If only there were some non-military way for the Khem to boost their prestige at our expense that is acceptable to our nobles.

To His Pharonic Majesty King _____ of Khemetri, Son of the Sun, Hawk of the Dessert, Master from Delta to Mountain, The Floodbringer, The Sky Gazer, The Sea Lord etc.
Greetings from King Balthazar, Melkut Ymaryn and Haddyth to his most mighty and esteemed brother etc.

It has weighed on my mind for some time that the Melkut Ymaryn has not hosted a Great Games since ___. The ravages of the Great Khan and shattering of our nation ensured as much. The grinding work of ousting rebels, traitors and invaders, that we were only able to begin thanks to the gracious aid of Khemetri and only able to continue thanks to your forbearance from demanding that fulfil the pledges we made then before we were ready, is showing progress. Nonetheless I see no prospect of hosting such an event with the pomp it deserves in the foreseeable future for even when our lands are reclaimed it may take generations to make them whole and stewardship of nature has ever been the first duty of the Ymaryn. Nor do we forget the obligation laid upon us by your help, though it will be costly, we will do our part in ensuring the security of travel upon the Saffron Sea as soon as the ships can be released from their current duties.

But I digress. You are surely aware of the value of the Great Games for the Kingdom of Khemetri participated in the very first and in all of them in the millennia since. They are a chance for many nations to meet in friendship; for all to show off their arts, innovations, inventions, wonders and discoveries and; to compete for prizes and glory in all manner of pursuits, glory of which the people of Khem have always taken a great share. They are a symbol of the peace that has endured all this time between us, the mutual interest we have in each others' greatness that we may ensure stability and prosperity in both our dominions.

Thus I beseech and implore you: take up the mantle, host the Great Games in the Great Kingdom of Khemetri. We will miss the opportunities and prestige of having the whole world come to us. Better though, that they can be held in a close and beloved neighbour who can attract the whole world than that they be half done, or worse, that the ancient tradition fade from the world entirely.

I remain your humble friend etc etc.
Generating Update
Adhoc vote count started by Aranfan on Apr 21, 2021 at 1:00 PM, finished with 77 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Plan Oshha
    -[X] Authority: Press for Peace, Hellas: You need to do something to get the Hellas off your back. Find out what you would need to do to get them to back off. (Narrative%, 1 year)
    -[X] Influence: You are strapped for cash. Other states have money that you could use. Ask them if they would be willing to float a loan. (85%, +1 Treasury Status, -.1 Income, -1 Prestige and probable -influence)
    --[X] Pamplona
    -[X] Influence: Negotiate Trade Deal: In the cutthroat world of commerce it is said that for one to benefit another must lose. Even so, it might be worthwhile to formalize trade deals with various powers. (85%. 1 Year. -.1 Income and +1 Opinion, pay 1 prestige to give a favorable deal to a less prestigious state, may be taken multiple times with different targets, possible opinion effects on third parties)
    --[X] Styrmyr
    -[X] Personal: Relax with Family (-Stress)
    [x] Plan Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick
    -[x] Authority: Shift Deployment: The Mass Levy is large and unwieldy. Changing circumstances require a shift in deployment patterns. (80%, 1 year, Deployment shifted, malus to war rolls if failed)
    --[x] 120,000 troops from Thunder Plateau campaign
    ---[x] 30,000 to Western Wall
    ---[x] 30,000 to face Hellas
    ---[x] 30,000 to face Highlanders
    ---[x] 30,000 into reserve
    -[x] Influence: Seek Loan: You are strapped for cash. Other states have money that you could use. Ask them if they would be willing to float a loan. (85%, +1 Treasury Status, -.1 Income, -1 Prestige and probable -influence)
    --[x] Abyss
    -[x] Influence: Press for Peace, Hellas: You need to do something to get the Hellas off your back. Find out what you would need to do to get them to back off. (Narrative%, 1 year)
    -[x] Attend to a particular action personally. (Provides bonus to action)
    ---[x] Press for Peace, Hellas: You need to do something to get the Hellas off your back. Find out what you would need to do to get them to back off. (Narrative%, 1 year)
Turn 23 (1616 Andyidh Dyadorn) Results
Turn 23 (1616 Andyidh Dyadorn) Results

[X] Plan Oshha
-[X] Authority: Press for Peace, Hellas: You need to do something to get the Hellas off your back. Find out what you would need to do to get them to back off. (Narrative%, 1 year)
-[X] Influence: You are strapped for cash. Other states have money that you could use. Ask them if they would be willing to float a loan. (85%, +1 Treasury Status, -.1 Income, -1 Prestige and probable -influence)
--[X] Pamplona
-[X] Influence: Negotiate Trade Deal: In the cutthroat world of commerce it is said that for one to benefit another must lose. Even so, it might be worthwhile to formalize trade deals with various powers. (85%. 1 Year. -.1 Income and +1 Opinion, pay 1 prestige to give a favorable deal to a less prestigious state, may be taken multiple times with different targets, possible opinion effects on third parties)
--[X] Styrmyr
-[X] Personal: Relax with Family (-Stress)

-1 Treasury, +1 Prestige
+1 Treasury

News from Hathytta:

The Hellas have been adequately contained. Diplomats have been sent to negotiate a peace.

[+0 Influence]

News from Western Wall:

The troops on the Western Wall Front managed to advance this year, despite the supply issues. Outlying portions of Western Wall now once again answer to the Melek.

[+1 Influence]

News from Txolla:

While the Highlanders remain contained, they come dangerously close to breaking out several times.

[+0 Influence]

News from Thunder Plateau:

Dafydd's advance has mostly stalled out due to the chaos in the rear echelon. Some land was taken, but very little.

[+0 Influence]

Incite Unrest, Black Sheep
Needed: Irrelevant, Authority

Late in the year one of the Thunder Plateau's cities, Teheryn, has risen up in rebellion. They have managed to galvanize and control much of their surroundings in their rebellion. Teheryn is also one of the Plateau's centers of industry, with one of their three major ironworks facilities.


Press for Peace, Hellas
Needed: N/A, Narrative

Your diplomats return from Hellas with an enraging treaty for your perusal. The Hellas are weak, you could easily crush them were you not distracted by the Black Sheep and the northern rebels. Yet they know that they are the straw that can break the camel's back, and have made a number of absurd demands. Reparations, and favorable trade deals. These are the demands of victors, not of those who have lost almost every battle!

[] Accept this humiliation [-1 Treasury, -.1 Income, -1 Influence, -3 Prestige]
[] Reject this absurdity [War continues]

Counter Espionage
Needed: ???, Rolled: 82+73-5=150. ??

The Shadow King has set up an organization to identify and subvert foreign spies. With this organization, foreign interlopers will have a much harder time ruining your plans


Train Thunder Plateau Administrators, Elective
Needed: 31+. Rolled: 30-5=25. Failure

Work continues in electing and training new administrators.


Spreading the Warding, Amber Road
Needed: 26+. Rolled: 13-5. Failure.

The inhabitants of Amber Road prove… concerned with the idea of deliberately exposing themselves to demonic spirits, however weakened.


Construct Warships, Harmurri Gulf
Needed: 31. Rolled: 70-5=65. Success.

Construction of new warships Completes.

[+1 Naval]

Seek Loan, Pamplona:
Needed: 16+. 95-5=90. Success.

The King, or queen?, of Pamplona is entirely willing to give you a loan. Your own court, however, are perturbed at this showing of weakness.

[+1 Treasury, -.1 income, -1 Prestige, -1 Influence]

Negotiate Trade Deal, Styrmyr
Needed: 16+. 78-5=73. Success.

It is a bribe to keep them out of the war, plain and simple. It is blindingly obvious to everyone what you are doing, and how desperate you must be to need to do so. The thing is? It works. The Styrmyr happily accept the deal and reaffirm the ancient friendship between the two branches of the family of The People.

[Styrmyr +1 Opinion, -.1 Income, -1 Prestige]

Personal: Relax with Family


Rumor Mill:

War in Kus!: Kurna continues to lose land to it's neighbors. If this continues much longer, they might cease to be a major power entirely.

Pamplona's Queen Triumphant: After years of ratcheting tension with her nobles, the King of Pamplona faced a rebellion from her vassals. She crushed them utterly within the span of a year.

Magyar Expands Influence: The Magyar Samraaj has gained several new vassals this years, all via diplomacy rather than conquest.

One Hour Moratorium
[] Accept this humiliation [-1 Treasury, -.1 Income, -1 Influence, -3 Prestige]

I don't like this, but we can afford it and the prestige buys us some more time to defeat the Black Sheep and get ourselves ready for the Khem. The lost of Influence is annoying, but we should hopefully be able to get it back in good war rolls once our logistics stop being so strained. Beyond that, we got until 1620 to improve our Income again while this simply means we lose out on the Treasure we gained from the loan this turn. We'll need to improve our Treasury again next turn, but we can afford to take this deal and I'm not sure we can afford not to take it.
Well, while we again show an astounding tendency to roll below 30, the important parts of the turn seem to be going well.
While it stings that we lose 2 influence if we take the deal, we have gained 1 and the loss of 5 prestige should pull back the doom clock nicely.

I say we take the deal.
I say we send that front some reinforcements and crush them fast
If we get some prestige instead of losing it, we just might hit 69 prestige next turn and trigger the Khem.
We are not ready for this next turn or turn after that.
Besides, we would need another influence to move the troops in the first place, and with our logistics stressed nearly past its breaking point we could actually lose on multiple fronts.
Last edited:
I'm going to make this analysis with the assumption that we'll accept the peace deal with Hellas. We will lose 1 Influence overall, but we will have 2 Authority and 1 Influence to work with next turn with the potential to overwork if we really need to do something.

With Hellas out of the war and our prestige still lower than the Khem, we should be able to do well in the other fronts. I'm thinking that we focus on 1 Turn actions. I'm thinking of getting another loan to counter the cost of the Mass Levy next turn and maybe selling guns to the Berba to get some money since we are going to be antagonising the Khem anyway. Beyond that, either peace talks with the Black Sheep or maybe one of the Intrigue actions since according to the QM on Discord, we will be getting some new ones against Western Wall in the upcoming turn thanks to the spy network we established.
TBH looking at the flavor text around pamplona loan i dunno if we are gonna cause a legit civil war from keeping our prestige down....
[X] Reject this absurdity [War continues]

from what aranfan said earlier the khemetri will give us a chance to reduce it by favoring them or we can declare the war for king of hill.
TBH looking at the flavor text around pamplona loan i dunno if we are gonna cause a legit civil war from keeping our prestige down....
[X] Reject this absurdity [War continues]

from what aranfan said earlier the khemetri will give us a chance to reduce it by favoring them or we can declare the war for king of hill.
Acting War Chief: Where do we pull the reinforcements from my lord?

We literally have no reserves, and our logistics are strained to all hell. Moving people from any front could end pretty disastrously.
I'm going to make this analysis with the assumption that we'll accept the peace deal with Hellas. We will lose 1 Influence overall, but we will have 2 Authority and 1 Influence to work with next turn with the potential to overwork if we really need to do something.

With Hellas out of the war and our prestige still lower than the Khem, we should be able to do well in the other fronts. I'm thinking that we focus on 1 Turn actions. I'm thinking of getting another loan to counter the cost of the Mass Levy next turn and maybe selling guns to the Berba to get some money since we are going to be antagonising the Khem anyway. Beyond that, either peace talks with the Black Sheep or maybe one of the Intrigue actions since according to the QM on Discord, we will be getting some new ones against Western Wall in the upcoming turn thanks to the spy network we established.

I still do not think peace talks with BS is a good idea currently.
Still, we can't accept such a bad deal, someone is going to attack us to try and get another deal like this
We have just signed peace or are at war with all of our neighbors.
And Khem's trigger is us doing too well, not badly.
Can we afford another loan if it loses us another influence, when we need the influence to submit to the Khem? Could we increase our treasury in a different way?
Still, we can't accept such a bad deal, someone is going to attack us to try and get another deal like this
Who? We know when the Khem are going to attack and we made a point of securing our border with Styrmyr. There is no one else to make a surprise attack.
Can we afford another loan if it loses us another influence, when we need the influence to submit to the Khem? Could we increase our treasury in a different way?
According to past statements from the QM, we only lose Influence from taking a loan the first time and after that, our people have had time to get comfortable or at least tolerating of the idea. That said, we can sell weapons if we are willing to make some enemies. I'm thinking of selling to Berba since the Khem hate us anyway and it might distract them a bit if the guys on the other side of their border get some guns.
If nothing else, the Khem liking us better might result in a more lenient humiliation (such as the first time where they helped us conquer Trelli). But if needs must, needs must.