Grand Army of the Republic: A Star Wars Plan Quest

[X] [AF] Large production. (-25 R) (-20 R per turn) (++++ Heavy Escorts per turn)
[X] [MR] Large production. (-25 R) (-20 R per turn) (++++ Heavy Escorts per turn)
[X] [AS] Large production. (-160 R per turn) (++++ Light Capitals per turn)
[X] [CC] Large production. (-200 R per turn) (++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
[X] [BC] Large production. (-200 R per turn) (++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
[X] [AF] Large production. (-25 R) (-20 R per turn) (++++ Medium Escorts per turn)
[X] [MR] Large production. (-25 R) (-20 R per turn) (++++ Heavy Escorts per turn)
[X] [AS] Large production. (-160 R per turn) (++++ Light Capitals per turn)
[X] [CC] Large production. (-200 R per turn) (++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
[X] [BC] Large production. (-200 R per turn) (++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
[X] [AF] Large production. (-25 R) (-20 R per turn) (++++ Medium Escorts per turn)
[X] [MR] None.
[X] [AS] Large production. (-160 R per turn) (++++ Light Capitals per turn)
[X] [CC] Large production. (-200 R per turn) (++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
[X] [BC] Large production. (-200 R per turn) (++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
Have we already got Acclamator Assault Ships? Those are incredibly useful.

[X] [AF] Large production. (-25 R) (-20 R per turn) (++++ Medium Escorts per turn)
[X] [MR] Large production. (-25 R) (-20 R per turn) (++++ Heavy Escorts per turn)
[X] [AS] Large production. (-160 R per turn) (++++ Light Capitals per turn)
[X] [CC] Large production. (-200 R per turn) (++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
[X] [BC] Large production. (-200 R per turn) (++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
The vote is still open.
Adhoc vote count started by Oshha on Sep 4, 2021 at 2:42 PM, finished with 16 posts and 12 votes.
[X] [MR] Large production. (-25 R) (-20 R per turn) (++++ Heavy Escorts per turn)
[X] [MR] Large production. (-25 R) (-20 R per turn) (++++ Heavy Escorts per turn)
[X] [AS] Large production. (-160 R per turn) (++++ Light Capitals per turn)
[X] [CC] Large production. (-200 R per turn) (++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
[X] [BC] Large production. (-200 R per turn) (++++ Medium Capitals per turn)

It really isn't, and even if it was, I have trouble seeing us burn thru 10000000 resources easily. Kind of annoyed Jango didn't look at there fighters and bombers while he was there.

Given the results for contract expansion for everything but blasters, I think we need a less even split for dice next round. 1 for blasters, 2 for armour, 1 for scout walkers, 2 for sabers and heavy walkers, and 2 to contact someone about bombers. Perferably a new company ao we can add to our fighter and intercepter intake in the process.

Full expansion on cloning dice seems Ideal giving we have a level of production in reserve.

Our loggistics took a dive. We'll need to expand our farms again.

Given that our existing levels in contract expansion make reaching our blaster and armour quota easier with administration and free dice than by bouncing back and forth between each individual type of factory in industry , maybe we would be better off focusing our industry dice on starfighter factories and expanding local production of a single type repeatedly over time? We should definetly pick a single focus regardless of which one as completing multiple phases of a single type production earns more points than expanding them evenly accross the board.
[X] [MR] Large production. (-25 R) (-20 R per turn) (++++ Heavy Escorts per turn)
[X] [MR] Large production. (-25 R) (-20 R per turn) (++++ Heavy Escorts per turn)
You are voting for the same option twice.
Kind of annoyed Jango didn't look at there fighters and bombers while he was there.
The A-7 Hunter Interceptor is the best starfighter that Kuat Drive Yards currently has to offer.
The A-7 Hunter Interceptor is the best starfighter that Kuat Drive Yards currently has to offer.
Umm. Wow. Thats really horrible when your best is worst then the randomly fused together ugly variations of other companies starfighters.

[] Contact Incom Corporation

I guess we'll have to go back to incom and get them to develop and produce some new designs. Someone look up the Y-Wing.
[X] [AF] Large production. (-25 R) (-20 R per turn) (++++ Medium Escorts per turn)
[X] [MR] Large production. (-25 R) (-20 R per turn) (++++ Heavy Escorts per turn)
[X] [AS] Large production. (-160 R per turn) (++++ Light Capitals per turn)
[X] [CC] Large production. (-200 R per turn) (++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
[X] [BC] Large production. (-200 R per turn) (++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
[X] [AF] Large production. (-25 R) (-20 R per turn) (++++ Medium Escorts per turn)
[X] [MR] Large production. (-25 R) (-20 R per turn) (++++ Heavy Escorts per turn)
[X] [AS] Large production. (-160 R per turn) (++++ Light Capitals per turn)
[X] [CC] Large production. (-200 R per turn) (++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
[X] [BC] Large production. (-200 R per turn) (++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
[X] [AF] Large production. (-25 R) (-20 R per turn) (++++ Medium Escorts per turn)
[X] [MR] Large production. (-25 R) (-20 R per turn) (++++ Heavy Escorts per turn)
[X] [AS] Large production. (-160 R per turn) (++++ Light Capitals per turn)
[X] [CC] Large production. (-200 R per turn) (++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
[X] [BC] Large production. (-200 R per turn) (++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
Umm. Wow. Thats really horrible when your best is worst then the randomly fused together ugly variations of other companies starfighters.
Technically speaking, the Delta-B Aethersprite-class Interceptor is the best Kuat Drive Yard starfighter, but as previously discussed in the thread, only the Jedi get to use that so it isn't an option for you.
Technically speaking, the Delta-B Aethersprite-class Interceptor is the best Kuat Drive Yard starfighter, but as previously discussed in the thread, only the Jedi get to use that so it isn't an option for you.
What about asking them about creating an alt!design that is De-Force-ified to be able to be used by Non-Froce Sensitives?
is it really a good idea to get every type ship? will there be any drawbacks for doing this?
Not particularily, and we do have large qouta to fill. We can pick and choose which ones to expand after all. We throw a lot of dice at the ones we like best. Ultimately focusing on a single type of escort and capitol ship each is a faster way to accumulate points thru contract expansion than spreading out anyway. We'll be able to see which ones have the best quality and pick a decent balance.
[X] [AF] Large production. (-25 R) (-20 R per turn) (++++ Medium Escorts per turn)
[X] [MR] Large production. (-25 R) (-20 R per turn) (++++ Heavy Escorts per turn)
[X] [AS] Large production. (-160 R per turn) (++++ Light Capitals per turn)
[X] [CC] Large production. (-200 R per turn) (++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
[X] [BC] Large production. (-200 R per turn) (++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
What about asking them about creating an alt!design that is De-Force-ified to be able to be used by Non-Froce Sensitives?
Because Kuat wants to sell you expensive warships and if you want something like that, then the A-7 Hunter Interceptor is a perfectly serviceable design as far as they are concerned.
[X] [AF] Large production. (-25 R) (-20 R per turn) (++++ Medium Escorts per turn)
[X] [MR] Large production. (-25 R) (-20 R per turn) (++++ Heavy Escorts per turn)
[X] [AS] Large production. (-160 R per turn) (++++ Light Capitals per turn)
[X] [CC] Large production. (-200 R per turn) (++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
[X] [BC] Large production. (-200 R per turn) (++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
KH-0-P - Q1 28 BBY
Greetings Master Jango! My name is KH-0-P personal management assistant. Our wonderful Prime Minister has assigned me to ease any administrative burdens you might be having and help keep you on task!
I hope you will find my services both helpful and reassuring!

T = Remaining Target
SF = Current predicted shortfall
Mpt = The missing units we will need divided by our remaining quarters in this plan (rounded up to the nearest whole number for your convenience)

T = 2,920
SF = 2,216
Mpt = 202

T = 2,862
SF = 1,344
Mpt = 123

T = 2,950
SF = 2,400
Mpt = 219

Light S/T/W
T = 572
SF = 264
Mpt = 24

Medium S/T/W
T = 586
SF = 432
Mpt = 40

Heavy S/T/W
T = 592
SF = 504
Mpt = 46

T = 394
SF = 328
Mpt = 30

T = 588
SF = 456
Mpt = 42

T = 200
SF = 200
Mpt = 19

T = 200
SF = 8
Mpt = 1

Capital Ships
T = 400
SF = 112
Mpt = 11

(Calculated on the assumption you're going to max out escorts and capital ship production because that looks like the way the wind is blowing)
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I think it's a good idea what we're doing. Split the contracts up between various companies. Kuat handles warships, Rothana and maybe MandalMotors handle ground vehicles and ground support craft, Incom and Koensayr provide starfighters
[X] [AF] Large production. (-25 R) (-20 R per turn) (++++ Heavy Escorts per turn)
[X] [MR] Large production. (-25 R) (-20 R per turn) (++++ Heavy Escorts per turn)
[X] [AS] Large production. (-160 R per turn) (++++ Light Capitals per turn)
[X] [CC] Large production. (-200 R per turn) (++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
[X] [BC] Large production. (-200 R per turn) (++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
[X] [AF] Large production. (-25 R) (-20 R per turn) (++++ Medium Escorts per turn)
[X] [MR] Large production. (-25 R) (-20 R per turn) (++++ Heavy Escorts per turn)
[X] [AS] Large production. (-160 R per turn) (++++ Light Capitals per turn)
[X] [CC] Large production. (-200 R per turn) (++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
[X] [BC] Large production. (-200 R per turn) (++++ Medium Capitals per turn)

Going with the large production of each class. Unless Kuat really drops the ball their quality should be acceptable. Large orders will also help progress our goal faster. It will also tick of one of our goals with increasing our purchases from Kuat.
If during actions to contact other suppliers we find better quality ships for a lower price then we just won't expand the Kuat orders. For example Rothana's Acclamator might be a better design than what Kuat comes up with so we might decide to switch to that. Or if Corelians build better escorts we might decide to purchase from them.
One thing about the clone wars era Republic fleet that was particularly bad was its lack of diversity for classes. They basically used Acclamators as capital ships at the start of the war and then switched to Venators as their main (basically only) capital ship design. So basically switching from planetary assault ships to armed carriers. Until the Victory came into production the Republic lacked ships that were dedicated for slugging it out with other capital ships. The Venator could defend itself but it really shouldn't be going into turbolaser range on purpose.
The CIS on the other hand had one of the best designed fleets. The Lucrehulk was a good ship for planetary invasions (due to amount of droids it could carry), a carrier or a durable fleet command ship (just its size allowed it to take a lot of punishment). The Munificent was well designed for frontal assaults with its prow mounted heavy turbolaser cannons while it could still carry droid fighters. And while it might look flimsy with the gaps the armor shell was rather good at stopping fire from the most likely directions while lowering the ships weight so it could be more maneuverable. The Providence dreadnought was also a good design (In legends it was the result of up sizing the Rendili Dreadnought by Quarren engineers.

So unless we want the Republic tactics to be throw a Acclamator/Venator at everything then we need to provide the navy with options.
What about asking them about creating an alt!design that is De-Force-ified to be able to be used by Non-Froce Sensitives?
The whole design philosophy of the Aethersprite is being fast. Bumping up its armor and shielding would be counterintuitive as it would slow the thing down and at that point there would be no reason to buy it in place of our other options.

I guess we'll have to go back to incom and get them to develop and produce some new designs. Someone look up the Y-Wing.
The BTL-B Y-wing is a product of Koensayr Manufacturing. Unfortunately according to the Rebel Starfighters Owners' Workshop Manual, a canon source from 2019, it was also commissioned by the Republic Navy during the Clone Wars. There isn't much from their back catalog that could use to fill a niche and help set up a relationship with Koensayr.

There is maybe the Toscan 8-Q, but Koensayr only manufactured parts for it.
The Toscan was a, quote unquote, open frame starfighter designed well before the Clone Wars. You bought it from Shobquix Yards and then you took it to another yard and had them customize it to your specifications. The business model was an absolute failure and the Toscan didn't sell many.

The stock model isn't much to write home about but if you put in the effort the design could accommodate a pretty heavy weapons loadout and it could feasibly be made into a bomber. For reference Sienar managed to take a number of Toscans and pack into the hull quad laser cannons, ion cannons, and a concussion missile launcher, all while keeper it tougher than an X-Wing and more maneuverable than a B-wing.

You get to pick your first warships. As none of Kuat's canon Clone Wars warships except for the massive ones exist at this point in canon with many being designed specifically for the Grand Army of the Republic, I have decided to give concept warships instead of finished designs.
A lot of these ships sound like canon Kuat designs. Will these projects develop into canon designs or original ones or will that all depend on rolls?

The first warship project that Kuat Drive Yards shows you is meant to be a state of the art escort. About mid-sized for an escort-class warship, this tentatively named 'assault frigate' is a fast agile warship with a small crew, good firepower for its size and a solid mix of armour and shields. The downside is that it is built purely for combat with little room for troops or supplies and no hangar space at all.
This sounds to me like a combat oriented proto-Pelta. While it was used primarily as a medical transport in the OTL Clone Wars we do know their hulls could be fitted out with quite a bit of firepower given how the Rebel Alliance ended up using them later on.

The second option is a 'Multirole Frigate' that is meant to be similar to the 'Assault Frigate' concept, but a heavier and larger warship that does have some to carry troops or supplies as needed. No hangar space, but not a lot of escort-class warships have room for starfighters unless they are dedicated to doing so.
I want to say this is a proto-Arquitens except we never really see a canon Arquitens carry much in the way of troops.

The third project isn't another escort-class, but a capital ship. It is one of the smaller capital ships around and rather than being built to fight other warships, it is meant to carry an invasion force and provide support to that invasion force. That isn't to say that it can't hold its own in a fight, but despite the assurances you are given, you aren't sure how well it will do all of those various roles.
This screams proto-Acclamator and while that ship was a product of Rothana Heavy Engineering, Rothana itself is a subsidiary of Kuat Drive Yards and I wouldn't put it past Kuat to yoink the design notes from their subordinate company. Given they're offering a ship that violates the limitations of the Ruusan Reformation they're clearly willing to do things much worse.

The fourth design is a capital ship built for destroying other warships on the battlefield. A blatant violation of the Ruusan Reformation, this warship is a fast, well-armoured capital ship that packs multiple batteries of turbolasers alongside point-defence laser cannons and a handful of ion cannons. It also has hangars capable of supporting a few squadrons of starfighters and space for a contingent of marines for boarding actions or limited ground operations.
This is a major deviation from history because if I'm right this is a proto-Victory I and much, much sooner than it should have existed in canon. That it's even being offered implies bad things about what the Confederacy might in the future field against us.

The fifth and final design is a battle carrier with a dual role of engaging enemy warships and carrying both starfighters and ground forces. It has a massive amount of space in both its hangar and cargobays in addition to a large number of turrets. Though you wonder how many of the latter will have anti-warship weapons instead of lighter forms of firepower.
This one is obviously a proto-Venator. I'd personally lean towards having heavy armaments like the canon Venators. The nature of Star Wars space combat precludes the wet navy design philosophy of lightly armed carriers. In Star Wars any capital ship that wants to be a carrier needs to be a Battlestar.
People. We can go "Fuck Big Gun Capital Ships" and invest into INCOM, get the X-wing, completely kark every naval doctrine expert in the Galaxy, kark the CIS and kark Palpatine in the case he somehow manages a Sith Victory because now every Anti-Imperialist rebel cell will have a cheap way to get their grubby hands on kriffin X-wings 20 years ahead schedule.

Also, seeing Anakin Skywalker in his prime fly in an X-wing is worth all the credits in the Galaxy.
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