[X] Plan Share the Wealth
[X] Plan Share the Wealth and the Fish (Conservative)
[X] Plan Share the Wealth and the Fish (Radical)
[X] Plan Share the Wealth
[X] Plan Share the Wealth and the Fish (Conservative)
[X] Plan Share the Wealth and the Fish (Radical)
Edit: Just to do a bit of the math, at the beginning of the plan, GDI had a total quarterly income of about 500 resources. Right now, it totals about 700. If we had reallocation this turn, you would drop to 175 resources a turn, assuming you kept the same level of investment. Most plans close on 800 this turn, so you would have 200 per turn, with the same percentage.

These numbers pretty heavily incentivize cashing out as much income as we possibly can for political support right now, I think. We're already looking at a minimum budget cut of 125 Resources come the next budgeting cycle and almost assuredly more as we continue to expand production. Pulling the trigger early and cashing out as much of that doomed income as we can for as much political support as we can is really worth it for Doctor Granger while we have such low PS. Someone more competent at politics might be able to do more with the income over the next 6 turns but we picked the quiet technocrat so just doing our jobs and getting everyone else lots of funding is far and away our most efficient source for sorely-needed political support.
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These numbers pretty heavily incentivize cashing out as much income as we possibly can for political support right now, I think. We're already looking at a minimum budget cut of 125 Resources come the next budgeting cycle and almost assuredly more as we continue to expand production. Pulling the trigger early and cashing out as much of that doomed income as we can for as much political support as we can is really worth it for Doctor Granger while we have such low PS. Someone more competent at politics might be able to do more with the income over the next 6 turns but we picked the quiet technocrat so just doing our jobs and getting everyone else lots of funding is far and away our most efficient source for sorely-needed political support.
The flip side is the number of projects we can get going with the extra 45 resources a turn for up to 6 turns (possibly less if we decide to reallocate in Q3 or Q4- Q4 I imagine is the cutoff with it being a year out with PS from resource allocation dropping to 5 or going away) due to being able to activate more dice which we can use to get more resource going as well as orbital dice which will pick up PS that we will be hard pressed to justify with needing to spend resources in other categories. Also going off the previous 25% (what we picked currently) we are looking at -5 PS for that. As is I see an easy path to getting +15 from services (including the 5 from schools this turn) by end of Q1 next year at the latest and we should be able to get at least +10 from orbital in that time frame thanks to the extra resources. That puts us at 50, if we put more resources into orbital or if we transfer resources in Q4 that number will be higher and I do not want to take more than 25% at the next budget.
[X] Plan Share the Wealth
[X] Plan Share the Wealth and the Fish (Conservative)
[X] Plan Share the Wealth and the Fish (Radical)
[X] Plan Delay The Collapse
What is this ranked voting system with votes for multiple plans? Back in my day we got one vote and we were ha-, well we weren't really happy about it but we made due.

[X] Plan Share the Wealth and the Fish (Conservative)

Because while it doesn't have rail links or anything for the navy, but housing is important and it does have railgun refits, and I love anything that buffs the Predator tank. If we could also finish the development of Remote Weapons System it would be great as well. Support your local armored force! Drown NOD is a wave of steel!
Point Defense is technically under the navy though I expect that to cover other branches of the services and our fortified bases as well
Point Defense will start under the navy, and get you various forms of essentially AEGIS Ashore or similar programs. There will be further development to get something that can actually fit on a tank and respond to tank scale threats.
[ ] Light Industrial Enterprise Grants
As the Initiative rebuilds from the war, one question that has increasingly been raised is one of offering new opportunities for private enterprise to begin filling some of the need for heavy industrial and consumer goods. In the eyes of the proponents of this policy, private enterprise is better positioned to both find new products, and more efficient ways of producing existing products. While somewhat fragile in the face of the demands of total planetary warfare, there are advantages to not having a global bureaucracy to deal with. (15 resources per turn) (+ Consumer goods per turn)

[ ] Housing Enterprise Investment Grants
Housing is something that is often best handled under state direction, both to ensure that sufficient housing is built, and to prevent the growth of a "homeowner" class that is willing to create social harm in order to grow the value of their homes. However, with the Initiative's efforts proving insufficient to provide enough housing, one potential option is to open a series of investment grants into private construction cooperatives. While they will be more expensive than doing it ourselves, they are also substantially easier to administer. (15 resources per turn) (+ Housing per turn)

this 2 would lift a massive amount of issues from our shoulders as we wouldn't have to micro manage every turn and put dices on there,does any of the plans proposed use grants?
What naval forces does NOD have? Given their usual tactics I'm expecting things like swarming small craft, stealth ships, and submarines.
Aren't we still struggling to use the dice we have available due to a lack of resources?
Why are people so keen to exchange resource income for political support?
Because you never have enough resources to use all your dice in a planquest that's just how they go, and political support is abysmally low right now and we're playing a character who's terrible at getting more. 10 PI for 90 Resources (15 per turn x 6 remaining turns) and no further dice or stress is an extremely good deal compared to most of the available options.

For comparison the space stations would run us on average about 100 Resources for 10 PS, and require constant attention and thread will to keep up with, and are subject to bad luck/future complications. 90R for 10 PS right here and now, one-off, never worry about it again is an awesome deal for Granger.
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