6)
Tibara City is a secondary major settlement located in the eastern regions of the planet. You have expanded your operations to Tibara City, but there is still plenty of space that you can make use of over there.
(90/600, 15 Resources per Die) (++ Facilities)

[] Expand into Titala City (Phase 5)
Titala City is a secondary major settlement located in the western regions of the planet. You have expanded your operations to Titala City, but there is still plenty of space that you can make use of over there.
(280/500, 15 Resources per Die) (+++ Facilities)

[] Construct Indoor Farms (Phase 6)
With all of these clones that you will be making, you are going to need to feed them all. While purchasing all of it from the nearby Abrion sector can be done if it proves necessary, you can hide just how many people who need to feed by constructing some farms on Kamino.
(59/600, 15 Resources per Die) (---- Facilities, +++++ Logistics)

[] Local Shield Generators (Phase 3)
As you continue to build up Kamino, you may want to look into protecting your investments. Shield generators would be expensive, but setting up one in each major city would be a good way to minimise any damage done by an attack, be it a raid or a full-scale invasion.
(58/300, 50 Resources per Die) (-- Facilities)

[] Planetary Defence Network (Phase 2)
As you continue to build up Kamino, you may want to look into protecting your investments. Setting up a series of defensive outposts and turbolaser turrets will greatly help fend off any invaders and latter stages could include weapon emplacements capable of engaging warships in orbit.
(36/200, 30 Resources per Die) (-- Facilities)

[] Off-World Expansion (Phase 11)
While Kamino has proven sufficient so far, you are rapidly approaching the limits of the watery world's ability to support a project of this size. As you have no intention of slowing down, you will need to expand your operations to other planets though this will make secrecy harder to maintain.
(49/600, 25 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (+++++ Facilities)

Industry (10 Dice): +30

[] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Aurek (Phase 4)
Having constructed extensive orbital shipyards over Kamino and having acquired dreadnought designs from Rendili StarDrive, it is finally time to begin Dreadnought production.
(922/1,500, 50 Resources per Die) (-100 Production whilst project is underway) (+1 Medium Superheavy Capital)

[] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Besh (Phase 4)
Having constructed extensive orbital shipyards over Kamino and having acquired dreadnought designs from Rendili StarDrive, it is finally time to begin dreadnought production. With vast amounts of unused shipyards at Kamino, it is possible to construct two dreadnoughts at once.
(932/1,500, 50 Resources per Die) (-100 Production whilst project is underway) (+1 Medium Superheavy Capital)

[-] Local Blaster Production (Phase 4)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can expand your local production of blasters to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(80/30, 5 Resources per Die) (---- Production) (-40 Resources per turn) (++++ Blasters per turn)

[-] Local Armour Production (Phase 4)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can expand your local production of personal armour to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(12/40, 5 Resources per Die) (---- Production) (-80 Resources per turn) (++++ Armour per turn)

[] Local Aurek-class Starfighter Production (Phase 5b)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can expand your local production of Aurek-class Starfighters to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(2/40, 5 Resources per Die) (---- Production) (-20 Resources per turn) (++++ Heavy Interceptors per turn)

[] Local Fang-class Starfighter Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some Fang-class Starfighters to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(0/25, 5 Resources per Die) (-- Production) (-5 Resources per turn) (++ Medium Interceptors per turn)

[] Local Z-96 Headhunter Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some Z-96 Headhunters to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(0/25, 5 Resources per Die) (-- Production) (-5 Resources per turn) (++ Medium Starfighters per turn)

[] Local Liberator-class Starfighter Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some Liberator-class Starfighters to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(0/25, 5 Resources per Die) (-- Production) (-5 Resources per turn) (++ Medium Starfighters per turn)

[] Local Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 Starfighter Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 Starfighters to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(0/25, 5 Resources per Die) (-- Production) (-10 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Starfighters per turn)

[] Local PTB-625 Planetary Bomber Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some PTB-625 Planetary Bombers to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(0/25, 5 Resources per Die) (-- Production) (-20 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Bombers per turn)

[] Local NTB-630 Naval Bomber Production (Phase 4)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can expand your local production of NTB-630 Naval Bombers to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(23/40, 5 Resources per Die) (---- Production) (-80 Resources per turn) (++++ Heavy Bombers per turn)

[] Local LR-20B Troop Transport Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some LR-20B Troop Transports to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(0/25, 5 Resources per Die) (-- Production) (-5 Resources per turn) (++ Light Gunships per turn)

[] Local Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry Gunship Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry Gunships to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(0/25, 5 Resources per Die) (-- Production) (-5 Resources per turn) (++ Medium Gunships per turn)

[] Local Low Altitude Assault Transport/carrier Gunship Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some Low Altitude Assault Transport/carrier Gunships to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(0/25, 5 Resources per Die) (-- Production) (-5 Resources per turn) (++ Medium Gunships per turn)

[] Local Kom'rk-class Fighter/Transport Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some Kom'rk-class Fighter/Transports to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(0/25, 5 Resources per Die) (-- Production) (-10 Resources per turn) (++ Medium Gunships per turn)

[] Local Defender-class Light Corvette Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some Defender-class Light Corvettes to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(0/25, 5 Resources per Die) (-- Production) (-15 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Gunships per turn)

[] Local CR90 Corvette Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local shipyards here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some CR90 Corvettes to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(0/25, 5 Resources per Die) (- Production) (-5 Resources per turn) (+ Light Escorts per turn)

[] Local DP20 Frigate Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local shipyards here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some DP20 Frigates to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(0/25, 5 Resources per Die) (- Production) (-5 Resources per turn) (+ Medium Escorts per turn)

[] Local Thranta-class Corvette Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local shipyards here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some Thranta-class Corvettes to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(0/25, 5 Resources per Die) (- Production) (-5 Resources per turn) (+ Medium Escorts per turn)

[] Local Arquitens-class Light Cruiser Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local shipyards here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some Arquitens-class Light Cruisers to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(0/25, 5 Resources per Die) (- Production) (-5 Resources per turn) (+ Medium Escorts per turn)

[] Local Harbinger-class Cruiser Production (Phase 2)
With access to both designs and local shipyards here on Kamino, you can expand your local production of Harbinger-class Cruisers to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(20/30, 5 Resources per Die) (-- Production) (-10 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Escorts per turn)

[] Local Hammerhead-class Cruiser Production (Phase 3)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some Hammerhead-class Cruisers to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(20/35, 5 Resources per Die) (--- Production) (-10 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Escorts per turn)

[] Local Galaar'kyramud-class Corvette Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local shipyards here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some Galaar'kyramud-class Corvettes to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(0/25, 5 Resources per Die) (- Production) (-5 Resources per turn) (+ Light Escorts per turn)

[] Develop Kaminoan Shipyards (Phase 12)
While Kamino now has constructed some substantial orbital shipbuilding capability, there is still room for it to grow. Expand the local shipyards by either putting up new docks or adding to what is already there.
(610/1,200, 30 Resources per Die) (+++++++ Production)

[] Develop Kaminoan Blaster Factories (Phase 4)
You have already completed the construction of a local blaster factory and if you want to increase the local production, you will need to build another blaster factory on Kamino.
(2/400, 20 Resources per Die) (--- Facilities, ++++ Production)

[] Develop Kaminoan Armour Factories (Phase 4)
You have already completed the construction of a second local personal armour factory and if you want to increase the local production, you will need to build additional personal armour factories on Kamino.
(15/400, 20 Resources per Die) (--- Facilities, ++++ Production)

[] Develop Kaminoan Tank Factories (Phase 1)
Rather than purchasing tanks from outside entities, you could attempt to produce them all locally on Kamino. You just need to put the effort and credits into setting up some local production.
(0/100, 20 Resources per Die) (-- Facilities, ++ Production)

[] Develop Kaminoan Walker Factories (Phase 1)
Rather than purchasing walkers from outside entities, you could attempt to produce them all locally on Kamino. You just need to put the effort and credits into setting up some local production.
(0/100, 20 Resources per Die) (-- Facilities, ++ Production)

[] Develop Kaminoan Speeder Factories (Phase 1)
Rather than purchasing speeders from outside entities, you could attempt to produce them all locally on Kamino. You just need to put the effort and credits into setting up some local production.
(0/100, 20 Resources per Die) (-- Facilities, ++ Production)

[] Develop Kaminoan Starfighter Factories (Phase 6)
Rather than purchasing starfighters from outside entities, you could attempt to produce them all locally on Kamino. You just need to put the effort and credits into setting up some additional local production.
(31/600, 20 Resources per Die) (---- Facilities, +++++ Production)

Cloning (7 Die): +25

[] Expand Clone Production (Phase 15)
You have completed the initial batch of clones, but the army is still going to need plenty more soldiers. Now you need to work on expanding the current cloning operations to allow for more clones to be produced at once.
(7/525, 15 Resources per Die) (-64 Facilities, -64 Logistics, -32 Trainers, +8,192 Clones)

[-] Cloning Operations (Phase 15)
As you get more cloning operations online and running smoothly, you just need to set things up so the longnecks are producing more as required without requiring your direct input.
(94/100, 10 Resources per Die) (80 Resources per turn) (+16,384 Clones per turn)

Training (7 Dice): +30

[] Expand Commando Training (Phase 21)
With the completion of the commando courses, you will have a small batch of clone commandos once the trainees are old enough. They are a marginal amount compared to the rest of the army however and further expansions are required to increase the number of clone commandos that will be trained. Fortunately, Kal Skirita's new methods should make the training process quicker and more efficient.
(22/100, 25 Resources per Die) (+ Commandos per turn, -Trainers)

[] Clone Trainers (Phase 37)
As the clone cadets begin to come of age and finish their training, it is possible to start them to work assisting your Mandalorian trainers. While it would take some time to give them the proper instruction on how to train others, it could be done and help supplement your reserves of available teachers and trainers. After some serious failures and inefficiencies with the previous method, you have gone from training an entire batch of clones at once to training the adult clones with the most attitude for the task.
(63/100, 15 Resources per Die) (++ Trainers)

Research (7 Die): +20

[] Slowed Ageing (Phase 5)
As room for more genetic enhancements run out, Doctor Desnos wishes to return to helping improve the lifespans of the clone troopers.
(151/2,500, 30 Resources per Die)

Administration (7 Dice): +38

[] Operation Sithfall
Kriff the Sith. That is what you decided when you took on this job, to make those dar'jetiise pay for what they have done to the Clans in the past and what they are planning to do to the Clans both now and in the future. You've been kriffing them low-key over the years, but now you have an army and more military hardware than you can use. It is time to introduce the Grand Army of the Republic to the galaxy in a way that nobody will forget. Especially the Sith.
(Requires one die) (This will be the final regular turn if you take this option, after which you will begin a series of mini-turns for the finale of the quest)

[] Contact the Jedi Order
Sure the Sith have been running the show and paying for everything, but officially, the Grand Army of the Republic was commissioned by the Jedi Order to be used by the Jedi Order. Time to contact the Jedi High Council and let them know that their secret clone army is ready for them.
(Requires one die) (This will be the final regular turn if you take this option, after which you will begin a series of mini-turns for the finale of the quest)

[] Hiring Paper Pushers (Phase 4)
Paper works need doing, but that doesn't mean that you have to do it. You've already hired some papers to help you out, but look around for some more bureaucrats that have a good appreciation for discretion and secrecy.
(106/250, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (+4 to Administration Dice)

[] Expand AT-RT Contract (Phase 6)
You have contracted Rothana Heavy Engineering to produce All Terrain Recon Transports for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Rothana Heavy Engineering about expanding your AT-RT contract.
(10/40, 5 Resources per Die) (-160 Resources per turn) (+128 Scout Walkers per turn)

[] Expand AT-TE Contract (Phase 7)
You have contracted Rothana Heavy Engineering to produce All Terrain Tactical Enforcers for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Rothana Heavy Engineering about expanding your AT-TE contract.
(9/40, 5 Resources per Die) (-640 Resources per turn) (++++++++ Heavy Walkers per turn)

[] Expand Sabre Tank Contract (Phase 6)
You have contracted Rothana Heavy Engineering to produce TX-130 Sabre-class Fighter Tanks for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Rothana Heavy Engineering about expanding your Sabre Tank contract.
(31/40, 5 Resources per Die) (-1,280 Resources per turn) (+256 Medium Speeders per turn)

[] Expand Falchion Tank Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Rothana Heavy Engineering to produce RX-200 Falchion-class Assault Tanks for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Rothana Heavy Engineering about expanding your Falchion Tank contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die) (-5 Resources per turn) (++ Medium Speeders per turn)

[] Expand Aurek-class Starfighter Contract (Phase 2)
You have contracted Rendili StarDrive to produce Aurek-class Starfighters for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Rendili StarDrive about expanding your Aurek-class Starfighter contract.
(19/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-15 Resources per turn) (+4 Heavy Interceptors per turn)

[] Expand Fang-class Starfighter Contract (Phase 8)
You have contracted MandalMotors to produce Fang-class Starfighters for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to MandalMotors about expanding your Fang-class Starfighter contract.
(12/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-1,280 Resources per turn) (+256 Medium Interceptors per turn)

[] Expand Z-96 Headhunter Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Incom Corporation to produce Z-96 Headhunters for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Incom Corporation about expanding your Z-96 Headhunter contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-5 Resources per turn) (++ Medium Starfighters per turn)

[] Expand Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 Starfighter Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Incom Corporation to produce Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 Starfighters for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Incom Corporation about expanding your Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 Starfighter contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-10 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Starfighters per turn)

[] Expand NTB-630 Naval Bomber Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Incom Corporation to produce NTB-630 Naval Bombers for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Incom Corporation about expanding your NTB-630 Naval Bomber contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-20 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Bombers per turn)

[] Expand PTB-625 Planetary Bomber Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Incom Corporation to produce PTB-625 Planetary Bombers for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Incom Corporation about expanding your PTB-625 Planetary Bomber contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-20 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Bombers per turn)

[] Expand LR-20B Troop Transport Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Incom Corporation to produce LR-20B Troop Transports for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Incom Corporation about expanding your LR-20B Troop Transport contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-5 Resources per turn) (++ Light Gunships per turn)

[] Expand Defender-class Light Corvette Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Rendili StarDrive to produce Defender-class Light Corvettes for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Rendili StarDrive about expanding your Defender-class Light Corvette contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-15 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Gunships per turn)

[] Expand Hammerhead-class Cruiser Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Rendili StarDrive to produce Hammerhead-class Cruisers for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Rendili StarDrive about expanding your Hammerhead-class Cruiser contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-5 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Escorts per turn)

[] Expand Aurek-class Starfighter Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Rendili StarDrive to produce Aurek-class Starfighters for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Rendili StarDrive about expanding your Aurek-class Starfighter contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-15 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Interceptors per turn)

[] Expand Acclamator-class Assault Ship Contract (Phase 8)
You have contracted Kuat Drive Yards to produce Acclamator-class Assault Ships for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Kuat Drive Yards about expanding your Acclamator-class Assault Ship contract.
(1/40, 5 Resources per Die) (-5,120 Resources per turn) (+256 Light Capitals per turn)

[] Expand Dreadnought-class Heavy Cruiser Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Rendili StarDrive to produce Dreadnought-class Heavy Cruisers for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Rendili StarDrive about expanding your Dreadnought-class Heavy Cruiser contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-5 Resources per turn) (++ Light Capitals per turn)

[] Expand Valour-class Cruiser Contract (Phase 3)
You have contracted Rendili StarDrive to produce Valour-class Cruisers for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Rendili StarDrive about expanding your Valour-class Cruiser contract.
(8/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-60 Resources per turn) (+8 Medium Capitals per turn)

[] Expand Centurion-class Battlecruiser Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Rendili StarDrive to produce Centurion-class Battlecruisers for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Rendili StarDrive about expanding your Centurion-class Battlecruiser contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-100 Resources per turn) (++ Medium Capitals per turn)

[] Expand Republic-class Star Destroyer Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Rendili StarDrive to produce Republic-class Star Destroyers for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Rendili StarDrive about expanding your Republic-class Star Destroyer contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-120 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Capitals per turn)

[] Expand Liberator-class Starfighter Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Corellian Engineering Corporation to produce Liberator-class Starfighters for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Corellian Engineering Corporation about expanding your Liberator-class Starfighter contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-10 Resources per turn) (++ Medium Starfighters per turn)

[] Expand CR90 Corvette Contract (Phase 2)
You have contracted Corellian Engineering Corporation to produce CR90 Corvettes for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Corellian Engineering Corporation about expanding your CR90 Corvette contract.
(4/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-5 Resources per turn) (+4 Light Escorts per turn)

[] Expand Thranta-class Corvette Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Corellian Engineering Corporation to produce Thranta-class Corvettes for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Corellian Engineering Corporation about expanding your Thranta-class Corvette contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-5 Resources per turn) (++ Medium Escorts per turn)

[] Expand Canderous-class Assault Tank Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted MandalMotors to produce Canderous-class Assault Tanks for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to MandalMotors about expanding your Canderous-class Assault Tank contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-15 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Speeders per turn)

[] Expand Kom'rk-class Fighter/Transport Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted MandalMotors to produce Kom'rk-class Fighter/Transports for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to MandalMotors about expanding your Kom'rk-class Fighter/Transport contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-15 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Speeders per turn)

[] Expand CC-2100 Interdictor Cruiser Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Corellian Engineering Corporation to produce CC-2100 Interdictor Cruisers for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Corellian Engineering Corporation about expanding your CC-2100 Interdictor Cruiser contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-10 Resources per turn) (++ Light Capitals per turn)

[] Expand Verdjur-class Combat Transport Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted MandalMotors to produce Verdjur-class Combat Transports for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to MandalMotors about expanding your Verdjur-class Combat Transport contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-10 Resources per turn) (++ Medium Speeders per turn)

[] Expand Crusader-class Strike Tank Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted MandalMotors to produce Crusader-class Strike Tanks for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to MandalMotors about expanding your Crusader-class Strike Tank contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-10 Resources per turn) (++ Light Speeders per turn)

[] Expand Galaar'kyramud-class Corvette Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted MandalMotors to produce Galaar'kyramud-class Corvettes for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to MandalMotors about expanding yourGalaar'kyramud-class Corvette contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-10 Resources per turn) (++ Light Escorts per turn)

[] Burying Secrets
The clone army is supposed to be a secret which means this whole affair is supposed to be secret. When too many things begin to start pointing in your direction, you need to bury them before people come poking out. Of particular note, the Jedi Order has been actively investigating what they can of your operations.
(DC 232/252/272/292/312) (-1E/-2E/-3E/-4E/-5E)


Another reminder that you'll want to do something about the Facilities shortage real quick like.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
At this point I'm wondering if the final form of the Clone Wars won't just be us versus everyone else. Separatists and Core on one side, us on the other. We certainly look like an endgame boss.
[]Plan Violence?
-[] Off-World Expansion (Phase 11) 8+1D
-[] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Aurek (Phase 4) 5+1D
-[] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Besh (Phase 4) 5+1D
-[] Clone Trainers (Phase 37) 2D
-[] Expand Commando Training (Phase 21) 5D
-[] Operation Sithfall 1D
-[] Contact the Jedi Order 1D
-[] Burying Secrets 5D
No. I'm assuming that they got a ban for a reason in canon and Jango didn't rescind that ban in canon so I see no reason why he would do so here.
They were banned in canon for the reason that hunting with them felt too easy so they were phased out of use. Also at that point the Excision had happened and these were a few of the armaments that helped the Mandalorians stand equal to Jedi so.... Also New Mandalorians protested their use for they were too violent and put their culture in a bad light. Reasons that mean absolutely nothing to a True Mandalorian like Jango. Also Jango didn't rescind the ban in canon because he 1. Didn't believe after Galidraan that he was worthy to be Mandalor 2. Died to Mace long before he could return to Mandalor to do anything about it and 3. The New Mandalorians are the 'official' government of Mandalor according to the republic. So even if he unbanned them, it would not matter without having the capability to look at the Republic and say to them 'Try it'. And oh look we have an Army greater than their entire Judicial Fleets....

However the Second the Vong showed up those got unbanned and put in mass production so fast it isn't funny.
Last edited:
I honestly thought we would get a visit by the Jedi. Oh well. The Death Watch is going to experience a massive rise in spice addicts once the army of genetically modified Jango Fetts is let loose on the galaxy.
[X] Plan Kriff the Sith With the Jedi
-[X] Off-World Expansion (Phase 11) 8D + 3FD
-[X] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Aurek (Phase 4) 5D
-[X] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Besh (Phase 4) 5D
-[X] Expand Commando Training (Phase 21) 3D
-[X] Clone Trainers (Phase 37) 4D
-[X] Slowed Ageing (Phase 4) 7D
-[X] Operation Sithfall 1D
-[X] Contact the Jedi Order 1D
-[X] Expand Republic-class Star Destroyer Contract (Phase 1) 3D
-[X] Expand CC-2100 Interdictor Cruiser Contract (Phase 1) 2D
[]Plan Violence but just contact
-[] Off-World Expansion (Phase 11) 8+1D
-[] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Aurek (Phase 4) 5+1D
-[] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Besh (Phase 4) 5+1D
-[] Clone Trainers (Phase 37) 2D
-[] Expand Commando Training (Phase 21) 5D
-[] Contact the Jedi Order 1D
-[] Burying Secrets 5D

Saw both contact Jedi and Sith fall might have some worse consequences so I removed one now does anyone know where the dice it had would go.
I honestly thought we would get a visit by the Jedi. Oh well. The Death Watch is going to experience a massive rise in spice addicts once the army of genetically modified Jango Fetts is let loose on the galaxy.
...For some reason I am imagining a death-watch negaquest where the players find that no, this isn't gonna go any way similar to canon, as the two pocket armies prove to be far greater than the player's didn't expect, with some realizing the tizzy the whole galaxy was in over mysterious purchases was a hint of just how crazy Jango's army became.:lol::rofl:
[X]Plan Violence?
-[X] Off-World Expansion (Phase 11) 8+1D
-[X] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Aurek (Phase 4) 5+1D
-[X] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Besh (Phase 4) 5+1D
-[X] Clone Trainers (Phase 37) 2D
-[X] Expand Commando Training (Phase 21) 5D
-[X] Operation Sithfall 1D
-[X] Contact the Jedi Order 1D
-[X] Burying Secrets 5D

[X] Plan Kriff the Sith With the Jedi
Fixed. Thanks catching that.
They were banned in canon for the reason that hunting with them felt too easy so they were phased out of use. Also at that point the Excision had happened and these were a few of the armaments that helped the Mandalorians stand equal to Jedi so.... Also New Mandalorians protested their use for they were too violent and put their culture in a bad light. Reasons that mean absolutely nothing to a True Mandalorian like Jango. Also Jango didn't rescind the ban in canon because he 1. Didn't believe after Galidraan that he was worthy to be Mandalor 2. Died to Mace long before he could return to Mandalor to do anything about it and 3. The New Mandalorians are the 'official' government of Mandalor according to the republic. So even if he unbanned them, it would not matter without having the capability to look at the Republic and say to them 'Try it'. And oh look we have an Army greater than their entire Judicial Fleets....
What I know is that the Mandalorians didn't get rid of the ban until crushgaunts proved to be effective against the Vong so I'm assuming that they got banned for a reason and that ban wasn't rescinded for a reason.
@Oshha can we do both [] Operation Sithfall and [] Contact the Jedi Order?
For those wondering, Operation Sithfall and Contact the Jedi Order are not mutually exclusive though things will certainly get interesting if you take both and not necessarily the sort of interesting that you want.
A thought occurred. How many Clones were actually ordered in the first place? I feel like we pumped out more and more and while the Sith were paying for it, it was actually the Republic that gave the money. A Republic that doesn't even know it has an army. 😂

A continously growing army...
Didn't they almost bancrupt themselves several times over the course of the canon war?
This doesn't bode well for them. 😅
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[X] Plan All The Fun, None of the Waste
-[X] Off-World Expansion (Phase 11) 8D
-[X] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Aurek (Phase 4) 5+1D
-[X] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Besh (Phase 4) 5+1D
-[X] Expand Commando Training (Phase 21) 4D
-[X] Clone Trainers (Phase 37) 3D
-[X] Slowed Ageing (Phase 5) 7D
-[X] Expand CC-2100 Interdictor Cruiser Contract (Phase 1) 1+1D
-[X] Burying Secrets 6D

Expansion because it is needed (Deficits suck)
Dreads being finished... maybe
Training even more Commandos and Troopers
Aging cuz well, only thing there and to have R&D do something... maybe
Getting a few more Interdictors for filling out that production a tiny bit more before the war, and to get some good Interdictor numbers in the field.
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A thought occurred. How many Clones were actually ordered in the first place? I feel like we pumped out more and more and while the Sith were paying for it, it was actually the Republic that gave the money. A Republic that doesn't even know it has an army. 😂

A continously growing army...
Didn't they almost bancrupt themselves several times over the course of the canon war?
This doesn't bode well for them. 😅
My take on the Republic's bankruptcy was corruption and mismanagement of resources combined with the economic disruption caused by half of the galaxy going to war with the other half.

After all, the Empire certainly found enough money to increase military spending by about fourfold not to mention all of those superweapons and R&D projects. So I'm assuming that the funding for the army is there, but it wasn't available or used by the Republic for whatever reason.
Liked the plan @xXxBlueViperxXx came up with so I'm putting it up here.

[X]Plan Violence but just contact
-[X] Off-World Expansion (Phase 11) 8+1D
-[X] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Aurek (Phase 4) 5+1D
-[X] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Besh (Phase 4) 5+1D
-[X] Clone Trainers (Phase 37) 2D
-[X] Expand Commando Training (Phase 21) 5D
-[X] Contact the Jedi Order 1D
-[X] Expand Falchion Tank Contract (Phase 1) 2D
-[X] Expand CC-2100 Interdictor Cruiser Contract (Phase 1) 2D
-[X] Expand Republic-class Star Destroyer Contract (Phase 1) 2D

//Edited: Plan updated following @Andmeuths 's advice.
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