The second design is a proposed heavy fighter design for performing independent scouting and raids on enemy military targets. Whilst a bit heavy on the crew requirement as it requires a crew of three plus an astromech, the Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 Starfighter is a very capable starfighter. In addition to sporting a hyperdrive, the ARC-170 has both durable armour and some serious deflector shielding instead of favouring one or the other. While its agility is nothing special, it isn't lacking either as the ARC-170 can outmanoeuvre a Z-95 Headhunter and keep up with an A-7 Hunter Interceptor.
The ARC-170 also supports a substantial amount of firepower. It mounts a heavy laser cannon on both wings in addition to a proton torpedo launcher. Most interestingly, it has a pair of rear-mounted laser cannons, one mounted dorsally and the other ventrally. These two tail-guns allow one of the crew to open fire on any hostiles chasing after the ARC-170. The ARC-170 isn't without its flaws however as in addition to being crew intensive, it also has a high upkeep cost that will limit how much action it can see as it will rapidly use up both spare supplies an