>gets in quest about a character that is objectively about compassion,self sacrifice and seing the imperium as evil and trying to improve it
>be surprised when people begin to discuss what needs to change and what is necesary to the imperium survival

man i mean.....what where you expecting?

there is a difference between what this thread is about and the morality debates. People talking about what we can change is also different from the morality debates. the morality debates weren't talking about what needed to change they were just argueing about how evil the imperium is.
So what I'm hearing is that we need to beat up Nurgle, take his lunch money (and Isha) and throw in a few swirlies for good measure?

I'm down, when do we start?
This is what we call suicide.

There are only a few things the ruinous 4 will go all out for. A successful rescue of Isha? That is one of Nurgle's.

We arent ready for a direct fight with Nurgle.
[X][LEVIATHAN] The Forge World of Antioch
[X][POSTURE] Call upon your Deva and direct them to the most important battlefields.

deploying dozens of """Living Saints"""*
Oh shit, I just realized I forgot to ever actually add the footnote that was supposed to accompany this. In a nutshell, while Lily may have said "just call them Living Saints" from cynicism, that's actually kind of technically not wrong? I mean, Celestine's basically just the Imperial Cult's version of a Daemon Prince (though, uh, nobody try to tell them that, please). So calling our own Devas "Living Saints" is actually more accurate than not, really - they're just Pandora's Living Saints rather than E-Money's.
This is what we call suicide.

There are only a few things the ruinous 4 will go all out for. A successful rescue of Isha? That is one of Nurgle's.

We arent ready for a direct fight with Nurgle.
Which is why we should not fight him. Instead, we must assemble a crack team for a heist.

Starring: Cegorach as the mastermind, who always gets the last laugh. Pandora as the legendary Warp-infiltrator. Lily as the time-bending getaway driver. Eldrad providing the distraction for the Chaos Gods in the form of Ynnead, or more specifically their birth. And the Chaos, shitting its pants when it realizes that besides having to deal with the little Anathema wrecking their plans in the Materium, the Aeldari Gods are suddenly a thing again beyond just Cegorach.

And you know, the funny thing about being already on the top of their shit-lists means that there isn't much more for them to go even more all out. Having additional Gods in our corner should more than balance this out, not to mention how this would probably instantly get a significant chunk of the Aeldari on our side.
[X][LEVIATHAN] The Forge World of Antioch
[X][POSTURE] Call upon your Deva and direct them to the most important battlefields.
This is probably from left field but I got to ask @Swordomatic is Lord Creed of Cadia dead or alive? Cause he would be a boon to have alive and if not I would be sad.
[X][LEVIATHAN] The Shrine World of Seraphax
[X][POSTURE] Call upon your Deva and direct them to the most important battlefields.

Aiding Seraphax would free up a lot of forces for us then take to help both Baal and Antioch, possibly at the same time. "Hundreds of millions of Imperial Guard, several hundred thousand Sisters of Battle from every known Order Majoris - but in particular the Order of our Martyred Lady - and ten thousand Blood Angels, pledged to defend the tens of billions of lives cloistered upon the holy world" is a LOT of manpower to use to help out the other two. Antioch cannot give us nearly the same.
We cannot attack two worlds, because Shadow. So the only parameters to consider are whether it weakens Chaos/Tyranids, whether it strengthens our fleet in a single doomstack, and whether it impacts post Crusade future of Nihilus.
[X][LEVIATHAN] The Forge World of Antioch

it seems to be under the most pressure and losing the shipyards would Hurt, both long and mid term
Speaking about the reforms of the Adeptus Ministorum, we will stick to the official names, we should realize that this is a giant that will have to be eaten in parts. Let's make up for further discussion a basic outline of what it consists of, what its influence is, and what its centers of power are.

- Ecclesiarch is the lifetime head of the organization. And by doing so, he greatly restricts the possibilities for removing it, except for killing it, directly or indirectly, if we do not agree with him. But compared to most High Lords, it is quite easily replaceable for the reason below.

- The Cardinals are a core part of Holy Synod, and our primary resource to work with. They are rich, powerful, and have a lot of power to work with each other, because for all the conservatism of the Imperium, parliament is a place for discussion. Also, unlike many organizations, they can drown Ecclesiarch decisions in endless bureaucracy, for Ecclesiarch after the Torah reforms is run only by Sororitas.

- Adepta Sororitas has already been mentioned here, but I would like to remind you that just as with the Imperial Navy, people forget that there are 10 civilians for 1 warship in the Imperium, so for every Order of the Militant there will be a non-combat Order, dealing from the genealogy of nobles to the work of the coroner or the provision of choirs of churches. They are an important factor of influence for us and here we could probably introduce some split in the Order reporting system due to the fact that the Convention Prioris located on Terra and the Convention Sanctorum based on Ophelia VII essentially duplicate each other. We could either start a precedent of reform, or on the contrary, create a third center of power.

Now let's talk about the important things Adeptus Ministorum that were not mentioned here:

- Creed Temporary is the financial and logistics hub for working with this part of the Eclysearchy. The Adeptus Ministorum has the wealth level of a "planet", and the best example is that on Terra, real estate on which is worth more than the wealth of entire sectors, they have an entire continent. They have land, incense and candle factories, synth-parchment factories, and so on. They are not only the flock, but also the means of its maintenance. You don't make a pilgrimage without ships and supplies.

- Missionarus Galaxia is an unfairly forgotten part of the Adeptus Ministorum, because in the version "what you do when you meet a world that worships other gods - talk to them first" they do it. These are professional diplomats and preachers, whose main task is to understand foreign cultures, analyze, isolate "inconvenient" elements and turn them into something suitable for the Imperium on new worlds that already have people. If you need reformatory initiative smart personnel-you go there. Have non-combat Battle sisters in cooperation.

- Schola Progenium - again, if you want reform, it would be quite logical to start with school reform. Countless officers, stormtroopers, ship crewmen, and commissars are eventually graduated by name from this branch of the Adeptus Ministorum. Changing, at least partially, the structure of their training would help us get the cadres we are looking for.

Finally, the parts that do not relate to the activities of the Eclysearch and the cardinals:

- The Departmento of Final Consideration is the body responsible for sending aid to various worlds. Let's just say that some cleaning and improving its efficiency would be desirable. How fortunate that his headquarters are on Terra. Part of the Adeptus Administratum.

- Tithes Chamber Notaries is a part of the Adeptus Administratum dedicated to figuring out the limits of mutation, highlighting Abhuman, humans, and mutants for most worlds. With all the "don't burn people for having wool", the issue of mutations in Warhammer has many issues that could be solved by the reformation of this part of the Administratum.

EDIT: I also remembered that the issues of the "Hundred Living Saints" will clearly be dealt with by the Inquisition, in particular both the two parts of the "Great Trinity" of the Ordos, Heresy and Maleus, and the individual structures most likely of the canonical ones in which is the Ordo Obsuletus, busy confirming that the miracles of faith in each particular case are not acting, magic or xenos artifacts. For all the belief that "Tell these people anything and they will eat", the Imperum, by virtue of its organization, has structures that will constantly doubt even the most truthful information purely by virtue of their work.
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2) Truce/alliance with the Eldar. This is a good time for this for a few reasons.

Laugh out loud, oh wait your serious let me laugh even harder.

This in my view is a terrible idea.

One, the Eldar - well, y'know, the non-Drukhari Eldar - are perhaps the most likely to be both willing and able to help the Imperium. They're capable and have abilities and assets that Imperial forces typically lack, and they're the most likely to see that they need us as much as we need them.

Given how the Eldar have spent a lot of effort fucking with the Imperium via a bunch of divination tricks its more that the Eldar are willing to harm the Imperium and have been doing so for a long long time.

Two, historically one of the biggest problems with forming alliances with the Eldar from an Imperial perspective is the huge edge in Divination the Eldar have on the Imperium. It makes it very hard to know whether you're getting a fair deal and a real alliance with them, or if they're just manipulating you because they can see the future and you can't. The fact that the Imperium knows this does a lot to taint any dialogue that's opened with them right from the start. But with Pandora around, that gap in Divinatory ability is gone whenever she's involved personally, and shrinking steadily in general with her tutelage of the Imperium's psykers (speaking of, that's one of the reasons it would be a good idea to invest time into training up the hundreds of thousands of psykers with the Expedition on our way back).

The fact that every single time the Eldar can't be trusted to keep to a real alliance and will back stab the Imperium and that every single former alliance is a manipulation of the Imperium for their foul xeno goal is not a reason to trust them.

Three, the OTHER biggest problem historically with the Imperium opening a dialogue with the Eldar - or any non-humans at all - has been the Imperium's reflexive dogmatic hatred of all "Xenos," which for most of the Imperium stems directly from the Ecclesiarchy's teachings. Remember when I said these priorities were meant to synergistically work together? Effecting Ecclesiarchical reform in Priority One would make this option a lot easier/more viable to pull off. It'll also do the same for any other friendly actions we want to take towards non-humans, which is one of the big reasons why Ecclesiarchical reform comes above this in the priority order.

Their is a big difference between harmless alien species that want to live in peace vs a genocidal race whose national pastimes are enslaving humans to torture them to death (Drukhari), genocide humans (Biel-Tan and the other warmongers), piracy (corsairs) or divination sabotage (Every other craftworld).

Four, the Eldar also represent one of the biggest opportunities for Pandora's Warpy expertise and powerset to directly fuck over the Ruinous Powers. In canon, the Ynnari are trying to wake up/resurrect Ynnead, but they're struggling because they either need to get one more Cronesword that happens to be under lock and key in Slaanesh's own palace in the Warp, or figure out an alternative way to get the power and/or ritual components they need. Pandora is probably the most likely out of anybody in 40k to be able to either come up with a way to furnish the juice, or use her Warp-stealth powers to pull an eldritch heist and yoink the Cronesword. And bringing back another Eldar god would be one huge kick in the face for She Who Thirsts - this is probably the best direct blow to the Ruinous Powers we could potentially be able to deliver in the near- to medium- to potentially long-term foreseeable future. It would also hugely indebt the Eldar to us if we were instrumental in it happening, which would be an amazing way to solidify the alliance.

So the Elder are bring another Goddess into existence, lets take a quick look at the past so we can learn from the past mistakes in history.

Lets see the last Elder goddess the Elder made was Slaanesh. Surely letting them doing it again is totally not going to blow up in everyone's face. And its not like dad has anything against the Elder making Gods or Goddess.

Finally and most importantly the Necrons hate the Elder and we need an alliance with the Necrons in order to close the eye of terror and the warp gate under our palace.

Close the Eye of Terror vs make friends with xeno filth that has been trying very hard to destroy us for a long long time.
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Laugh out loud, oh wait your serious let me laugh even harder.

This in my view is a terrible idea.

Given how the Eldar have spent a lot of effort fucking with the Imperium via a bunch of divination tricks its more that the Eldar are willing to harm the Imperium and have been doing so for a long long time.

The fact that every single time the Eldar can't be trusted to keep to a real alliance and will back stab the Imperium and that every single former alliance is a manipulation of the Imperium for their foul xeno goal is not a reason to trust them.

Their is a big difference between harmless alien species that want to live in peace vs a genocidal race whose national pastimes are enslaving humans to torture them to death (Drukhari), genocide humans (Biel-Tan and the other warmongers), piracy (corsairs) or divination sabotage (Every other craftworld).

So the Elder are bring another Goddess into existence, lets take a quick look at the past so we can learn from the past mistakes in history.

Lets see the last Elder goddess the Elder made was Slaanesh. Surely letting them doing it again is totally not going to blow up in everyone's face. And its not like dad has anything against the Elder making Gods or Goddess.

Finally and most importantly the Necrons hate the Elder and we need an alliance with the Necrons in order to close the eye of terror and the warp gate under our palace.

Close the Eye of Terror vs make friends with xeno filth that has been trying very hard to destroy us for a long long time.

The xenophobia of the Imperium is not a how-to guide to take cues from.
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Laugh out loud, oh wait your serious let me laugh even harder.

This in my view is a terrible idea.

Given how the Eldar have spent a lot of effort fucking with the Imperium via a bunch of divination tricks its more that the Eldar are willing to harm the Imperium and have been doing so for a long long time.

The fact that every single time the Eldar can't be trusted to keep to a real alliance and will back stab the Imperium and that every single former alliance is a manipulation of the Imperium for their foul xeno goal is not a reason to trust them.

Their is a big difference between harmless alien species that want to live in peace vs a genocidal race whose national pastimes are enslaving humans to torture them to death (Drukhari), genocide humans (Biel-Tan and the other warmongers), piracy (corsairs) or divination sabotage (Every other craftworld).

So the Elder are bring another Goddess into existence, lets take a quick look at the past so we can learn from the past mistakes in history.

Lets see the last Elder goddess the Elder made was Slaanesh. Surely letting them doing it again is totally not going to blow up in everyone's face. And its not like dad has anything against the Elder making Gods or Goddess.

Finally and most importantly the Necrons hate the Elder and we need an alliance with the Necrons in order to close the eye of terror and the warp gate under our palace.

Close the Eye of Terror vs make friends with xeno filth that has been trying very hard to destroy us for a long long time.

Congratulations you are perfectly in character as a conservative inquisitor. Now ask yourself how many of the humans the Craftsworlds have dealt with over the years would not have killed every last one of said 'xenos' if only they could?

The IoM is its own self-fulfilling prophecy when it comes to alien species, because you are right, they can see the future, which means they too can see the inevitable betrayal by imperial authorities coming. Step one in an alliance with the Eldar is not to plot their annihilation from the word go. It's the little things you know. :V
[X][LEVIATHAN] The Shrine World of Seraphax
[X][POSTURE] Call upon your Deva and direct them to the most important battlefields.
Okay. Here are my thoughts.

We do need to do something about Xeno-diplomancy, if for no other reason than to better focus the Imperium on more important threats.
The problem is choosing who.

The T'au are a regional power, by most accounts benevolent, and most importantly, largely unified in law, purpose, and disposition.
Basically, they're too small to be a real threat, we can assume they're willing to come to and abide by diplomatic solutions, and any agreement made will mean something.
The stumbling block is that they are (last I checked) currently invading and conquering Imperial territory.
So, lots of potential landmines there.

The Eldar.
The Exodites (Luddite Eldar) are a complete no brainer to make peace with, but are completely inconsequential in the grand scheme of things.
The Anhrathe (Corsairs/Outcasts) are pirates and mercenaries. Diplomatic relations don't apply. The best we can do is treat them as human criminals if caught as a peace offering to the other Eldar factions. Though they would probably demand extradition.
The Drukhari (Dark Eldar) are literally Evil and the only conceivable peace terms are their unconditional surrender.
The Asuryani (Craftworld Eldar) are actually a collection of independent polities. Their national attitudes towards humans vary, but all of them see humans as talking animals dancing among the ruins of Eldar civilization. The differences come down to whether they are spiteful, depressed, or practical. Peaceful diplomatic relations with some Craftworlds are theoretically possible, but deciding who to trust would be very, very hard.
Harlequins are the agents of the Eldar trickster god. And good luck trying to predict his goals on any situation. Presumably, he's very anti-Chaos, and presumably he wants whats best for the Eldar in the long run, tough love applied.
Ynarri are the Eldar Death Cult. Made up of members of every other group, they seek to bring about the birth of the Eldar God of death. On one hand, she will be explicitly anti-Chaos. On the other hand, she will be explicitly anti-everyone the Eldar don't like.

The Necrons.
Unfortunately, I know less about the various dynasties then I do the general Eldar factions.
The Necron dynasties are nominally unified, but in practice are all over the place. Some are literally insane. Some want to eat all life in the universe. Some want to become biological again. Some want to conquer the galaxy. Some want to rebuild their own little dominions. Some want to be left alone. Etc. Etc.
So, like the Craftworld Eldar, diplomatic relations are theoretically possible, but good luck choosing who to trust.