We have an army for regular garrison duty like this. The only reason the highlander attack worked at all was because they got recruited to be officers in the levi and so couldn't also guard the boarder.
Actually, the Highlander attacked worked out as it would normally would as we had Mass Levy guarding it instead of regular troops. Do note that the Highlanders basically got nowhere with their attack and there was only any concern because we were being strained by having so many fronts to worry about.
[X] Plan Oshha
-[X] Authority: Touch The Cow, Do It Now, Thunder Plateau: The Sacred Warding in the Thunder Plateau collapsed when the Black Sheep took the Sacred Herds to add to their own. Although it would be made much more difficult by the nearly nonexistant bureaucracy, you could start rebuilding the Warding in that province. (30%, 5 years, ++Thunder Plateau Loyalty)
-[X] Influence: Seek Western Wall's Surrender: Western Wall has started sending feelers that they may be open to negotiating their surrender. (Narrative%, 1 year, peace terms)
-[X] Influence: Found Diplomacy organization: Currently diplomacy is mostly an ad hoc thing. Properly organizing it, and having people whose job it is to talk to people, would let you do it better. (70%. 1 Turn. -1 Influence, improved diplomatic capabilities)
-[X] Influence: Determine Internal Factions: Receive a dossier on the relevant internal factions of a polity you have diplomatic relations with. This will allow you to support or oppose their internal factions to be more favorable to your interests.
--[X] Amber Road
-[X] Personal: Catch up on the latest plays and theological debates (-Stress)

That seems all right to me. Might be other options than Amber Road worth considering but this is okay.
[X] Plan Oshha

It does what we need it to do.

Here's hoping we roll well on the WW peace and they give us something we can accept - while TP is damaged by mismanagement WW is currently being damaged by deliberate intent, and of the two I suspect the second would be more expensive to fix.
[X] Plan Oshha
-[X] Authority: Touch The Cow, Do It Now, Thunder Plateau: The Sacred Warding in the Thunder Plateau collapsed when the Black Sheep took the Sacred Herds to add to their own. Although it would be made much more difficult by the nearly nonexistant bureaucracy, you could start rebuilding the Warding in that province. (30%, 5 years, ++Thunder Plateau Loyalty)
-[X] Influence: Seek Western Wall's Surrender: Western Wall has started sending feelers that they may be open to negotiating their surrender. (Narrative%, 1 year, peace terms)
-[X] Influence: Found Diplomacy organization: Currently diplomacy is mostly an ad hoc thing. Properly organizing it, and having people whose job it is to talk to people, would let you do it better. (70%. 1 Turn. -1 Influence, improved diplomatic capabilities)
-[X] Influence: Determine Internal Factions: Receive a dossier on the relevant internal factions of a polity you have diplomatic relations with. This will allow you to support or oppose their internal factions to be more favorable to your interests.
--[X] Amber Road
-[X] Personal: Catch up on the latest plays and theological debates (-Stress)

That seems all right to me. Might be other options than Amber Road worth considering but this is okay.
If we can land a solid alliance with the Amber Road we can split Ukraine between us and cut the religious fanatics who hate us for being the wrong faith from encircling us to the north. I would LOVE to have essentially one side of our kingdom having organized potential opposition and all others being safe.
So, the Black Sheep are nomadic shepherds again, which is a lifestyle you conquer Persia to get away from. This is a proposal that they put on the table and our negotiators found acceptable despite our distrust of the whole horse nomad concept. Let's think how and why that works.

1. The black sheep. Much of the BS wealth is still in their herds and their herds are still the form of wealth with the greatest cultural significance so they absolutely need grazing rights. Now there are plenty of places in the MY and even the TP where shepherds can keep large herds on a few seasonal pastures in a fairly small region and not all of them are taken. Indeed the BS has settled as conquerors and kept their herds. However, especially in TP, there's a lot of drier pasture that could be exploited but only on a multi-year cycle which is a niche for experienced nomads that won't come into conflict with a growing population of settled shepherds.

MY what? Mekut Ymaryn? Isn't TP part of the Mekut Ymaryn? Don't forget that WW is available for grazing as well. Also, you can absolutely graze these animals in forests as well.
[X] Plan Oshha

I'd rather have a spy network in Hellas than a picture of Amber Road politics but best to wait until we can put an Authority on it.
I'd rather have a spy network in Hellas than a picture of Amber Road politics but best to wait until we can put an Authority on it.

The network of setting up a spy network means that I don't want to do them until we can put an Authority on it. Even two Influence is a bit too risky for me considering that we have to roll a 67+ three consecutive times without failing even once. Especially since there is a chance we could get some type of backlash from failing to create a spy network such as being caught in the middle of it.
[] Plan Finish the Plateau
-[] Authority: Touch The Cow, Do It Now, Thunder Plateau: The Sacred Warding in the Thunder Plateau collapsed when the Black Sheep took the Sacred Herds to add to their own. Although it would be made much more difficult by the nearly nonexistant bureaucracy, you could start rebuilding the Warding in that province. (30%, 5 years, ++Thunder Plateau Loyalty)
-[] Influence: Seek Western Wall's Surrender: Western Wall has started sending feelers that they may be open to negotiating their surrender. (Narrative%, 1 year, peace terms)
-[] Influence: Found Diplomacy organization: Currently diplomacy is mostly an ad hoc thing. Properly organizing it, and having people whose job it is to talk to people, would let you do it better. (70%. 1 Turn. -1 Influence, improved diplomatic capabilities)
-[] Support Province: Give one of the provinces considerable sums of money to assist in their current infrastructural projects. (85%, 1 Year, Expensive, +Province Loyalty)
--[] Thunder Plateau
-[] Personal: Catch up on the latest plays and theological debates (-Stress)

Same as plan Oshha, but we follow the admin hero's advice instead of looking into Amber Road's internal factions.

One is important and timely, the other thing is something that would maybe be useful this decade.

The admin hero also asks us not to do the Support Province action until the Mass Levy is demobilized.

Uff. OK. I'll withdraw my vote.

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MY what? Mekut Ymaryn? Isn't TP part of the Mekut Ymaryn? Don't forget that WW is available for grazing as well. Also, you can absolutely graze these animals in forests as well.
Yes. I was saying that within the Melkut Ymaryn as a whole there is land suitable for non-nomad sheep farming. Some of this land is in the Thunder Plateau. There will be competition for this land. There is also land (mostly but not exclusively in Thunder Plateau) that can only be sustainably exploited on a nomad basis. There won't be competition for that land. The BS have the skills, herds and lack of choice to use the marginal lands so that's where they're going.

I doubt the agreed range will include much if any forest grazing. We're very into managed forestry so we will have communities already associated with our forests and they'll have the grazing rights.
Yes. I was saying that within the Melkut Ymaryn as a whole there is land suitable for non-nomad sheep farming. Some of this land is in the Thunder Plateau. There will be competition for this land. There is also land (mostly but not exclusively in Thunder Plateau) that can only be sustainably exploited on a nomad basis. There won't be competition for that land. The BS have the skills, herds and lack of choice to use the marginal lands so that's where they're going.

I doubt the agreed range will include much if any forest grazing. We're very into managed forestry so we will have communities already associated with our forests and they'll have the grazing rights.
This is a return to normal though. The Khan left with basically every herd of cattle he could lay hands on not that long ago. I bet our local communities just straight up lack some forms of animals they are normally accustomed to having, and they are accustomed to have access to those animals through the herds that migrated through our lands.

The Black Sheep herds migrating through is likely soon to be a welcome thing because it means meat in the pot of anyone who they want to trade with, or wool to spin into fine cloth. Hell, they likely swing by cities to slaughter their excess herd and sell the black wool they are famous for to trade for quite a number of luxuries.

Returning to the way things used to be 30-40 years ago isn't going to be THAT disruptive. This wasn't a technological upheaval that renders us unable to return to normal. This was a man made disaster that we are still recovering from.
Train Thunder Plateau Administrators length has been finalized as 7 years, total.

I am assuming the +3 Stress is in addition to the usual +1 Stress per turn, since that is how the notifications normally work. With 13 Stress for Balthazar, it is recommended to take stress-reducing actions only, from here forward.

Balthazar is highly respected among the "Peahen" faction who has suffered most from this war--at the very least, he is widely seen as having their interests in mind. This may open up possibilities, in this tumultuous time, not available to Brynn.


1618 Initial Results Snapshot of frequently-changed stats (1618 Post-Peace Thunder Plateau)
(Forgot to post this earlier.)

Base Influence: 5 Influence, 2 Authority

Naval Status (Yllython Mor): 8 (Poor)
Naval Status (Saffron Sea): 2 (Anemic)
Naval Status (Salt Sea): 4 (Weak)
Naval Status (Monsoon Sea): 6 (Poor)
(Combined Yllython+Saffron Naval: 10 [Average])
Total Naval Score: 20

Professional Army Formations:
Iron Flower Banner Company (Pike & Shot [crossbow]) - Deployed to Western Wall Front
Heaven's Hawk Banner Company (Heavy Cavalry) - Deployed to Western Wall Front

Western Wall Front: 270,000 men & Both Banner Companies
In Transit: 670,000 men & Dragon General Dafydd.
Highlander Front: 30,000 Men
Reserve: 30,000 Men

Treasury Status: 5.3/10
Income: +.3

Expensive Actions subtract 1 from treasury status, Profitable actions add 1 to it. Very is x2, Extremely is x3, Ruinously/Insanely is x4.
Income adds itself to the Treasury Status every 5 years.

Provinces and Loyalty

Core: Rock Solid
Memory of Spirits: Rock Solid
Txolla: Unshakable
Hathytta: Decently Loyal
Western Wall: In Rebellion
Greenshore: Solid
Tinshore: Rock Solid
Thunder Plateau: Retaken, Transitioning to Civilian Control

Client States:

Tin Tribes


Opinions of you:

Khemetri: 4/10 [C] R
Magyar: 7/10
Ealam: 7/10
Vynta: 6/10
Ruma: 5/10
Pamplona: 8/10
Abyss: 5/10
Hung: 8/10 [C]
Rexum Germanum: 5/10
-Hasum 4/10
-Behryvar 4/10
-Ochrur ?/10
Tarta: 5/10
Styrmyr: 5/10
Amber Road: 8/10 [C], 2/5 [A]
Norsca: 4/10
Berba: 5/10
Hellas: 3/10 [C] R
Pulska: 3/5

Melkut Ymaryn: 59

Additional Stats (1618 Initial Results)
Prestige:: 59
Authority: 1
Influence: 2 (+1 pending)
Estimated Stress (unknown start point): 13.0
Other Notables: None
Revaunchists Appeasement: Mass Levy
Txollan Concerns Met: Satisfied from now on (will be removed next update)

Num Profitable Markets: 3 (2 without Probable -Amber Road Opinion)
Num Semi-Profitable Markets [Estimated Treasury]: 4 [1.875]
(These estimates are probably out of date. see 1613 Start for latest updates)

Next Guild Income Within: 1620
Treasury: 5.3 (+0.3 mid-1620,1625... ; +1 mid-1620,1622,...; -1 mid-year from Mass Levy)
Loans Taken: 4
Unoccupied Banner Companies: Both on Western Wall front
(-1.7 income on completion of Train Thunder Plateau Administrators)

Action [Investment]: Scheduled Investment Return Year (Estimated Return Year)
Spreading the Warding, Amber Road [1 Influence]: 1620 (1620)
Create Sleeper Cells, Black Sheep [2 Influence]: our choice
Train Thunder Plateau Administrators, Elective [1 Influence]: 1624 (1626)

Revaunchists ("Peacock") Weakenings: 4 + (1 gravely) - 1 = 3 + gravely? (+1 projected)
  1. Tin Tribes Independence
  2. White Peace with Hellas
  3. Amber Road Independence
  4. Refrain from conquering Stymyr to mountains
  5. Strengthening: Blame Western Wall
  6. "Gravely weakened": Khemetri Concession
  7. Leave the Highlanders (projected)
3 weakenings likely reduces "antsy": no more half-measures -> reduced half-measure roll weights

Sacred Warding Notes: Can provide to three nations (Source) [Currently 1/3]

All dates are tentative estimates; they can change in response to circumstances (e.g. failures, crits). +/-1 in [year] means that an extra +/-1 will be available for us during Turn [year]. I believe that income is added during the Initial Results part of a year, though the exact ordering within that stage is unclear.
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1619 Start Snapshot of frequently-changed stats (1618 Initial Results)

Base Influence: 5 Influence, 2 Authority

Naval Status (Yllython Mor): 8 (Poor)
Naval Status (Saffron Sea): 2 (Anemic)
Naval Status (Salt Sea): 4 (Weak)
Naval Status (Monsoon Sea): 6 (Poor)
(Combined Yllython+Saffron Naval: 10 [Average])
Total Naval Score: 20

Professional Army Formations:
Iron Flower Banner Company (Pike & Shot [crossbow]) - Deployed to Western Wall Front
Heaven's Hawk Banner Company (Heavy Cavalry) - Deployed to Western Wall Front

Western Wall Front: 270,000 men & Both Banner Companies
In Transit: 670,000 men & Dragon General Dafydd.
Highlander Front: 30,000 Men
Reserve: 30,000 Men

Treasury Status: 5.3/10
Income: +.3

Expensive Actions subtract 1 from treasury status, Profitable actions add 1 to it. Very is x2, Extremely is x3, Ruinously/Insanely is x4.
Income adds itself to the Treasury Status every 5 years.

Provinces and Loyalty

Core: Rock Solid
Memory of Spirits: Rock Solid
Txolla: Unshakable
Hathytta: Decently Loyal
Western Wall: In Rebellion
Greenshore: Solid
Tinshore: Rock Solid
Thunder Plateau: Retaken, Transitioning to Civilian Control

Client States:

Tin Tribes

Opinions of you:

Khemetri: 4/10 [C] R
Magyar: 7/10
Ealam: 7/10
Vynta: 6/10
Ruma: 5/10
Pamplona: 8/10
Abyss: 5/10
Hung: 8/10 [C]
Rexum Germanum: 5/10
-Hasum 4/10
-Behryvar 4/10
-Ochrur ?/10
Tarta: 5/10
Styrmyr: 5/10
Amber Road: 8/10 [C], 2/5 [A]
Norsca: 4/10
Berba: 5/10
Hellas: 3/10 [C] R
Pulska: 3/5

Prestige Rankings:
<30 = Minor Power
30-59 = Major Power
60-99 = Great Power
100+ = Super Power

Melkut Ymaryn: 59

Additional Stats (1619 Start)
Prestige:: 59
Authority: 1
Influence: 3
Estimated Stress (unknown start point): 13.0
Other Notables: None
Revaunchists Appeasement: Mass Levy

Num Profitable Markets: 3 (2 without Probable -Amber Road Opinion)
Num Semi-Profitable Markets [Estimated Treasury]: 4 [1.875]
(These estimates are probably out of date. see 1613 Start for latest updates)

Next Guild Income Within: 1620
Treasury: 5.3 (+0.3 mid-1620,1625... ; +1 mid-1620,1622,...; -1 mid-year from Mass Levy)
Loans Taken: 4
Unoccupied Banner Companies: Both on Western Wall front
(-1.7 income on completion of Train Thunder Plateau Administrators)

Action [Investment]: Scheduled Investment Return Year (Estimated Return Year)
Spreading the Warding, Amber Road [1 Influence]: 1620 (1620)
Train Thunder Plateau Administrators, Elective [1 Influence]: 1624 (1626)

Revaunchists ("Peacock") Weakenings: 5 + (1 "gravely") - 1
  1. Tin Tribes Independence
  2. White Peace with Hellas
  3. Amber Road Independence
  4. Refrain from conquering Stymyr to mountains
  5. Strengthening: Blame Western Wall
  6. "Gravely weakened": Khemetri Concession
  7. Leave the Highlanders
3 weakenings likely reduces "antsy": no more half-measures -> reduced half-measure roll weights

Sacred Warding Notes: Can provide to three nations (Source) [Currently 1/3] (+1 projected)

All dates are tentative estimates; they can change in response to circumstances (e.g. failures, crits). +/-1 in [year] means that an extra +/-1 will be available for us during Turn [year]. I believe that income is added during the Initial Results part of a year, though the exact ordering within that stage is unclear.
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[X] Plan Oshha

seems okay. I would prefer Plan Finish the Plateau, but we've been asked to wait until after the Mass Levy is finished (should hopefully only be 1-2 years; I imagine 3 maximum).

Is there a reason we're not opening up diplo relations with the Highlanders, though? To wait until the diplomacy organization is activated?
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Is there a reason we're not opening up diplo relations with the Highlanders, though? To wait until the diplomacy organization is activated?
Because we have limited Influence right now and I don't want to risk losing one to the contacting the Highlanders when we are already going to be losing one to our new diplomatic organisation.