[X][LEVIATHAN] The Forge World of Antioch

[X][POSTURE] Call upon your Deva and direct them to the most important battlefields.
[X][LEVIATHAN] The Forge World of Antioch

[X][POSTURE] Call upon your Deva and direct them to the most important battlefields.
Said people also thought it was a good idea to keep the chaos artifact in public view on display. And not just any chaos artifact but an artifact so powerful as to be able to kill a PrimarAnd not just any chaos artifact but an artifact so powerful as to be able to kill a Primarch! That even shattered into pieces still possess the power to car reality it's self like it was a Cornish game hen.

and yes they know of chaos about as much as the current imperium knows about it. Ie that there are dark gods in the warp. And yes that information is useful in preventing them from being caught by surprise. But it's nowhere near as full proof as the imperial truth was open till everything went pear shaped.

blame the imperium as much as you want but it least they are not dumb enough to have a super powerful chaotic artifact just hanging in the public lobby.
Sure, they'd lock it up in some secret, forgotten collection, thus ensuring that no one would notice when it goes missing, resulting in the Imperium getting blindsided when it turns out a chaos artefact has corrupted an important chunk of their armies or whatever.[And, as pointed out, it took Space Marines doing a mission impossible to capture the sword. It was not exactly left unattended.]

My core point is quite simple :

- The Administratum is a hideously complex organisation, which frequently makes massive mistakes (up to misplacing entire planets) , is rife with corruption and grift, and routinely ruins planets because they made errrors in adjusting the tithes.
- The Guard is a completely non-standardized army with extremely varying levels of equipment often terrible tactics, completely reliant on human wave assaults, suffering massive losses wherever they go.
- The Adeptus Mechanicus is a technology cult, worshipping machinery while eliminating understanding, jealously guarding secrets and overseeing a slow technological collapse of the Imperium by doing so.

Every part of the Imperium is depicted as hilariously dysfunctional. Why would the Inquisition be the sole exception where all their paranoia and misconceptions and incompetence and prejudice would suddenly be justified?
@10ebbor10 I think the only difference between the Inquisition and the other branches of the Imperium is that because they can know secrets you can actually get competent Inquisitors when the stars align and the the Emperor himself shines on them from his murder lighthouse. Most of them are still dangerous lunatics who should not be left unsupervised with a spork never mind the power of life and death over trillions of lives, but there is that twilight zone between various forms of crazy where sense and self reflection can dwell.
- The Guard is a completely non-standardized army with extremely varying levels of equipment often terrible tactics, completely reliant on human wave assaults, suffering massive losses wherever they go.
This is untrue. Guard is a professional army with very, almost too, standardized wargear with generally competent tactics, and the whole "human wave assaults is the only way" is blatant flanderization and a meme that people have started taking seriously. The standard tactic of the Guard is heavily defended fortified position, drawing the enemy there while having heavy artillery and armored support. Human wave tactics are only used when nothing else is available. The usual reason why Guard often suffers heavy losses is that their opposition is superior on them in tech (Necrons, Eldar) or in numbers (Chaos, Tyranids, Orks) or worst case, both.
This is untrue. Guard is a professional army with very, almost too, standardized wargear with generally competent tactics, and the whole "human wave assaults is the only way" is blatant flanderization and a meme that people have started taking seriously. The standard tactic of the Guard is heavily defended fortified position, drawing the enemy there while having heavy artillery and armored support. Human wave tactics are only used when nothing else is available. The usual reason why Guard often suffers heavy losses is that their opposition is superior on them in tech (Necrons, Eldar) or in numbers (Chaos, Tyranids, Orks) or worst case, both.
The way I always heard it (and wikis seems to confirm) is that guard is made up of tithed regiments. Thus, the training and equipment of each guard regiment vary depending on what they got from their homeworld. This leads to a completely inconsistent supply chain, doctrine, command structure, and so on. Over time, the guard regiment will need replacements of that equipment. That equipment will be drawn from tithes of yet different worlds, ensuring once more that even within each guard regiment there's a lot of variance in material and equipment.
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Sure, they'd lock it up in some secret, forgotten collection, thus ensuring that no one would notice when it goes missing, resulting in the Imperium getting blindsided when it turns out a chaos artefact has corrupted an important chunk of their armies or whatever.[And, as pointed out, it took Space Marines doing a mission impossible to capture the sword. It was not exactly left unattended.]

My core point is quite simple :

- The Administratum is a hideously complex organisation, which frequently makes massive mistakes (up to misplacing entire planets) , is rife with corruption and grift, and routinely ruins planets because they made errrors in adjusting the tithes.
- The Guard is a completely non-standardized army with extremely varying levels of equipment often terrible tactics, completely reliant on human wave assaults, suffering massive losses wherever they go.
- The Adeptus Mechanicus is a technology cult, worshipping machinery while eliminating understanding, jealously guarding secrets and overseeing a slow technological collapse of the Imperium by doing so.

Every part of the Imperium is depicted as hilariously dysfunctional. Why would the Inquisition be the sole exception where all their paranoia and misconceptions and incompetence and prejudice would suddenly be justified?

ideally you would drop off a chaos artifact like that in the center of a sun or a black hole because that shit has a habit of being used and getting out of left around. Instead they didn't just keep it around they kept it around in public view. Yes they had security but that's like leaving a functional nuke in the Smithsonian.

- that is true it's also true that trying to manage the spreadsheet of millions of worlds with tithes and Communication that litteraly has to go through at least three people trying to do interpretive sign language through a hell scape that eats every third message can be rather difficult. Moreover any system will by its very nature eventually become corrupt. The administrator has lasted over 10,000 fucking years. That's longer than any empire in human history hell that's longer than most of recorded history! The fact that it's still going it's insane.
- it's non-standard by design. Each regimen is supposed to have a single specialty because if that regiment turns to chaos the other regiments nearby can use combined arms formation to destroy it. It's less efficient then combined arms doctrine on every level yes but it's also more secure. As for human wave tactics you have to remember that the only resource the imperium has in abundance is manpower. The lazgun they wield is worth more than the guardsmen who uses it (with the exception of particularly skilled and affective units). Furthermore that is not always the case we see examples me and say the Cain archive where the guard functions effectively and efficiently. Proper tactics and discipline being used by smart and skilled solders. Not every imperial guard army is going to be completely hapless and Worthless. There are plenty that know what they are doing. And it's a further point I'm going to point out that the average human soldier is hilariously out of class by basically everything in the galaxy. Orks are 3times the size of them can take far more punishment and function with no supply or logistics and they are the least bullshit that the guard has to deal with.
-to be fair technology does have machine spirits in the 41st millennium. We see machines act up too many times to just be a superstition at this point. Not to mention whatever running Titans and land Raiders. Furthermore experimentation nowadays tends to lead to rather horrific results. This isn't the modern day were science and logic makes sense . You can have a computer that should buy all right work but if you were offend it and just will not work. Or you can have tech that by all rights should have stopped working ages ago that still works because it's ridiculously stubborn. I agree that they should be sharing those secrets a lot more at least among themselves but a technology cult makes too much sense in the universe that literally runs off magic.

oh the inquisition has its fair share of fuck ups don't get me wrong but for every story of a incompetent inquisitor do you have multiple where they are spot on the money and their actions have stopped horrific events from occurring and they do that on the regular.

you can't really scrap the whole system without doing incalculable damage to the internal security of the imperium. without the inquisition constantly being paranoid as fuck there will be a surge of Xeno heretic and demon incursions all over the place.

because yes they do a lot of damage to the human population of the imperium but again the human population of the imperium is the one resource they have an abundance of. trading a Billion lives for a better knife STC what do you actually have in Normas Lee positive consequences for the imperium as a whole.

now let me get something straight here does the entire system need to be reviewed and streamlined? yes of course there are 10,000 years of neglect and rust all over the reins of power from every single institution. There needs to be major reforms yes fat needs to get trimmed those who got in because of preferential treatment of family and connections need to get purged and people who actually deserve the positions need to get promoted.

but you can't just scrap everything and start fresh and any project that is aimed at fixing the imperium is going to be a slow one because you were fighting 10,000 years of political inertia. And change is literally one of the chaos gods people are going to be skeptical and suspicious as fuck because every single time that this is happened before something has been done to pull the rug out from under them.
[X][LEVIATHAN] The Forge World of Antioch

[X][POSTURE] Call upon your Deva and direct them to the most important battlefields.
Well then is managing a pan-galactic empire is too hard and inefficient perhaps that is a clue that there should be no such state, it being a leech on the resources of all those planets which are driven to horrific methods under the hand of an uncaring administratum. Also it really should be noted that the stories about how experimentation is the devil is being told by the toaster head cargo cultists and a lot of the supossed miracles of the machine god are really easy to account for with tech the poor fools no longer understand..
The way I always heard it (and wikis seems to confirm) is that guard is made up of tithed regiments. Thus, the training and equipment of each guard regiment vary depending on what they got from their homeworld. This leads to a completely inconsistent supply chain, doctrine, command structure, and so on. Over time, the guard regiment will need replacements of that equipment. That equipment will be drawn from tithes of yet different worlds, ensuring once more that even within each guard regiment there's a lot of variance in material and equipment.
This is untrue. Guard is a professional army with very, almost too, standardized wargear with generally competent tactics, and the whole "human wave assaults is the only way" is blatant flanderization and a meme that people have started taking seriously. The standard tactic of the Guard is heavily defended fortified position, drawing the enemy there while having heavy artillery and armored support. Human wave tactics are only used when nothing else is available. The usual reason why Guard often suffers heavy losses is that their opposition is superior on them in tech (Necrons, Eldar) or in numbers (Chaos, Tyranids, Orks) or worst case, both.
Both are true, even in the lore. Imperial Guard Regiments are expected to fulfill a certain standard and there is some attempt at standardisation, but considering the state of the Imperium and the problems with communications it is all but impossible to actually enforce those standards on a good day within the remit of the Officio Munitorum. Just as well, due to the sheer size of the Imperial Guard there is also a lot of variation in the quality of each individual Regiment, in terms of their common soldiery as well as their officer cadre, which can range from 'battle-tested veterans sourced from other Regiments' to 'military aristocrats with a strong martial tradition' to 'literal tribal chiefs now given rank and commission' to 'they literally bought the rank for prestige and loot'.

The traditional playbook of the Imperial Guard, then, is made idiot proof and reliant upon the Imperium's primary resource: Manpower. Bases of fire are enforced because it's a lot easier to sit on a hill and rain hell on the enemy than attempt a multi-prong assault in concert with multiple other Regiments upon a single position without friendly fire or complete failure to communicate, to say nothing of doing so across an entire planet in adherence to a strict timetable that must be kept lest gaps in the line appear that a competent enemy commander can easily exploit. It's also a lot easier to charge in human waves because frankly when people who don't know how to flank try to do it, the offensive just gets bogged down and more people die in the end for even less gain.

The Imperial Guard is often capable, unjustly underestimated and also outmatched by its foes. It is also often incompetent, unimaginative, slow to adapt and very, very unsubtle about its problem solving. Generally speaking, good officers will be mired in field command (where they might enjoy it more anyways) and then die valiantly on the battlefield achieving little while career climbers and bootlickers climb the ranks and continue to maintain the edifice of bullshit that the Imperial Guard has stood upon ever since the gloried days of the bloody Scouring.

Both can be true. Both can also be false. Neither changes the fact that the Imperial Guard is at the same time party to atrocities, run by muppets, and greased with the blood of billions.
ideally you would drop off a chaos artifact like that in the center of a sun or a black hole because that shit has a habit of being used and getting out of left around. Instead they didn't just keep it around they kept it around in public view. Yes they had security but that's like leaving a functional nuke in the Smithsonian.

- that is true it's also true that trying to manage the spreadsheet of millions of worlds with tithes and Communication that litteraly has to go through at least three people trying to do interpretive sign language through a hell scape that eats every third message can be rather difficult. Moreover any system will by its very nature eventually become corrupt. The administrator has lasted over 10,000 fucking years. That's longer than any empire in human history hell that's longer than most of recorded history! The fact that it's still going it's insane.
- it's non-standard by design. Each regimen is supposed to have a single specialty because if that regiment turns to chaos the other regiments nearby can use combined arms formation to destroy it. It's less efficient then combined arms doctrine on every level yes but it's also more secure. As for human wave tactics you have to remember that the only resource the imperium has in abundance is manpower. The lazgun they wield is worth more than the guardsmen who uses it (with the exception of particularly skilled and affective units). Furthermore that is not always the case we see examples me and say the Cain archive where the guard functions effectively and efficiently. Proper tactics and discipline being used by smart and skilled solders. Not every imperial guard army is going to be completely hapless and Worthless. There are plenty that know what they are doing. And it's a further point I'm going to point out that the average human soldier is hilariously out of class by basically everything in the galaxy. Orks are 3times the size of them can take far more punishment and function with no supply or logistics and they are the least bullshit that the guard has to deal with.
-to be fair technology does have machine spirits in the 41st millennium. We see machines act up too many times to just be a superstition at this point. Not to mention whatever running Titans and land Raiders. Furthermore experimentation nowadays tends to lead to rather horrific results. This isn't the modern day were science and logic makes sense . You can have a computer that should buy all right work but if you were offend it and just will not work. Or you can have tech that by all rights should have stopped working ages ago that still works because it's ridiculously stubborn. I agree that they should be sharing those secrets a lot more at least among themselves but a technology cult makes too much sense in the universe that literally runs off magic.

oh the inquisition has its fair share of fuck ups don't get me wrong but for every story of a incompetent inquisitor do you have multiple where they are spot on the money and their actions have stopped horrific events from occurring and they do that on the regular.

you can't really scrap the whole system without doing incalculable damage to the internal security of the imperium. without the inquisition constantly being paranoid as fuck there will be a surge of Xeno heretic and demon incursions all over the place.

because yes they do a lot of damage to the human population of the imperium but again the human population of the imperium is the one resource they have an abundance of. trading a Billion lives for a better knife STC what do you actually have in Normas Lee positive consequences for the imperium as a whole.

now let me get something straight here does the entire system need to be reviewed and streamlined? yes of course there are 10,000 years of neglect and rust all over the reins of power from every single institution. There needs to be major reforms yes fat needs to get trimmed those who got in because of preferential treatment of family and connections need to get purged and people who actually deserve the positions need to get promoted.

but you can't just scrap everything and start fresh and any project that is aimed at fixing the imperium is going to be a slow one because you were fighting 10,000 years of political inertia. And change is literally one of the chaos gods people are going to be skeptical and suspicious as fuck because every single time that this is happened before something has been done to pull the rug out from under them.
It should be noted that Pandora personally feels that the way the Imperium manages Chaos is dumb and counterproductive in a lot of ways.
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The way I always heard it (and wikis seems to confirm) is that guard is made up of tithed regiments. Thus, the training and equipment of each guard regiment vary depending on what they got from their homeworld. This leads to a completely inconsistent supply chain, doctrine, command structure, and so on. Over time, the guard regiment will need replacements of that equipment. That equipment will be drawn from tithes of yet different worlds, ensuring once more that even within each guard regiment there's a lot of variance in material and equipment.
It is, but the equipment is heavily standardized. There are some slight variations, but every regiment uses same lasguns, same bolters, same plasmaguns, same grenades, same vehicles and so forth. And even in case of variations, that equipment still uses same parts, fuel, ammo, etc. Same supply chains can support different regiments this way easily. And of course doctrine is going to be different outside of standard regiment, since different battlefields require different combat doctrine, whether it is due to terrain (ice, dessert, jungle, urban) or opposition (defensive, offensive, etc.).
The way I always heard it (and wikis seems to confirm) is that guard is made up of tithed regiments. Thus, the training and equipment of each guard regiment vary depending on what they got from their homeworld. This leads to a completely inconsistent supply chain, doctrine, command structure, and so on. Over time, the guard regiment will need replacements of that equipment. That equipment will be drawn from tithes of yet different worlds, ensuring once more that even within each guard regiment there's a lot of variance in material and equipment.

Laz guns which are used across most of the imperium do come in Different models yes but they all use the same power source and thDifferent models yes but they all use the same power source. Said power source is so flexible or you can charge it by shaking it leaving it out in sunlight throwing it in a fire or putting it in a charger that is standard in every chimera.

the Laz gun is basically a wet dream of every single pencil pusher that has ever been in charge of war. It's ammo is not just recyclable rechargeable and interchangeable it's standard across the imperium. A caidain guardsmen can slot in a dead mcCraig pdf grunt's power cell into his lazgun and It will work.

It's rugged dependable and good for over 100,000 shots before it might actually be in need of maintenance and replacement parts.

that's just the fire arm.

As for inconsistencies among regiment of different planets again you're missing the point that's the point of it. If the regiments do not interact to a great degree it acts as a quarantine system from corruption.
Well then is managing a pan-galactic empire is too hard and inefficient perhaps that is a clue that there should be no such state, it being a leech on the resources of all those planets which are driven to horrific methods under the hand of an uncaring administratum. Also it really should be noted that the stories about how experimentation is the devil is being told by the toaster head cargo cultists and a lot of the supossed miracles of the machine god are really easy to account for with tech the poor fools no longer understand..

*points at the Nids*
*points at Orks*
*points at Necrons*
*points at Chaos*
*points at the Dark Eldar *

How exactly is a fractured bunch of states with no central command structure or organized cooperative fleet going to deal with a massive Ork WAAAGH that if it builds up momentum will become more powerful then any sector?

how was such a fractious entity going to be able to stop a hive fleet?

how is such chaos going to be able to stop well chaos or even notice the dark Eldar?

Please by all means tell me how people on a system level can deal with galactic threats.
Both are true, even in the lore. Imperial Guard Regiments are expected to fulfill a certain standard and there is some attempt at standardisation, but considering the state of the Imperium and the problems with communications it is all but impossible to actually enforce those standards on a good day within the remit of the Officio Munitorum. Just as well, due to the sheer size of the Imperial Guard there is also a lot of variation in the quality of each individual Regiment, in terms of their common soldiery as well as their officer cadre, which can range from 'battle-tested veterans sourced from other Regiments' to 'military aristocrats with a strong martial tradition' to 'literal tribal chiefs now given rank and commission' to 'they literally bought the rank for prestige and loot'.

The traditional playbook of the Imperial Guard, then, is made idiot proof and reliant upon the Imperium's primary resource: Manpower. Bases of fire are enforced because it's a lot easier to sit on a hill and rain hell on the enemy than attempt a multi-prong assault in concert with multiple other Regiments upon a single position without friendly fire or complete failure to communicate, to say nothing of doing so across an entire planet in adherence to a strict timetable that must be kept lest gaps in the line appear that a competent enemy commander can easily exploit. It's also a lot easier to charge in human waves because frankly when people who don't know how to flank try to do it, the offensive just gets bogged down and more people die in the end for even less gain.

The Imperial Guard is often capable, unjustly underestimated and also outmatched by its foes. It is also often incompetent, unimaginative, slow to adapt and very, very unsubtle about its problem solving. Generally speaking, good officers will be mired in field command (where they might enjoy it more anyways) and then die valiantly on the battlefield achieving little while career climbers and bootlickers climb the ranks and continue to maintain the edifice of bullshit that the Imperial Guard has stood upon ever since the gloried days of the bloody Scouring.

Both can be true. Both can also be false. Neither changes the fact that the Imperial Guard is at the same time party to atrocities, run by muppets, and greased with the blood of billions.

It should be noted that Pandora personally feels that the way the Imperium manages Chaos is dumb and counterproductive in a lot of ways.
Uhhhh going to have to disagree with her on this then because the only safe thing you can do with chaos is blow it the fuck up from as far away as possible with as much firepower as possible and get rid of the pieces just to be sure.

Chaos is quite literally a spiritual and memetic tumor. Maybe she can push it back with holy power but for everyone else the only safe methods involve a great deal of flamers and meltas. Preferably with some blanks along as well just to be sure.
In Song of Peace, are blanks actually soulless as they're believed to be, or is it something else in them that makes them immune to Warp powers?

*points at the Nids*
*points at Orks*
*points at Necrons*
*points at Chaos*
*points at the Dark Eldar *

How exactly is a fractured bunch of states with no central command structure or organized cooperative fleet going to deal with a massive Ork WAAAGH that if it builds up momentum will become more powerful then any sector?

how was such a fractious entity going to be able to stop a hive fleet?

how is such chaos going to be able to stop well chaos or even notice the dark Eldar?

Please by all means tell me how people on a system level can deal with galactic threats.

Yes and that has been the justification of every Hard man making Hard decisions (Usually while drinking hard and taking hard drugs because that is how the nobility rolls in 40K). 'There are worse things than us therefore the Super-Orwelian Hellscape we have made is justifiable, now shut up and eat your corpse starch.'

By all means tell the random hab dweller who just got shanked for the windowless room barely high enough to stand in by his only son, because that is the only wealth he is going to have that all this is worth it because at least he did not get eaten by an alien.... you get eaten by your fellow man instead in the form of corpse starch. Tell the countless people who are burned alive in orgies of zeal and xenophobia that their death and torment is worth it because hey the Dark Eldar would have tortured you more artistically. Tell the entire peaceful alien civilizations some of which have never even seen a human before they are bombed into oblivion that their death is acceptable because some other aliens may have betrayed humans twenty thousand years ago at least according to ten thousand year old propaganda.

The IoM is evil, pure and simple, it was evil from its inception and it has only gotten worse since. I would say it should be wiped from history, but no because then it could not be held up as a standard for the most horrific excesses of tyranny that 'pragmatism' can lead one to.
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How exactly is a fractured bunch of states with no central command structure or organized cooperative fleet going to deal with a massive Ork WAAAGH that if it builds up momentum will become more powerful then any sector?
Okay so the fact you say 'fractured' is interesting, because abolishing the Imperium doesn't necessarily mean total every-sector-for-themselves, y'know? The Great Crusade basically tore apart every other hopeful new interstellar empire, good and bad, and, more to the point... the Imperium's already basically that fractured. That's what happens, constantly, where the Imperium misjudges a threat and then only turns around to meet it way after a easy resolution is possible. A galactic alliance of empires, each leading their own, smaller territories, that work together and maintain firm alliances, would by default be more stable than the Imperium's so called unified empire, just by dint of not being the Imperium.
The main problem with splitting up the Imperium actually isn't splitting up the Imperium, if nothing else most extra-Segmentum Solar Sectors probably couldn't be happier to see the back of Terra and its ruthless exploitation of the periphery. No, the problem is an organization that is already one of the most powerful in the Imperium, second only to the Administratum and perhaps Ecclesiarchy, and wouldn't be directly affected by such a split at all because they already don't adhere to Imperial norms of political organization. Now, god knows the AdMech have their internal disputes, they refuse to share tech with each other unless absolutely necessary for one thing, but they do seemingly mostly have respect for their big boss independent from anything derived from the barrel of a space gun.

Splitting up the Imperium without first tackling the Mechanicus problem is just handing the keys of the kingdom straight to Mars. And that's not great.
[X][LEVIATHAN] The Forge World of Antioch
[X][POSTURE] Call upon your Deva and direct them to the most important battlefields.
In Song of Peace, are blanks actually soulless as they're believed to be, or is it something else in them that makes them immune to Warp powers?
Pandora has no idea.
Kind of hard for her to do her usual Warp-related solution of just casually glancing at it and seeing the truth of it.

My personal headcanon is that after the "exceptionally insentive to the Warp" on the Psyker-scale that then moves to the Blank-scales? Those represent the degrees of strength of someone having an "inverted soul". To make a metaphor, if being an Alpha Plus Psyker is like a whirlpool of a truly titanic scale in the Warp that draws small oceans worth of energy to the realspace, then being a Blank of Omega Minus in the other end means being a mountain range that pushes that oceans worth of energy away from anywhere near it. Which is presumably bad for everyone with even normal souls, but extra-super-bad for anyone with a deep connection to the Warp.

Because in that scenario, to continue this metaphor, those souls that were just a moment ago swimming in the Warp? They suddenly find themselves on dry land. And while those weak souls that live relatively near the surface are the least effected, those that live near the bottom of the ocean are, even with their exceptionally strong and durable souls, suffering from a somewhat more severe case of sudden and violent depressurization.

So basically, I would say that the everyone alive in 40k has some kind of soul, though people may have very weak ones and, or the inverted kind with varying degrees of strength.
The way I see it whatever polity we make at the end of the day may still have a thing for the color gold and eagles, it may even call itself something of Man, but it will bear no resemblance to either the decomposing corpse it is now or the monstrous war machine that set out on the Great Crusade. Both of those would be almost as Anathema to Pandora as Chaos.
Okay so the fact you say 'fractured' is interesting, because abolishing the Imperium doesn't necessarily mean total every-sector-for-themselves, y'know? The Great Crusade basically tore apart every other hopeful new interstellar empire, good and bad, and, more to the point... the Imperium's already basically that fractured. That's what happens, constantly, where the Imperium misjudges a threat and then only turns around to meet it way after a easy resolution is possible. A galactic alliance of empires, each leading their own, smaller territories, that work together and maintain firm alliances, would by default be more stable than the Imperium's so called unified empire, just by dint of not being the Imperium.

you're making the assumption that they would be firm allies if they weren't a part of the same empire.

Furthermore if the imperium As a whole with its functionally bottomless pool of manpower will still struggle against a hive fleet how the hell is a colution of smaller empires which by the very definition of the term is less coordinated then a single bodied empire going to stop that?

further let's say Ork Raiders take over one of these empires and then target another. without a higher authority telling them to sectors that currently aren't under threat are not going to contribute resources to deal with that Ork incursion.

which means the targeted sector is going to get overrun which in turn means that the ork is going to escalate.

without a central system the news that hey this WAAAGH is building up steam is not likely to spread too far. And with each empire that is destroyed it gets larger and more powerful to the point that it's going to start swallowing multiple empires simultaneously. At that point what are you going to do? Because sure that orc looks really scary but you are currently dealing with pirates right now and you can't be bothered to go help someone that's very far away from you. So the people that are currently fighting that orc are fucked.

if left unchecked by a significantly more powerful entity that work is going to eventually conquer everything.

Now repeat that process for chaos and Nids .

because people are only interested in their self interest they are not going to go far out of their way to help someone else with what is their problem.

Hell let's look at badab for a second. The independent resource extraction grid was at one time one of the most resource rich sectors in the entire fucking galaxy. The carthago sector right next-door was the one that was in charge of distributing those resources across the galaxy. When the resource extraction grade was essentially being swarmed by Chaos forces Forks El Dara and I'll sorts of other things they didn't lift a finger they just sat there and did nothing. It required the High lords to place space Marines in that area for it to calm down.

if they wouldn't raise a finger to assist the people who were giving them mountains of super valuable materials what makes you think that sector b is going to help sector a for anything?

and all of this isn't even looking at the fact that there are threats out there that require the imperium to put its entire back into fighting in a united push. without a single unified command structure they have no fucking chance. Hell even with one they are looking up words at a shot in hell.

Yes and that has been the justification of every Hard man making Hard decisions (Usually while drinking hard and taking hard drugs because that is how the nobility rolls in 40K). 'There are worse things than us therefore the Super-Orwelian Hellscape we have made is justifiable, now shut up and eat your corpse starch.'

By all means tell the random hab dweller who just got shanked by his son for the windowless room barely high enough to stand in by his only son, because that is the only wealth he is going to have that all this is worth it because at least he did not get eaten by an alien.... you get eaten by your fellow man instead in the form of corpse starch. Tell the countless people who are burned alive in orgies of zeal and xenophobia that their death and torment is worth it because hey the Dark Eldar would have tortured you more artistically. Tell the entire peaceful alien civilizations some of which have never even seen a human before they are bombed into oblivion that their death is acceptable because some other aliens may have betrayed humans twenty thousand years ago at least according to ten thousand year old propaganda.

The IoM is evil, pure and simple, it was evil from its inception and it has only gotten worse since. I would say it should be wiped from history, but no because then it could not be held up as a standard for the most horrific excesses of tyranny that 'pragmatism' can lead one to.

it wasn't always supposed to be like that the imperium was a temporary measure created by the emperor to conquer the galaxy and deal with threats that we're going to conquer the galaxy and wipe out humanity and by extension everyone that isn't an orc or chaotic.

Hell papa Smurf didn't even get a chance to properly rework everything because he was gained in the middle of putting everything back together. And everything else has been trying to hold together for the past 10,000 years.

if you put a less brutal organization in this universe it will most likely be slaughtered. Seriously try putting the systems alliance in the 40 K universe and try to imagine them surviving this or the Federation from star treck and see how long they are methods last in the face of a Ork WAAAGH, Genesteelers, chaos cultists and all sorts of other Horrors.

You mock them and certainly there are aspects that deserve marking I'm not going to defend that. Nobility and worth from bloodlines is bullshit and not worth a damn outside of shit like Big E's bloodline of bullshit.

but tell me how exactly are you going to deal with people who worship a different God whom is a aspect of Khorne?

how do you politely deal with a gene Steeler infestation that is nearly impossible to neatly get rid of?

How do you stop chaos corruption?

there are 1,000,001 hard decisions in 40 K it doesn't excuse when people do stupid bullshit but in many cases there are good people who are forced to make shit decisions.

Cephas Cain is despite his own protestations over the fact as close to a hero as you get. he cares for his subordinates he puts his life on the line and he will regularly fight things that are so far beyond his weight class it's kind of hilarious.

but he still hast to make decisions like killing PDF whom are just following orders to prevent a war with the Tau. Him executing and killing people whom are loyal can be considered evil by the standards you're putting out. But if he didn't do that there would've been a war in the imperium would not have been able to deal with the Nids that were coming.

what would you have done in that situation diplomacy had failed and they were going to kill those diplomats if you don't kill them everything gets fucked but they don't deserve to be killed because they're just following orders and they are trying to defend their home.

The best stories in this universe are about people whom see that the universe is a shitty place and are trying to do the best they can in it. Save as many people as they can and do as much good as they can knowing full well that many of their actions can be considered evil by shifting the perspective just a little bit.

saying it's not worth defending is kind of spitting on the lives of countless trillions whom believe that yeah it is worth defending and they are willing to throw themselves at literal demons to do so.

If you want a happy ending in this universe you're going to have to fucking earn it going up a very steep hill but it makes it so much more rewarding when you do manage to flip off reality kick it between the legs and actually managed to save the day. You can't win every fight you can't be completely blameless but you can do the best you can.

this is not DC where the good guys always win. this is a universal were the bad guys quite often win. and who the bad guys can occasionally be rather gray but there is still good in it.

for every fat noble commander who sacrifices millions of men to achieve nothing more than to further his own career you have people who face impossible odds to save those around them.

TLDR: yes the system is fucked and needs a significant amount of cleaning and significant reworking streamlining and generally just making better. but it's not going to be a swift wave your hands and everything is better fix you have to earn everything because everything is trying to stop you from making the world a better place. So spit in it's face and do the best you can.
the monstrous war machine that set out on the Great Crusade
that machine more or less died during the heresy , the current one was born in the aftermath of the scouring along with Girlyman's reforms and as is typical of everything the imperium tries after the heresy its no where near as effective or efficient as its great crusade counter part