To be more accurate, total Influence dice is reduced by 1, available Influence dice remains the same at 2 (both are projections).

Edit: I'm for reducing Thunder Plateau troop numbers, during the 1618 turn at latest, in order to help with supply and prevent looting.
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I'm not sure I understand what the benefits to drawing down our troop numbers in TP are. I assume that it would make it easier to keep our troops in supply and thus making their local pillaging at a lower level, but are our current numbers so high relative to the territory that our armies on the plateau are actually less effective than if we had fewer troops?

Reducing numbers will help the supply situation, but slow down the advance.
Western Wall is going to be likely a conflict area in the future as it is a somewhat tempting place to invade for our Syffron neighbors.
Relocating 70k or so troops from BS front to smash the Highlanders should do a lot.

Should be making a reallocation that we're okay with going back to the reserves when done (so that we need not waste an additional move). 60k + 70k are probably too many reserves.

Initial thoughts: 60k from Black Sheep (leaving them with 610k) and 15k from reserves (15k remaining), 40k to Western Wall (we'd have 310k + Banner companies, versus their 300k), 35k to Highlanders (total 65k). Reserve would end up with 80k after the Highlanders retreat.

Reasoning: we've already won major victories in the Black Sheep; now we need to catch up in Western Wall so that our progress on both fronts is about the same (we want to win at the same time, to avoid distractions during the resulting Khemetri confrontation).

Supply issue for Western Wall should also be better, including food available for purchase.
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Should be making a reallocation that we're okay with going back to the reserves when done (so that we need not waste an additional move). 60k + 70k are probably too many reserves.

Initial thoughts: 60k from Black Sheep (leaving them with 610k), 40k to Western Wall (we'd have 310k + Banner companies, versus their 300k), 20k to Highlanders (total 50k). Reserve would end up with 80k after the Highlanders retreat.

Reasoning: we've already won major victories in the Black Sheep; now we need to catch up in Western Wall so that our progress on both fronts is about the same (we want to win at the same time, to avoid distractions during the resulting Khemetri confrontation).

Supply issue for Western Wall should also be better, including food available for purchase.
On the other hand, just relocating the forces from the Hellas front to the Highlanders should push our chances to end this Highlander conflict by a lot.
I'm just worried some minor state of nomads on the northeast border might try and take a stab at us, while we have all our troops deployed, something to that effect.
On the other hand, just relocating the forces from the Hellas front to the Highlanders should push our chances to end this Highlander conflict by a lot.

Yeah, good catch. If we need to make a reallocation anyway, then also allocate some of the reserves to the Highlanders so that they can defeat them more quickly and go back to being reserves.
It'll take more time than has passed for the nomads to recover from the Collapse.
Nomad Negaverse:

"Well done everyone, we smashed the elves to pieces. I mean they did manage to stop us from achieving a total victory, but from what we know about their inner workings they're basically doomed anyway. All we need to do is spend a generation or two recovering and the next wave will wipe out whatever pathetic remnants remain!"


"What do you mean, they're back to Million Man Army strength? It's only been twenty years! Elves OP plz nerf."
So long as the sacred forests stand, we will return...
I am pretty sure our response to someone burning down the sacred forest to attempt to get us to give up land would be to REEEEEEE so loudly that everyone's eardrums shatter and then charge like a human wave at them until their civilization is shattered and their culture wiped from the earth.

So long as the people draw breath, the sacred forest will continue.
I am pretty sure our response to someone burning down the sacred forest to attempt to get us to give up land would be to REEEEEEE so loudly that everyone's eardrums shatter and then charge like a human wave at them until their civilization is shattered and their culture wiped from the earth.

So long as the people draw breath, the sacred forest will continue.
That's the genius part! To destroy one, you must first destroy the other.
Oh, and I want to pause and talk medium term plans here.

Eventually we are going to get out of these wars. I am going to assume that when we do so we are going to be in a money and influence pit we have to dig ourselves out of.

Our income should be OK, so long as it's not absolutely stupidly negative. Taking the WW should be income positive even if the TP is income negative, and guild industry covers a number of income sins.

So the biggest problems will be the need to rebuild influence. Hopefully filling the single biggest long term goal of the quest, reuniting all Ymar, will grant a sizeable influence boost. Yes, we have gotten dragged through the mud a bit. Yes, there has been compromises that we do not like. Yes, we have faltered and at times even failed.

But we did it. The king and government who reunites Ymar is going to have influence regardless of the compromises they had to make along the way.

But I suspect this will take the form of essentially an influence reset. Ensuring peace with Khem is going to cost a ton of influence, but finishing reuniting Ymar will give us back a significant measure of it.

At that point I think out biggest priority will be stability and rebuilding out influence. Luckily for us those generally go hand in hand. Things like spreading the warding and rebuilding administrations generally give influence.

On top of that I think we need to get started on megaprojecting.

On that note, I want to do the wagonway to Stonepen. It's a shorter term project that should give economic benefits while finishing part of the wagonway to Thunder Plateau project. While that is ongoing I want to sort out rebuilding the great warding for influence and disease resistance.

Then, when we have rebuilt our influence I want to try to set up a turn to put basically all our influence towards re-writing out laws.

I suspect that the action to update the laws will trigger a series of choices where we can choose to spend influence to bring about change unpopular with the nobility. More specifically I want to invest influence in it and spread the elective administrators we are setting up in Thunder Plateau to the rest of Ymar. From there we can start working out way up, making each layer of noble administrator elected by the previous layer, all the way up to the parliament that elects the king. We will still have a king, and still have a heavily oligarchic system, but it will at least be managed via democracy top to bottom.
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Oh, and I want to pause and talk medium term plans here.

Eventually we are going to get out of these wars. I am going to assume that when we do so we are going to be in a money and influence pit we have to dig ourselves out of.

Our income should be OK, so long as it's not absolutely stupidly negative. Taking the WW should be income positive even if the TP is income negative, and guild industry covers a number of income sins.

So the biggest problems will be the need to rebuild influence. Hopefully filling the single biggest long term goal of the quest, reuniting all Ymar, will grant a sizeable influence boost. Yes, we have gotten dragged through the mud a bit. Yes, there has been compromises that we do not like. Yes, we have faltered and at times even failed.

But we did it. The king and government who reunites Ymar is going to have influence regardless of the compromises they had to make along the way.

But I suspect this will take the form of essentially an influence reset. Ensuring peace with Khem is going to cost a ton of influence, but finishing reuniting Ymar will give us back a significant measure of it.

At that point I think out biggest priority will be stability and rebuilding out influence. Luckily for us those generally go hand in hand. Things like spreading the warding and rebuilding administrations generally give influence.

On top of that I think we need to get started on megaprojecting.

On that note, I want to do the wagonway to Stonepen. It's a shorter term project that should give economic benefits while finishing part of the wagonway to Thunder Plateau project. While that is ongoing I want to sort out rebuilding the great warding for influence and disease resistance.

Then, when we have rebuilt our influence I want to try to set up a turn to put basically all our influence towards re-writing out laws.

I suspect that the action to update the laws will trigger a series of choices where we can choose to spend influence to bring about change unpopular with the nobility. More specifically I want to invest influence in it and spread the elective administrators we are setting up in Thunder Plateau to the rest of Ymar. From there we can start working out way up, making each layer of noble administrator elected by the previous layer, all the way up to the parliament that elects the king. We will still have a king, and still have a heavily oligarchic system, but it will at least be managed via democracy top to bottom.

Yes, after the wars and immediate crisis are done, I really want us to have at least one Megaproject running at all times, and going for the wagonway first sounds really good.
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Yes, after the wars and immediate crisis are done, I really want us to have at least one Megaproect running at all times, and going for the wagonway first sounds really good.
Quite frankly the war effort likely has our iron production rather high right now, and transitioning straight into the wagonway as we ease off could prevent the iron industry from backsliding as demand will go up rather than down. This should make is easier to meet the wagonway's demand for iron and cushion us against some of the economic upheaval coming our way as we turn the levi off.
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