Containerized shipping doesn't make too much sense before you get away from wind-powered ships. And even once we transition to steam ships, until labour is more valuable than cargo space, it makes sense to spend the extra time to efficiently use every bit of space in our ships, wagons and wagonway carriages.

Containerization is good, but like many things it is good in a particular context. Before that context arrives it is bad.


OK. You're right.

What is the limiting factor for our Guild Industry, then? Is it labor? Productivity? Market size?

How can we generate more wealth without selling guns to fund our mega expensive megaprojects and support our growth?
How can we generate more wealth without selling guns to fund our mega expensive megaprojects and support our growth
It's with Megaprojects themselves, I think. Use the tremendous amount of resources we have available to go full Railroad and reap the profits from the inherit power of having a well-connected society where trade is easier. No one else could come close to producing the steel that would be needed, after all.
It's with Megaprojects themselves, I think. Use the tremendous amount of resources we have available to go full Railroad and reap the profits from the inherit power of having a well-connected society where trade is easier. No one else could come close to producing the steel that would be needed, after all.

These wagonways are not going to be steel. That's currently beyond what the Ymaryn could do.
These wagonways are not going to be steel. That's currently beyond what the Ymaryn could do.
You are right, I misremembered. However, the rails being iron is still stupendous that it can even be considered. There are still older and lower-tech rail networks, but networks is pushing it and they are generally made of treated wood. If completed, they'd propel Ymarim infrastructure to tremendous levels.
Academies. The People have the best education system in the world; exporting our knowledge to the international rich would gain us not only much-needed funds, but widen our influence and spread our culture. In the other direction, we would also receive an inflow of news and vibrant ideas.

Gated behind: Peahen cultural shift, probably. (Glory-seeking is not exactly compatible with sharing the sources of power with others.)
Academies. The People have the best education system in the world; exporting our knowledge to the international rich would gain us not only much-needed funds, but widen our influence and spread our culture. In the other direction, we would also receive an inflow of news and vibrant ideas.

Gated behind: Peahen cultural shift, probably. (Glory-seeking is not exactly compatible with sharing the sources of power with others.)
I think it is more likely to be gated behind fixing our poor diplomacy as your idea seems like the sort of thing that requires proper organisation to get done rather than some ad-hoc deals.
Diplomacy would certainly not hurt (as the diplomats meet many of the target audiences), but the main issue is allowing the academies to accept non-(Ymaryn Patricians) to begin with.

What are the rationales for leaving the academies exclusive? Either "those lower-classes/barbarians couldn't possibly handle it" or "are we simply to give away what makes Ymaryn great?" Either way, a Peahen cultural shift seems required.
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In PoC the players bought into the Myth of Meritocracy hard. They either didn't realize, or didn't care, that skill is mostly a function of training which is mostly a function of leisure time and cash, which means it creates an oligarchy of those parents rich enough to give access to training. They actively wanted to upgrade their "honor of elites" social stratification trait to a greek style obsession with being the best, and they eventually did. Then they jumped on upgrading the social stratification trait even more, despite wanting to suppress the Patricians at the time.

Edit: In all honesty, AN didn't even need to do the lightning rounds to make the Ymaryn collapse, not after DGE. All that would be needed was to have the Patricians, now politically untouchable, to do stupid short sighted things to augment their own power. Which would then cause collapse.
I think it was actually a combination of two things. The first is what you said here. The second would be that amongst all the things we neglected, were the secondary projects or whatever they were called that helped with training people. So we could have had a working Meritocratic society were the some of the best among the poor, and definitely the 'middle' classes could have gained the training to more easily reach the skill required.

Unfortunately, because we pushed the idea that you had to be so skilled to qualify, and then made it so only the existing nobility could afford the training as they had the wealth to individually train due to lacking public training opportunities... Well, we got what we did.

That said, even if we did make sure to keep up with those secondary projects that would have helped train up the non-nobles, I strongly suspect we would have had the same crisis happen eventually. It's just that instead of it being pure nobles that ended up on top causing the crisis, we'd have ended up with the Bureaucrats faction end up on top. So something like late Imperial China I believe...
I think it was actually a combination of two things. The first is what you said here. The second would be that amongst all the things we neglected, were the secondary projects or whatever they were called that helped with training people. So we could have had a working Meritocratic society were the some of the best among the poor, and definitely the 'middle' classes could have gained the training to more easily reach the skill required.

Unfortunately, because we pushed the idea that you had to be so skilled to qualify, and then made it so only the existing nobility could afford the training as they had the wealth to individually train due to lacking public training opportunities... Well, we got what we did.

That said, even if we did make sure to keep up with those secondary projects that would have helped train up the non-nobles, I strongly suspect we would have had the same crisis happen eventually. It's just that instead of it being pure nobles that ended up on top causing the crisis, we'd have ended up with the Bureaucrats faction end up on top. So something like late Imperial China I believe...

The problem with the idea of meritocracy is that the winners keep winning and they always have the chance to win even bigger. It is always an idea that promote inequality. Because the best get the best resources and deserve the best teachers, and are the best and brightest. etc, to unlock the full potential.

Yes, you can spread the education and training to more people. That's egalitarianism. It will ameliorate the flaws of a meritocracy but not fully defang it. Because there will always be someone who have better genetics, talent, lucks, or just the right people raising you. That's neither fair nor evil, but just the roll of the dice. You can't blame a baby for belonging to the right parents.

What we could do is make sure that your own individual effort and initiative does get you somewhere, as opposed to being stuck at whatever position you are in life. That you will have access to resources so that you can live a dignified life, as opposed to nothing at all.
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Vote closed. Update will be out when it's finished. Inspiration is at a low ebb rn.
Adhoc vote count started by Aranfan on Apr 30, 2021 at 1:52 PM, finished with 89 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Plan Oshha
    -[X] Authority: Touch The Cow, Do It Now, Thunder Plateau: The Sacred Warding in the Thunder Plateau collapsed when the Black Sheep took the Sacred Herds to add to their own. Although it would be made much more difficult by the nearly nonexistant bureaucracy, you could start rebuilding the Warding in that province. (30%, 5 years, ++Thunder Plateau Loyalty)
    -[X] Influence: Seek Western Wall's Surrender: Western Wall has started sending feelers that they may be open to negotiating their surrender. (Narrative%, 1 year, peace terms)
    -[X] Influence: Found Diplomacy organization: Currently diplomacy is mostly an ad hoc thing. Properly organizing it, and having people whose job it is to talk to people, would let you do it better. (70%. 1 Turn. -1 Influence, improved diplomatic capabilities)
    -[X] Influence: Determine Internal Factions: Receive a dossier on the relevant internal factions of a polity you have diplomatic relations with. This will allow you to support or oppose their internal factions to be more favorable to your interests.
    --[X] Amber Road
    -[X] Personal: Catch up on the latest plays and theological debates (-Stress)
    [X] Plan Chimeraguard
    -[X] Authority: Touch The Cow, Do It Now, Thunder Plateau: The Sacred Warding in the Thunder Plateau collapsed when the Black Sheep took the Sacred Herds to add to their own. Although it would be made much more difficult by the nearly nonexistant bureaucracy, you could start rebuilding the Warding in that province. (30%, 5 years, ++Thunder Plateau Loyalty)
    -[X] Influence: Seek Western Wall's Surrender: Western Wall has started sending feelers that they may be open to negotiating their surrender. (Narrative%, 1 year, peace terms)
    -[X] Influence + Influence: Diplomatic Contact, Highlanders: What have the Highlanders gotten up to in these last thousand years? Do you even care so long as they stay in their hills? (???% 1 Year. Possible -Influence)
    -[X] Personal: Catch up on the latest plays and theological debates (-Stress)
    [X] Plan Finish the Plateau
Academies. The People have the best education system in the world; exporting our knowledge to the international rich would gain us not only much-needed funds, but widen our influence and spread our culture. In the other direction, we would also receive an inflow of news and vibrant ideas.
Note that this will have a massive impact on our neighbors.

We need to remember that the Ymaryan care more about what the nature of the divine is over how one should properly venerate the dinve. This meant we have texts from the Meshamini, Geoyrgon, Mylathydysm, and Samyinish, including ones deemed heretical or blasphemous within those faiths.That alone might not be an issue...but we also kept the political commentaries discussing who declared them heretical and why. There are texts that were declared heretical and suppressed only to have the reason they were declared such also declared heresy. If we were aware of a religious debate on a faith, there is likely a record of it somewhere in the Grand Library.

Remember that in the Lightning Rounds, this is literally the cause of the reformation. This can easily cause several nations to outright hate us for the chaos it will cause.
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Dear sirs,

Sadly, we can find no record of the miracle described occurring in or near the indicated time and place. As said place is where Highlander idiocy often becomes apparent there is a chance that it would have been observed and recorded. It must be admitted that, as now, what we knew about events on Highlander territory was obtained by looking from the outside. The valley named was visible during the period in question (they have since built a wall) but any error in description, transcription or translation could put the miracle site behind a hill for example.
Taking a second look, reformation seems to have led to the development of the printing press, as:

"The increased demand for religious texts being copied from the archives for transmission into Syffryn also lead to innovations in mass copying methods, soon enough resulting in the Printers Guild springing forth as a number of innovations made in Syffryn were combined with the technical expertise of the People."

The Academy is not actually the proximate cause of the reformation: it would take significant time for the Syffrinite scholars to go from Academy to deep-diving in our Libraries, then longer to recover the relevant texts. The timeline is likely decades, if not a century or more--and we need the income for megaprojects and navy build-up a lot sooner.

It's also noteworthy that the Meshamini reformation was a rejection of the pro-slavery doctrine built up by their main church (details); speeding it up would help to combat that practice. (To be clear, it's not an "end slavery" button, but it does build up religious movements more opposed to it.)

Finally, a reformation is likely inevitable unless you want to pursue a policy of forbidding foreigners from our institutions indefinitely (and stymieing the printing press). So, if not now, when would be a better time?

*Lights matches* :V
Turn 26 (1619 Andyidh Dyadorn) Results
Turn 26 (1619 Andyidh Dyadorn) Results

[X] Plan Oshha
-[X] Authority: Touch The Cow, Do It Now, Thunder Plateau: The Sacred Warding in the Thunder Plateau collapsed when the Black Sheep took the Sacred Herds to add to their own. Although it would be made much more difficult by the nearly nonexistant bureaucracy, you could start rebuilding the Warding in that province. (30%, 5 years, ++Thunder Plateau Loyalty)
-[X] Influence: Seek Western Wall's Surrender: Western Wall has started sending feelers that they may be open to negotiating their surrender. (Narrative%, 1 year, peace terms)
-[X] Influence: Found Diplomacy organization: Currently diplomacy is mostly an ad hoc thing. Properly organizing it, and having people whose job it is to talk to people, would let you do it better. (70%. 1 Turn. -1 Influence, improved diplomatic capabilities)
-[X] Influence: Determine Internal Factions: Receive a dossier on the relevant internal factions of a polity you have diplomatic relations with. This will allow you to support or oppose their internal factions to be more favorable to your interests.
--[X] Amber Road
-[X] Personal: Catch up on the latest plays and theological debates (-Stress)

-1 Treasury, +1 Prestige

News from the Front:

A truce falls over the Western Wall Fronts as the peace negotiations are carried out. No territory moves, but should the peace fall through, Dafydd is there with the rest of the Mass Levy.

[+0 Influence]

Touch The Cow, Do It Now, Thunder Plateau
Needed: 71+. Rolled: 80+50 (Authority)=130.

Priests and white cows are sent over. Things initially go much better than expected, despite the almost nonexistent administration. The local Arya express surprise and joy that we are restoring the Warding so rapidly.


Train Thunder Plateau Administrators, Elective
Needed: 31+. Rolled: 90. Success.

Work continues in electing and training new administrators.


Spreading the Warding, Amber Road
Needed: 26+. Rolled: 51. Success.

Amber Road's priests and bureaucracy now know how to maintain and administer the Sacred Warding. To them will fall the rest of the task of extending it to their subjects.

[4/4, +2 Opinion]

Found Diplomacy Organization
Needed: 31+. Rolled: 85. Success.

The orders go out and a diplomatic corps is formed. You now have a Diplomacy Chief reporting to you, as will future kings.

The peacocks throw a fit at the idea such a thing is needed. But god sent a clear lesson that foreigners were not to be underestimated.

[Diplomacy Actions enhanced. Narrative Effects. -1 Influence]

Determine Internal Factions, Amber Road
Needed: ??. Rolled: 91.

The dominant political question since the formation of the Pobedonosnyy Soyuz has been how to organize in the future. Their repulsion of Norsca proved they needed each other, as it would have been impossible to do such had they been disunited. So the question was which of the great powers should they emulate?

The Melkut Ymaryn has a vast history of success to recommend it, but that star has fallen low since the Great Khan, and none of the land owners are all that eager to give up their land to the administration of their elected king in Amber Road.

Still, gift of the Sacred Warding seems to have decided the issue. The old landowners are in the process of 'giving up' their land as they become gentry and agricultural nobles in the vein of the Melkut Ymaryn. The city of Amber Road is also beginning construction of a Proper Ironworks facility.

[Amber Road will be seeking the approval of Ymaryn Senpai instead of Syffron Senpai]

Seek Western Wall Surrender
Needed: N/A, Narrative

The Negotiators return with a list of Western Wall's minimal demands. If you are not willing to meet them, they are not willing to surrender:

Do not disinherit the children of the traitor nobles.
Recognize the lands they have conquered as integral parts of Western Wall.
Do not remove the Ymaryn Settlers, and support them in their disputes with the local Rus.

When you inquire about what sorts of disputes the settlers are having with the local Rus, the negotiators relay that the Rus are "Liars, murderers, and despoilers of the land".

The Shadow King, on the other hand, tells you that a typical dispute was the time a Ymaryn settler went missing and the community in question started killing Rus in retaliation for his murder, which spiraled into quite a lot of violence. The man who disappeared reappeared a year later, having gone into seclusion to commune with nature. The governor judged that the Rus were in the wrong.

[] Accept (+20 Prestige, +1 Treasury, +.1 Income from Amber Road trade, +2 Income, +1 Authority)
[] Reject (War Continues)

Personal Action:



Rumor Mill:

It was a quiet year all told, despite the continuing wars among the Doych and the Kus.

One Hour Moratorium
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Recognize the lands they have conquered as integral parts of Western Wall.
Do not remove the Ymaryn Settlers, and support them in their disputes with the local Rus.

When you inquire about what sorts of disputes the settlers are having with the local Rus, the negotiators relay that the Rus are "Liars, murderers, and despoilers of the land".

The Shadow King, on the other hand, tells you that a typical dispute was the time a Ymaryn settler went missing and the community in question started killing Rus in retaliation for his murder, which spiraled into quite a lot of violence. The man who disappeared reappeared a year later, having gone into seclusion to commune with nature. The governor judged that the Rus were in the wrong.

[] Accept (+20 Prestige, +1 Treasury, +.1 Income from Amber Road trade, +2 Income, +1 Authority)
[] Reject (War Continues)
Oh no.

"Integral parts of Western Wall" is not going to go well. As is the whole "support all the Ymaryn settlers in their disputes with the Rus." That's just asking for trouble in the long term. But I'm worried about what rejecting a peace treaty will do to us internally with the whole peacock-peahen dispute.

Everything else has gone well at least.
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Offf... That's a deceptively hard offer. On one hand, the war could be over. On the other hand we would be forced into endless conflict with the people on those lands.

On the third hand we COULD take the breadbasket and add it's wealth to our own.
Yeah, at least the war should be short with Dyfund and triple the forces they can field, and no other logistics issues to distract us.

The deal was always simple. Return to the fold as before. The rule before was to not take land.
I don't think we can accept that. It would quite possibly tie us to supporting murderous oppression indefinitely.

"Support the local settlers in their disputes" would be very bad, very very hard to go back on, and probably would color our people's interactions with other polities for a long long time.
Oh no.

"Integral parts of Western Wall" is not going to go well. As is the whole "support all the Ymaryn settlers in their disputes with the Rus." That's just asking for trouble in the long term. But I'm worried about what rejecting a peace treaty will do to us internally with the whole peacock-peahen dispute.

Everything else has gone well at least.

Second condition is tolerable. Third is absolutely not.